Fennel Seed Oil

Fennel-seed-bannerEvery lactating mother should have this oil at hand because it helps with milk production and eases colic. It is useful during pregnancy to prevent morning sickness, and is excellent for the traveler, helping to reduce sea sickness and jet lag”, says Light Miller and Bryan Miller in their book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy.

Fennel is one remarkable herb with bunch of culinary and remedial benefits that embraces your food with its innate aroma and rich flavor blended with numerous healing attributes.

Owing its origin to the coastal Mediterranean region Fennel is botanically called as Foeniculum vulgare. It has been accepted and cultivated worldwide for its enormous benefits that some countries like India, Pakistan and China hold Fennel seeds and its essential oil as an important ingredient of their traditional cooking.

With the whole plant serving humanity with its unique qualities, Fennel fruits usually entitled as seeds when dried contributes to the extraction of Fennel seed oil by the process of steam distillation. Bearing anethole as the predominant flavoring substance, Fennel seed oil serves as an aid for various purposes.

Fennel is called in Ayurveda as Shatapushpa, which means hundred flowers. It has a long historical use in this ancient healing methodology in the treatment of cold, indigestion, gas, flatulence, PMS, low agni, abscesses, overindulgence in nicotine or alcohol, cramps, colic in children and menstrual problems.

Purchase Fennel Seed Oil – Retail – 4oz – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Fennel and its essential oil:

Numerous sources state that the Romans, English, Greek and Asians were well known of the extensive healing values of this aromatic herb. With its name engraved in the nine herbs charm practiced in the 10th century, Fennel along with other herbs was intended to treat poisonous infections and other diseases.

The sweet, strong and pleasing aroma of this herb earned global importance and the poetic scholar Milton had mentioned the quality of Fennel in one of his works that says:

‘A savoury odour blown,

Grateful to appetite, more pleased my sense

Than smell of sweetest Fennel.’

Referred to as the herb of sight by the ancient Romans, Fennel herb was employed to improve the eyesight of humans and animals. Pliny the Elder, a Roman author and natural philosopher had mentioned in his book ‘The Natural History’ that the serpents would rub against the Fennel herb at the time of shedding off their skin to improve their sight.    

Fennel herb aids in shedding off the excess fat, the reason for which the Greeks called this herb as Marathon, derived from the word ‘Mariano’ which means ‘to grow thin’. It is interesting to know that the Marathon event conducted in memory of the Greek soldier Pheidippides literally means ‘Land of Fennels’. It possesses excellent appetite suppressing properties that was widely used by soldiers during long journey and by common men while holding religious fasts.

Fennel herb was considered to bear the potential of protecting one from witchcraft and driving away the evil forces for which it was hung in the entrance of every home. Since it bears the attribute of strengthening oneself, athletes commonly use fennel seeds as a supplement to provide instant energy and strength.

Fennel seed has been used since ages that it has been mentioned in one of the works of Hildegard of Bingen who belonged to the middle ages but was recently crowned as the Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI for her renowned works in the field of medicine.

Fennel seeds and leaves are used in culinary as an aromatic and flavoring element. The Fennel bulbs are used as a vegetable that can be taken raw as well as cooked. It also helps in alleviating womanly health issues and is efficient in boosting up the mental sturdiness thus making one emotionally strong. Fennel seed oil is widely used for its stomachic properties as it aids in digestion thus healing a variety of digestive disorders.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Fennel Seed oil:

Fennel seed oil comprises of numerous chemical constituents of which the majority is anethole. The other components include α-Pinene, Camphene, Sabinene, β-Pinene, Myrcene, phellandrene, o-Cymene, Limonene, Eucalyptol, Terpinene, Fenchone, Linalool, Camphor, Estragole, Fenchyl acetate, Cumic aldehyde and p-Anisaldehyde.

Fennel seed oil serves as an excellent source of various healing attributes such as carminative, digestive, stomachic, diuretic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, antiseptic, depurative, expectorant, galactogogue, anti-diabetic, analgesic, estrogenic, anti-toxic and tonic.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Fennel Seed Oil:

Ayurveda is a noble child of the ancient Indian tradition, the country with the world’s oldest historical references. This ancient healing methodology is more than 5,000 years old and is said have mentioned in Atharvaveda, one among the 4 prominent Vedic texts of India. Ayurveda is known as the science of holistic healing that aims at longevity and healthy aging through the use of natural medications and healthy lifestyle.

Ayurveda trusts that everything on earth is a part of nature and is made up of the five vital elements of nature namely fire, water, earth, air and space.

Leading a harmonious or balanced living with nature supports absolute health and imbalance causes illnesses. Every human being, according to Ayurveda is made up of an unique individual constitution that consists three biological energies known as doshas.

Doshas or Ayurvedic body types are nothing but a representation or a combination of the five vital elements. Vata dosha stands for air and space, pitta symbolizes fire and water and kapha represents water and earth.

Every individual has a predominance of any one of these doshas and this predominance determines their personality, attributes and behavior. Balance between these biological energies support hale and heartiness and imbalance between these doshas pave way for diseases.

Ayurvedic remedies like essential oils, herbs, yoga, meditation, physical exercises, Ayurvedic routine, balanced lifestyle and prayers aim at striking perfect balance between these doshas. Fennel seed oil is said to have equal effects on all the three doshas.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Fennel Seed oil are:

Fennel-seed-broucher1. Alleviates digestive disorders:

Fennel seeds and its essential oil have been proved as amazing natural remedies for all kinds of digestive disorders. It is one of the best accepted carminative oil that assists in expelling gas accumulated in the intestines and prevents the formation of gas thus protecting one from bloating and abdominal cramps due to gas. It is for this reason Fennel seeds are traditionally used in the preparation of gripe water to treat colic in infants and to prevent ulcer and acidity in adults.

A 2003 study on the effect of Fennel seed oil emulsion in infantile colic concludes that the use of Fennel oil considerably comforted the infants from colic with no side effects when compared to those who were treated with placebo.

Blend 2 drops of Fennel seed oil with 1 ml of sesame oil and massage it on your stomach and abdomen.  As a natural stimulant, Fennel oil massage can help in stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and digestive enzymes such as bile and promotes the process of digestion.

It also regulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines thus aiding irregular bowel movements and constipation. Moreover, it possesses anti- fungal and anti microbial properties that can effectively kill infectious micro organisms in the intestines.

Fennel seed oil has antispasmodic properties that relax the smooth muscles of the intestines and results in quick recovery from pains and abdominal discomfort caused due to indigestion, heartburn, bloating etc.

Unlike the other spices, Fennel seed oil has a unique cooling effect that pacifies the intestines and muscles of the stomach and helps in curing stomach ulcer. Thus Fennel essential oil is used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for treating indigestion, gastroenteritis, stomach upset, flatulence and hernias.

Rich in anethole, Fennel seeds are used as a trusted mouth freshener in Indian restaurants and homes. Popularly known as Mukhwas meaning mouth freshener, the sweet coated Fennel seeds are used as an after-meal snack.

It is for this reason Fennel is often employed in the preparation of toothpaste, liquors, desserts, culinary and mouth fresheners. Add 1 drop of Fennel oil in a cup of warm water and use it as a gargle after meals to keep away from microbes and fight against bad odor or halitosis.

2. Treats respiratory tract infections:

Fennel seed oil serves as an excellent respiratory aid with its spicy, peppery and slightly earthy aroma and expectorant properties. Chewing Fennel seeds refreshes your breath and its essential oil assists in treating respiratory tract infections effectively.

Fennel seed oil has anti-microbial and expectorant properties that help in fighting against harmful bacteria and viruses that cling to your respiratory tract, resulting in heavy deposits of mucus and phlegm.

Adding 2 drops of Fennel oil in steam inhalation or warm bathing water can work wonders in alleviating your respiratory infections as it acts as a natural expectorant, helping in loosening huge deposits of mucus, thus relieving you from all respiratory tract infections such as whooping cough, cold, bronchitis, allergies and breathing difficulties etc.

3. Heals womanly health concerns:

Fennel seed oil possesses female reproductive hormones, which are known to stimulate and regulate the secretion of estrogen in women. Bryan Miller and Light Miller have said in their book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy that Fennel oil is very useful in treating menopause and PMS with its rich content of phyto-estrogens, for which this oil is used frequently in the manufacturing breast tightening and enlarging creams.

Gently massage your lower abdomen with 3 drops of Fennel oil blended with 1.5 ml of sweet almond oil for treating irregularities in the menstrual cycle, problems associated with menopause, mood swings, dysmennorhea, blocked menstruation, nervousness and abdominal pain. This massage can also be helpful in facilitating child birth.

Fennel seed oil is used after child birth in India mainly to facilitate the removal of toxins from the uterus, support natural contraction of the uterus and also to increase the quantity and quality of the breast milk in lactating mothers. A study on estrogenic property of Fennel seed oil has proved that an acetone extract from fennel seeds had estrogenic effects on the genital organs of male and female rats.

4. Detoxifies the body and promotes weight loss:

Obesity or overweight is one vast roof that can encompass one with a cluster of diseases.  Fennel seed oil is an excellent cleansing agent that naturally detoxifies your body by excreting the toxins, excess fluids or water deposits, salt, harmful fats, bad cholesterol and uric acid deposits.

Being a diuretic, Fennel oil increases the quantity and regularity of urinating and helps in attenuation of hypertension, treatment of burning or difficult urination and inflammation due to water retention in the body.

The sweet and refreshing aroma of this oil suppresses the appetite, thus largely decreasing the longing for food. Add 2 to 3 drops of Fennel oil to your hankie, tissues or air fresheners for decreasing your appetite and granting you a feeling of fullness for a longer duration.

Fennel seed oil when added to a massage blend, consisting of 2 drops of this oil with 1 ml of sesame oil works effectively in the filtering toxins from the blood, thus protecting the liver from detrimental toxic substances. Fennel oil has been marked as a useful essential oil in toning the body with its diuretic property and be useful in dealing with obesity.

Along with detoxifying, Fennel seed oil also assists in boosting the process of metabolism and suppressing the appetite. This oil also has melatonin, which has the ability of relaxing the muscles, smoothing the nerves and resulting in a sound, peaceful sleep that may help one to control from gaining extra weight and protects from some serious disorders like cardiovascular diseases that results due to obesity.

5. Strengthens you emotionally:

Fennel seed oil helps in relaxing the mind, calming the nerves and pacifying the nervous system. Adding 2 drops of this oil in diffuser or vaporizer aids in getting rid of emotional stress, anxiety and fear. Inhaling this invigorating aroma helps in building up self confidence, enhancing the power of self-acceptance and influencing the qualities of innate love for self and others as well.

Along with its ability to help maintain a healthy physique, Fennel seed oil also boosts up your inner spirit and motivates you from within. It is for this dignified cause, athletes often use Fennel seeds as a supplementary for nourishing positive energy and affirmative thoughts.

6. Fights against free radicals:

Numerous studies have proved that Fennel seed oil possesses strong anti-oxidant properties that help in the treatment of pharmacological ailments. This property assists in fighting effectively against the free radicals that result in causing aging symptoms and paving way for the growth of cancerous or malignant tumors.

As an anti-oxidant, Fennel oil tones the skin by strengthening the connective tissues and efficiently treats wrinkles and the other signs of aging, thus making you to feel younger from within and glow with natural beauty. This attribute is also implemented in oral care for supporting strong teeth and gums. It fights against infections and helps in treating acne, pimples and other skin disorders.

Mix 2 drops of Fennel oil with 1 ml of virgin olive oil or jojoba oil and gently massage on wrinkles, dark spots, acne, marks, dull and lifeless skin. This enhances good blood circulation and promotes cellular regeneration.

7. Effective in relieving you from inflammation, spasms and aids in quick wound healing:

Fennel seed oil is an effective antiseptic, which helps in killing harmful microbes, promotes quick healing of wounds and prevents it from becoming septic. By this way, Fennel oil thwarts the onset of Tetanus, for which it is often used in many ointments and is also used in poultices to treat poisonous bites.

It is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. Massaging the affected part with 2 drops of Fennel oil blended with 1 ml of warm sesame oil helps in alleviating inflammation, relieving pain and reducing swelling and promoting blood circulation. This massage also helps in supporting proper functioning of the circulatory system. It is for all these reasons Fennel oil has been used as an effective traditional remedy for rheumatism, arthritis and muscular cramps.

Using 3 drops of Fennel oil in hot compress can assist in quicker recovery of spasms and muscle contractions that occur due to hiccups, chronic coughs and epilepsies. Mix 1 drop of Fennel oil with 10 drops of coconut oil and apply it gently on wounds and infections for quicker healing.

Other health benefits of Fennel Seed Oil:

Fennel seed oil is used to improve eyesight and treat cloudy eyes since ancient times. Even though a 2008 article published in PubMed states that fennel extract is found to be effective in treating rabbits with glaucoma, further research is yet to be done in its application for human beings.

Fennel has the power of driving away fleas and its powder is used in kennels and stables. It is used as a preservative in pickles and also in the preservation of fruits and vegetables mainly because of its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It is also used in the manufacture of soaps, disinfectant cleaners and dental products for its antiseptic and aromatic properties.


This information is only for the purpose of education and is not intended to diagnose or substitute any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Do not use essential oils internally and always use essential oils topically in a diluted form, as organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated substances. Always consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the suitable essential oil for your unique individual constitution and health condition.

Thought for the day:

Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.    -Diane Ackerman

Suggested Reading:

  1. Fennel Greats: Delicious Fennel Recipes, The Top 79 Fennel Recipes by Jo Franks
  2. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  3. Natural Solutions to PCOS: How to Eliminate Your Symptoms and Boost Your Fertility by Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD
  4. Do You Want to Have a Baby? Natural Fertility Solutions and Pregnancy Care by Sarah Abernathy
  5. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to 550 Key Herbs with all their Uses as Remedies for Common Ailments by Andrew Chevallier

Reference Links:

  1. Fennel by Wikipedia
  2. The Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Essential Oils from Organically Cultivated Fennel Cultivars published in Molecules.
  3. A study on the effect of fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) seed oil emulsion in infantile colic: a randomized, placebo-controlled study published in PubMed.
  4. Fennel published in Drugs.Com- An online drug information site.

Nagarmotha Essential Oil

How can the ‘world’s worst weed’ embrace innumerable health benefits to mankind!!? That’s the magnitude and immaculate love of ‘Mother Nature’. Besides being regarded as the most invasive weed in the world, Nagarmotha has its name etched in the Ayurvedic encyclopedia, Charaka Samhita (ca. 100 CE) as an excellent natural remedy for treating digestive disorders, fevers, dysmennorhea and certain other health conditions. This herb has also been an incredible part of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) where it is highly regarded as the primary qi (prana or life force) regulating herbal medicine.

The essential oil steam distilled from the rhizomes of this plant has been documented for treating numerous health conditions ranging from Hepatitis B to stress related degenerative diseases. Nagarmotha is the Hindi name of the plant and it is also known as ‘Nut Grass and Cypriol in English, Musta or Mustak in Sanskrit, Shacao in Chinese and Motha in Gujarati.

Purchase Nagarmotha Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance Nagarmotha: Indigenous to India, it has been said that Nagarmotha essential oil is extracted from the roots of Cyperus scariosus or Cyperus rotundus plant. Nagarmotha is given 8th rank among 250 potential anti-fertility plants in China. It is also said that this herb has been recorded in the ancient Chinese medicinal book around 500 A.D.

Popularly known as a qi-in-blood medicine in China, Nagarmotha is trusted to penetrate the blood stream and treat irregular menstruation, dysmennorhea or menstrual pain, overdue periods and depression in women mainly during menstruation. Numerous Islamic and Western herbalists like Avicenna, Serapion, Dioscorides, Rhazes, Galen, Charles Alston and Paulus Aegineta have denoted Nagarmotha as deobstruent, stomachic and emmenagogue.

The decoction extracted from the tuber of this plant is used in India for washing hair mainly for its hair strengthening and scalp rejuvenating properties. The ethnic communities of Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh, India use the rhizome of this herb as an antidote to venomous snake bites. It was also used as a home remedy in treating gastroenteritis and fever.

Nagarmotha essential oil is a part of the ancient art of Vashikarana, where it is trusted that the person who applies this oil on their forehead is certain to enjoy the privilege of a long-lasting string of thriving love affairs. This oil is famous even today in many parts of India as a renowned perfume for scenting saris and other traditional outfits. It has been in use in the production of perfumes, attars, incense sticks, soaps, compounds, hair treatments and in flavoring tobacco products.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties: Nagarmotha essential oil contains about 27 chemical constituents that make it extremely effective in treating numerous health disorders. The major chemical constituents are cyperine, pinene, cyperol, cyperone and isocyperol and sesquiterpenes like patchouleneone, rotundene, cyperotundene, kobusone, a-cyperone, isokobusone, sugeonol and b-selinene. The remedial properties of this oil are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, antipyretic, diuretic, astringent, decongestant, anthelmintic, emmenagogue, antimicrobial, stimulant, tonic, stomachic, hypotensive, diaphoretic and cordial.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Nagarmotha essential oil: The essential oil of Nagarmotha is illustrated in Ayurveda as a natural enhancer of the biological fire and is an effective digestive aid.  This ancient natural healing system trusts that every human being is unique and their illnesses should also be treated in a unique manner according to their individual constitution. According to Ayurveda, every individual is made up of three energy elements known as vata, pitta and kapha. Predominance of any one of these doshas determines the personality, traits and characteristic features of a person and dosha imbalances cause sickness.

Ayurvedic therapies mainly focus on treating the pathogenesis or the root cause of the illness rather than just treating the disease for the time being like the contemporary medical practices. The root cause for many illnesses including autoimmune disorders according to Ayurvedic texts is the invasion or the deposits of the toxic substances in the body known as ‘ama’. Ayurveda illustrates Nagarmotha as a detoxifying herb and as the best ama-pachaka (eliminator of endo-toxins).

Nagarmotha essential oil is known to pacify pitta and kapha energies. Let’s take a look at the prominent Ayurvedic health benefits of Nagarmotha oil in accordance to their usage.

1. As an Ayurvedic massage oil: Abhyanga or the art of Ayurvedic massaging grants numerous benefits to the mind, body and the spirit. Massaging is known as the best technique to transform the energies of the essential oils extracted from the herbs to the human body and soul. This is because the therapeutic properties of the oil deeply penetrate through the skin and enter the bloodstream. Maneuvering the affected parts of the body with 3 drops of Nagarmotha essential oil blended with coconut oil assist in treating numerous health disorders.

As an effective carminative and stomachic oil, Nagarmotha when massaged on to the abdomen aids in promoting the process of digestion by augmenting digestive fire, kills intestinal worms, binds stool, controls nausea, treats dysurea, irritation of the bowel and soothes upset stomach. The diuretic properties of this oil also help in eliminating the toxic substances from the body through sweat and urine, making it useful in reducing inflammation as well. Gently massaging the painful areas can help in treating dysmennorhea and rheumatoid arthritis.

The decoction of the rhizomes has been in use for hundreds of years as a natural hair wash. Massaging your scalp with this nourishing blend aids in opening the small capillaries on the scalp, work efficaciously on the sebaceous glands and fortify the hair from the roots by stimulating its strength naturally.

2. In vaporizers and burners: The spicy, earthy, woody, lingering, smoky and camphoraceous aroma of Nagarmotha oil acts as a tonic for the nervous system and influences the regular functioning of the body. Adding 2 drops of this oil in steaming water and inhaling this medicated steam helps in reducing respiratory congestion, cough, bronco-pulmonary congestion, bronchitis, loosening the mucus and phlegm deposits and comforts the digestive system.

The magical aroma of this oil aids in alleviating stress, relieve tension, tone the system and regain your lost energy especially after a long day in the sun. Inhaling the aroma of this oil by adding 2 drops to your burners or diffusers will assist in building up the nervous system and treating digestive disorders like stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.

3. In baths and compress: Using 4 drops of Nagarmotha essential oil in warm bathing water helps in calming down a nervous stomach, check weight gain, discard toxins from the body, relieves menstrual pain and discomfort, reduces rheumatic pain and treats inflammation and anorexia.

A 2007 research on ‘Administration of Cyperus rotundus tubers extract prevents weight gain in obese Zucker rats’ state “Cyperus rotundus tubers extract prove to be a new herbal supplement for controlling body weight preferentially in beta3-AR sensitive species”. This oil can also be used in hot or cold compresses for treating stomach pain, fibromyalgia, muscular aches, kidney stones, abdominal pain, fever and colitis.

4. In cream and lotions: Nagarmotha essential has natural tonifying properties that make its use inevitable in many skin care formulations. 2 to 3 drops of this oil added to your mild skin care cream or lotion can help in curtailing the growth of harmful microbes that affect the skin health. Gently applying this blend on the inflamed parts will help in reducing inflammation and augment blood circulation. Add 4 to 5 drops of Nagarmotha essential oil to unscented cream to lessen skin irritability and other discomforts due to heat.

The research on ‘In Vitro Antioxidant activity and Total Polyphenolic Content of Cyperus rotundus Rhizomes’ by the Department of Siddha Medicine, Tamil University, India have proved that the rhizome extracts of “Cyperus rotundus show free radical scavenging, reducing power and metal chelating activity” with its polyphenolic content and other phytochemicals constituents contributing to its antioxidant properties, which aid in preventing age related oxidative stress associated degenerative diseases.

A 2006 study on ‘Natural composition for curing hepatitis-B, methods for making the same and pharmaceutical formulations thereof’ have proved that a natural antiviral composition with extracts of Cyperus rotundus or Cyperus scariosus and pharmaceutically acceptable carrier aids in treating disorders related to chronic and acute hepatitis B and certain other viral diseases of the liver. This is mainly due to the herb’s positive effect on the liver, easing its detoxification and healing.

Other benefits: Nagarmotha essential oil is said to add a distinguishing and appealing aroma to masculine perfumes. Tom For Men is known as the first perfume to use this herbal formula, followed by other perfumes like Eau d’Issey pour Homme, Xeryus and numerous other popular brands in the market for men. It is also used in making soaps, potpourri, air fresheners, scented candles and certain other aromatherapy products.

Disclaimer: Do not take essential oils internally. Always remember to dilute essential oils in suitable carrier oils before using it topically as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids. Avoid using Nagarmotha essential oil on children, epileptics, pregnant or nursing women. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before using any essential oil to check whether it would suit your present health condition and unique individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.              -John Burroughs

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Natural Remedy Bible by John Lust, Michael Tierra
  2. The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Aromatic Oils In Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Health, and Well Being by Julia Lawless
  3. Greco-Arab and Islamic Herbal Medicine: Traditional System, Ethics, Safety, Efficacy, and Regulatory Issues by Bashar Saad, Omar Said

Reference Links:

  1. Nagarmotha: A detoxifying herb by Dr. R. Vatsyayan, Ayurvedacharya published in The Tribune
  2. Nagarmotha by Planet Ayurveda
  3. Cyperus scariosus or Cyperus rotundus, an old famous Sedge from ancient Egypt and China published in MDidea
  4. In Vitro Antioxidant activity and Total Polyphenolic Content of Cyperus rotundus Rhizomes by Nagulendran, Velavan, Hazeena Begum and Mahesh from the Department of Siddha Medicine, Tamil University, India published in e-Journals.net

Avocado Oil

Avocado-bannerHappiness is a fresh, seasonal Avocado’, is the most stirring quote that made me rapt in the recent times. What is all in an Avocado that brings so much joy to humanity?

Avocado is nature’s souvenir that has been trusted and taken for treating cardiovascular problems, psoriasis, periodontal conditions, obesity, diabetes, wrinkles, halitosis, hair loss and numerous other medical conditions.

“Avocado is sweet and warm, excellent for the liver, high in vitamin E, is a skin moisturizer, and is good for weak tissues”, quotes Light Miller and Bryan Miller in their book ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy.

Called as Neerabijh (Sanskrit) or Makhanphal (Hindi) in Ayurveda, Avocado is employed in Ayurvedic healing as a skin tonic and for reducing bad cholesterol and chronic constipation; boosting libido, regulating insulin secretion, fighting against free radicals, enhancing ojas (strength, endurance and brilliance); and for treating alopecia, insomnia and joint pain.

Purchase Avocado Oil – Retail – 1 Quart – CLICK HERE

Purchase Avocado Oil – Wholesale – 1 Gallon – CLICK HERE

Remedial properties and chemical constituents of Avocado oil:

Avocado is nature’s source of power with vitamins, including vitamin A, C, E, B-6 and K1 along with riboflavin, folate, niacin, choline, dietary fiber, proteins, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, zeaxanthin/lutein,  PFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid), (fatty acids namely Linoleic, Palmitoleic, Palmitic, Oleic, Stearic acid) MUFA(Monounsaturated fatty acid) and SFA (Saturated fatty acid).

Avocado oil contains remedial phytosterols like campesterol, beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol and bio-active phytochemicals including terpenoids, glutathione, carotenoids, phenols, tannins, lecithin, sterolin, D-mannoheptulose and persenone A and B.

Botanically called as Persea Americana, Avocado oil has anti-carcinogenic, demulcent, laxative, emollient, antiparasitic, carminative, astringent, regenerative, diuretic, cardiovascular, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-aging and anti-arthritic properties.

Historical uses and significance of Avocado oil:

Avocado is said to have been born in Mexico in the state of Puebla, though various substantiations from fossil testing states that it might have originated in California. It is recorded as one of the most primitive fruits consumed by the Mesoamerican populace, including the Maya, Olmec and the Mokaya of the Soconusco.

The ancient proof of Avocado’s presence in Mexico dates back to 10,000 BC. The leading producers of Avocado are Mexico with 500,000 tons per year, followed by California with 200,000 tons and Florida with 35,000 tons.

Avocados have been used by the Maya populace of Guatemala for diagnosing diarrhea, warding off intestinal worms and parasites and for enhancing the growth of healthy hair.

The Mexican iconography portrays Avocado and the Nahuatl term for avocado is ahuacatl, which means testicle in English. In accordance to the Mexican mythology, the fruit of avocado grants enormous energy.

Gutierrez and Villanueva, the popular Chroniclers of Spain denote Avocado as, “a fruit’s form contributes to its properties: the outer form is a result of inner forces. The avocado is shaped like a testicle, and it can therefore transfer that strength to whoever eats it.” Sounds great! Isn’t it???

It’s time to relate the effectiveness of Avocado as an immune stimulant and a sexual booster and one among the best natural alternative for delaying the aging process.

From the prehistoric times till today, Avocado and its cold-pressed magnificent oil is used in the manufacturing of soaps, shampoos, conditioners, serums, moisturizing creams, lotions, massage blends and an extensive array of cosmetic products.

Avocado is a familiar cooking oil with manifold benefits in it. It is a vital part of the popular Mexican dip, Guacamole and in corn tortillas. Salads, soups, desserts, savory dishes, snacks, sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers and a long-drawn-out list has Avocado as a main ingredient for its creamy taste and bulky benefits.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Avocado oil:

Avocado is an excellent remedial bliss in disguise, just like a Jackfruit that is rough on the outside and extremely sweet and smooth in the inside.

Ayurveda states that the fruit of Avocado and the oil extracted from its pulp is extremely beneficial in the treatment of vata dosha vitiations like scaly skin, psoriasis, constipation, rough and aged-skin, muscular stiffness, dry hair, joint pain, insomnia, improper blood circulation and wrinkles.

Avocado is also a promising remedy in the treatment of Pitta imbalances like poor metabolism, ulcer, tension, heartburn and inflammatory conditions.

Avocado is used in massage since the traditional times, especially for its enormous benefits to the skin.

Ayurveda denotes that all things in this universe is made up of five vital elements namely fire, earth, water, air and space and these are together known as Panchamahabhutas or the building blocks of life.

 “Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind and intellect and also ego-sense; these are the eight-fold division of my nature. This is inferior. Know my mother nature, the higher, Oh Mighty-Armed, the life-element by which the universe is upheld”. (7:4-5)  – Bhagavad Gita

Earth consists of all the natural nutrients like vitamins, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium) and phytochemicals within it. Every single plant that grows on earth observes these natural nutrients based upon its temperament and the environment in which it grows.

Since human body is also a combination of these 5 vital elements and it also contains such vital nutrients and these are responsible for the well-being of various parts of the body. Deficiency or excess of any of these natural nutrients leads to illness.

Thus treating such insufficiency with natural alternatives aids in diagnosing the illness initially and thus prevent it in the future as well.

For example, deficiency of vitamin A might end up in night blindness and other ocular effects, dry and scaly skin, respiratory infections, follicular thickening of the skin surface, low immunity and growth retardation problems in children.

Intake of natural foods that are rich in Vitamin A like carrots, sweet potato, lettuce, melon, tropical fruits and other green leafy vegetables can assist in treating the symptoms and diagnosing Vitamin A deficiency disorders.

Bright colored vegetables and fruits acquire vitamins from the earth and thus vitamin deficiencies are treated naturally by ingesting such food varieties.

In a much similar way, Avocado is rich in Vitamins C, E, B and K, potassium and monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid. Eating fresh Avocados and using Avocado oil for dermal use might assist in balancing such deficiencies in the system.

The most momentous Ayurvedic benefits of Avocado and its nourishing oil are as follows:

avocado-broucher1. Assists in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism:

The presence of phytochemicals in Avocado is a healthy reason for its effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions. It is for this reason, Avocado along with the blend of Soybean oil is recommended by Denmark as a food supplement for treating inflammation and influencing the repair and growth of cartilage.

France has determined this duo oil as prescription medicine. This is further substantiated by various research analyses published in the journal ‘Ugeschrift for laeger’ that have proved the usefulness of this blend in the healing of osteoarthritis in the knee and hip area.

Avocado oil inhibited a pro-inflammatory cytokine molecule” states the research report published in the 2006 Journal Periodontal Disease issue, where human bone cells and periodontal ligaments were studied, thus demonstrating that Avocado oil with its anti-inflammatory values aids in reducing inflammation and preventing certain other symptoms of periodontal disease like erosion of bone.

The anti-inflammatory attribute of Avocado oil is endorsed to its rich presence of phytonutrients like polyphenols and flavonoids.

A 2007 study ‘Metabolic Effects of Avocado/Soy Unsaponifiables on Articular Chondrocytes’ published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and PubMed concludes “there is substantial evidence that ASU (Avocado/Soy Unsaponifiables) containing sterols are anti-inflammatory and provide protection against cartilage degeneration.”

It further adds “The major components of ASU by weight are the phytosterols beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. Phytosterols in general, and beta-sitosterol in particular, are now considered potent anti-inflammatory agents with antioxidant and analgesic activity.”

Massaging the painful parts with 2 ounce of Avocado oil blended with 1 ounce of Soybean oil can be of immense help in fighting against free radicals, reducing pain, inflammation, muscular stiffness and cartilage damages and in enhancing blood circulation in the affected area.

Pranayama or conscious breathing assists in the treatment of rheumatism, atherosclerosis, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions that mainly occur due to the stagnation of toxic remains in the system, where ama or toxic substances in the body are flushed out through slow and steady exhalation.

2. Supports healthy heart functions by condensing cholesterol levels:

The presence of beta-sitosterol makes Avocado and its oil as the friendliest oil for supporting the healthy functions of your heart. This is a type of phytosterol, which is structurally alike to body’s cholesterol.

They are often termed as ‘heart healthy nutrients’ because of their efficacy in converting low healthy fats into substances that will be comparatively less detrimental to the cells and are more exploitable.

Avocado with its phytosterol components does enormous goodness to the system as its anti-inflammatory properties due to phytosterol compounds help in reducing the risk of heart diseases mainly due to deposits of plaque or other mass substances.

Avocado and its oil help in trimming down excess inflammation and clog in the arteries and thwart the arterial walls from all kinds of damages and aid in maintaining normal levels of blood pressure.

Research study on the effects of increased ingestion of Avocado has witnessed considerable decrease of cholesterol levels in blood. This analysis sustained for about 7 days with diet rich in Avocados, where patients with slight hypercholesterolemia evidenced a 17 percent drop off in the levels of total serum cholesterols.

It also evidenced about 11 percent increase in HDL (good cholesterol) and 22 percent decrease in the levels of triglyceride and LDL (bad cholesterol), thus Avocados have also been proven to support healthier lipid profiles.

Eating Avocados in salad or as whole is a great way to relay its immense benefits to your system but Avocado oil is of great significance as it exists in a more concentrated form.

Blend 4 ounce of Avocado oil with 5 drops of Ginger oil and 5 drops of Spearmint oil and rejuvenate your system with a warm massage on your weekends. Indeed it is one among the comfy way to get rid of excess cholesterol and toxic remains in your system.

3. ‘Pick-me-up’ oil for most of your skin problems:

Pick up the most capacious oil of Avocado with your eyes closed just for the treatment of most of your skin conditions.

Avocado and its nourishing pulpy oil is known for repairing the damaged skin cells, supporting the growth of new cells, moisturizing the skin, augmenting the production of collagen and for treating wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s foot and certain other symptoms of aging.

The significant factors behind the skin nourishing attribute of Avocado oil is the presence of enormous nutrients including potassium, vitamins A, D and E (act as antioxidants), sterolin, lecithin, proteins and high presence of unsaturated fatty acids including omega-3 fatty acids.

Blend 2 ounce of Avocado oil with 10 drops of Evening Primrose oil and 10 drops of Jojoba oil. Relish your skin and your senses with this rich massage blend for about twice in a week. Leave it to rest for about half an hour. Follow this massage with a cool bath and feel the difference of your skin in less than 2 months.

The presence of sterolin, unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and antioxidant vitamins in Avocado oil assists deeper penetration into the skin surface and the bloodstream.

This in turn softens, moisturizes, repairs, rejuvenates and backs up healthy skin from within. Aging spots, psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, mature skin conditions and sun damage can be treated effectively with this wholesome oil.

A 12 week study listed in the Journal of Dermatology on the effectiveness of Avocado oil and Vitamin B12 on Psoriasis evidenced regular progress in the participants suffering from psoriasis.

4. Enhances digestive power and aids in weight management:

Avocado and its oil are known to increase the efficacy and the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

The oil of Avocado has soothing effects on the intestine, stomach and the digestive system as a whole. Being a mild and gentle oil, Avocado can assist in the treatment of ulcer, heartburn, improper metabolic functions and inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) like omega-3 fatty acid support in improving your metabolism and boost your appetite, thus granting you a feeling of fullness with its enormous nutrient content.

A balanced and healthy diet with regular exercise, healthy lifestyle practices, proper utilization of your physical and emotional energies, meditation and supporting techniques including massage with Ayurvedic oils like Avocado and detoxification for eliminating the toxic remains in your system, is more than enough to shed your extra pounds and live fit forever.

Massaging your abdomen with 10 drops of Avocado oil mixed with 1 drop of Lemon oil and 1 drop of Peppermint oil, especially before your meals is an excellent way to nurture your appetite and soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines.

A 2014 study on the ‘Effect of Dietary Intake of Avocado Oil and Olive Oil on Biochemical Markers of Liver Function in Sucrose-Fed Rats’ published in the BioMed Research International states that the intake of sucrose affects the total levels of bilirubin and proteins, which affects the function of liver and other metabolic mayhems.

Avocado oil administration revealed the beginning of a regeneration of liver function and Avocado oil exhibits effects similar to those of olive oil,” concludes this study.

5. Fights against cancerous attacks:

Avocado oil is powered with enormous antioxidants including carotenoids, polyphenols, tocopherols and proanthocyanidins. These antioxidants help in fighting against the free radicals responsible for cellular degeneration and the development of tumors in cancerous attacks.

The anti-cancer or anti-carcinogenic properties of Avocado is attributed to the presence of bioactive chemical components like terpenoids, carotenoids, D-mannoheptulose, phenols, persenone A and B, and glutathione, where glutathione is a tripeptide that consists of three amino acids namely glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine.

The National Cancer Institute found that Avocado’s glutathione levels of 8.4 mg per 30 g or 19 mg per one-half fruit is several fold higher than that of other fruits,” quotes the study Dietary glutathione intake and the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer by the Emory University School of Public Health, GA.

A 2013 study on ‘Dietary avocado oil supplementation attenuates the alterations induced by type I diabetes and oxidative stress in electron transfer at the complex II-complex III segment of the electron transport chain in rat kidney mitochondria’ published in PubMed states “a protective effect of avocado oil against lipid peroxidation was observed consistently only in control mitochondria.”

This study concludes that the defensive outcome of Avocado oil is attributed to the antioxidant effects of carotenoids and glutathione that penetrates through the blood stream and reaches mitochondria (vital part of the cellular structure), where energy production and respiration happens.

Other benefits:

The other popular health benefits of Avocado oil are its effectiveness in the treatment of cracked heels, sunburn, insect stings, dandruff, wounds, loss of libido, blisters, bad breath, rashes, insomnia, periodontal diseases and more.


This piece of information is only for educational purposes and is not in any way meant to be used for diagnosis or as a substitute for any prescribed medications or the professional advice of your Doctor. We, at Essential Depot are not healthcare experts and this article is written only with the intention of sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

Essential oils are meant for topical use only and not for ingestion, as pure and organic essential oils are the life force of plants and are highly concentrated substances. Seek the advice of your Ayurvedic expert or healthcare professional before choosing the appropriate essential oils for your state of health and unique individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

The Avocado is a food without rival among the fruits, the veritable fruit of paradise.

– David Fairchild

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses from Brand: CABI
  3. Avocado Oil: The miracle health benefits, fat loss facts & kitchen tips (Avocado recipes, Avocado Oil for weight loss) by Margaret Horton
  4. Avocado 55 Success Secrets – 55 Most Asked Questions On Avocado – What You Need To Know by Teresa Kramer
  5. Absolutely Avocados by Gaby Dalkin

Reference Links:

  1. Avocado by Wikipedia
  2. Hass Avocado Composition and Potential Health Effects by Mark L. Dreher and Adrienne J. Davenport, published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition and PubMed
  3. Domestication and Significance of Persea Americana, the Avocado, in Mesoamerica by Amanda J. Landon published in Digital Commons, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  4. Metabolic Effects of Avocado/Soy Unsaponifiables on Articular Chondrocytes by Louis Lippiello, Joseph V. Nardo, Robert Harlan, and Tiffany Chiou, published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  5. Effect of Dietary Intake of Avocado Oil and Olive Oil on Biochemical Markers of Liver Function in Sucrose-Fed Rats’ published in the BioMed Research International