Coriander Oil Indian

Coriander is a divine herb that makes us feel the touch of nature’s magnificence with its tiny little seeds that possess mammoth benefits for various medical conditions including the chronic cancer and durable diabetes. Extracted from the seeds of the Coriandrum sativum plant by steam distillation, organic Coriander essential oil is a proven natural remedy for treating migraine, arthritis, neurological inflammation, urinary tract infections, fever and indigestion.

Coriander is said to have its name etched in numerous Sanskrit texts dating more than 7000 years. This herb is known in Ayurveda as Dhanyaka or Dhaniya and is a member of the Ayurvedic family Shat pushpa. Coriander and its essential oil is also recommended in Ayurveda for relieving menstrual problems, fever, hepatitis C, parasitic worms, kidney disorders, mouth ulcers, high cholesterol level, colitis, urticaria, hay fever, loss of memory, rheumatism, impotence etc.,

Purchase Coriander Oil Indian – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Coriander and its essential oil: It is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and has been used throughout the history of various traditions both for culinary and medicinal purposes. It was prevalently used for indigestion, stomach ache, nausea and other gastrointestinal disorders.

The traditional Ayurvedic text, Sushruta Samhita states Coriander as Kustumvari and used it as a demulcent aid for treating thirst and burning sensation of the skin. It was initially blended with other aromatic herbs such as anise, caraway, cardamom, fennel and cumin and used in the treatment of numerous diseases. Coriander is known for its natural high content of volatile oils and was prescribed for treating cancer, skin conditions, blood impurities, liver disorders and sore throat.

The primordial Romans used Coriander seeds and its leaves for preserving and flavoring meat and meat products. This is mainly due to the antioxidant property that curbs animal fats from becoming rancid and the effectiveness of Coriander in combating meat-ruining fungi and bacteria. These concrete reasons make the use of Coriander leaves and seeds in the preparation of various lip-smacking cuisines across the world even in this contemporary world.

Chinese believe that Coriander disciplines the Qi or the vital life energy. Certain herbal texts of the Han Dynasty quote Coriander as a powerful herb for making humans immortal. The Traditional Chinese Medicine used this herb for treating hernia, piles, dysentery, flatulence, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, stomach pain, nausea and measles.

The powder extracted from the seeds was also used in treating worms in children. Greeks used Coriander for supporting weight loss, weak memory and impotence. The Iranian folklore medicine use Coriander for relieving insomnia and anxiety in women.

In the modern medicinal practice, Coriander has been used as a vital part of the dietary intervention program for regulating deficiency of vitamin A in children. It is listed as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) in FDA (Food and Drug Administration, United States). The German Commission E approves Coriander as a natural aid for treating gastrointestinal conditions like loss of appetite and dyspepsia.

Remedial properties and chemical constituents of Coriander essential oil: The major chemical components responsible for its healing values are cineole, coriandrol, borneol, cymene, terpineol, geraniol, camphor, anethole, carvone, pinene, dipentene, terpinolene, phellandrene and linalool. The therapeutic benefits of Coriander essential oil are carminative, aphrodisiac, digestive, antispasmodic, lipolytic, antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, stimulant, deodorant, alterative, depurative, diuretic, fungicidal, stomachic and diaphoretic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Coriander essential oil: Ayurveda, the complete healing system considers that health is based on its three pillars including the physical health, mental health and a healthy soul. With this concept as its chief belief, Ayurvedic remedies aim at treating the root cause of the illnesses by prescribing herbs, Ayurvedic essential oils, yoga, simple physical exercises, Ayurvedic routine, Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massaging), prayers and meditation. It paves way for attaining longevity through healthy aging and prevention of illnesses.

The matchlessness of Ayurveda lies in its methodology of treating sicknesses in a unique manner for every individual as it trusts that every person is a unique part of nature with a specific individual constitution that comprises of three vital biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas represent the five elements of nature, which every creation on earth is trusted to be built with. They are fire, water, earth, space and air.

Vata energy is a combination of space and air and is responsible for circulation, respiration, movement and nervous functions of the body. Pitta dosha is a representation of fire and water and it controls all kinds of metabolic functions including digestion, absorption and elimination.

Kapha symbolizes earth and water and is in charge of muscular development and fluid retention in the body. Every human being has a unique combination of these three doshas with a predominance of any one dosha, which determines the personality, character and behavioral attributes.

Balance between these three doshas indicates absolute state of health and imbalance due to lifestyle, food habits and other environmental changes causes illnesses. Ayurvedic remedies are prescribed in such an efficient manner that brings back the perfect rhythm between the doshas in accordance with the individual’s prakriti (constitution) and medical condition.

Coriander Oil Indian is known to have a positive effect on all the three doshas and helps maintain optimal levels by acting as an excellent suppressant. Let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Coriander essential oil by its usage methods.

1. As an exceptional Ayurvedic massage oil or bath oil: The art of Ayurvedic massaging is called as Abhyanga, where the palms, feet, elbows and other traditional massaging equipments are used for maneuvering muscles, nerves and the entire human system.

By using Ayurvedic essential oils in massaging, this traditional healing methodology ensures that the therapeutic properties of the essential oils are passed on to the blood stream by penetrating through the skin cells and thus transmitting the corresponding healing benefits to various parts of the body.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Coriander oil blended with 5 ml of sesame oil helps in alleviating muscular pain, arthritis, rheumatic pain, stomach ache, indigestion, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn and other digestive problems.

a) Eases digestive disorders: Coriander oil has carminative, stomachic and digestive properties that stimulate the process of metabolism and influence proper secretion of bile, gastric juices and other acids responsible for trouble-free digestion. This oil improves digestion by regulating pitta dosha, which is responsible for digestion and other metabolic functions. It helps in relieving gas built-up in the stomach and intestines and it also prevents the formation of gas. English Herbalist John Gerard wrote, “Coriander seeds well prepared and covered with sugar as comfits, taken after meat, helpeth digestion”

According to the 2009-10 report by the Food Standards Agency, about 1 million people in the UK are suffering from food poisoning, contributing to 500 deaths and around 20,000 cases requiring medical care. Recent researches have proved that the use of Coriander oil helps in fighting against harmful bacteria causing food poisoning and other infections in the stomach and intestines.

A 2011 study on the combating effect of Coriander oil against 12 bacterial strains were tested in the lab, including Bacillus cereus, E. coli, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Salmonella enteric by Dr. Fernanda Domingues and her team from the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. This study witnessed that 1.6% or less than that quantity of Coriander oil killed or reduced the growth of all the harmful bacteria tested. It also discards parasites in the body.

Dr. Domingues also said that “Coriander oil damages the membrane surrounding the bacterial cell. This disrupts the barrier between the cell and its environment and inhibits essential processes including respiration, which ultimately leads to death of the bacterial cell. ‘It could become a natural alternative to common antibiotics.” She also said that Coriander oil can be used in lotions or oral rinses for treating food poisoning and fighting against multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.

b) Discharges toxic substances from the body: Coriander essential oil has diuretic, analgesic, depurative and antioxidant properties that assists in eliminating harmful toxic substances or ama from the body along with excess salts, uric acids and cholesterol in the blood by promoting the frequency and quality of urination. By this way it reduces inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism.

c) Controls diabetes and the level of cholesterol: Numerous studies have proved the effectiveness of Coriander and its essential oil in controlling the levels of cholesterol, especially the bad cholesterol like VLDL or LDL and increased the level of HDL (good cholesterol).

Coriander has also been suggested in controlling blood glucose levels and regularly checks the process of glucose getting converted into glycogen, causing diabetes. A 2011 study on ‘Antioxidant potential of Coriandrum sativum L. seed extract’ published in PubMed states “C. sativum seeds not only possess antihyperglycemic properties but antioxidative properties also. Increased dietary intake of coriander seeds decreases the oxidative burden in diabetes mellitus.”

d) Lessens menstrual pain and excess flow: Massaging your lower abdomen with 2 drops of Coriander oil mixed with 1 ml olive oil helps in regulating excessive menstrual flow and alleviates dysmennorhea or severe menstrual pain. The Arabians used Coriander for lessening menstrual pain and pain during childbirth.

e) Natural aphrodisiac: Coriander oil is also an excellent aphrodisiac that has been used in various traditions across the world. It is also mentioned in the famous Arabian tale, ‘A Thousand and One Nights’ as an effective aphrodisiac for arousing sexual passion naturally. This quality is attributed to the presence of phyto-estrogen content in Coriander seeds. Using it in massage, followed by a warm bath with 2 drops of Coriander oil diluted in bathing water preferably before going to bed can aid in enhancing the libido, treat frigidity in men and women, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions.

2. In burners or vaporizers: Coriander essential oil has a sweet, warm and slightly spicy aroma that instills a positive effect on the blood, plasma and the nervous system. Adding 2 to 3 drops of Coriander oil in burner, vaporizer or diffuser helps in refreshing the mind, regenerating the glandular system, treat mood fluctuations, improve memory power, lessen anxiety, mental fatigue, nervous weakness, tension, loss of sexual interest and lack of concentration.

Inhaling the remedial aroma of this oil is said to create a warming effect on the stomach and intestines and ease cramps and spasms. It uplifts the spirit and boosts the confidence level. Coriander oil permits more spiritual bonding to pass through the body and helps expanding the heart chakra, responsible for love and affection for self and others.

3. In steam inhalation: Coriander essential oil is known for lessening excess of kapha dosha, which is in charge of respiratory problems like cold, cough, sinusitis and nasal congestion. 2 drops of Coriander oil added to steam inhalation can be a great aid in alleviating cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, cold and sinusitis. It is also helpful in reducing the temperature especially with conditions like hay fever along with the massage of 1 drop of Coriander oil mixed with 1 ml of coconut oil in the foot soles.

4. In compresses, creams or oral rinses: 2 drops of Coriander oil mixed with 1 ml of jojoba oil or mild skin care cream or lotion and applied on the affected parts helps in clearing pimples, blackheads, athletes foot, ringworm and acne with its anti-bacterial and  fungicidal properties. Adding 1 drop of Coriander oil in a cup of warm water and used as an oral rinse assists in treating bad breath, plaque and discards harmful micro-organisms in the mouth. Using 2 drops of Coriander oil in hot or cold compress helps in treating muscular spasms, joint pain, migraine and arthritis.

Coriander seed oil has been proved and published in the European Food Safety Authority Journal as a safe and novel food ingredient, where the committee concluded stating “the novel food ingredient, coriander seed oil, is safe under the proposed uses and use levels.” The book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Bryan Miller and Light Miller quotes Coriander oil as “an antidote to hot food, very decongesting to the liver, and is a great reducer of fire and heat in the body. It is thought to be an aphrodisiac because of its phyto-estrogen content. It’s also a carminative, stimulating digestion.”

Disclaimer: This is only for the purpose of information and is not intended to substitute any prescribed medicines or professional medical advice. Pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause harm if used directly on the skin, so it always good to dilute essential oils before topical use. Never take essential oils internally without consulting your Ayurvedic practitioner and upon his/her expert advice, choose the most appropriate essential oil for your prakriti (unique individual constitution) and medical condition. Please avoid this oil during pregnancy.

Thought for the day:

Every Flower Is A Soul Blossoming In Nature.     -Gerard De Nerval

Suggested Reading:

  1. Coriander – Coriandrum Sativum L. by Axel Diederichsen, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
  2. The 50 Miracle Cures of Coriander by Dr. Awad Mansour
  3. Protective Effect of Cumin and Coriander on Profenofos: Antidote effect of Cumin and Coriander by Arun Kumar, Ranjit Kumar, Mohammad Ali
  4. Cumin & Coriander: A celebration of everyday North Indian cooking by Archana Nirad
  5. The Miracle Cures Of Diabetes: How To Beat Your Diabetes For Good by Prof Awad Mansour

Reference Links:

  1. Antioxidant potential of Coriandrum sativum L. seed extract’ by Anuradha CV and Deepa B, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Annamalai University, India, published in PubMed
  2. The natural remedy for superbugs? Coriander oil could be used to cure food poisoning and MRSA by Health column in Daily mail UK
  3. Medicinal Uses of Coriander by Natural Standard, the Authority on Integrative Medicine
  4. Scientific Opinion on the Safety of ‘Coriander Seed Oil’ as a Novel Food Ingredient published in the European Food Safety Authority Journal

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus-oil-bannerAustralian Fever tree is what Eucalyptus is lovingly called as, for its therapeutic values of treating fever and respiratory infections.

As one among the most universally used essential oils, Eucalyptus grants excellent relaxing effect on the mind and relieves excruciating pain in the body as well. With more than 700 varieties of Eucalyptus, the most preferred essential oil of Eucalyptus is extracted from the aromatic leaves of the Eucalyptus globulus tree by steam distillation.

Eucalyptus is known with different names in Sanskrit like Tailapatra, Sugandhapatra and Tailaparna. This tree belongs to the Ayurvedic family lavang kul. It is popularly known in India as ‘Nilgiri taila’ as the most aromatic and healing variety grows in Nilgiris hills in south India.

Ayurvedic preparations make use of Eucalyptus oil for the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, cold, cough, asthma, sinusitis, fever, throat infections and certain other respiratory ailments along with mental fatigue, sluggishness, rheumatism, kidney infections, malaria, neuritis, dandruff, acne, insect bites, herpes simplex and muscular problems.

Purchase Eucalyptus Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Eucalyptus Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Eucalyptus oil:

Indigenous to Australia, Eucalyptus oil is the instant home remedy for everything ranging from headache to muscular pain and this tree is widely spread across India, New Zealand and Australia.

Initially, this oil was used in the native topical ointments in primordial Aboriginal medicines for treating severe wounds, sinus congestion, fungal infections and cough. Now this oil is widely used in all facets including industrial, medicinal and perfumery.

Historical references state that it was Captain James Cook with Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks who found various species of Eucalyptus in Endeavour River, Northern Queensland, and Botany Bay in 1770. Until this time none of the collected Eucalyptus species E. gummifera and E. platyphylla were named and it was named only in 1777 when the Eucalyptus variety found in Bruny Island, Tasmania was taken to the British Museum in London.

The French Botanist L’Heritier named it as Eucalyptus obliqua, where all the species of the Eucalyptus family share a common feature of having oblique leaves, which indicates the leaves that have leaf blades of unequal length and do not meet up the petiole in the same situate.

Eucalyptus is a famous food for the koala bears and an extensive source of food for wildlife in many countries across the globe. Australians used Eucalyptus leaves in preparing tea or infusions for treating fever, sinus congestion, cold and rheumatic pain. This oil was used in the English hospitals for cleaning urinary catheters in the 19th century.

The export of Eucalyptus oil ruled the global market in 1870 and various Surgeons during 1880s used Eucalyptus oil at the time of surgery as an antiseptic. The curative benefits of Eucalyptus oil then quickly spread to other alternative and complementary medicinal practices like Greco-European and the Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) for Eucalyptus oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Eucalyptus oil constitutes of 11 chemical components that contribute to its distinctive fragrance, remedial properties and quality. Eucalyptus oil is enriched with about 79% of 1,8-Cineole constituent.

The major chemical components are listed and linked below for your reference:

The major constituent that contributes to the healing property of Eucalyptus essential oil is eucalyptol (promising antiseptic), which is another name for cineole. It also contains flavonoids (antioxidants that are plant-based), tannins (aids in reducing inflammation) and other volatile oils.

The table below on the Gas Chromatography report talks about the principal chemical constituents and its role in granting the therapeutic and other attributes to Eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus-oilRemedial properties of Eucalyptus oil:

These components are responsible for the remedial properties of Eucalyptus oil including antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, decongestant, mucolytic, mental stimulant, regenerative, diuretic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, germicidal, deodorant, alterative, anti-diabetic, disinfectant and insect repellent.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil:

Every human being is born with all physical and mental faculties in palpable order and all that he/she needs to do is to understand the ways of using them perfectly to lead a serene life. This understanding of life is known as ‘Ayurveda’ and the very word means ‘knowledge of life’ (Ayur-life and Veda-knowledge).

This traditional wisdom has its name etched in the history before 5,000 years and is said to be in existence before 1500 B.C. The principles of Ayurveda have been documented in the Atharvaveda, one among the 4 major Vedas (sacred books) of the Hindu Mythology. Nearly 114 poems in this Vedic literature depict the causes, effects and the remedies of various diseases of mankind.

Ayurvedic system strongly believes that everything on earth is a part of nature and is made up of the five vital elements of nature including fire, water, earth, space and air. Earth is said to represent bones and muscles, fire stands for the biological reaction and metabolism of the body, air aids in breathing, water is the blood and space is the soul or spirit that lives within.

The philosophy of Ayurveda states that every individual is made up of a unique individual constitution comprising of three vital biological energies known as doshas. These vital energies are nothing but a representation of the five vital elements of nature.

According to Ayurveda, sickness is a symbol that the human body is in disharmony with nature and there is imbalance of any one or all of the three doshas.

Ayurveda says that disease is an opportunity to know the imbalances of the system. It believes in identifying the root cause of an illness instead of treating the symptoms alone.

Ayurvedic remedies vary from individual to individual even for the same medical condition as it trusts that every individual is a unique creation and the treatment for their illnesses should also be unique.

The major Ayurvedic remedies are essential oils (the life-force of plants), herbs, Abhyanga (the art of Ayurvedic massaging), yoga, meditation, prayers and following an Ayurvedic routine. These remedies are prescribed in such a way that they treat the imbalances of doshas and help to live in harmony with Mother Nature.

Eucalyptus oil is known for increasing pitta dosha and pacifying kapha and vata dosha with its unique medicinal, warm and camphoraceous to lemony aroma.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Eucalyptus oil are:

Eucalyptus-oil-broucher-new11. Excellent lung cleanser that alleviates respiratory problems:

The oil of Eucalyptus has been held-high for more than thousands of years for its natural potent of treating fever, respiratory problems and lung ailments. Light Miller claims Eucalyptus as “one of the three best oils for any respiratory tract problem because the component eucalyptol is mucolytic (it relaxes the flow of mucous) and it excretes the eucalyptol out through the lung surface.”

Adding 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil in steam inhalation instills a relaxing effect on the mucous membranes, cleans the nasal passages, expands the blood vessels and permits more oxygen intake by the lungs, thus assisting trouble-free breathing and cleansing of lungs.

This oil have been used since the traditional times in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis, nasal and chest congestion, cold, sore throat, asthma, tuberculosis, runny nose and throat infections.

A study on ‘Immune-modifying and antimicrobial effects of Eucalyptus oil and simple inhalation devices’ by Sadlon AE, Lamson DW published in 2010 Alternative Medicine says that, “Surprisingly, there are also immune-stimulatory, antioxidant, and spasmolytic effects. Of the white blood cells, monocytes and macrophages are most affected, especially with increased phagocytic activity. Application by either vapor inhalation or oral route provides benefit for both purulent and non-purulent respiratory problems.”

Eucalyptus oil has excellent decongestant, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties that make its use vital in many cold rubs, ointments and other oral preparations for respiratory problems.

The study on Eucalyptus oil extracted from the aromatic Eucalyptus tree of the Nilgiri hills, India by the Medical Department, Government of Madras, India has proved that Eucalyptus oil works as an effective expectorant and relaxes phlegm and mucous deposits in the nasal and respiratory passages.

The presence of phenolic compounds, the plant based antioxidants in Eucalyptus oil helps in fighting against respiratory infections by strengthening the immune system during flu, cough, cold and other illnesses. 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil added to cold compress or applied to foot soles helps in reducing fever. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in ointments or rubs and massage it gently on the chest, throat and back for relieving nasal and chest congestion.

2. Relieves pain effectively:

Whenever headache hits us badly, the first thing that comes to most of our minds is Eucalyptus oil. Yes! This powerful pain-relieving oil has analgesic and natural pain relieving qualities.

A recent double blind study have illustrated that Eucalyptus oil and Peppermint oil applied together on temples and forehead proved better in relieving headache better than pharmaceutical aspirin and acetaminophen.

A 1991 study on the ‘Effects of a topically applied counter-irritant (Eucalyptamint) on cutaneous blood flow and on skin and muscle temperatures. A placebo-controlled study.’ By the University of California Irvine Medical Center suggested that “Eucalyptamint, produced significant physiologic responses that may be beneficial for pain relief and/or useful to athletes as a passive form of warm-up.”

Eucalyptus essential oil alleviates pain by spreading its warming effect on the skin, causing numbness on the painful parts and relieves pain quickly. Its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic properties assists in relieving muscular pain, rheumatic pain, joint aches, arthritic pain, lumbago, stiff muscles, fibrositis, nerve pain and migraine pain.

A 2013 study on ‘Effect of Eucalyptus Oil Inhalation on Pain and Inflammatory Responses after Total Knee Replacement: A Randomized Clinical Trial’ by the Department of Basic Nursing Science, School of Nursing, Korea University have stated that, “Eucalyptus oil inhalation was effective in reducing patient’s subjective pain and blood pressure after surgery. These findings suggest that the inhalation of eucalyptus oil might be a valuable nursing intervention for pain relief after TKR (Total Knee Replacement).”

Massaging the affected parts with 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil mixed with 1 drop of Peppermint oil and 2 ml of coconut oil can help in lessening pain and reducing swelling by eliminating the excess water deposits, salt , uric acid or other toxic substances causing inflammation in case or arthritis or rheumatism. You can also add 3 drops of Eucalyptus oil in warm bathing water and go for a re-energizing bath to calm your aching muscles and nerves.

3. Keeps away oral problems:

The essential oil of Eucalyptus oil is rich in 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), which is an effective antiseptic that eradicates bacteria and other harmful microbes that can cause bad breath and other oral problems.

It is also said that the antibacterial effect of this oil assists in fighting against periodontopathic bacteria and cariogenic bacteria, which is responsible for causing decay of tooth.

A 2008 study on ‘Effect of eucalyptus extract chewing gum on periodontal health: a double-masked, randomized trial.’ By the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Osaka, Japan witnessed the effectiveness of Eucalyptus oil by stating that “Eucalyptus extract chewing gum had a significant effect on Plaque accumulation (PLA), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), periodontal probing depth (PD). The use of eucalyptus extract chewing gum may promote periodontal health.”

The best way to used Eucalyptus oil for combating germs and bacteria causing oral problems is to add 1 drop of this oil in a cup of water and use it as a gargle twice a day. This is the major cause for the use of Eucalyptus formula in various mouthwashes and other oral cleansers to fight cavity, gingivitis, halitosis and plaque.

4. Mitigates mental exhaustion:

Eucalyptus essential oil instills a cooling effect on the mind and helps repair and rejuvenate negative feelings and subtle emotions. Numerous studies have proved that this oil has been effective in alleviating stress, mental fatigue, depression due to illness, lack of concentration, mental aversion and other strong emotions.

1 drop of Eucalyptus oil mixed with 1 drop of Lemon oil and added to your vaporizer or diffuser can grant mental clarity quotes the book ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ by Bryan Miller and Light Miller. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in your bathing water in the morning or before going to bed to calm your nerves, soothe your senses and leave you invigorated and balanced.

You can add 10 drops of Eucalyptus oil to your 2.5 ounce spray bottle and spray it in your work station to assist in clarity of thoughts, improved concentration, logical thinking, increased intellectual power and focused approached even towards the most complex task of the day.

5. Heals wounds and infections quickly:

The effective germicidal and antiseptic properties of Eucalyptus oil promotes quicker healing of burns, infectious wounds, abrasions, skin ulcers, cuts and dry itchy patches. Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and germicidal effects that curb the growth of perilous bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli and a 2004 research on ‘A study of the antimicrobial activity of oil of Eucalyptus’ proves this effectiveness.

Apply 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil mixed with 1 ml of jojoba oil and apply on the wounds, acne, candida, blisters, boils (it is safe on chicken pox boils also), shingles, herpes simplex and other skin infections for visible results.

It is also said that Eucalyptus oil was effectively used for treating childhood infectious diseases like typhoid, cholera, mumps, measles and scarlet fever. You can add 2 drops of this oil warm bathing water or mix it with 1 ml of coconut and massage it gently on foot soles to reduce fever and other infectious health conditions.

6. Promising insect repellent:

Eucalyptus essential oil is a potent insecticide and pesticide. It is a renowned formula in many insect repellents in the market and the oil of Eucalyptus mixed with lemon oil is said to keep away ticks.

The Australian Aborigines used Eucalyptus oil as an effective insect repellent to protect them from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. Using this oil can assist in preventing critical diseases like malaria, Lyme disease, West Nile virus and Rocky mountain spotted fever.

Add 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil to 2 ml of coconut oil and gently massage it on your scalp to get rid of lice and dandruff (anti-fungal). Mix 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil with 1 ml of olive oil and apply it on insect bites to get rid of rashes, reduce itching and redness of the skin. You can also apply this mix before going to bed to protect yourself from mosquitoes. 2 to 3 drops of this oil added to your air freshener or diffuser can give you a bug-free sleep at night.

Other health benefits:

Eucalyptus oil is also effective in treating other disorders like bladder infections, skin blemishes, sluggishness, fatigue, emotional pressure, dysentery, loss of appetite, laryngitis, intestinal worms, wounds and loss of appetite.


This article is restricted to educational use only and is not for substituting any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Speak with your Ayurvedic healthcare expert before choosing the appropriate essential oils for your specific health condition and unique individual constitution.

Always use essential oils for topical use in a diluted manner as certified and organic essential oils are highly concentrated extracts and may cause allergic conditions when used on the skin directly. Eucalyptus oil is safe as it comes under GRAS (generally regarded as safe) oils but never use it internally.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Eucalyptus oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and better usage.

Gas Chromatography Report (GC analysis) of Eucalyptus oil.

Thought for the day:

Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.     

-Hal Borland

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Power of Eucalyptus for Health & Healing by Jack Malloy
  2. How to Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Aromatherapy) by Miriam Kinai
  3. Eucalyptus Leaf Oils Use Chemistry Distillation and Marketing by Boland
  4. HEALING POWERS OF EUCALYPTUS Pure Essential Oil – Respiratory Healer (The Aromatherapy Professional: Healing with Essential Oils) by KG Stiles
  5. Eucalyptus: The Genus Eucalyptus (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) From CRC Press

Reference Links:

  1. Eucalyptus by Wikipedia
  2. Eucalyptus By The University of Maryland Medical Center
  3. The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Eucalyptus by Global Healing Center
  4. Effect of eucalyptus extract chewing gum on periodontal health: a double-masked, randomized trial.’ By the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Osaka, Japan published in Pubmed
  5. Effect of Eucalyptus Oil Inhalation on Pain and Inflammatory Responses after Total Knee Replacement: A Randomized Clinical Trial’ by the Department of Basic Nursing Science, School of Nursing, Korea University published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013

Your resource for quality Essential Oils. Every batch is
GC tested to ensure purity and authenticity.

Neem Seed Oil

Neem is the ultimate pride of India and a divine gift of nature for its colossal remedial benefits including its power in treating tuberculosis, malaria, dandruff, fever, leprosy, acne, joint pain, plaque, intestinal worms, gastrointestinal disorders, chicken pox, diabetes and jaundice.

Neem-bannerAyurveda calls Neem as Sarva roga nivarani, means cure for all diseases and Arishtha, meaning one that alleviates all illnesses. Even today, Neem is a trusted solution for treating various health conditions in Indian villages for which it is called as ‘Village Dispensary.’

Neem and its varied extracts are prescribed in Ayurvedic medication for treating skin ulcers, diabetes, urinary infections, hair loss, psoriasis, constipation and digestive difficulties, scabies, asthma, whooping cough, wounds, pain, chicken pox and certain other infectious diseases.

Purchase Neem Seed Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Neem Seed Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Neem and its varied extracts:

‘The liberated tree of India’ is the direct meaning of its scientific name Azadirachta indica, where the word ‘Azad’ means freedom, ‘dirakht’ means tree, ‘i-Hind’, means of Indian origin.

Neem is the first medicinal plant indicated in Siddha medicine, one among the oldest healing systems on earth. The 4,500 years old Indus valley civilization including the discovery of the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro talks about the medicinal uses of Neem tree.

Being an evergreen tree, Neem is often found in the front yard of most of the Indian homes for its phenomenal healing powers. WHO or the World Health Organization mentions that about 80 per cent of the developing countries’ populace bank upon natural or traditional medicines for treating various health conditions.

Among all those natural medications, Neem has found enormous medicinal attributes and therapeutic properties. Neem was called as the ‘Tree of the 21st Century’ by the United Nations Environment Programme.

The Siddha medications for treating blood pressure, diabetes, excess cholesterol, urinary tract infections, leprosy and gastro intestinal problems had Neem formulations in it.

In 1992, the National Academy of Science of the United Nations called Neem tree as “A tree for solving global problems.” The 350 years old Palm leaf manuscript preserved in the Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research emphasize on the remedial uses of Neem tree.

Every day many Indian families start their day with the use of Neem, where the Neem twigs are used as a natural toothbrush for combating oral problems.

The tea prepared with Neem leaves decoction, consumed in empty stomach in the morning is said to be a trusted remedy for flushing out toxic remains in the system, killing microbes in the body and increasing the immune power.

All the parts of the Neem tree including its leaves, bark, twigs, gum, fruits, flowers, seeds and the cold pressed Neem oil have enormous medicinal values for mankind.

The Neem leaves paste has been used in various folklore medicinal practices for treating pimples, chicken pox boils, viral infections, bed sores, psoriasis, eczema and wounds. Neem leaf decoction was also used for treating dandruff, hair fall and head lice.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Neem seed oil:

The primary chemical constituents of Neem oil are triterpenoid compounds like Azadirachtin and Nimbin along with triglycerides, sterols including stigmasterol, campesterol and beta-sitosterol. This oil also contains fatty acids, namely Omega-6, Omega-9, stearic acid and palmitic acid.

These components contribute to its remedial values like antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, antihistamine, febrifuge, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulant, antioxidant, emmenagogue, circulatory, vermifuge, anthelmintic, astringent, cicatrisant, spermicidal and nervine.

Ayurvedic uses of Neem seed oil:

Being a part of nature is the greatest acknowledgement one can ever receive. If you wander in search of solace through natural beauty either in the form of a lawn or a mountain, then it is just a symbol of your ignorance.

Beauty, especially the eternal beauty lies within you and your soul has everything that is in nature. Wanna try what I say??? Come lets experience the heaven in us..

Just sit in the most silent or tranquil zone in your home. Take a deep breath, relax and close your eyes. Want to be amid Niagara Falls now? PICTURIZE is all I have to say. Start hearing the roaring voice of the falls, feel touch of the drizzling water on your face and think that you are there and experience the joy of being there..

You’re done. Not more than 10 minutes, your brain would have certainly secreted the positive and the happy hormones and instill lot of optimism and superfluous inspiration that is more than enough to keep you charged for the rest of the day.

This is the power of thinking that nature has deeply vested within you. Your soul is the greatest encyclopedia of Nature and that this why your thoughts travel millions of kilometers in a jiffy.

Wondering what all these philosophical thoughts have to do with the Ayurvedic health benefits of Neem seed oil?

Here’s the catch. All I wanted to say is that Ayurveda is within you and there’s no need to wander in search of this miraculous science outside.

The word ‘Ayur + Veda’ just means the ‘the knowledge (Veda) of life (Ayur). Every remedial practice in this heavenly healing methodology aims at invigorating your prana or the life force.

Plant essential oils are nothing but the prana, essential life force or the vital energy of plants. It is for this reason Ayurvedic essential oils are very special and close in uplifting the life force of mankind with the life force of plants.

The supreme essence of Ayurveda is that it treats every individual and it never treats just their illnesses alone. This derivation starts from the Ayurvedic school of thought that says that every person is a unique part of nature with a distinct individual constitution known as doshas.

Vata, pitta and kapha are the three vital energies and all these combined together is known as Prakriti of a person. Every individual has a predominance of any one of these doshas, which decides their physical attributes, emotional stability, spiritual influence and behavioral patterns.

A disciplined life with healthy lifestyle practices for the mind, body and spirit paves way for absolute balance between doshas. Sedentary lifestyle, irregular food habits, change in climatic conditions and misconduct leads to imbalance of doshas, nature’s alarm for the onset of diseases.

Ayurveda trusts and depends upon nature for its medications. Herbs, essential oils, Pranayama or balanced breathing, yoga, Panchakarma or the detoxification technique, Ayurvedic routine, prayers and meditation are prescribed in order to restore the balance between doshas and to recuperate and prevent illnesses in the future as well.

Neem is indeed a blessing to mankind. The oil extracted from Neem seed has cooling, energizing and rejuvenating properties for the body, spirit and mind.

Neem seed oil has the power to boost vata (responsible for circulatory, nervous and respiratory functions along with sociability and creativity), pacify pitta (metabolic functions, decision-making skills, leadership qualities and body temperature) and kapha (responsible for physique, sustenance, trust and love).

Here we go!!! The Ayurvedic health benefits of Neem Seed Oil.

Neem-Seed-info-broucher1. Neem is the ‘Hero’ of all the fever remedies out there:

Pitta dosha is responsible for body temperature. With its power to pacify pitta energy, Neem oil has the ability to reduce the body temperature very quickly than any other medications.

It is called as Jwarahara, potent fever reducer with its antimicrobial, antiviral and febrifuge properties, contributed by the presence of nimbin and nimbidin.

As a Shramahara, Neem oil alleviates fatigue and lack of energy associated with fever.

Numerous research studies have proved the effectiveness of Neem oil in fighting against sensitive strain and choroquin-resistant malarial parasites.

Neem oil is also efficient in the treatment of viral fever with its potent to wrestle against chikungemya, vaccinia and measles virus.

‘Nila vembu’ or ‘Neem of the ground’ was the redeemer of thousands of people affected by Dengue, Chickungunya and the chronic viral fever with severe headache and body pain.

The ideal method of using Neem oil for reducing fever is massaging your palms and foot soles with 4 drops of Neem oil blended with 15 drops of Evening primrose oil. Wondering why on foot soles? Because foot soles are the home for all the nerve-endings in your system.

Essential oils penetrate deeply through the skin and pass on to the bloodstream quickly. By this way, it passes on the therapeutic values of Neem oil and helps in bringing down your body temperature considerably, granting you speedy relief.

2. Neem is nature’s lucky charm for your skin:

Neem can gift your skin with all the best things to make it glow and look younger. Neem has antimicrobial, antiseptic, cicatrisant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and circulatory properties that helps in combating microbes causing acne and other skin infections.

The cicatrisant values of Neem oil aid in healing wounds quickly and its antiseptic values arrest the growth of microbes and protect the wounds from turning septic.

The antimicrobial properties of Neem oil have been proved powerful against bacteria like Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus faecalis.

Neem is called as Kushtahara for its ability to treat various skin conditions; Vranahara for cleansing and healing wounds firstly; Twachya for protecting and retaining the natural beauty of the skin.

Blend 2 drops of Neem oil with 10 drops of Linseed/Flaxseed oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil and apply it on pimples, blackheads, wounds, burns, cuts, sores, boils, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, athletes’ foot, ringworm, wrinkles, inflammatory conditions and nail fungus, for revealing its magical healing powers.

Here’s your secret ingredient to clear acne marks and own supple, clear and soft skin. Mix 1 drop of Neem oil, 1 drop of Turmeric oil and 1 drop of Tea tree oil in your mild skin cleanser.

Gently massage your facial skin with this enriching blend daily or once in two days. Wash it with cold water, wipe off and apply rose water on your skin. This will certainly help you notice visible difference in alleviating marks and blemishes on your skin.

What next? Glowing, spotless and wrinkle-free skin is all yours!!! 🙂

3. Neem is your hair’s best comrade:

Long, lustrous and strong hair is the prized possession of every woman. Men often settle with dandruff-free, voluminous and healthy stuff on the scalp.

Thousands of hair-care products hit the market every week and leave us in bafflement in choosing the right remedy for our hair problems.

Natural remedies are often the safe hub to settle for and if you are looking to stick with natural solutions for your hair, then Neem is the best choice.

Neem is nature’s powerhouse of essential nutrients for moisturizing and nourishing your hair and scalp from within.

Linoleic, stearic and palmitic acid are few among those fatty acids that contribute to your bouncy locks.

Neem seed oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-dandruff and anti-parasitic properties that assist in killing microbial infections that cause split ends, itchy and infectious scalp conditions and keep away from dandruff and head lice.

Peek-a-boo! Nourishing Neem blend is here! Mix 4 drops of Neem oil with 3 ounce of Olive oil, 2 drops of Ylang Ylang oil and 2 drops of Rosemary oil.

Gently massage your scalp with this medicated oil and wrap a warm towel on your head and allow it to rest for about 30 minutes. This helps in penetrating the therapeutic values of these Ayurvedic oils deep into your scalp and hair follicles, just to nourish your hair from the roots.

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo with 1 drop of Neem oil and 2 drops of Lime oil for that glossy, thick, bouncy hair that is free from lice, dandruff and frizz.

4. Neem is the worst enemy for pests and insects:

Few first things that strike our mind, the moment we thick of Neem is its extremely bitter taste and pungent aroma.

This is indeed good for us and utterly atrocious for the pests and insects that are extremely harmful.

Being a natural insect repellent, 2 drops of Neem seed oil can be added to your burner or vaporizer to keep your family safe from mosquitoes, bed bugs and other insects.

You can also add 3 to 4 drops of Neem oil in your hand sprayer and protect the lovely plants in your garden from pests.

Are your cute little cat and bossy dog scratching all over? Then mix 1 drop of Neem oil in its shampoo and that’s it, fleas, ticks, mites and other insects are all gone with the Neem remedy.

5. Neem is the tranquilizer for your intestine and the killer of its worms:

Neem is called as Kriminut in Ayurveda for its ability to alleviate worms and infections in the stomach and intestines.

The antimicrobial attribute of Neem oil is attributed to the presence of Nimbin constituent.

Along with its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties (Sheeta), Neem and its other extracts help in tranquilizing the intestinal linings and stomach, combat intestinal worms, parasites and heal wounds and treat ulcerates.

Neem is called as Laghu for its support in digestion and better absorption of nutrients in the food. It is a Grahi herb as it absorbs excess moisture in the intestines, thus treating wounds and ulcer by cleansing the moisture in them and soothing irritation.

Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Neem seed oil mixed with 2 drops of Peppermint oil and 1 ounce of sesame oil might help in pacifying your intestines, reducing irritation and eradicating detrimental microbes and infections.

6. Neem is your redeemer from all oral infections:

Neem has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that assist in fighting against oral pathogens in treating oral problems.

A 2011 study on ‘Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anticandidal Efficacy of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extract of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by the Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Center’, proved the inhibitory effects of Neem on Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans that are the basis for infectious diseases in the oral cavity.

Half drop of Neem oil blended with 1 cup of warm water as a gargle might be effective in getting rid of bacteria, fungi and other pathogens causing plaque, gingivitis, cavities and other oral problems.

Other health benefits:

Neem and its remedial oil is potent in treating tuberculosis, diarrhea, pneumonia, bronchitis, discard pathogens, alleviate muscular pain, control the secretion of insulin hormone, thus supporting in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.


This unique portion of information is predestined only for the use of education and is not suggested to make a diagnosis, thwart or to cure any kind of illnesses. It is not intended to substitute any prescription medicines or the consultation of a certified physician. We, at Essential Depot are not doctors of medicine and this info is shared only for spreading the magical healing of Ayurveda, the pioneer of all medicinal sciences.

Essential oils are recommended for topical use only and keep in mind to attenuate the effects of essential oils by mixing it with suitable carrier oils and never ingest essential oils. This is due to the fact that 100 per cent pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and might cause allergic reactions if used on the skin without diluting it.

Take special care in using essential oils, if you are pregnant or nursing and while using it on children. Have a word with your Ayurvedic specialist or medical expert prior to choosing the best oils for your unique individual constitution and health conditions. A patch test on your skin before experiencing the many benefits of essential oils is recommended.

Thought for the day:

I am planting a Neem tree because it is a “Medicine Cabinet In a Tree!”

-Pledge No 1223 – Singapore.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Neem:: A Tree for Solving Global Problems by Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board of Science and Technology for International Development, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs
  2. Neem: The Ultimate Herb by John Conrick
  3. Neem: Neem and Its Miraculous Healing Powers: Neem for Digestive Disorders, Stress Relief, Immunity, Skin Problems, Hair Problems, Diabetes, Asthma, Arthritis, … – All Your Questions Answered Book 3) by Sukhmani Grove
  4. Neem: India’s Miraculous Healing Plant by Ellen Norten
  5. Neem: The Tree of Life by Sara Abraham, Ryder Management Inc.

Reference Links:

  1. Neem Oil by Wikipedia
  2. Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anticandidal Efficacy of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extract of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by the Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Center, India, published in the International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy
  3. Neem (Azadirachta indica): Prehistory to contemporary medicinal uses to humankind by Venugopalan Santhosh Kumar and Visweswaran Navaratnam, published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine and PubMed.
  4. Therapeutic Potential of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by Amir Khan and Arvind Kumar Yadav, Dept. of Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Sardar Bhagwan Singh Post Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences & Research, India, published in Pharma Research Library