Sushruta Samhita

The field of medicine is undeniably the field of scientific and ethical values that serves humanity since the Stone Age. Ayurveda, the science of life absolutely shares a major part in etching the medicinal world with its efficient and profound knowledge & principles of holistic healing. As any form of science attains completion with the compilation of texts by its scholars, Ayurveda remains still intact with the exertion of three major ancient masterminds who lay behind the creation of magnificent Ayurvedic encyclopedias namely Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya and Ashtanga Sangraha.

Surgery, for sure is a challenging medical remedy both for the practitioner who performs it and for the patient who undergoes it. By the time you reach the end of this post, you will speechless in awe – inspiring astonishment, as your mind will revolve around the history of a great personality, who mastered the field of surgery even before people could think of it!!!

Sushruta – The father of surgery: Sushruta is believed to be one of the initial surgeons, the world was blessed with. According to few reliable sources, Sushruta is said to have survived in the 6th century B.C. He is the notable disciple of Divodasa, who developed a school for surgery in the 6th to 9th century B.C. He came up with an endless Ayurvedic encyclopedia known as Sushruta Samhita, which is highly focused on stupendous medical thesis with its core content dealing with surgery. His excellence in the field of surgery crowned him as ‘The Father of Surgery’.

Sushruta’s Contributions to the Medical World: It will truly be a breathtaking fact to know about Sushruta’s contributions to the field of medicine that has the finest information in some of the most untouched topics of ancient world. I’m sure the forthcoming piece of information will definitely make your eyes wide open with a surprised wave of wonder!

  • ‘Father of Plastic Surgery’ – Sushruta’s contribution to the field of plastic surgery is enormous with his footsteps craved in numerous areas, few of which are Rhinoplasty (reconstruction of nose), Otoplasty (correction of the deformities & defects of earlobe), repair of lip injuries and congenital cleft lip.
  • Being a perfect pioneer of anesthesia, Sushruta advocated the use of wine to block the sensation of the patient undergoing surgery.
  • He was the perfect demonstrator of various medical techniques like making incisions illustrated with the help of vegetables like watermelon, extraction of foreign bodies etc.
  • Sushruta is the unique contributor to the field of obstetrics, orthopedics and ophthalmology and is celebrated as the first cataract surgeon.
  • He was the first to give an in-depth explanation of human anatomy, embryology and the development of fetus.
  • He practiced certain innovative techniques like using leeches to free the wounds from blood clots, ant – heads as stitching materials to stitch the intestines etc.

Sushruta Samhita – A detailed demonstration of holistic healing: Sushruta Samhita talks about every single work of Sushruta in Ayurvedic healing therapy. This book is full of tactful facts that spread the knowledge of medicine applicable to people of all ages. This Ayurvedic encyclopedia illustrates not only the detailed description of surgery & surgical equipments but also about all the related branches of medicine ranging from common illness to complicated cesarean (C-section), thus making it a complete form of medical discipline.

Sushruta Samhita was translated into many languages namely Arabic, Latin, German & English thus spreading the essence of serving mankind in treating various ailments with excellence.

To this Sage of Surgery, health was a composition of mental & physical well-being that can be incorporated by following an Ayurvedic lifestyle, the major part of which encompasses following a healthy Ayurvedic routine, effective usage of Ayurvedic essential oils in day to day life, practicing healthy physical exercises along with yoga and meditation to nurture a healthy mind.

What are you still waiting for?!?!? With the fresh memories of Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic scholar – Sushruta in your minds, grab a sheet of paper to pen down your day to day Ayurvedic activities for your future that will make your lifestyle Unique & Ayurvedic!!!

Thought for the day:

The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.                                                               -Voltaire

Suggested Reading:

  1. An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text, volume 1: Sutrasthanam By Susruta Susruta
  2. Susruta Samhita: Text in Sanskrit with English Translation By Kaviraj Bhishagratna
  3. Synopsis of Ayurveda: Based on a translation of the Su’sruta Samhit=a (The Treatise of Su’sruta) By G. D. Singhal, T. J. S. Patterson

Reference Links:

  1. Sushruta by Wikipedia
  2. Sushruta Samhita by Wikipedia
  3. The Internal Journal Of Plastic Surgery by Dr.Sanjay Saraf & Dr.Ravi S.Parihar

History of Ayurveda: The Ancient Wisdom Of Healing

History, when explored is always a key to unlock even the most unsolvable mystery. Let us spend some of our dear time in taking a trek through one such historic voyage, where each of our paces will provide us with a stack of treasure pacifying our soul. Let me tell you the name of such an estimable treasure island where I’m going to take you through!!! Yes, AYURVEDA is that one spectacular vicinity of more than 5000 years old, where we are going to fix our vision for the next few minutes. Let’s get started for this notable remark of our journey of life!!!!

Ayurveda – Name & Fame: Ayurveda‘ is composed of two Sanskrit words, Ayus meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge. According to Hinduism, there are 4 major Vedas or the holy books namely Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda and Ayurveda is considered as a subdivision of Atharva Veda. As the name implies, Ayurveda is a true knowledge of life that helps in leading a cultured and civilized life.

This age old spiritual science of holistic healing, which dates back to about 5000 years is still fresh in the world as a newborn pride, the main reason being its efficiency and effectiveness over all sorts of ailing illness. Few reliable sources state that Ayurveda’s basic principles got standardized around 1500 BC but there is no real evidence for the exact beginning of Ayurveda and no one exactly knows when this miraculous science had its birth as it is ageless like Mother Earth.

Ayurveda & Mother India : With its roots being deeply set in ancient India, Ayurveda is still considered to be the only existing form of holistic traditional medicinal treatment of body, mind and soul, which when blended together forms an ideal human system. India is a land of holistic traditional cultures and values, where you can find its eminence in each one of its remnants and Ayurveda, the established epic is not an exception at all.

Ayurveda – Spiritual Methodology of the Eternal Master:  A wise and a knowledgeable Master is often the reason behind any successful system in this world. Ayurveda, the miraculous medicinal approach is believed to have the Master of All Masters as its Mother. Yes, as per the Hindu mythology, Ayurveda is believed to be a boon granted by Brahma – The Lord of Creation to Dhanvantari who was crowned as the God of Medicine.

Ayurveda – Sources & Resources: The main sources of Ayurveda rest in three invaluable texts contributed by the most renowned Ayurvedic practitioners of ancient India- Charaka, Sushruta and Vaghbata. Their contributions include Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and a compilation of a set of major texts called Ashtanga Hridaya & Ashtanga Sangraha.

  • Charaka – The Esteemed Curator: Charaka is a man of mystical and legendary values. He is believed to have been in the court of Kanishka, an age old ruler of the Kushana Dynasty in India. Perfect preaching & practice of medicine together with ‘Privacy of Patient’s Confidentiality‘, one of the golden tenets of a tactful curator meant a lot to this man of values. Charaka’s literary exertion has Kaya-Chikitsa (Internal Medicine) – ‘The diagnosis and treatment of ailments through internal and external application of medicine’ as its core content.
  • Sushruta – The Skilled Surgeon: Sushruta is said to have served in the court of Gupta Dynasty as a surgeon. He is the man who took a giant pace in the field of surgery namely plastic, cosmetic and prosthetic surgery along with cesarean section and handling of compound fractures. Sushruta Samhita dealt with Shalya Tantra (Surgery) to a great extent.
  • Vaghbata – The Versatile Compiler: Vaghbata is believed to have existed in the 5th century AD, who took strenuous efforts in perfectly expressing the essence of Ayurveda in rhythmic verse which is found to be very essential by all the students of Ayurveda who commit to memorize these verses, which is the basis of Ayurvedic study of healing.

Hope this brief journey through Ayurveda proved to be inspiring and informative for you, which will certainly clad your thoughts & actions in an Ayurvedic way!!! Happy Health to You!!!

Thought for the day:

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. By Marcus Garvey

Suggested Reading:

  1. Textbook of Ayurveda, Volume One: Fundamental Principles by Vasant Lad
  2. An English translation of the Sushruta Samhita, based on original Sanskrit text, volume 1: Sutrasthanam by Susruta Susruta
  3. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha

Reference Links:

  1. Ayurveda by Wikipedia
  2. Brief History of Ayurveda by Healing Sphere
  3. History of Ayurveda by Professor Dr. P.H. Kulkarni

8 Branches of Ayurveda: A Comprehensive Analysis

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of healing with elite therapies and countless remedies for treating everything related to humanity. This extensive science of life is categorized into 8 different branches and is jointly known as Ashtang Ayurveda.   Ayurveda is the only science that treats every human being as a unique individual with exceptional physical and mental set up. It does not recommend the same medicine for different persons and takes the principle of the popular adage that says, ‘One man’s food is another man’s poison’. All the credit goes to Ayurveda for introducing separate branches for surgery, aphrodisiacs and pediatrics as a part of the universal system of medicine. The 8 imperative branches of Ayurveda are:

1. Kayachikitsa (Agni Treatment) or Internal Medicine: The Ayurvedic treatment based on digestive fire known as ‘Agni’ is defined as Kayachikitsa. This branch deals with general medication mainly due to improper functioning of the digestive fire, which is solely responsible for transforming food into the essential elements of energy for the human body.  It takes care of treating many health disorders related to Agni like diarrhea, fever, anemia, nausea and few other general health conditions that mainly occur when there’s a change in an individual’s way of living.

2. Balaroga chikitsa (Child Disease Treatment) or Pediatrics: This branch is also known as Kumaraya Bhritya, deals with the treatment of diseases of children including pregnancy and childbirth. Generally the Ayurvedic medicines according to this branch are not very powerful and low doses are recommended to protect the health mechanism of children.  An extensive range of sickness issues related to children are treated and Ayurveda always recommends quality breast-feeding (without any germs in breast milk) for the complete growth of children.

3. Graharoga chikitsa or Psychiatry: Ancient people trusted that their life was often being affected by Grahas (bhoot) means ‘demons or devils’. This branch deals with treating the psychological problems like psychosis, epilepsy, lunacy and other mental disorders due to the influence of ghosts, evil spirits etc.

4. Urdhvanga Roga chikitsa (Treatment of Disease in Head and Neck) This part specially handles the prediction, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases in the upper part of the body like head and neck. Eyes, ears, nose, throat, head, teeth and mouth related health conditions are treated with an unique tool known as Shalaka, for which this branch of Ayurveda is also known as Shalakaya Tantra.

5. Shalyaroga chikitsa (Treatment of disease caused by a foreign body) Shalyaroga chikitsa can also be called as the surgical science that has been healing human race for thousands of years together.  This branch of Ayurvedic healing was of great use during the wartimes where the warriors were affected by foreign bodies like swords, arrows and other such sharp weapons. It also deals with diseases caused by external sources that need surgical treatment. Piles, urinary stones, abdominal damages, cataract, fistula and accidents are also treated through this system. The ancient physician ‘Sushruta’ is still remembered for his expertise in this field and is celebrated as the father of plastic surgery.

6. Damstra Roga Chikitsa (Treatment of diseases caused by poisons) This division of Ayurveda is also known as Toxicology as it treats the diseases caused by the poisonous insects, reptiles, plants, minerals, metals and certain other toxins.

7. Jara Chikitsa or Gerontology: It is also known as Rasayana for its power of revitalizing and preventing the body from the symptoms of aging. This branch provides special treatment for augmenting the quality of living along with prolonged existence. Geriatrics or Jara chikitsa suggests natural herbs, Ayurvedic oils and other natural medications to retain the texture of the skin, body’s natural shine, enhanced memory power, munificence and improved physical strength as well.       

8. Vrsha Chikitsa or Aphrodisiac treatment: According to the spiritual science of Ayurveda, sex is one among the essential component of human life that enhances his health and grants him the endurance and the power to pave way for his future generations. This branch is also known as Vajikarana and it deals with the aphrodisiacs therapy for being paid with good descendants and virility, proffering remedies for contentment and delight in real sex. It washes away the problems related to infertility in men and women.

Isn’t it really amazing to hear that most of the sophisticated healing therapies of these days were in practice even before Edison threw light on this dark world?!!! This is more than enough to prove the supremacy of this age old medicinal science and its acumen in treating mankind.

Reference Links:

  1. Sushruta Samhita by Wikipedia
  2. Eight Branches Of Ayurveda by Ayurvedamrita
  3. The Eight Branches Of Ayurveda by MED INDIA