Ayurveda for Longevity

Recognition and fame come with apparent glory and value, for which Ayurveda stands as the best exemplar. This ancient healing science has attained worldwide recognition because of its most glorious holistic healing methodology that makes one cohesive with nature. Most of them consider Ayurveda as the mother of all healing sciences since it soothes the mind, relaxes the psyche and makes us to self-realize the true value of ourselves, thus making life worth living. Bestowing humanity with infinite boons, this ancient medical science leads the path to ‘LONGEVITY‘, which is one of the prime crave of mankind.

Longevity – What Does It Mean??? : In the eye of a commoner, longevity simply means living a long life. But Ayurveda views it in a different aspect, as it precisely defines longevity as ‘ Slowing down the aging process with a well balanced mind, body and spirit without which one cannot taste the true essence of longevity that lies in purely enjoying a state of permanent peace and tranquility’.

Why Ayurveda for Longevity??? : In this fast moving world, irrespective of the nature of the problem, every individual is in search of a remedy that yields a very quick result at a rapid pace. It becomes so natural for one to even think about Ayurveda as a means to attain longevity. Even though enormous growth in today’s modern medical science may seem to increase the life expectancy of human beings, it fails to focus on the mental part of an individual that is teemed with stress, anxiety, depression and so on… thus losing peace, which is the main purpose of leading a long life. Nothing is worse like leading a long life without peace of mind!

Ayurveda plays a vital role in making one to taste the true spirit of a long life by bringing a balance between the mind, body and spirit of an individual thus helping one to experience the eternal solace of being one with nature.

Ayurveda provides a unique holistic individualized approach of healing based on the unique natural constitution of every individual, ‘Prakruti’. It increases the quality of life of every individual, which in turn leads to increased life expectancy.

Ayurvedic Regime for Longevity: Natural harmony is one single source of solution for all our woes. Ayurveda defines a pattern of procedures to safeguard and sustain natural harmony of every individual that is often impacted by physical, emotional and environmental factors. I’ve listed down ‘the trios’ of the heartening principles of Ayurveda that will help us to step-up elegantly in the ladder of life!!!

  • Panchakarma – Detoxify Your Body First! : Once human entity is stuck with natural imbalance, it gets loaded with toxins that target every single cell in our system. To rejuvenate the body and bring it back to its natural state, Ayurveda suggests Panchakarma, which is the process of detoxifying the human body, strengthening the immune system and restoring the constitutional balance of the doshas (Governing forces of the human entity).
  • Healthy Ayurvedic Routine for the long run: Today’s world of challenges has left people with less option to redefine themselves with some powerful holistic tools like Ayurveda. Ayurvedic routine comprises some simple yet most powerful day to day practices of everlasting outcome that will urge mankind to stick to it! ‘Following a healthy Ayurvedic diet that suits the individual’s unique constitution of psyche, an Ayurvedic lifestyle that comprises of stress-free physical exercises, mind nurturing practices like Yoga and Meditation, effective usage of Ayurvedic essential oils that best suits your needs , enjoying proper sleep, binding the mind with positive thoughts that cultivate self-awareness of who you are! And acting young to stay young’ are some of the secret ingredients of the scrumptious food called ‘Health and Longevity’.

These top 3 Ayurvedic regimes for health and longevity when followed with utter adherence and discipline will definitely degrade the ‘Markers of Aging’, most important of which are Stress and Improper Stress Handling and Cell Proliferation. Thus Ayurveda serves its sole purpose of leading mankind with its holistic approach of helping humanity to lead a quality life full of virtues, making you to feel younger from within by cutting down the numbers (Age) in a lustrous way!

Stick to the Ayurvedic command and discover the magic in you, which can transform every single speed breaker of your life into a stepping stone for success! Act Young and Stay Young!! Have a long Ayurvedic life!!!

Thought for the day:

Ayurveda is a sister philosophy to yoga. It is the science of life or longevity and it teaches about the power and the cycles of nature, as well as the elements.                                                                                    -By Christy Turlington

Suggested Reading:

  1. Ayurveda: Life, Health, and Longevity By Robert E. Svoboda B.A.M.S.
  2. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity By Swami Sadashiva Tirtha
  3. Health Rejuvenation and Longevity Through Ayurveda By C.M. Ghai

Reference Links:

  1. Rasayan – The Ayurvedic Perspective by Mishra RN
  2. An Introduction To Panchakarma by Vasant Lad
  3. Ayurveda’s Longevity Secrets by Gerald Lopez

The Exceptional Strategies of an Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda, with the astounding and influencing meaning ‘the knowledge for long life’ is an ancient traditional methodology of aboriginal medicine in India. The entire wisdom of this spiritual healing system makes me awestruck and wonder about the stupendous knowledge of Rishis and Ayurvedic Practitioners who lived in the historical and primordial times, when even electricity was not known to the world and people lived in complete harmony with nature and invented numerous natural medications that heal humanity even during this technocratic eon. The incomparable strategies of an Ayurvedic treatment make Ayurveda unique as aims at guiding mankind through the right path in physical, mental, social, spiritual and environmental terms. The 4 predominant goals of an Ayurvedic life will clearly depict that simplicity wins basically without any other external efforts.

Strategies of an Ayurvedic treatment: Ayurveda is often a simple, practical and common-sense science that robustly states that ‘Nature is the gift of the Creator bestowed on Mankind for prolific wellness. Following an Ayurvedic routine can never let you down and would make your life complete without any flaws. In Ayurvedic contexts, there are about 8 comprehensive strategies. They are:

  1. Circumvent the causative aspects (Nidana parivarjana): As the name suggests ‘Nidana’ stands for ‘the contributing factors’ and ‘Parivarjana’ means ‘to give up’. The prime approach of an Ayurvedic treatment is analyzing the root cause of the disease and it is yet another celebrated trait of this divine science. Ayurveda always focuses on eliminating the illness from the scratch after analyzing the constitution of an individual and his predominant doshas. It is being practiced and said that evading the causal or the contributory aspects of a disease is the best way to get rid of it and preventing the same in the future as well.
  2. Boost up the energy (Swabhaavoparma): It concentrates in enhancing the strength of the human body to fight against sickness. Ayurvedic experts generally suggest a full-fledged fasting, enough rest and the use of warm water to grant the essential vigor from within.
  3. Treating imbalances in the tissues (Chikitsa dhatu satmyartha): Disparity in the tissues is yet another major reason for sickness. When there is a balance between the 3 predominant doshas, the tissues will be functioning properly contributing to a healthy body. There are 7 major elements or tissues in the human body and in Ayurveda it is known as Sapta dhatus, improper functioning of any one of these tissues will end up in health disorders. Thus this strategy intends in bringing perfect balance in the tissues.
  4. Treatment that is hostile to ailment (Chikitsa rukpratikriya): Ayurvedic remedies are absolutely natural and are always on the warfront against the disease that has affected an individual. At the same time, the Ayurvedic Physician will prescribe only those Ayurvedic medications that would suit your individual body type after analyzing it during your first Ayurvedic consultation.
  5. Treating the health disorder at the preliminary phase (Chayaeva jayeddosha): Ayurveda trusts that the treatment or the remedial measure of an illness should always be started in the initial stage of the disease. This helps in preventing the other parts of the body from being affected from the severity of existing disorder, especially when the illness is an autoimmune disorder (Rheumatoid Arthritis) that mistakenly affects all the healthy tissues of the body.
  6. Agitating pathogenesis (Samprapti vighatana): Ayurvedic experts even before thousands of years have known the fact the pathogenesis is highly dangerous, being the mechanism by which the illness is actually caused. Inflammation, infection due to microbes, breakdown of tissues, malignancy etc, fall under pathogenetical illness. By disrupting pathogenesis, Ayurvedic treatment stops the harmful microbes or malignant elements to spread and destroy the entire body.
  7. Controlling the mind and body (Aatmanigraha, Satvavajaya): Keeping the mind and body in control is the best way to lead a harmonious life. Yoga, meditation, simple physical exercises, nutritious diet and Ayurvedic massage with Ayurvedic essential oils can enrich your senses, help you retain your shape, proffer absolute peace to the mind and contribute to your well-being.
  8. Treatment through similarity and dissimilarity (Saamanya and Vishesha Siddhantha): Most of the diseases are treated by following the principle of similarity and dissimilarity based upon the medicine, food, body and few other aspects.

Ayurveda is a mighty ocean that had been sailed successfully by numerous skilled Ayurvedic practitioners, Gurus and Vaidyas. Each of these strategies involves attention for the individual rather than the disease which leads the contemporary medical science end up in vain many a times.

Thought for the day:

From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health.                                                                                        -Catalan Proverb

Suggested Reading:

  1. Textbook of Ayurveda, Volume One: Fundamental Principles by Vasant Lad
  2. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice, 1e by Sebastian Pole LicOHM AyurHC
  3. Basic Principles of Ayurveda by Dr. V.B. Athavale

Reference Links:

  1. Pathogenesis by Wikipedia
  2. Strategic Marketing Model For Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine by International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  3. Ayurveda by Indian Medicinal Plants

Ayurvedic Ways of Healing Heart Disorders

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. You can find the real truth of this verse if you take it close to your heart!!! Heart is one of the most vital human organs, not only because it propels oxygenated blood to the human body, but also propagates one of the most essential elixirs of human life to the humanity, which is LOVE & PEACE!!!! How difficult would it be to come across a problem with such a prodigious part of your body!!!! Even the simplest issue may lead to serious outbreaks if not treated properly. I’m not here to threaten you; rather I’m just trying to share some of the splendid ‘heart’ shielding systems of the stupendous scintillating science called as Ayurveda.

Before selecting the right treatment to proceed with, the most important thing that one should know is the root cause of the ailment that he/she suffers from. The top most imperative idea behind this fact is that it helps you to explore the depth of the treating process of an ailment and whether it progresses with the root cause rather than just momentarily moving with the ill effects of the illness. Heart diseases have become so common and the major root causes are listed below:

1. Stress – Drain the Strain from your Brain: Chronic stress is that one major contributor for heart problems for it plays a vital role in promoting hormonal alteration and biochemical retorts, which activates the cardiovascular disease and draws it under the deadly shadow of PRESSURE!! Stress is also a silent contributor to hypertension, poor eating habits, weakened digestion, slow elimination and increased cigarette smoking, which are all the major risk factors of heart diseases.

Ayurveda and Ayurvedic essential oils play an important role in dealing with the three types of stress a human body can experience namely Mental Stress, Emotional Stress & Physical Stress. Mental stress can be brought under control by managing the mental activities which is greatly induced by aromatherapy, meditation and an expert Ayurvedic massage therapy. Emotional stress can be kept at bay by undertaking an Ayurvedic pattern of daily diet which includes cup of warm milk with cooling rose petal, cardamom, garlic, onion, coriander, cilantro, mint etc. A simple self-massage with cooling oils like coconut oil can help you in the long run for managing a good night’s sleep, which is trusted to bring down your emotional stress. Physical stress can be pacified by taking the necessary rest and following moderate exercises, switching to a healthy Ayurvedic diet and a soothing Ayurvedic massage.

2. Ineffective Circulation – Try circulating it: One of the key sources of heart problems is ineffective circulation of blood, which is caused due to hardening, inflammation or congestion of the arteries. Ineffective circulation of blood can restrict blood flow as well as set excess pressure on the heart muscles and tissues. Some of the factors that greatly influence proper blood circulation and Ayurveda’s role in toning up these factors are:

  • Nutritious Food – Human’s Best Intake: The very first wealth a human should possess is health and the key technique of acquiring this wealth is the intake of nutritious food. There are certain food items that are heavier and clogging in nature. It affects blood circulation. Ayurveda suggests natural remedies in healing blood circulation issues. Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) is one such nature’s gift, which has some unique properties that help in strengthening the cardiac muscle, reducing arterial congestion and lowering blood pressure.
  • Digestion, Elimination, Metabolism – Three keys to better circulation: Digestion, Elimination and Metabolism are the three key processes that go hand in hand in harmonizing the process of circulation. The ability to digest is even more important than what is actually consumed. Even a nutritious food may turn notorious if the process of digestion is improper. Poor ability to digest may even turn the stalest food to toxic, which act as clogging impurities that find shelter in the vessel walls.
  • Elimination is that one process which when slows down makes the body to absorb the impurities. These impurities when absorbed not only clog the vessels but may even damage them!
  • Metabolism comes into effect in building the tissues properly and removing the waste products created by cells and tissues. There are many toxic waste products which possess the ability to damage vessel walls and one such product is free radical.

Ayurveda, as everybody knows is one source of enormous healing methodologies that provides complete solution for supporting systematic digestion, elimination and metabolism.

3. Daily Diet & Lovable Lifestyle – Live it!!! Love it: You can predict your future with the diet and lifestyle you follow. Yes, this is absolutely true since your diet and lifestyle frames the healthy structure of your body both internally & externally. A nourishing diet truly cherishes your body and if not taken in the right way it can exactly show its adverse effects.  Ingesting heart friendly herbs, spices and staples like garlic, turmeric, ginger, saffron, whole grains, pulses etc, can help you a long way prolifically.

4. Live right to lead right with a righteous lifestyle: Yoga – a simple systematic sibling of Ayurveda helps in stabilizing your body skillfully. One can follow practicing this wonderful tool, which can shape your lifestyle blissfully!!!

It is always good to remember that prevention is better than cure. No matter what the root cause is? It is only you who is responsible for all that happens to you!! Nature has blessed us with plenty of uncountable resources, which can be proved fruitful if utilized in the right way. Let us make use of the heart of Nature – Ayurveda to soothe the human heart.

Thought for the day:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.                                                            –Helen Keller 

Suggested Reading:

  1.  AYURVEDA FOR CORONARY HEART DISEASE by Dr.Shashikant Patwardhan
  2. Textbook of Ayurveda, Volume One: Fundamental Principles by Vasant Lad
  3. The Digestive System and the Process of Nutrition in Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medicine by C. Scott Ryan

Reference Links:

  1. Ayurvedic Treatment For Heart Diseases by Ayurveda For You
  2. The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach To Cardiovascular by Authentic Ayurveda Health Spa – The Raj
  3. Ayurveda Approach To Treating Stress by Holistic Healing