Cypress Oil

“Cypress allows the mind to collect itself and takes people out of sorrow and depression; it regulates female hormones and helps with ovarian cysts”, says Light Miller and Bryan Miller in their book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy.

Cypress-bannerHaving its uses inscribed in the Holy Bible, Cypress essential oil has been used by mankind for more than 4,000 years. Though associated with death and underworld, this tree is known for regenerating the inner soul.

Botanically known as Cupressus sempervirens, Cypress trees bear the Eastern Mediterranean region as their native. As the Greek name Sempervirens means ‘ever living’, Cypress trees are found to be ever living with the oldest known as Sarv-e-Abarkooh being found in Iran’s Yazd Province that is estimated to be of approximately 4,000 years old.

Extracted from the needles and twigs of Cupressus Sempervirens, Cypress essential oil has plenty of reasons to be celebrated as one of the ancient bliss of mankind. It is used in Ayurveda for treating various ailments like cardiovascular problems, cellulites, varicose veins, menstrual problems, cold and other respiratory illnesses.

Purchase Cypress Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Cypress Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Cypress and its essential oil:

Having mentioned in the Bible as a valuable medical aid for strengthening oneself mentally and physically, Cypress essential oil captures a remarkable position in the list of natural medications.

As quoted in the Bible on Isaiah 44: 14, the verse ‘He heweth him down cedars, and taketh the Cypress and the oak, which he strengtheneth for himself among the trees of the forest: he planteth an ash, and the rain doth nourish it‘ is just enough to sing the glorious history of Cypress.

The wood of Cupressus sempervirens were used in the primordial times for building ships, houses and for making furniture. The doors of the ancient church ‘St. Peter’s Basilica’ in Vatican City is made of Cypress woods. Some of the valuable sources state that the ever-living property of this tree led the Egyptians to make coffin out of Cypress woods and the Greeks to make statues of God. Some Biblical scholars even state that the cross of Jesus Christ has been made of Cypress wood.

Indigenous to Cyprus Island, Cypress trees were initially worshipped as an earthly symbol of the Goddess Beruth. This tree signifies immortality and death in ancient art and literature and is often correlated with meditation and reflection.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine prescribed Cypress for treating hemorrhoids. The significant aroma of this tree is said to grant mental clarity and the cones were used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for curing bleeding gums and other oral problems.

Cypress and its essential oil have been used since ancient times mainly to treat various illnesses associated with the circulatory system. It was also used in treating all types of common diseases ranging from cold, cough, skin diseases and hair loss problems to inflammation in the internal and external parts of the body.

The essential oil of Cypress was also used as an effective perfume agent that spreads the sweet memories of a lovely surrounding. It is for this cause, Cypress and its essential oil are always used in religious rituals and in mourning ceremonies where its healing attributes is believed to calm the mind, strengthen it and assist one in recovering quickly from losses.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Cypress oil:

Cypress essential oil contains various chemical components, the majority of which are a-pinene, delta carene and limonene. The other constituents include sesquiterpene, a-terpinene, sabinene, carvone, 4-terpinol, b-cymene, carveol, cedrol, a-thugene and santene.

Contrary to its depiction as a symbol of mourning, Cypress essential oil has a handful of health benefits with its astringent, antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, firming, anti-seborrheic, anti-dandruff, anti-aging, antioxidant, aromatic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic, vasoconstricting, mucolytic, fluid retention, decongestant, sedative, hepatic and haemostatic properties.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Cypress Oil:

Celebrated as one of the 12 sacred oils of Bible, Cypress is also known as one of the oldest trees on earth. It is also used in Ayurvedic healing in the treatment of numerous health disorders for more than 4,000 years.

Ayurveda is held high as the oldest healing system and is adorably called as the mother of all healing sciences including the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Siddha, Unani, Acupuncture and Chiropractic.

Ayurveda firmly states that all things on earth are a part of nature and nature is made up of five vital elements namely fire, water, earth, space and air. Perfect health symbolizes perfect balance of the human body with nature and illnesses occur when there is imbalance with nature.

Every individual is unique according to Ayurveda with a distinct individual constitution comprising of three biological energies known as doshas. These doshas are nothing but a representation of the five vital elements.

Vata dosha represents air and space, pitta dosha stands for fire and water and kapha symbolizes water and earth. Just like nature, human body is also made up of five elements where earth is the physical structure of the body, fire is the force supporting body temperature and metabolism, water is the blood and other vital fluids, air is what we breathe and space is the soul that rests within us.

Every person has a predominance of any one of these doshas and it determines the personality, character and behavioral attributes. Balance between these doshas represents health and heartiness and imbalance causes sickness.

Ayurvedic remedies like essential oils, herbs, healthy balanced diet, yoga, prayer, meditation and Ayurvedic routine progresses towards striking balance between these doshas.

Cypress essential oil is said to lessen increased kapha and vata dosha and pacifies pitta dosha.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Cypress oil are:

Cypress broucher1. Alleviates respiratory ailments:

As a natural tonic for smooth respiration, Cypress essential oil is effective in curing various respiratory illnesses like whooping cough, spasmodic coughs, cold, flu, sore throat, emphysema, influenza and bronchitis.

The explicit antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and decongestant properties of this oil greatly attribute in toning up the respiratory system by freeing it from infectious microbes and increase the effectiveness of the lungs simultaneously.

A 2012 study on the chemical composition and antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Cypress essential oil states that it fights actively against infectious microbes like Pseudomonas aeruginosa,  Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Halomonas elongate and Salmonella typhimurium and thus it can be readily used as an antimicrobial and antioxidant agent.

2 to 3 drops of Cypress oil added to warm bathing water or in steam inhalation assists in loosening heavy mucus and phlegm deposits in the nasal passages and respiratory tract.

Adding 1 drop of Cypress oil with cold rubs or ointments and massaging it gently on your chest, throat and back followed by steam inhalation helps in treating cough, cold, sore throat and flu by reducing the inflammation and irritation caused due to infection.

2. Enhances the human circulatory system:

Cypress essential oil is an exuberant natural medication that enriches the human circulatory system and helps in its better functioning. It is held high as one of the most commonly used essential oils for the circulatory system.

Cypress essential oil helps in improving circulation by strengthening the blood vessels and capillaries. Good circulation results in the supply of nutrients to the entire body, hormonal balance, a stabilized body temperature and a good immune system.

Few of the complicated diseases like cardiovascular problems and hypertension can be kept away with proper blood circulation.

Massaging your body with 6 drops of Cypress oil blended with 5ml of coconut oil can help in treating a variety of circulation problems like low blood pressure, hemorrhoids, hair loss, varicose veins and hormonal imbalances.

Regular massaging has been proved effective in treating baldness, curing broken capillaries and checking the proper functioning of blood vessels.

3.  Controls inflammation:

Inflammation in the muscles, veins, capillaries and blood vessels causes pain and irregular flow of blood to various organs of the body. Being an anti-inflammatory agent Cypress essential oil effectively reduces the inflammation in various parts of the body.

Adding 2 drops of Cypress oil in warm bathing water or in massaging blend can help in the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, muscular pain and inflammation of the respiratory system.

4. Helps in tightening the human cells:

Aging symptoms force most of the people to lose their beauty and confidence gradually. Cypress essential oil is a wonderful astringent that helps in strengthening and tightening the human cells, the outcome of which is strong gums and teeth, less hair fall, youthful skin and it also aids in retaining perfect structure.

2 drops of Cypress oil blended with mild skin care cream or 1 ml of virgin olive oil and massaged slowly into the skin in circular motion helps in tightening the sluggish, wrinkled and lifeless skin.

This property also assists in contracting blood vessels to prevent loss of blood and promotes blood clotting. Cypress essential oil is also found to be effective in treating nose bleeds and other severe wounds that result in huge blood loss.

5. Helps in getting rid of excess fluid in the body:

Human body comprises of more than 50% of water and appropriate level of fluid in the body determines active functioning of the system. Excess water content might lead to obesity, sluggishness, swelling, rheumatism and respiratory problems.

Being diuretic in nature, Cypress essential oil helps in eliminating the toxic substances such as acid, urea, salts and excess fluid by increasing the frequency and quantity of urine. Less urination results in accumulation of toxins in the body and might lead to increased cholesterol level, malfunctioning of kidneys and rise in blood pressure.

Cypress essential oil is often recommended to treat problems with kidneys and high blood pressure. It is also a sudorific and helps in excreting the toxins from the body in the form of sweat and perspiration by opening up the sweat glands. It was used in folklore medicine for treating rheumatism, cold, swelling in the legs, diarrhea, acne and few other skin problems.

Gently massaging the foot sole or the affected parts of the body with 2 to 3 drops of Cypress oil mixed with 1 ml of sesame oil or adding 2 drops of Cypress oil in warm bathing water can help in discharging excess water deposits, toxic substances and promote urination and sweating.

6. Heals wounds quickly:

Infectious microbes play a major role in making wounds septic. Cypress essential oil is an excellent antiseptic and antibacterial agent that fights against the disease causing micro-organisms and help in quick healing of wounds. It is for this reason that Cypress oil is often used in making antiseptic ointments, creams, lotions and hair care products. Mix 1 drop of Cypress oil with 10 drops of coconut oil and apply it topically for treating external wounds.

7. Aids womanly problems:

Cypress essential oil plays a prominent role in helping woman to get rid problems associated with menstruation and menopause. Add 2 drops of Cypress oil with 1 ml of sesame oil and massage it on your lower abdomen treating menstrual pain, heavy blood flow, irregular periods, mood swings and anxiety.

With its unique healing properties, this natural massage regulates the blood flow in the pelvic area thus relieving blocked menstruation and regularizing hormonal imbalances. The pacifying aroma of Cypress oil also aids in relaxing the mind and calming the soul.

8. Calms the mind and results in inner peace:

Cypress essential oil acts as a sturdy support that makes you stronger both mentally and physically. It relaxes the nervous system and makes you calm during times of anger, anxiety, abandonment and fear. It makes you feel mentally strong and helps to recover from heavy losses.

For these immortal values, Cypress essential oil remains as a symbol of mourning since ancient times. To sense the touch of absolute peace and sacredness, add 2 drops of Cypress oil to your diffuser, vaporizer or burner during any time of the day.

Other health benefits of Cypress Oil:

Few sources state that Cypress oil has hepatic properties that help in proper functioning of the liver by regulating its production of enzymes. It cleanses the liver and frees it from toxins thus helping in the treatment of jaundice, indigestion and other liver problems.

Cypress oil is well known for its aroma and is used in perfume industry to make perfumes, deodorants, room fresheners, soaps and beauty care products. With its antimicrobial properties, it is also used in making powerful insect repellents.


This article is for educational purpose only and is not meant for treatment or for replacing any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never use essential oils internally and also dilute essential oils before using it topically as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances that can cause harm if used directly on the skin. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the right essential oils for your unique health condition and individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

The poetry of the earth is never dead. – John Keats

Suggested Reading:

  1. HEALING POWERS OF CYPRESS OIL (The Aromatherapy Professional: Healing with Essential Oils) by KG Stiles
  2. The Cypress Tree by Kamin Mohammadi
  3. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: How to Use Essential Oils for Beauty, Health, and Spirituality by Gregory Lee White
  4. Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit: Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils by Gabriel Mojay
  5. Aromatherapy for Women: A Practical Guide to Essential Oils for Health and Beauty by Maggie Tisserand

Reference Links:

  1. Cupressus Sempervirens by Wikipedia
  2. Chemical composition of Cupressus sempervirens published in PubMed.
  3. Study on the Chemical Composition, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Cupressus sempervirens published in the Journal of Agricultural Science.
  4. 120 Uses of the twelve oils of ancient scripture by Sharing Great Health Inc.

Davana Oil

Davana-bannerDavana is imported worldwide for its sweet fragrance and illustrious medicinal values and is used to glorify the idol of Lord Shiva in India. Botanically known as Artemisia pallens, Davana is a member of the daisy family, Asteraceae. Regionally called as davanam in Tamil and Davana in Kannada, this fragrant herb is indigenous to the southern parts of the Indian subcontinent.

The essential oil of Davana is extracted from the stem and leaves of this herb by steam distillation method. It is widely used in Ayurveda in the treatment of mental disorders, nervous problems, depression, cough, cold, measles, infections, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Purchase Davana Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Davana and its essential oil:

Having its roots deeply set in the religious traditions of the Indian Culture, Davana essential oil has an extensive application all over the world. It was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicinal formulations as an aphrodisiac and mood elevator. Davana was a part of the Indian folklore medicine for treating diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure.

With much regional importance, Davana essential oil gained global attention only in the mid of the 20th century after which it has earned a special spot in the hearts of perfumers’ and flavorists’, particularly in United States and Japan where it is a flavor ingredient for bakery, tobacco and beverage products.

The flowers, stem and leaves of this plant are used as an effective antiseptic and disinfectant for quick treatment of wounds, cuts and infectious ailments such as cough, cold, measles etc. Davana essential oil has also been a part of other Complementary and Alternative medicinal practices like Unani and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Davana oil:

Davana essential oil comprises of davanone, a major sesquiterpene ketone and other essential components such as linalool, dehydro-a-linalool, terpinen-4 oil, isodavanone, nordavanone, davanafurans, methyl cinnamate, ethyl cinnamate, bicyclogermacrene, davana ether, 2-hydroxyisodavanone, and farnesol. All these compounds of Davana oil attribute to its unique aroma and its medicinal values.

Well recognized as a herb of sacred values, Davana essential oil benefits mankind with its anti-depressant, aromatic, antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antispasmodic, decongestant, disinfectant, emmenagogue, anthelmintic, stomachic, hypotensive, antioxidant, expectorant, relaxant, vulnerary, aphrodisiac, nervine and mucolytic properties.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Davana Oil:

Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that has its origin in India, the land of tradition and the world’s oldest history for more than 5,000 years. Just like this ancient remedial science, Davana herb also has its nativity vested in India and never fails in treating illnesses with its remedial aroma.

Ayurveda suggests natural remedies for treating mankind as it believes that everything is a part of nature and Mother Nature has innate medicines for healing health disorders. An individual is said to be healthy when his/her mind, body and soul are in perfect balance with nature. Illness according to Ayurveda is an opportunity to explore, restore and re-establish absolute health and strike balance with nature.

Just as nature, human body is also made up of five vital elements namely fire, water, earth, air and space, built in the form of three vital biological energies known as doshas. They are kapha, vata and pitta doshas. The predominance of any one of these doshas determines the personality, character and behavioral attributes of a person and balance between these doshas stand for health and heartiness.

Ayurvedic healing starts with the identification of the unique individual constitution that helps in determining doshic qualities, mental and physical attributes of an individual. Ayurveda does not follow the ‘one size fits all’ healing methodology as it trusts that every human being is unique in nature and the remedies for their illnesses should also be unique as per their constitution.

The nobility of Ayurveda rests in treating the root cause of an illness instead of curing its symptoms alone. By treating the actual underlying cause, Ayurveda helps in preventing such illnesses in the future and paves way for longevity through healthy aging. The most predominant Ayurvedic remedies are herbs, essential oils, meditation, yoga, physical exercises, healthy lifestyle, prayers and an Ayurvedic routine.

Davana essential oil is said to pacify vata and kapha imbalances and has a neutral effect on pitta dosha.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Davana essential oil are:

Davana-broucher-new1. A remarkable antiseptic to relieve you from infections:

Being a natural antiseptic with less toxicity, Davana essential oil is used to treat both internal and external infections. It destroys the micro organisms affecting the internal organs of the body like kidney, bladder, urethra and urinary tract, thus putting an end to sepsis, a fatal inflammation of the whole body.

A 2009 research on ‘The antimicrobial screening of Artemisia pallens’ published in the International Journal of PharmTech Research, USA states that the extracts from Artemisia pallens possess antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Bacillus cereus. Davana herb extracts and its essential oil have been used in Ayurvedic practices for healing wounds and deep abrasions quickly and to curb the spreading of infections to other parts of the body, which might otherwise result in tetanus.

Davana essential oil also has anti-viral property that strengthens your body’s immune system to effectively work against viral attacks. Having the ability to penetrate the protective layer of the virus called cyst, it kills viruses without a trace. Because of this attribute, it has been extensively used to treat viral infections such as cold, cough, influenza, measles etc.

The best way to use Davana oil for arresting the spread of infectious micro-organisms is in Abhyanga or the art of Ayurvedic massaging. Mix 5 drops of Davana oil with 3 ml of coconut oil and massage your body, followed by a warm bath with 2 drops of Davana oil diluted in bathing water. The therapeutic properties of this oil penetrate through the skin and start its healing mechanism. You can also mix 1 drop of Davana oil with 10 drops of olive oil and apply it on wounds and abrasions for quicker healing.

2. A trusted anti-depressant:

Widely used in the field of Ayurvedic aromatherapy for its anti-depressant properties, Davana essential oil actively engages in relaxing your nervous system and induces tranquility in the mind. As a medicinal herb that adorns the deity of Lord Shiva, it provokes divinity, spirituality, peaceful synergy and positive energy in every individual. Add 2 drops of Davana oil in warm bathing water or mix 6 drops of this oil with 3 ml of sesame oil and go for an energizing massage for treating depression and other mental woes.

Davana essential oil grants a soothing effect to the mind and body by effectively alleviating pressure in case of stress, anxiety and rejuvenates the mental health of those who feel depressed and lifeless. You can also add 2 drops of Davana oil to diffuser or burner and inhale it’s comforting fragrance, through which the aromatic molecules present in this oil pass through the nasal passages and reach the limbic system, the control center of human brain.

3. Alleviates female problems:

Nature has gifted humanity with some excellent medicines for treating complex womanly problems like menstrual difficulties, menopausal problems and emotional woes associated with such disorders. Davana essential oil is one such curative power, which with its emmenagogue property regulates the flow of blood in the uterus and pelvic area and releases blocked menstruation, resulting in a regular menstrual cycle.

Massaging your lower abdomen with 2 drops of Davana oil blended with 1ml of sesame oil can act as an effective remedy in treating menstrual spasms, pain in the abdominal area, fatigue, nausea, muscular cramps, restlessness and mood swings.

4. Relieves congestion and eases respiration:

Excess of kapha dosha along with viral and bacterial infections result in cough, cold, congestion and other respiratory illnesses. Severe infections may lead to deposits of mucus and phlegm in the upper respiratory tract and the lungs, causing respiratory disorders and breathing difficulties.

Davana essential oil is known to pacify excess kapha dosha with its decongestant and expectorant properties and helps in expelling heavy deposits of mucus and phlegm in the nasal passages and lungs by lubricating the respiratory tract. This oil also has antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and antimicrobial properties that destroy such harmful microbes causing respiratory problems.

Add 2 drops of Davana oil in steam inhalation for relieving from asthma, bronchitis, cough, cold, breathing difficulties, headache and respiratory spasms. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in vaporizing ointments or cold rubs and gently massage it on your chest, back and throat for effective relief.

5. Guards against skin infections and worms:

Being an antiseptic, Davana oil fights against infections and protects your skin from infection prone conditions such as acne, boils, pimples and even stretch marks. It is also vulnerary in nature and aids in speeding up the healing process of wounds and cuts. Mix 2 drops of Davana essential oil in your regular skin care cream or with 1 ml of jojoba oil and apply it on your skin for treating rough, dry and chapped skin. This oil also aids in stimulating the endocrine system.

Davana essential oil is further enriched with its anthelmintic and stomachic properties that fight against worm infestation caused by parasites such as round worms, whip worms, hookworms, thread worms, pin-worms and tape worms.

6. Supports a healthy atmosphere:

Excelling in its disinfectant properties, Davana essential oil can work wonders to purify your atmosphere. The fragrance of this medicated oil spread so quickly and kills the germs and microbes present in the air with its remedial qualities. Add 2 drops of Davana essential oil in fumigants, sprays or vaporizers for fresh and germ-free environment.

7. A relaxant to treat your aftershocks:

Davana essential oil has anti-inflammatory and relaxant properties that effortlessly relaxes the contractions in muscles, blood vessels and also calms down the brain and your nervous system. Massaging your body with 5 drops of Davana oil blended with 2.5 ml of almond oil assists in rejuvenating the nervous system and grants absolute solace. It acts best in inducing mental peace and helps in recovering from after effects of shocks, trauma, heavy medications and treatments, disappointments, failures etc.

8. Matchless natural perfume:

Davana essential oil stands unique in the field of perfume industry for its fragrance differs with the uniqueness of the individual thus making each one special in their own way. A single plant can scent the entire garden. Hence it is used in the manufacture of high quality perfumes and cosmetics and also in food industries, flavoring tobacco, pastries and some beverages.

Other health benefits of Davana Oil:

As per a 1996 research published in Pubmed, Davana essential oil is said to lower glucose level in the blood thereby helpful in treating diabetes mellitus. A 2011 study on the antioxidant property of Artemisia pallens states that it possesses antioxidant properties due to the presence of phenols that effectively reduce the risk of chronic diseases, cardiovascular disorders and cancer.

This oil also has mild insect repellant property. Aromatherapists use Davana oil for its antispasmodic properties in treating spasms and pains. It is used in manufacturing vaporizers, disinfecting sprays and room fresheners. The Davana flowers represent a symbol of tradition and are used in making garlands, floral decorations, bouquets and also for various other religious rituals and customs.


This article is only for the purpose of information and is not meant to diagnose or replace any professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Never use essential oils internally. Always remember to dilute essential oils before topical usage, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause skin irritation or other side effects if used in an undiluted form. Always consult your Ayurvedic expert before using the right essential oils for your health condition and unique individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. -Martin Luther

Suggested Reading:

  1. Artemisia (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) by Colin W. Wright
  2. Dying to Look Good by Christine Hoza Farlow
  3. Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils by LaRee Westover
  4. Davana and its cultivation in India (Farm bulletin) by M. R Narayana
  5. Therapeutic Blending With Essential Oil: Decoding the Healing Matrix of Aromatherapy by Rebecca Park Totilo

Reference Links:

  1. Artemisia pallens by Wikipedia.
  2. Influence of plant growth stage on the essential oil content and composition in Davana (Artemisia pallens wall.) published in Pubmed.
  3. Antimicrobial Screening of Medicinal Plant – Artemisia pallens by the Department of Chemistry, S.P. College, Pune, India.
  4. Study on Effects of Artemisia pallens Wall. on blood glucose levels in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats by Division of Ethnopharmacology, Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Kerala, India published in PubMed.

Frankincense Oil

Frankinsence-banenrRepresented as an ‘Emblem of Prayer’, Frankincense is yet another Biblical oil that brings you close to heaven by appeasing your mind, relieving your pain, strengthening your positive emotions and implanting enormous beauty benefits.

Extracted from the gum or resin of Boswellia frereana tree by steam distillation, Frankincense essential oil is often held high for its power to spread health and heartiness in a magic of minutes, just like that.

Ayurveda quotes the use of Frankincense as ‘dhoopan’, and burning Frankincense everyday in homes is trusted to bring good health in Indian culture.

Known as ‘Dhoop’ in Sanskrit, Frankincense and its essential oil have been used for more than thousands of years in Ayurvedic healing in the treatment of respiratory illnesses, arthritis, weak female hormone system, rheumatism, skin infections, wounds, womanly problems and for cleansing the air.

Purchase Frankincense Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Frankincense Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Frankincense and its essential oil:

Frankincense is represented as a ‘symbol of the divine aroma’ and as an ‘emblem of prayer’ in various chapters of the Bible including Psalm 141:2; Luke 1:10 and Revelation 5:8, 8:3. Best known as one of the three gifts gifted to Infant Jesus by the wise men, the existence of Frankincense dates back even before the birth of Jesus Christ. Given the credit of the most spiritual oil of the Middle East, it has flawless healing benefits with an inbound immaculate aroma.

People of all religions consider Frankincense as a symbol of sacredness and it is witnessed with the presence of this mesmerizing fragrance in various religious ceremonies. Frankincense is an important symbol of trading carried out in Arabian Peninsula and North Africa for more than 5000 years ago that the temples of the ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut are adorned by murals depicting sacks of Frankincense traded from the land of Punt.

Prepared from the resin of Frankincense or olibanum trees by steam distillation method, this oil is a part of the traditional medicinal system including Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and in certain other folklore remedies in treating wounds, arthritis, digestive disorders, rheumatism, and weak immune system and in promoting healthy skin.

Frankincense has its name etched in Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder. The renowned book on ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ by Bryan Miller and Light Miller quotes the use of Frankincense since ages as “Clay tablets, revealed that, in Babylon, 57,000 pounds of Frankincense were burned every year.” It also says that about 60 tons of this aromatic resin was used in the annual feast of the God Baal in the Assyrian civilization.

Since ancient times, Frankincense is burnt in homes for keeping away from insects, cleansing the atmosphere, warding off sickness and evil spirits and to help reach one’s prayers to the Divine. This holy herbal medicine is burnt even today in numerous Indian homes during the dusk to fulfill their special prayers and guard against bad spirits and harmful insects.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report of Frankincense oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Frankincense oil consists of 9 major chemical components that contribute to its unique fragrance, therapeutic properties and quality.

Just click on:

For learning more about the extensive information of these chief constituents of Frankincense oil.

Alpha-thujene is the predominant constituent of Frankincense with about 53 % area.

The table below on the Gas Chromatography report talks about the principal chemical constituents and its role in granting the therapeutic and other attributes to Frankincense oil.

Frankincense-OilStudies on the chemical composition of Frankincense oil reveal that it contains monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes such as a-pinene, b-pinene, isoterpenolene, a-phellandrene, b-phellandrene, sabinene, linalool, octanol, octyl acetate, bornyl acetate, incensole and incensyl acetate in different ratios depending upon the species of the Boswellia trees from which the resins are obtained.

Therapeutic properties of Frankincense oil:

Frankincense oil is commonly used for its aromatic, antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, immune stimulant, disinfectant, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, sedative, tonic, uterine, vulnerary and expectorant properties.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Frankincense Oil:

Ayurveda is an ancient healing science that focuses on longevity and healthy aging through prevention of diseases and a balanced lifestyle that assists in being in harmony with nature.

Ayurvedic healing methodologies were strongly implanted to the human civilization by the powerful Ayurvedic encyclopedias namely Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.

Charaka Samhita enlightens Ayurveda as a discipline that heals the mind, body and soul and says, “The three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.”

With this thought, Ayurveda regards human body as a temple, where the spirit dwells in and keeping the mind and body clean without any physical illnesses or mental chaos is the way to harmonious living.

The science of Ayurveda rests on the principle of five elements of nature namely fire, water, earth, air and space. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, everything in the universe is a part of nature and contains all these five elements in it.

Human body also consists of these elements in the form of biological energies known as doshas, in various forms so as to represent a unique individual constitution.

Vata dosha represents air and space and is responsible for circulation, nervous functions, respiration and movement. Kapha dosha is a combination of water and earth and is in charge of the structure of the body along with its sustenance. Pitta symbolizes fire and water and is responsible for body temperature and metabolic functions. Balance between these doshas indicates health and imbalance leads to illnesses.

Ayurveda recommends natural remedies like essential oils, herbs, yoga, physical exercises, healthy balanced diet, Ayurvedic routine, meditation and prayers in order to treat these doshic imbalances and treat the illnesses by analyzing its root cause instead of diagnosing its symptoms.

Frankincense is said to have a sattvic or cleansing effect on the mind as well as the nervous system. It assists in burning impurities in the subtle nerve channels. The essential oil of Frankincense clears excess kapha and pacifies vata and pitta doshas.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Frankincense essential oil are:

frankinsence-broucher1. Strengthens your immune system:

Frankincense essential oil is an exceptional gift of nature that serves as an antiseptic, disinfectant and immune stimulant. Just inhaling the invigorating aroma of this supreme oil by adding 2 drops of this oil to your burner or diffuser, helps build a protective aura around yourself and acts as a shield in fighting against germs and disease causing microorganisms.

A 2002 study on the chemistry and immunomodulatory activity of Frankincense oil conducted by the department of Pharmacognosy of Mansoura University, Egypt states that Frankincense oil exhibited immuno-stimulant activity in addition to its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti- leukotriene properties. This study encourages the utilization of Frankincense essential oil for several auto-immune disorders.

The number of leukocytes in the human body determines the strength of the immune system of an individual. Inhaling the fragrance or using Frankincense essential oil in a massage blend (5 drops of Frankincense oil added with 2.5 ml coconut oil) increases the production of leukocytes in the body with its cytophylactic property.

2. Fights against cancerous cells:

Frankincense essential oil has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, the attributes of monoterpenes that effectively helps in fighting against the cancerous tumors.

A 2012 research on Frankincense essential oil prepared from hydro distillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins has proved that this oil induces human pancreatic cancer cell death in cultures. It also reverses tumor growth in a heterotopic xenograft mouse tumor model. Studies have also reported that cultured human bladder and breast cancer cells are more sensitive to Frankincense essential oil and yield good results.

3. Pacifies your digestive system:

As a very good source of β-phellandrene and α-pinene, Frankincense essential oil acts as an effective carminative and helps in preventing and expelling the formation of gas in the stomach and intestines. It also acts as a natural antacid and promotes the secretion of bile and other digestive juices.

Mix 2 drops of Frankincense oil with 1 ml sesame oil and massage this blend on your abdomen for relieving flatulence, constipation and other gastro-intestinal problems including stomach pain, feelings of discomfort in the chest and abdominal area.

4. Combats oral infections:

The antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties of Frankincense oil acts as a defensive shield that protects one from germs, bacteria, pathogens and fungi. This defensive mechanism of Frankincense essential oil makes its presence vital in making dental care products like toothpaste, mouthwash, mouth freshener etc.

Add 1 drop of Frankincense oil in a cup of warm water and use it as a natural gargle to keep away from oral problems like toothache, bad breath, cavities, mouth sores and few other oral infections.

5. Pampers your skin health:

Frankincense essential oil often evolves as a perfect rescuer in case of skin problems as it acts as an effective astringent, which helps in retrieving its natural beauty. This oil works on wrinkles and other aging symptoms with its ability to shrink the body tissues and bring it back to its original shape and assist in tightening the skin.

As a cicatrisant, it helps in the formation of scar tissue and yields excellent results in treating scars, fading the after marks of acne, pimples, boils, pox, stretch marks and fat cracks due to pregnancy and childbirth. Add 2 drops of Frankincense essential oil with 1 ml of jojoba oil or to your regular skin care cream and apply it in circular movements to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, marks and micro-wrinkles around the eyes and cheeks.

As an anti-aging agent it helps in the regeneration of healthy cells while keeping the existing ones healthy. Because of its firming and toning activity it strengthens the gums and hair roots and contracts the muscles, intestines and blood vessels that loosen with aging. Frankincense oil acts as a coagulant and helps in preventing blood loss in case of wounds and cuts. It also assists in healing wounds and other skin infections speedily.

6. Helps treat womanly problems:

Frankincense oil acts as an emmenagogue that stimulates the flow of blood in the pelvic area and the uterus, thus regulating the menstrual cycle and functions of the female reproductive system.

It is also uterine in nature and regulates the secretion of estrogen hormone in the appropriate level, thus reducing the risk of cyst formation or uterine cancer in women.

Add 2 to 3 drops of Frankincense essential oil with 1 ml of Evening primrose oil and massage it slowly on your lower abdomen for relieving problems associated with menstruation like abdominal pain, nausea, digestive disorders, restlessness and mood swings. You can also add 2 drops of Frankincense oil in warm bathing water for calming your nerves and promoting peaceful sleep.

7. Relieves respiratory illnesses:

Stagnation of water, toxic substances and infectious micro-organisms in the body pave way for respiratory problems. This is mainly due to excess of kapha dosha and Frankincense essential oil lessens excess kapha.

This oil also has antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that protect one from infectious microbes and helps reduce phlegm deposits in the respiratory tract and inflammation of the nasal and respiratory passages.

2 drops of Frankincense oil added to steam inhalation or mixed with vaporub and applied on the chest, back and throat aids in easing cough, cold, bronchitis, laryngitis, breathing difficulties, asthma and certain other respiratory ailments.

8. Helps in fighting against arthritis:

Frankincense oil has been used since ancient times to treat arthritis, rheumatism and muscular pain. With its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and kapha reducing qualities, this oil also aids in eliminating excess water deposits, salt, uric acid and toxic substances in the body causing pain, swelling and inflammation.

A valuable source states that this oil possesses potent anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic effect that actively treats arthritis, osteo arthritis and pain in muscular joints. Mix 4 drops of Frankincense oil with 2 ml of coconut oil and massage it gently on the painful area or you can also add 2 to 3 drops of this oil to hot compress for quick relief.

9. Alleviates stress and anxiety:

Frankincense essential oil awakens insight, soothes anxiety and frees one from all sorts of worldly pressure that affect the mind and the body. Various studies have proved that incensole acetate in Frankincense oil is an effective anti- depressant and reduces abnormal behaviors due to anger, stress and anxiety.

Adding 2 drops of Frankincense oil in your vaporizer, burner or diffuser assists in attaining spiritual enhancement that balances the mind, body and soul to experience eternal happiness. This healing effect can also be attributed to the presence of carbon based compounds like sesquiterpenes that directly act on the limbic system, known as the control center of the human brain.

Other health benefits:

Frankincense essential oil is also used in the manufacture of soaps, disinfectant cleansers, incense sticks, cosmetics, perfumes, body lotions, oral hygiene products and much more.


This article is for the purpose of education only and is not intended for treatment or for replacing any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never take essential oils for internal use and always use externally in a diluted manner, as organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause allergic reactions if used directly on the skin.

Always consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the appropriate essential oil for your unique individual constitution and health condition.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Frankincense oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and healthier usage.

Gas Chromatography Report of Frankincense oil.

Thought for the day:

To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.
-Beverley Nichols

Suggested Reading:

  1. Frankincense & Myrrh by Martin Watt, Wanda Sellar
  2. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha
  3. Fragrance & Wellbeing: Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche by Jennifer Peace Rhind
  4. Holistic Cancer Protocols with Essential Oils by Dr. Deborah McFarland

Reference Links:

  1. Frankincense by Wikipedia
  2. Frankincense in Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Vishnu Dass, Ayurvedic Herbology
  3. Chemistry and Immunomodulatory Activity of Frankincense Oil by Botros R. Mikhaeil, Galal T. Maatooq, Farid A. Badria, and Mohamed M. A. Amer Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt, published in Naturforsch
  4. Frankincense essential oil prepared from hydrodistillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins induces human pancreatic cancer cell death in cultures and in a xenograft murine model, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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