Spearmint Essential Oil

Spear-mint-bannerA refreshing, tasty, enriching and minty Spearmint gum has the potential to turn over a new leaf on your dull depressing day. Just the aroma of Spearmint is not responsible for this revolution but this cool herb has enormous health benefits that energize your system and revitalize your brain functions. Scientifically known as Mentha spicata, this herb belongs to the mint family Lamiaceae.

Spearmint is an excellent cooling diuretic that has the potent to reduce the heat in the body due to fever and inflammatory conditions. It’s proven pharmacological effects and enormous cooling values, gently cools the liver and protects from chronic health conditions like inflamed liver.

Popularly known for its culinary and traditional medicinal uses, the essential oil extracted from the leaves of Spearmint plays a vital role in Ayurvedic medicine where this herb was locally known as Putiha and Pahari Putida. It has been in use for more than hundreds of years as a trusted carminative for treating digestive disorders, morning sickness in pregnant women and colic in infants.

Purchase Spearmint Essential Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

Purchase Spearmint Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Spearmint and its essential oil:

This herb and its essential oil has been used in almost all the oldest traditions of the world including Ayurvedic medicine, Biblical healing, Chinese medicine, Greek mythology and the European healing system.

The antique cities of historical importance like Greece, Rome and Egypt have recorded the use of Spearmint as a natural fragrance agent for the body, digestive aid for treating gastrointestinal disorders, natural remedy for sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, as a sedative for treating insomnia and other sleeping disorders, for treating bad breath and dandruff. The most popular use of Spearmint oil was that it was used in baths for its cooling and refreshing properties.

Spearmint was used in the Ayurvedic healing system for treating fever, bronchitis, pain and other digestive ailments. The European medicinal practices made use of this herb for enhancing memory power and cognitive performance.

Known as ‘Yerba Buena’ in the primordial Mexican culture, Spearmint was a natural remedy for handling menstrual cramps, vomiting, flatulence and indigestion. The milder effects of this herb made its use preferable for children than the Peppermint herb.

Biblical texts talk about the effectiveness of Spearmint for treating severe headaches. Spearmint is an important ingredient of the herbal tea known as ‘Zahraa’ according to the ancient Unani medicine. This tea is widely consumed in Syria and Damascus for its stimulating and uplifting values.

A popular research by the Latin American medicine system proved that the Latino children had a stronger preference towards Spearmint than Peppermint and it was used as a natural expectorant for treating common cold and cough.

The modern Western medicine also used Spearmint essential oil as a flavoring agent in chewing gums, candies, toothpaste, mouthwash, soaps, teeth whiteners and certain other personal hygiene products.

This herb is also used in treating common cold, nasal congestion, motion sickness, influenza, irritable bowel syndrome, colic and few other respiratory problems.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Spearmint essential oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Spearmint essential oil constitutes of 3 chemical components that contribute to its unique fragrance, remedial properties and quality. Spearmint oil is enriched with about 69.1% of Carvone constituent.

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For learning more about the detailed information of these key constituents of Spearmint oil.

The table below on the Gas Chromatography report talks about the principal chemical constituents and its role in granting the therapeutic and other attributes to Spearmint oil.

Spearmint-OilTherapeutic properties of Spearmint essential oil:

This oil has antispasmodic, carminative, stimulant, antiseptic, emmenagogue, restorative, cephalic, decongestant, insecticide, disinfectant, diuretic, sedative, anesthetic and expectorant properties.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Spearmint essential oil:

Ayurveda is celebrated all over the world for its simple and easy to tag on medicinal practices. This spiritual healing methodology trusts that human body is a temple where the eternal spirit lives within. It is because of this trust Ayurvedic healing encompasses physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellness when dealing with the health of humanity.

Every individual on this earth is unique according to Ayurveda and it strongly says that every one of us are made with a specific set of 3 vital energies known as doshas.

The predominance of any one of these 3 doshas determines the physical balance, emotional stability and the behavioral traits of an individual. It is for this reason Ayurveda prescribes specific medications that is suitable for an individual and not for the illness as such.

The most predominant Ayurvedic remedies include Ayurvedic essential oils, yoga, Pranayama or the art of balanced breathing, meditation, herbs, herbal decoctions and certain other Ayurvedic techniques including Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massaging, Panchakarma or the Ayurvedic detox technique, Dinacharya or Ayurvedic routine etc.,

Ayurvedic physicians generally prescribe medications that are specific to the health condition and the unique individual constitution of a person. These remedies along with the disciplined Ayurvedic lifestyle practices aim at striking perfect balance between these doshas and with Nature.

With its cooling and stimulating properties, Spearmint essential oil benefits the Pitta and Kapha predominant individuals.

Let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic healing benefits of Spearmint essential oil according to their prescribed uses:

Spearmint-broucher1. Excellent oil for treating fever, cold and respiratory disorders:

Spearmint oil has the power to pacify excess pitta that is responsible for body temperature, inflammatory conditions and heated emotions like anger, rage and irritation.

With its febrifuge, spasmolytic, antitussive, diaphoretic, cough suppressant, antiviral, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties, Spearmint is a champion oil in treating fever, chronic cough, chest congestion, breathing difficulties, bronchial congestion and headache.

For its fever-reducing attribute, Spearmint is called as Jwarahara in Ayurveda. The antiviral properties of this oil assist in arresting the spreading of harmful viral organisms and preventing its growth, which is responsible for flu and fever.

When compared to Peppermint oil, Spearmint oil has a lesser Menthol component and is considered safe for children as well. Inhaling the restorative aroma of this oil aids in opening the blocked nasal passages. Massaging your foot soles with 2 drops of Spearmint oil blended with 10 drops of coconut oil can assist in reducing the body temperature.

Using 2 drops of this oil in steam inhalation is said to grant considerable relief from headache, nausea, nervous conditions, flu, fever, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, congestion, cough, migraines and breathing problems.

2. Excellent relaxant that can help in alleviating muscular tension and stress related conditions:

For immediate relief from fatigue, fever and muscular pain, add 2 to 3 drops of Spearmint oil to your bath tub. This warm and soothing bath encourages relaxation, soothes your tensed muscles and nerves.

The cooling and encouraging aroma of Spearmint can support in lessening fear, anxiety, fatigue, nervous afflictions and tensed muscles, especially after workouts.

3. Promotes estrogen secretion and aids in treating menstrual mayhems:

Spearmint oil has the power to promote the estrogen secretion and support in fostering delayed or blocked menses. Menstrual difficulties are often associated with hormonal fluctuations, especially the female hormone estrogen.

With its abortifacient and emmenagogue properties, Spearmint oil does the magic for you by treating abdominal pains, menstrual cramps and blocked menstruation.

A 2007 study on ‘Effect of Spearmint Teas on Androgen Levels in Women with Hirsutism’ have concluded that Spearmint can be a potent substitute anti-androgenic treatment in cases of mild Hirsutism.

Massaging the affected parts with 4 drops of Spearmint essential oil blended with soothing carrier oils like Evening primrose oil can support in relaxing muscles after exercise, treating digestive disorders, expelling gas formed in the intestines and stomach, relieving from stress and fatigue, easing abdominal pain due to menstruation, improving concentration, relaxing contraction of muscles and nerves and in enhancing blood circulation.

The diuretic property of this oil aids in cleansing the system by sending the toxic substances of the body through urine. The study on ‘Effect of Spearmint oil on inflammation, oxidative alteration and Nrf2 expression in lung tissue of COPD rats’ published in PubMed proved that Spearmint oil augments pulmonary inflammation and has a protective effect on lung injury in rats affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

4. Grants a cooling effect on the brain and enhances the memory quotient:

Whenever you feel like regaining your strength, enhancing your brain power and improving your memory skills, all you need to do is to 3 few drops of Spearmint essential oil with 1 drop of Rosemary oil to your diffusers or burners.

Being a Medhya herb or one which has the power to nurture the functions of the brain, Spearmint oil can potentially uplift your spirits, grant a cooling effect on your brain, boost your immune power, normalize the metabolic functions and promote peaceful sleep with its encouraging and invigorating aroma.

5. Inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and other harmful foreign bodies:

Spearmint oil can be termed as a Krimighna, which means effective remedy for destroying harmful microbes and Kusthaghna, an Ayurvedic remedy for healing wounds and treating various skin conditions.

The antiseptic, disinfectant and antispasmodic properties of this oil aids in quicker healing of wounds and inhibit the growth of harmful organisms that are responsible for most of the skin problems.

Adding few drops of Spearmint essential oil to your skin care cream or lotion will aid in treating scabies, itches, athlete’s foot, dermatitis, acne, syphilis, insect bites, wounds and skin ulcers. Diffused Spearmint oil can also be used in treating headache, spasms and as a rub in treating cold and cough.

A 2001 study by the Central Laboratory, Lotte Company Ltd, Urawa, Saitama, Japan proved the effectiveness of Spearmint essential oil in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria with its potential antibacterial agents. A 2011 study on ‘Antifungal activity of Spearmint essential oil’ talks about its effectiveness in treating fungal infections.

Other health benefits:

Spearmint oil is also an excellent oil for treating bad breath, vomiting, loss of appetite, gum problems, spasmodic cholera, ulcers and in treating excessive or unwanted hair growth in women.


This original piece of information is meant only for the purpose of education and is not recommended to diagnose, prevent or to treat any medical conditions. It is neither meant to replace any prescribed medicines or the advice of a healthcare professional. We, the team of Essential Depot are not experts in Traditional medicine and these facts are shared only for unveiling the myths of Ayurveda and for spreading its glory in healing humanity across the globe.

Essential oils are not recommended for internal use and remember to dilute essential oils in suitable carrier oils before using it for topical applications. This is because absolutely pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause allergic reactions, when used on the skin without dilution.

Pregnant and nursing women, please excuse as Spearmint has abortifacient and emmenagogue properties and may end up in miscarriage. Speak with your Ayurvedic expert or medical professional before choosing the suitable essential oils as per your state of health and unique individual constitution. And the final friendly advice is to do a patch test on your skin before enjoying its complete benefits.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Spearmint essential oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and healthier usage.

Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Spearmint essential oil.

Thought for the day:

Use plants to bring life.

Douglas Wilson

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Julia Lawless
  2. Aromatherapy for Everyone: Discover the Scents of Health and Happiness with Essential Oils by P. J. Pierson, Mary Shipley
  3. Herbal Healing for Women by Rosemary Gladstar

Reference Links:

  1. Medicinal Uses of Spearmint by Natural Standard The Authority on Integrative Medicine
  2. Inhibition by the essential oils of peppermint and spearmint of the growth of pathogenic bacteria, published in PubMed
  3. Effect of Spearmint oil on inflammation, oxidative alteration and Nrf2 expression in lung tissue of COPD rats by Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
  4. Effect of Spearmint Teas on Androgen Levels in Women with Hirsutism, published in Wiley InterScience.

Black Cumin Oil

‘Seed of blessing’ (Haba al-barakah) and ‘the cure for all diseases except death’ are the two sacred phrases that establish the sanctified and miraculous uses of Black cumin seeds, botanically known as Nigella sativa.

black-cumin-bnrThese magical seeds have been used in various medicinal practices across the world for treating and preventing an extensive range of illnesses including cancer, asthma, diabetes, jaundice, diarrhea, dysmennorhea, hypertension, bronchitis, gastrointestinal problems and numerous other health disorders. It is a member of the Ranunculaceae plant family.

Black cumin seeds are popularly known as Kalaunji or kala jeera in India. The Ayurvedic or Sanskrit names of this herb are Susavi, Sthulajiraka and Upakunci. The other common names of this herb are Nigella seed, fennel flower, black caraway, nutmeg flower and Roman coriander.

Black cumin seeds have been recommended in the Ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of cancer, liver damage, anemia, arthritis, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, dysmennorhea, cephalagia, intestinal worms, psoriasis, asthma, headache, toothache, auto-immune diseases, halitosis and microbial infections.

Purchase Black Cumin Essential Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Black cumin seeds:

Black seeds or Nigella sativa is an annual flowering plant and is indigenous to southwest Asian countries. The earliest archaeological evidence about this medicinal herb is said to have been found in the ancient Egypt in many places including the Tutankhamun’s tomb, where the Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty was entombed with Black cumin seeds.

Nigella or the Black cumin seeds play a key role in the Islamic history of healing as it has been reported by Abu Hurairah as “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘There is healing in black seed (haba sowda) for all diseases except death.” in a hadith (Sahih Bukhari), which means an Islamic writing. Trusted to treat various diseases, Black cumin seeds were also used as a condiment all over the world and Black cumin powder taken with honey is said to treat asthma and bronchitis.

Black cumin essential oil was used as an antiseptic oil and a tincture made with these seeds were used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysmennorhea, skin eruptions, loss of appetite, vomiting and intestinal worms. Even today Nigella seeds are used in the Middle East countries for treating asthma, rheumatism, bronchitis, cancerous tumors and other inflammatory conditions.

Nigella sativa was also used by the kings and Pharaohs for augmenting their immunity and state of health. Beauty queens like Cleopatra and Queen Nefertiti used this oil for enhancing and retaining their natural beauty and for supporting their immune power. It is for all these incredible reasons, Black cumin seeds were called as a Panacea in the traditional Egypt, meaning the cure for all diseases and evils.

With more than 3,000 years of use in the European, Asian and Western countries, Black cumin seeds have been mentioned in the Biblical writings in the book of Isaiah of the Old Testament, where the reaping of Black cumin seeds is compared with the reaping of wheat. It is mentioned as ‘ketzah’ in the Bible where the word ketzah refers to Black cumin in Hebrew.

The most renowned Greek physician, Dioscorides recorded the use of Black cumin seeds for treating stomach pain, headache, intestinal parasites, nasal congestion and sinus problems. Avicenna talks about Black seeds in his book “The Canon of Medicine”, for invigorating the natural energy of the system, granting encouragement, alleviating mental and physical sluggishness, and for improving metabolic functions.

Hippocrates recommended Black seeds for assisting hepatic problems and digestive disorders. It gained greater importance in the Indian, Roman, Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and Arabian civilization as a proven historic remedy for cancerous growths, liver problems, kidney infections, epilepsy, tonsillitis, Alzheimer’s disease, wrinkles, weak immunity, cough, insomnia, snakebite, piles, ophthalmia, paralysis and also as a galactogogue for increasing breast milk in nursing mothers.

Chemical constituents and remedial properties of Black cumin essential oil:

The most significant therapeutic properties of Black cumin oil are antioxidant, anti-microbial, analgesic, bronchodilator, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, hypotensive, anti-ulcer, renoprotective, anti-hypertensive, anti-fungal, anti-cholinergic, anti-diabetic, interferon inducer, anti-bacterial, leukotriene antagonist, immunomodulatory, gastro-protective, nephroprotective, anticonvulsant and anti-asthmatic.

The major chemical components contributing to these therapeutic values of Black cumin oil are thymoquinone, p-cymene, nigellone, pinene, dithymoquinone, beta sitosterol, thymohydroquinone, limonene, citronellol, carvone, t-anethole, carvacrol, and 4-terpineol.

Black cumin seeds are also enriched with crystalline, myristic acid, palmitoleic acid, arachidonic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, proteins, vitamin B1, B2 and B3, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, folic acid, and phosphorous along with linoleic acid, the omega-6 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid, which is the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Black cumin essential oil:

Ayurveda is a blessed healing system that considers human body as a temple where the soul dwells in like the Almighty. It is for this noble reason Ayurvedic principles instruct on keeping the mind and body happy, clean and free from worries for leading a harmonious life.

This disciplined approach rests on Mother Nature for everything, as it strongly believes that every single thing on earth is a part of nature and the wellness and illness of any living thing depends upon its harmony and disharmony with nature itself. Nature is made up of five vital elements like earth, water, fire, space and air and everything on earth has a combination of these five elements.

If you take a human body, earth is present in the form of bones and muscles, fire is the energy required for numerous functions of the body, air is what we breathe, water is present in the form of blood and other fluids in the system and space is the representation of the soul, which is the only difference between a living and non-living thing.

According to Ayurveda, every human being is a unique part of nature with a unique individual constitution known as prakriti, which is a combination of three dynamic biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha.

Every person has a predominance of any one of these doshas that has an upper hand in determining the personality, traits, and behavioral attributes of person. When there is an absolute balance between these doshas as per nature’s law there is hale and heartiness and doshic imbalances due to lifestyle changes, climatic conditions and unhealthy habits leads to sickness.

Every treatment in Ayurveda commences with an attempt to recognize the unique individual constitution of a person. This assists in analyzing the mental and physical characteristics of a person along with their individual constitution. The credibility of Ayurveda lies in its distinctive way for treating individuals in a unique manner by prescribing natural remedies that suit their prakriti even if a group of people are affected by the same illness.

The key Ayurvedic remedies are herbs, plant essential oils, simple physical exercises, yoga, meditation, prayers, Pranayama (breathing exercises), Ayurvedic massaging, Panchakarma (Ayurvedic detoxification techniques) and Ayurvedic routine.

Black cumin essential oil is said to pacify vata and kapha doshas and augment pitta energy. It’s time to look into the Ayurvedic health benefits of Black cumin essential oil.

Black-cumin-oil-broucher1. Excellent natural remedy for the 8 major types of Cancer:

The most amazing thing about Black cumin seeds is its potency to fight against various types of cancers. Dr. Gary Null of the Progressive Radio Network says “Black cumin oil is probably the single most important oil you can put in your system. Every time you take black cumin you are stimulating your immune system to fight on your behalf and increase natural killer cells.” With its potential to improve the immune system, Nigella seeds have been used successfully in the treatment of HIV and cancer.

Various studies conducted by numerous researchers have proved the efficacy of Black cumin seeds in treating different types of Cancer and the most prominent and life-threatening ones among them are brain cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, oral cancer and cervical cancer.

Among these, pancreatic cancer, regarded as the fourth leading cause of deaths due to cancer and various studies conducted by Dr. Hwyda Arafat at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson proved that Nigella sativa seeds were promising in treating pancreatic cancer with an amazing result of 80% death of cancer tumor cells.

Another study by the China Medical University, Taiwan proves that the presence of thymoquinone in Nigella seeds stimulates apoptosis in oral cancer cells.

A 2013 review named, ‘A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb published in PubMed has listed the antioxidant and anticancer effects of Black cumin seeds and most of the studies indicate that thymoquinone (TQ) is responsible for enormous beneficial effects of Nigella seeds in fighting against various types of cancers.

According to the Cancer Research Laboratory of Hilton Head Island, USA, Black cumin seeds proved very effective in the treatment of tumor therapy, without any hazardous side effects of general chemotherapy.

This study also said that these little seeds boosted the immune system, controlled the growth of tumors by 50% and augmented the growth rate of bone marrow cells by 250%. This study was concluded with the greater result that “black seed oil is an ideal candidate for use in cancer prevention and treatment, and that it has remarkable promises for clinical use.”

Dr. Hwyda Arafat also says, “Nigella sativa helps treat a broad array of diseases, including some immune and inflammatory disorders. Previous studies also have shown anticancer activity in prostate and colon cancers, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.” He also recommends taking 1 teaspoon of Black seed oil mixed with ½ teaspoon of honey before breakfast and before going to bed for increasing the immune power and for enhancing the antioxidant capacity of the body for fighting against free radicals and cancerous cells.

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and is the fastest medium for transmitting the remedial properties of medicines. This is done by quicker absorbing and passing on the therapeutic values of the medicines to the bloodstream, through which the corresponding organ or part of the body gets treated promptly.

Massaging your system with 10 drops of Black cumin oil mixed with 5 drops of Garlic oil along with 10 ml of coconut oil can assist in increasing your immune power, granting you the endurance to fight cancer, increasing the death of cancerous tumors and preventing the growth of new cancerous cells.

You can also add 3 to 4 drops of this oil to warm bathing water every day for long lasting fortification, especially against microbes like bacteria, virus and fungi.

2. Grants flawless beauty to the skin and hair:

Black cumin seed oil is the cherished secret behind numerous beauty queens like Cleopatra, where the queens used this oil to enhance the natural beauty of their skin, hair and nails. From the ancient times, Nigella seeds and its oil have been used in the treatment of numerous skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, acne, burns, allergies, wounds and for moisturizing dry skin.

Mixing 4 drops of Black seed oil with 2 ml of olive oil and massaging gently on your facial skin and neck can help in improving your skin complexion and suppleness of your skin. Massaging your skin with 10 drops of Nigella oil mixed with 10 ml of sesame oil daily before bath, can assist in treating dry skin and can help in retaining the natural moisture of your skin. You can also mix 2 drops of Black seed oil with 1 ml of coconut oil or your mild skin care cream and apply it on wounds and other skin infections for quicker remedy.

Nigella seed oil is indeed a boon for people suffering from hair loss, dry hair, rough hair and split ends. Massage your scalp gently with 10 drops of Nigella oil blended with 5 drops of rosemary oil and 5 drops of lavender oil along with 10 ml of sesame oil for reducing dandruff, strengthening the hair follicles, promoting hair growth and for adding shine and luster to your hair naturally. Leave this blend on your scalp for half an hour and wash it gently with a mild shampoo mixed with 2 drops of Black cumin oil for better results.

3. Relieves asthma and other respiratory infections:

The best folklore remedy for treating severe cough and asthma is the natural tonic prepared by mixing Black cumin seeds powder along with honey and garlic. This tonic was trusted to enhance the immune power that can help in fighting against the harmful micro-organisms that worsen respiratory infections. Numerous studies have proved the anti-asthmatic effects of Black seeds oil on the asthmatic airways.

A popular study on Thymoquinone, the main active component of Nigella sativa seeds have been proved superior to the drug fluticasone in the treatment of asthma in an animal model. Inhaling the soothing aroma of this oil by adding 2 drops of this oil in steam inhalation followed by a gentle massage of your throat, back and chest with 2 drops of Black cumin oil mixed with your vaporizing cream can relieve you instantly from cold, nasal congestion, blocked nose, throat pain, headache, sinusitis and migraine pain.

4. Alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and other inflammatory problems:

According to Ayurveda, rheumatism and other inflammatory conditions in the body general occur due to the accumulation of excess fluid deposits, salt, calcium deposits, improper blood circulation and toxic remains from improper digestion. This is mainly caused by the excess of kapha dosha leading to water retention, sluggishness, swelling, pain and inflammation.

Black cumin seed has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cytotoxic properties that help in treating various inflammatory conditions. With its hot potency and warming qualities, Nigella oil is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for reducing excess kapha deposits.

Massaging the painful and affected parts with 5 drops of Black cumin oil blended with 1 drop of Garlic oil along with 3 ml of coconut oil can help in improving blood circulation, eliminating toxic substances, excess water content, salt and uric acid through urine and sweat. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in warm bathing water or in hot or cold compress for improved results.

5. Treats liver and kidney disorders:

Black cumin oil has immense nephroprotective and hepatoprotective properties that protect the liver and kidneys from the harmful effects of free radicals, toxic substances and uric acid. It also helps in treating liver problems and kidney disorders and this healing effect is attributed to the major chemical constituent of Black seed oil known as Thymoquinone. This component protects the system from the hazardous effects of other diseases or chemical substances.

Other health benefits:

There are more than 500 proven studies on the varied healing effects of Black cumin seeds in the treatment of high blood pressure, helicobacter pylori infections, type 2 diabetes, injuries caused by chemical weapons, cardio-vascular problems, epilepsy, gastro-intestinal problems, fatigue, constipation, tapeworms, anemia, dementia, menstrual discomforts, jaundice, dandruff, bronchitis, candida and callosities.


This information is only for the purpose of education and is not meant to cure, prevent or diagnose any health disorders or substitute any prescribed medications or professional medical advice. We are not healthcare professionals and this information is published only with the concern of sharing the importance of Ayurveda, the long-established holistic healing methodology.

Never use essential oils with the exception of being prescribed by your medical expert. Ensure that you dilute essential oils before using it externally on the skin, as pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and undiluted topical use may lead to allergic reactions. It is always good to talk with your Ayurvedic professional/ healthcare expert before choosing the right essential oils for your unique individual constitution or prakriti and as per your state of health.

Thought for the day:

There is healing in black seed (haba sowda) for all diseases except death – Prophet Mohamed.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Nigella sativa Linn: A review on medicine of the Prophet (Muhammad) by Meraj Ul Haque
  2. Health Benefits of Black Cumin For Cooking and Health (Health Learning Series) by John Davidson, Muhamad Usman
  3. The Healing Power of Black Cumin by Sylvia Luetjohann
  4. Black Seed: Nature’s Miracle Remedy by W.G. Goreja
  5. Greco-Arab and Islamic Herbal Medicine: Traditional System, Ethics, Safety, Efficacy, and Regulatory Issues by Bashar Saad, Omar Said

Reference Links:

  1. Nigella sativa by Wikipedia
  2. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb by Aftab Ahmad, Asif Husain, Mohd Mujeeb,Shah Alam Khan,Abul Kalam Najmi, Nasir Ali Siddique, Zoheir A. Damanhouri, and Firoz Anwar published in PubMed
  3. Anticancer activity of Nigella sativa (black seed) – a review by Randhawa MA, Alghamdi MS, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia, published in PubMed
  4. Nigella sativa Linn.– A comprehensive review by Padmaa M Paarakh Department of Pharmacognosy, The Oxford College of Pharmacy, India published in the Indian Journal of Natural products and resources.
  5. Black cumin is the most important oil you can put in your system by Natural News
  6. The Black cumin protocol by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc., published in the Cancer Tutor


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Black Pepper Oil

Crowned as ‘the King of Spices’ and wholly packed with large amount of solar energy, Pepper is also called as Marich, which is the Sanskrit name for Sun. These petite seeds with mammoth health benefits have been an admirable natural remedy for treating various illnesses ranging from obesity to cancer.

BLack-pepper-oil-broucherOver all its amazing healing values, Black pepper oil has been a vital part of Complementary and Alternative medicinal practices for treating sinusitis, rectal prolapse, cellulites and rheumatism.

Called as Maricha, Vellaja or Kali mirch in Sanskrit and Hindi, Ayurveda recommends Black pepper and its essential oil for treating asthma, sinus congestion, chronic indigestion, cold and other respiratory infections, obesity, improper metabolism, urinary problems, cholera, headache, intermittent fever, toxic remains in the system and for certain other health issues. With the scientific name Piper nigrum, Black pepper is a limb of the plant family Piperaceae.

Purchase Black Pepper Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE 

Historical uses and importance of Black pepper and its essential oil:

Held high as the most traded spice of the world, Black pepper is indigenous to the southern parts of India especially the Malabar Coast, Kerala. Pepper, originated from the Dravidian word ‘pippali’ meaning long pepper, is the one among the world’s oldest herb and spice dated to 2 BCE, was used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

In the early 1800s, the word ‘pepper’ was used to indicate ‘energy’ or ‘spirit’, after which it was replaced by the word pep. Prized for its value in commodity trading, it was even called as ‘Black gold’.

The legendary Roman bookThe History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,’ written by Edward Gibbon quotes pepper as “a favorite ingredient of the most expensive Roman cookery“.

It was used in all most all the predominant cultures of the world. According to certain sources, pepper was said to be used in the treatment of eye problems as salves or in poultices in the 5th century.

Indian saints used pepper for acquiring endurance, especially during fasting and travelling. The traditional Indian medicine is said to have used pepper in treating throat infections, sore throat, congestion, cold and cough.

In general, the most popular uses of black pepper as home remedies accounts to its effectiveness in treating indigestion, gangrene, insomnia, lung diseases, tooth decay, constipation, flu, oral abscesses, hernia, joint pain, diarrhea and certain respiratory problems.

Black pepper is regarded as a priceless natural remedy in Ayurvedic medicine, for its varied uses in treating digestive disorders, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, improper blood circulation, parasitic infections and certain other problems associated with the circulatory system.

The popular Ayurvedic preparation “Trikatu” is a combination of Black pepper, long pepper and ginger is recommended for numerous diseases. It is also used in making Indian chai and is taken for curing headache, cold, sore throat and cough.

The traditional Europeans used pepper as a predominant seasoning in various European cuisines and also as a preservative for perishable goods and meat items.

Herbalists across the world, prescribed Black pepper for treating vertigo, arthritis, rheumatic pain, flatulence, colic, nausea and indigestion. TCM, the traditional Chinese medicine records the use of Black pepper since 2 BCE and recommends its use in healing abdominal spasms, pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Black pepper oil:

Black pepper essential oil has various remedial properties and the most important among them are expectorant, febrifuge, antioxidant, diuretic, anti-arthritic, circulatory, analgesic, antibacterial, stimulant, anthelmintic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, laxative, aphrodisiac, anticatarrhal, rubefacient, anti-inflammatory and carminative.

The major chemical components of Black pepper oil are a-pinene, b-pinene, limonene, myrcene, sabinene, camphene, a-thujone, piperitone, caryophyllene, pinocarveol, p-cymene, b-bisabolene, a-phellandrene, b-farnesene, a-terpinene and linalool. Black pepper is also rich in minerals like iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and calcium along with antioxidant vitamins including Vitamin-C and A.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Black Pepper essential oil:

Ayur + Veda simply mean the knowledge of life. It is the oldest medicinal system known to the world with more than 5000 successful years of holistic healing practice. Being the pioneer of all other medicinal systems on earth, Ayurveda focuses on complimenting human beings with absolute health through natural healing methodologies and disciplined lifestyle, leading to prevention of illnesses, aging in the pink and higher life expectancy.

The National Institute of Health precisely articulates this as “The aim of Ayurvedic medicine is to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit. This is believed to help prevent illness and promote wellness.”

The earliest Ayurvedic texts namely Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita by the legendary Ayurvedic physicians Sushruta and Charaka educates the world on all kinds of diseases, causes, symptoms, and their treatment methodologies along with various Ayurvedic healing techniques.

Much to our astonishment, these Ayurvedic encyclopedias have talked about intricate surgeries including C-section delivery and plastic surgery even before the dawn of modern medical equipments.

The Ayurvedic philosophy insists that everything on earth including human beings are a part of nature and are made up of the five vital elements of nature namely fire, water, earth, space and air.

Human body is the best representation of these five elements of nature, where earth represents muscles and bones, fire is the vital energy for numerous functions of the body, water stands in the form of blood, air is what we breathe and space/ether is our soul that harmonizes all the functions of the system and keeps us alive.

Ayurveda considers every person as a unique part of nature and states that the handling of diseases should also be unique based upon their individual constitution or prakriti, which comprises of three biological energies or doshas namely vata, pitta and kapha.

Vata is a symbol of air and space and checks the functions of the respiratory and nervous system. Pitta represents fire and water and is responsible body temperature and metabolic functions. Kapha stands for earth and water and is in charge for the sustenance, structure and the movement of fluids in the system.

According to Ayurveda, balance between these three doshas is a symbol of being in harmony with nature and it signifies perfect health, whereas imbalances due to unwholesome food habits, lifestyle changes and climatic conditions denote sickness.

Ayurveda prescribes natural remedies that focus on treating these doshic imbalances with the use of plant essential oils, herbs, and yoga, meditation, Pranayama or breathing practices, simple physical exercises, Ayurvedic routine, prayers, Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massaging and Panchakarma or the detoxification techniques.

The essential oil of Black pepper is believed to reduce kapha dosha and aggravate pitta and vata doshas with its spicy, warming and rich aroma.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Black pepper essential oil are:

Black-Pepper-Oil1. Trusted Ayurvedic remedy for respiratory infections:

Black pepper and its essential oil is a vital part of the Ayurvedic remedy especially in the treatment of respiratory problems including congestion, sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma.

The spicy and warming natural aroma and therapeutic properties like expectorant, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties of this sovereign spice assists in weakening the phlegm and mucous amassing and controls the increase of micro-organisms that worsen respiratory problems.

According to Ayurveda, imbalance or excess of kapha dosha contributes to the accumulation of fluid deposits including mucous and phlegm, especially in the chest, nasal, respiratory and bronchial passages.

This leads to respiratory problems like whooping cough, sinus congestion, bronchitis and breathing difficulties. With its potent to decrease kapha dosha, Black pepper is a cherished Ayurvedic and Grandmother’s medicine for alleviating respiratory problems.

Warm milk with 1 pinch of Black pepper powder and 1 pinch of Turmeric powder is a popular Ayurvedic remedy practiced in every Indian family for treating nasal congestion, chest congestion, cough, sore throat, headache and other symptoms associated with cold. Adding 1 drop of Black pepper oil in a cup of warm water and gargling with this mixture can help in treating sore throat and throat infections.

Black pepper oil, appropriately 2 drops of it added to steam inhalation followed by a gentle rub of your throat, chest and back with 2 drops of Black pepper oil mixed with your regular vaporizing ointment can help in treating cold, flu, blocked nasal passages, chest congestion, sinusitis and headache. This natural remedy can also assist in improving blood circulation in the lungs.

2. Relieves digestive disorders:

Undoubtedly, Black pepper is one among the best spices for improving digestion, enhancing the flavor of the food varieties and boosting the functions of metabolism. It is for this reason Black pepper powder is often dusted over all kinds of cuisines, be it a relishing vegetable salad or a lip-smacking chicken curry.

With its digestive, antispasmodic, carminative and anti-flatulent properties, Black pepper essential oil acts as a digestive tonic that treats gas, indigestion, colic and other gastro-intestinal disorders.

Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Black pepper oil, 2 drops of Ajwain oil, 2 drops of Lemon oil along with 3 ml of sesame oil can help in expelling gas in the stomach and intestines and also aids in preventing the formation of gas. Adding 1 drop of this oil to your handkerchief or a tissue paper and inhaling the aroma of this oil assists in promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes, bile and other gastric juices responsible for trouble-free digestion.

This also aids in enhancing the appetite, treat constipation, intestinal spasms, colic, indigestion, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach upsets and other gastrointestinal problems.

3. Reduces fever:

Black pepper essential oil has febrifuge properties along with antiseptic and diuretic values that support the system in reducing fever and maintaining the normal body temperature. Massaging your foot soles with 2 drops of Black pepper oil with 1 drop of Cardamom oil mixed with 2 ml of olive oil can help in reducing fever by promoting urine and sweat along with discharging the toxins in the system and combating the growth of micro-organisms that increase fever.

You can also add 1 drop of Black pepper oil to a wet cloth and leave it on your forehead for improved results. It also opens up the sweat pores and reduces the body temperature slowly by granting absolute relief from fever.

4. Alleviates rheumatism and arthritic conditions:

Rheumatism, according to Ayurveda is caused mainly due to the accumulation of toxic substances, water deposits, salt and uric acid especially in the joints, leading to inflammation, redness, soreness, pain and irritation. Black pepper essential oil has the power to discharge excess water deposits, toxic remains known as ama, uric acid and other calcium deposits through urine.

2 drops of this oil mixed with 2 drops of Frankincense oil and 2 ml of coconut oil massaged slowly in circular movements on the affected parts can help in reducing swelling, inflammation, redness, stinging pain and irritation with its diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic properties.

You can also add 2 drops of Black pepper oil along with 2 drops of lemon oil in warm bathing water for relaxing aching muscles and your entire system. This enriching bath along with the soothing massage with Black pepper oil aids in promoting frequent urination through which the harmful toxins and other excess fluid deposits in the system are ejected.

5. Combats free radicals and fights against cancers:

Black pepper tops the list along with Turmeric as a powerful anti-cancer and cancer prevention spice recommended by the American Institute of Cancer Research. Black pepper has excellent antioxidant properties and high amount of Vitamin C that help in fighting the free radicals responsible for the development of cancerous tumors.

The University of Michigan research has established that the mixture of curcumin (Turmeric component) and piperine (Black pepper constituent) enhances curcumin bioavailability and restrains breast stem cell self-renewal.

Piperine have also been tested and proved for its potent anticancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in various cellular studies. According to Dr. Joshua Lambert, Associate Professor of Food Science at Penn State University, the combination of piperine along with green tea Polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) augmented the bioavailability of EGCG in studies with human and animal models.

A study on the “In vitro investigation of the potential immunomodulatory and anti-cancer activities of black pepper (Piper nigrum) and cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) by the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Sharjah, UAE states that Black pepper (Piper nigrum) “enhance the cytotoxic activity of the natural killer cells, indicating their potential anti-cancer effects.” In addition to that it concludes the study by stating that “black pepper and cardamom exert immunomodulatory roles and anti-tumor activities, and hence they manifest themselves as natural agents that can promote the maintenance of a healthy immune system.”

This study also states that the anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties of Black pepper helps in lessening the production of nitric oxide by macrophages, which acts as one of the chief inflammatory intermediaries.

Massaging your system with 5 drops of Black pepper oil, 5 drops of Lemon oil, 5 drops of Orange oil, and 5 drops of Cardamom oil along with 10 ml of coconut oil can help in fighting against existing free radicals and prevent the formation of new free radicals.

You can even add 2 drops of Black pepper oil, 2 drops of Cardamom oil and 2 drops of Orange oil in your bath daily for enhancing your immunity against these dangerous free radicals causing oxidative damages to the cellular structure in the body.

Inhaling the warming aroma of Pepper by adding 2 drops of this oil to your burner or diffuser can also support your healing process in a better manner.

6. Excellent weight-loss formula:

Light Miller and Bryan Miller in their book ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ recommend a natural weight loss formula with Black pepper oil as the key component. Their recipe for the weight loss method says “10 drops black pepper oil, 10 drops lavender oil, 5 drops frankincense oil, 5 drops sandalwood oil in three ounces of mustard, canola, almond oil or a mixture. To be used externally on areas where you wish to lose weight.”

7. Enormous spiritual and emotional benefits:

On the spiritual and psychological side, Black pepper essential oil is the best choice for people who are highly anxious and keep on worrying every time. The presence of the primary chemical constituent piperine in Pepper is a powerful anti-depressant and helps in treating depression and is known to enhance the cognitive ability.

Inhaling the warm, peppery, energizing and musky aroma of Black pepper oil especially during meditation, Pranayama and prayers by adding 2 drops of this oil along with 2 drops of lavender oil in your vaporizer, burner or diffuser can assist in venting out the negative feelings, augmenting self-empowerment, enhancing physical and mental stamina to overcome challenges and accepting one’s own potential besides all the conflicting thoughts.

Other uses:

Ayurveda states that diabetes occurs due to imbalance of kapha dosha and low digestive fire. Black pepper oil is among those natural diabetic remedies with its positive effect in reducing excess kapha dosha and increasing the digestive fire. It also helps in controlling the insulin levels in the system.

It is also recommended for stimulating the endocrine system, treating low blood pressure, hypertension, obesity and certain other cardiovascular problems. Certain modern medicinal systems also suggest the use of Black pepper in the treatment of dandruff, wrinkles, vitiligo, tooth decay, swallowing problems in neurological and post-stroke patients, cigarette de-addiction and postural instability in adults.


This article is only for educational purposes and is not proposed to cure, prevent or diagnose any medical condition or substitute any kind of prescribed medications or expert medical advice. We are not health professionals and we contribute to this data only with the concern of circulating the traditional opulence and proven medical miracles of Ayurveda, the world’s oldest and long-established holistic medical system.

Do not ingest essential oils and always ensure that you dilute essential oils before using it for topical application. This is because, pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated liquids and may possibly cause allergic or other negative reactions if used on the skin directly. At all times, make sure that you consult your Ayurvedic practitioner/medical professional before picking up the suitable essential oil for your prakriti or unique individual constitution and state of health.

Thought for the day:

Nature patiently waits and we have only to turn back to her to find relief from our sufferingDr Bach

Suggested Reading:

  1. Black Pepper Essential Oil (Aromatherapy) by Miriam Kinai
  2. Black Pepper: Piper nigrum (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from CRC Press
  3. Pepper: A History of the World’s Most Influential Spice by Marjorie Shaffer
  4. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  5. The Black Pepper Supplement: Alternative Medicine for a Healthy Body (Health Collection) by William Wagner M.D.

Reference Links:

  1. Black Pepper by Wikipedia
  2. In vitro investigation of the potential immunomodulatory and anti-cancer activities of black pepper (Piper nigrum) and cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) by Majdalawieh AF, Carr RI, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Sharjah, UAE, published in PubMed
  3. Black Pepper Oil from Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Light Miller and Bryan Miller
  4. The spices of Cancer prevention published in the American Institute of Cancer Research’s Update
  5. Medicinal Uses of Black Pepper by Natural Standard