Ayurvedic Fragrance Oils To Back Your System This Summer

Ayurveda is steadily spreading in the Western countries and has its roots deeply vested with India, which has the oldest traditional history in the world. There is some or the other treatment in Ayurveda for all kinds of ailments and it has something for every individual. Be it winter or summer, the remedial measures of Ayurveda is ready to lend its hands in spur-of-the-moment.

Summer has its own joyous occasions blended with excess loss of energy. It is the most suitable season for numerous tourist spots, allowing the visitors to enjoy their fullest at this peak time of year. Your prickly heat powders, sunscreen lotions and other skin care products for summer might fail to withstand the heat at it is applied externally. Taking prescription drugs during this burning heat might harm your intestinal and digestive systems causing other side effects like allergy and other kinds of skin infections.

Then how to play it safe with your health during this sizzling summer? The aromatic and amusing way to give sun the slip is to use the harmless fragrance oils extracted through the Ayurvedic formula. Ayurvedic Fragrance oils can be defined as innate essential oils extracted from plants and being diluted with a carrier including vegetable oils, mineral oils, propylene glycol and many others. These oils are a blend of aroma compounds that make it prominent in the thriving industries like aromatherapy, cosmetic and perfumery.

According to the Ayurvedic science of healing illness, aroma plays a vital role in treating your senses and enhances your emotional and mental stability for improved living. Ayurvedic fragrance oils can assist you throughout the summer season and can stay along forever in your wits. Get ready to relive your moment this summer with these fragrance oils.

Citrus Mist Fragrance oil: A heavenly blend of bracing citrus oils like lime, lemon and orange with the touch of eucalyptus, rose, jasmine, violet and camphor can show you the door to health and harmony during this fiery summer season. Use it in your diffuser and enjoy the difference that it spells in your life.

Frankincense fragrance oil: When the weather is extremely dry and extracts all your energy and makes you feel sultry, think of the fresh and feather-touch Frankincense fragrance oil that can take you to a moist, earthy, woody and a rich environment filled with the newness of just dropped dews.  That’s the exact magical feeling that this sweet-smelling oil brings in to fulfill your days.

Ylang Ylang oil: Ylang Ylang is the angelic oil celebrated for its divine fragrance. It has myriad mesmerizing and cooling properties. The literal meaning of this fragrance oil’s name is ‘flower of flowers’. The sweet, spicy, exotic, fresh and floral aroma kindles your senses and calms your nerves. It aids in putting an end to rage, fury, frustration, insomnia, intestinal infectivity, high blood pressure, anxiety, nervous disorders, rapid heartbeat and breathing imbalances. Adding few drops to your diffuser or to your bath tub can bring all the tranquility in the world within your room, forcing you to forget the summer blues.

You can also try fragrance oils of sandalwood, the base fruits, violet, melon, honey and flowers. Everything can come in your kitty without biting your pocket.

Reference Links:

  1. Fragrance Oil by Wikipedia
  2. Citrus Mist Fragrance Oil by Essential Depot
  3. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil by Your-Aromatherapy-Guide.com
  4. Reducing Rapid Breathing and Rapid Heart Beat by Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Best Ways To Use Ayurvedic Essential Oils

Ayurveda is a gift to mankind and it follows the implausible elements of nature. This safe science trusts and believes that human being is a part of nature and his illness should also be treated in a natural way using the gifts of ‘Mother Nature’. Here comes the importance of Ayurvedic essential oils which are derived from the natural plant extracts. These oils have therapeutic properties for which it has been used since ages in traditional medicine and folk medicine.

In the recent times, you might have heard about the essence and effective use of essential oils in Aromatherapy but won’t you get surprised if I say that Aromatherapy itself is one of the ways of healing holistically in Ayurveda? This ancient therapy of curing human beings have suggested numerous ways of using Ayurvedic essential oils and the best ways are here for your guidance.

  1. Aromatic bath: A popular adage goes like this ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’, as Ayurveda insists highly on keeping yourselves and your environment clean, it prescribes taking bath twice daily either with the use of herbs or Ayurvedic essential oils in your bath tub.  Adding few drops of essential oils to your bath tub will give you a refreshing bath, which would be energizing and help you stay calm physically and emotionally.
  2. Essential oils massage: You work all day long all through the week; won’t you feel that your mind and body needs some ‘Quality Time To Rest’? Don’t need to go in search of quality time to rest, instead your life partner can help you discover it apparently with a caring massage with the sweet-smelling Ayurvedic essential oils. You can also try exploring the real sense of relief and peace after a systematic massage by an Ayurvedic expert in a nearby Ayurvedic center if you really feel like having a space for yourself. Ayurvedic massage with healing essential oils are often said to alleviate stress, trigger your olfactory sense, make your skin supple and give a never before newness to your life.
  3. As a vitalizing household cleaner: Home is the best place to give a great start to everything and everyone of your family. Why can’t you try complimenting your home by adding few drops of refreshing essential oils to your floor cleaner, washing machine and at the time of washing your dishes and cleaning your toilets? Lemon essential oil is often recommended for laundry, cleaning dishes and other general cleaning as it has the potential to remove tough, oily and greasy stains. You can also try using essential oils with clean, fresh, flowery and woody aroma to bring the real effects of nature even when your doors are closed.
  4. For skin care: Nothing other than certain selective Ayurvedic essential oils can caress your skin and take better care of them. You can use a wide range of skin-friendly essential oils like lavender essential oil, lemon essential oil, rose essential oil, sandalwood oil, ylang ylang essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, tangerine essential oil, mandarin essential oil, chamomile essential oil, geranium essential oil and few other. You can add few drops of any of the above essential oils in your favorite lotions, creams, carrier oil, carrier lotion, cocoa butter etc, to get set with your ultimate skin care pack.
  5. Diffuser/Air-Freshener: Using essential oils in your diffuser or in your Air-freshener will help you kill germs, bacteria and other harmful viruses in the air while giving you an everlasting aroma especially in the rainy season.
  6. Cold/Warm Compress: Circulation problems, sprains, muscular tension and other pains can be easily treated either with a warm or cold compress. It will be a brilliant idea if you add few drops of essential oils with absolute healing properties like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil etc to your compress the next time when you feel like getting instant remedy from excruciating pains like menstrual cramps.
  7. Vapor inhalation/ Facial steam: Adding few drops of Ayurvedic essential oils like Eucalyptus oil or Peppermint oil to steaming water and inhaling the steam will help you keep away from the persisting problems like sinus, bronchitis, cold, flu etc. You can also add few drops of refreshing oils like lavender oil or other cleansing oil like chamomile oil to warm water and use it as a facial steam for deep cleansing.

Note: The way of using Ayurvedic essential oils plays a dominant role on its healing potential. Do not use essential oils directly to the skin as more pure the oil, more concentrated it is.

Reference Links:

  1. Essential Oils by Wikipedia
  2. Methods of Application by Nature’s Gift
  3. How to Use Essential Oils Effectively by David Crow, L.Ac. Published in Yogi Times
  4. What is Aromatherapy by National Association For Holistic Aromatherapy

Ayurveda Treatment – The Must Know Essentials

Ayurveda merges with nature and instills a positive energy within us by promoting a healthy lifestyle for harmonious living. While giving total importance to curative as well as preventative health measures, this noble science detects numerous diseases at a very early stage where even the contemporary medical practices fail to establish their stand. Ayurveda unmistakably depicts and understands that good health is a reflection or a symbol that an individual is living in harmony with nature.

It often views diseases as a clear signal indicating that a human’s body is ‘out of harmony’ with the phases of nature, the ideal gift of the Creator. This superior curing system treats human beings as individuals and not just as ‘Cases’ or ‘Patients’, the way in which people are addressed in modern medical system. Ayurveda treatment is a comprehensive structure that follows innumerable techniques to heal humanity. The most popular and the must know essentials of Ayurveda treatment are:

  1. Herbs or plant-based medications: As Ayurveda insists on natural cure for illness and wellness, the primary things that it focuses on is the use of herbs and other plant-based medications. According to Ayurveda ‘Nature is a Rescuer’ and herbs that are part of nature are really special in curing innumerable diseases. Ayurveda either uses these herbs directly or in the form of powder, decoction, tinctures, pills, syrups, ointments, herbal teas, and infusions. Herbs were also used as a poultice, in steam inhalation, natural baths and much more.
  2. Essential oils: Essential oils are highly concentrated oils extracted from plants. Ayurveda uses aroma as a trusted methodology for treating various kinds of illnesses. This ancient healing science suggests the use of oils either as part of the diet, suggested applications to the affected areas, in systematic massage therapy, smearing, as air freshener to kill the germs in the environment and to treat numerous illness especially related with the mind like depression, insomnia, stress, fear, anxiety etc as the aroma has the power to control the human system by the positive effects transformed through the limbic system.
  3. Animal-based products: Ayurvedic treatment also involves the use of certain animal products like bones, milk, gallstones, and animal fats for external use as well as for ingestion at times based upon the nature of the sickness.
  4. Physical and mental fitness: Ayurveda does not stop with prescribing herbs and essential oils for well-being but recommends the regular practice of physical exercises, yoga and meditation as per the corresponding Ayurvedic body types for gaining insight and the physical power to be resistant to diseases and stay hale and hearty. Thus the Ayurvedic theory states that ‘from physical exercise one obtains lightness, capacity to work, elimination of impurities from the body, firmness of the body, efficiency of digestion, and balance of metabolism’.
  5. Mineral treatments: According to Ayurveda, the principle of using minerals and metals along with herbal medicine is known as Rasa Shastra, which is similar to the celebrated Alchemy treatment used in Western Europe and Mediterranean countries.
  6. Surgical healing: The most inspiring part of the Ayurvedic treatment is the surgical healing technique, popularly known as Shalyaroga chikitsa or the surgical science. This was initially introduced to treat the warriors during the wars when they were attacked by sharp weapons, swords, arrows etc, Ayurvedic experts also recommend surgery for complicated health conditions like cataract, piles, fistula, urinary stones, accidents and more.
  7. Hygienic and balanced living: ‘Purity of mind and body will help human beings live in peace’ is what Ayurveda strongly believes. For which it recommends hygienic habits like taking bath regularly, keeping the vital parts of the body like skin and sense organs clean. For a calm and tranquil mind, this spiritual science suggests habitual prayers and meditation. Taking in a balanced diet with essential nutrients at the right time also contributes to a happy life in the pink according to Ayurveda.

All the possible and potential diseases of this present-day chaos living can be covered under one protective roof, rightly named as Ayurveda.

Thought for the day:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

-World Health Organization

Suggested Reading:

  1. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller.
  2. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets To Healing, Prevention & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha
  3. Yoga For Your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice by Dr. David Frawley, Sandra Summerfield Kozak

Reference Links:

  1. Ayurveda by Wikipedia
  2. Herbal Medicine by University of Maryland Medical Center
  3. Exercise by ND Ayurveda & Panchkarma Centre