Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint-bannerAs nature’s immaculate coolant, the world celebrates Peppermint as the most distinguished member of the mint family, Labiatae along with Spearmint, Pennyroyal, Corsican mint, Lemon mint, Watermint, Lavender, Field mint, Apple mint or Chocolate mint, Patchouli, Thyme and Silver mint. Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE), the Roman natural philosopher, scientist and naturalist rightly said “The smell of mint stirs up the mind and appetite to a greedy desire of food.”

Peppermint essential oil is extracted from the aromatic leaves of this plant and is known since ages as an excellent digestive aid with a bundle of other health benefits as well. The encyclopedia of Ayurveda talks about the notable use of Peppermint essential oil as a cooling carminative that enhances digestion and elimination by eradicating blockages and facilitating the flow of energy from within.

Purchase Peppermint Essential Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

Purchase Peppermint Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Peppermint and its oil:

Peppermint dates back to 1000 BC when the dried leaves are said to be found in Pyramids. Indigenous to Europe, this herb was first used by the primeval Egyptians as a natural digestive support. Few mythological studies say that the word Peppermint has its origin from Greek myths in the outline of a love triangle involving Hades, his wife Persephone and the nymph Minthe (who was later turned into Peppermint).

Interestingly, Peppermint is a natural hybrid of Spearmint and Watermint. The ancient Romans loved growing Peppermint in their gardens and in the pathways of stepping stones for greeting their guests with its wonderful aroma and for its innumerable medicinal benefits.

It was also used as a form of currency for the kind of esteem and admiration it had in Egypt. Peppermint was used as a tooth polisher by the ancient monks.

The Biblical importance of Peppermint has added even more to its value. Jesus Christ says to the Pharisees,But woe unto you, Pharisees! For ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” It was also used as a culinary herb in the folklore cooking for seasoning meat and assisting in quicker digestion.

Listed as a natural remedy for treating all kinds of illnesses from venereal disease, cold, sores, headache and digestive problems, Peppermint emerged as a distinguished species in the London Pharmacopoeia in the 16th century.  It was also mentioned in the Icelandic Pharmacopoeias as a much valued herbal remedy in 1240 AD. Peppermint was used as a prized herb by the Native Americans and now the United States is the world’s largest producer of Peppermint essential oil contributing to more than 75% of the total production.

Chemical constituents Gas Chromatography Report of Peppermint essential oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Peppermint oil constitutes of 10 major chemical components that contribute to its distinctive fragrance, remedial properties and quality, among which, menthol has an upper hand with about 38.6 percent.

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For learning more about the exclusive information of these key constituents of Peppermint oil.

The table below on the Gas Chromatography report talks about the principal chemical constituents and its role in granting the therapeutic properties and other attributes to Peppermint oil.

Pepper-mint-oilTherapeutic properties of Peppermint essential oil:

The therapeutic actions of Peppermint essential oil are carminative, decongestant, immune stimulant, anti-infectious, febrifuge, cardio tonic, nervine, hypertensive, antipruritic, antifungal, sedative, expectorant, antibacterial, mucolytic and anti-carcinogenic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Peppermint essential oil:

Known as Pudina in Sanskrit, Peppermint is a popular culinary herb used for its minty, fresh and enriching aroma for enhancing taste and adding extra flavor to the lip-smacking dishes. Ayurvedic remedies wholly depend on Mother Nature trusting that every single thing on the earth is an incredible part of nature including human beings.

The strong principles of Ayurveda establish that every individual is made up of three vital energy elements known as doshas (vata-air, pitta-fire and kapha-water), which determine the personality, character, behavior and health conditions of a person. A person is said to be healthy when there is perfect balance between all the three doshas and dosha imbalances cause illness. Peppermint and its essential oil in Ayurveda is said to calm all the three doshas.

Peppermint according to Ayurveda has cooling and heating energy (virya), sweet and pungent taste (rasa), dry, penetrating and light quality (guna), benefits the nerve, blood and plasma tissues (dhatu), with a post-digestive effect (vipaka), Peppermint stimulates the circulatory, nervous, digestive and respiratory channels (srotas).

Let’s have a look at the major Ayurvedic health benefits of Peppermint essential oil:Pepermint-broucher1. Keeps away from harmful bacteria and fungi:

Peppermint is a powerful antibacterial oil mainly because of the presence of menthol that aids in fighting against harmful bacteria like salmonella, e.coli and staph.

A 2010 study on ‘Protective effects of bioactive phytochemicals from Mentha piperita with multiple health potentials’ proved that Peppermint oil has effective antimicrobial and antioxidant effect that fights against harmful microbes and supplemented for nutritional benefits and food preservation. Bacterial infections are responsible for wounds becoming septic and other skin problems like acne.

The Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran proved that the menthol component in Peppermint oil is defiant to fungus including candida. The State University of Brazil also established that Peppermint essential oil varieties have anti-candida effects. For all these reasons Peppermint oil acts as a natural remedy for treating fungal infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch and other yeast infections.

Applying 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil blended with gentle carrier oils like coconut oil aids in treating bacterial and fungal infections. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in warm foot bath or in bathing water for fighting against such detrimental microbes.

2. Enlivens the mind:

The invigorating, refreshing, cooling and reassuring aroma of Peppermint essential oil boosts mental power.  Inhaling the aroma of this oil grants a complete stream of freshness to fight the challenges of a rising day.

Adding 2 to 3 drops of drops of Peppermint oil in your air freshener, diffuser or in your handkerchief can grant you immense energy and confidence throughout the day. This therapy employed in your study room can help improve your memory skills and concentration power.

3 to 4 drops of Peppermint oil blended with Sesame oil can act as an efficacious massage oil and as a bathing oil for enhancing your mental strength, treating stress, reducing fatigue and anxiety. It also helps in treating anger, mental strain, confusion, nervousness, palpitations, vertigo and depression.

3. Alleviates tension headache better than the other alternative therapies:

Peppermint essential oil is also an effectual natural remedy for treating tension headache. A clinical trial on ‘Effectiveness of Oleum menthae piperitae and paracetamol in therapy of headache of the tension type’ witnessed “Peppermint oil thus proves to be a well-tolerated and cost-effective alternative to usual therapies for alleviating tension-type headache.” This study also proved that there was not much significant difference in efficacy between acetaminophen and Peppermint oil and there are no reported adverse effects as well.

4. Clears all kinds of stagnation:

Peppermint essential oil is a proven stimulant and tonic especially to the brain, pancreas and heart. It is known for clearing away all kinds of stagnations including physical and mental. Peppermint oil clears stagnation in the blood, lymph, stomach and gallbladder. It also breaks emotional blockages.

The expectorant and decongestant properties of this oil help in open the blocked sinus passages and aid in clearing mucus deposits from the respiratory tract by adding 2 drops of this oil in steam inhalation.

The diaphoretic quality of Peppermint oil aids in reducing the body temperature in the early stages of fever by releasing the heat of the body through sweat. Applying two drops of Peppermint oil blended with coconut oil on your foot helps in quicker recovery from fever. This blend can also be rubbed on the chest, back and neck for treating congestion, cough and blocked nose.

5. Stimulates the digestive system:

The essential oil of Peppermint and the herb itself are known to the world as a promising digestive remedy. Numerous research studies have proved that Peppermint oil is effective in relaxing gastrointestinal smooth muscle, more or less due the antagonistic effect on calcium channels in the gut.

The American Family Physician Forum states that Peppermint oil is effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, non-ulcer dyspepsia, tension headache and lessening spasm at the time of gastrointestinal procedures.

Peppermint oil along with the combination of caraway oil has been proved in reducing the symptoms of non-ulcer dyspepsia like bloating, fullness and gastro-intestinal spasm. Gently rub 3 drops of Peppermint essential oil with Sesame oil on the stomach and abdomen to help relieve indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, constipation and pain.

6. Absolute care for hair and skin:

The skin-friendly attributes of Peppermint oil aids in treating eczema, lesions, acne, insect bites, rashes, allergies, irritation and itchiness. Gently massaging your skin with 2 drops of Peppermint oil blended with sweet almond oil helps in nourishing and hydrating dry, dull and lifeless skin. You can also add 2 to 3 drops of oil in your daily lotions and creams and apply it on the affected area.

Dandruff, dry itchy scalp and lice are the major problems associated with hair. Peppermint oil has stimulating and cooling effects. When added to sesame oil and massaged on the scalp helps improve blood circulation, enrich the scalp, conditions your hair and improves hair growth. Adding 3 to 4 drops of Peppermint oil to your shampoo or hair conditioner can add shine to your hair and make it look smooth and silky.

Other health benefits:

Few believe that adding 1 drop of Peppermint oil besides your pillow can bring dreams that reflect your future. Peppermint essential oil when used in massage, added to diffuser or diluted in bath can help relieve menstrual cramps, muscular pain, urinary infections, belching, nerve pain, uterine spasms and much more. The presence of menthol makes Peppermint, a much valued oil in making toothpastes, mouthwashes, cough syrups, ointments, shampoos and soaps, vaporizing rubs etc.

Disclaimer: Never use essential oils internally or apply directly on skin as essential oils are highly concentrated liquids. Always remember using essential oils blended with carrier oils or diluted in bath or in diffusers. Speak with your Ayurvedic Practitioner before using essential oils for your specific body type and your unique state of health.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Peppermint oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and better usage.

Gas Chromatography Report of Peppermint essential oil.

Thought for the day:

The world is like a little marsh filled with mint and white hawthorn.
-Mary MacLane

Suggested Reading:

  1. HEALING POWERS OF PEPPERMINT OIL (The Aromatherapy Professional: Healing with Essential Oils) by KG Stiles
  2. How to Use Peppermint Essential Oil (Aromatherapy) by Miriam Kinai
  3. Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion, Fourth Edition by Elizabeth Lipski
  4. Integrative Gastroenterology (Weil Integrative Medicine Library) by Gerard Mullin

Reference Links:

  1. Peppermint History by Indepthinfo on Peppermint
  2. Peppermint Oil by American Family Physician
  3. Protective effects of bioactive phytochemicals from Mentha piperita with multiple health potentials by Shahed University, Tehran published in PubMed
  4. Effectiveness of Oleum menthae piperitae and paracetamol in therapy of headache of the tension type, published in PubMed

Pimento Berry Essential Oil

Won’t it be a heavenly feeling after opening a box full of all the spices put together? Undoubtedly ‘Yes! ‘is the answer that I can read from your face. Known as ‘ALLSPICE’, Pimento berry and its steam distilled essential oil from the leaves and dried berries smell like seventh heaven as its power-packed spicy aroma reminds you of warm spices like clove, pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg.

pimento-berry-bannerBotanically acknowledged as Pimenta officinalis and Pimenta dioica, this herb is also nurtured with other common names like Jamaica pepper, clove pepper, new spice, bay rum berry and pimento. Known as seetful and kabab cheene in Ayurveda, Pimento berry has been used conventionally for relieving toothache and treating bad breath.

Purchase Pimento Berry Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Pimento berry:

Indigenous to Central America, Caribbean Islands and Jamaica, this herb has been in use in the folklore medicine of Mexico during the Pre-Hispanic period and the traditional Jamaicans used this remedial herb in tea and as a tonic for healing menstrual cramps, stomach problems and cold. The Haitian inhabitants in Cuba used Allspice in herbal preparations for treating digestive disorders and toning the stomach.

Allspice herb and its oil have been historically used for curing gastrointestinal problems, cramps, rheumatic pain and toothache.

Pimento leaves were used in the Dominican Republic in tea for reducing vomiting and the Western herbal medicine makes use of Allspice extracts in making plasters for treating rheumatic and neuralgic pains. Allspice water and Allspice oil were recognized by the British Pharmacopeia in 1898. This herb was also trusted to help quitting bad habits, breaking magical spells and guarding against evil powers.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Pimento berry oil:

Pimento berry essential oil has stimulant, tonic, depurative, carminative, astringent, deodorant, stomachic, antidepressant, purgative, diuretic and antiseptic properties. The chemical constituents that contribute to the remedial values of this oil are eugenol (about 75%), sesquiterpene caryophyllene, β-caryophyllene, methyl eugenol and 1, 8-cineole.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Pimento berry essential oil:

Universally known as the mother of all healing sciences, Ayurveda is the oldest of all medicinal systems in the world. Ayurvedic texts have recorded brilliant remedial measures right from common cold till plastic surgery methods that was carried out by the Ayurvedic physician, Sushruta during 6th century BC in India and he is celebrated as the father of plastic surgery.

According to this magnificent methodology, human beings are a vital part of nature and every action whether physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological or environmental are linked with natural energies. Illness, according to Ayurveda just indicates that the human body is out of balance with nature.

Ayurveda precisely classifies that human beings are made up of three energy elements known as doshas in Sanskrit (vata, pitta and kapha), where vata represents air, pitta symbolizes fire and kapha stands for water. All these three doshas should strike perfect balance for an individual to be healthy and sickness indicates either increase or decrease of any of these or all the 3 doshas.

Ayurvedic remedies consist of herbs, essential oils, Ayurvedic massage, meditation, yoga and physical exercises along with spiritual ideals that help one to understand the purpose of life. Allspice essential oil in Ayurveda is said to treat pitta deficiency along with surplus of vata and kapha.

The key Ayurvedic health benefits of Pimento berry essential oil are:

pimento-berrry-broucher1. Treats respiratory problems:

The major cause for respiratory problems like sinus, cough, severe cold, chest congestion, difficulty in breathing due to excess mucous and phlegm deposits on the lungs etc., is due to the water based energy element kapha. Increase in kapha dosha due to climatic conditions or irregular food habits increase water content in the body and further infections cause cold and other respiratory problems.

Allspice essential oil reduces kapha and aids in treating respiratory infections like bronchitis, cough, chills and congestion. For instant relief, you can add 2 drops of Pimento oil in boiling water for steam inhalation.

2. Helps cure digestive disorders:

Widely used as a carminative, Allspice oil has stomachic and tonic properties that aids in assisting problems with digestion, flatulence, nausea, gastrointestinal tract disorders, loss of appetite, colic and dyspepsia. Herbal tea prepared with Allspice powder or a gentle massage with 3 to 4 drops of Allspice essential oil with coconut oil can help in alleviating digestive disorders.

3. Relieves rheumatic and muscular pain:

As known before, excess of kapha causes water retention or fluid retention paving way for rheumatic problems as the toxic substances stagnate in the body, hindering its regular functioning.

Pimento berry essential oil with its warm, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects helps in relieving rheumatism, reducing inflammation, muscular aches and arthritic pain when used as a massage oil with 2 drops of Pimento berry oil blended with warm carrier oils like sesame oil can grant relief. You can also add 3 to 4 drops of Allspice oil in warm bathing water for utilizing the stimulating rubefacient effect of this oil in treating neuralgia, stiff muscles and rheumatic pain.

4. Positive effects on degenerative and cancerous diseases:

A 2011 research on ‘Composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil of Pimento from Jamaica’ tested the “antioxidant properties of this essential oil in terms of its free-radical scavenging activity against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) radical cation and superoxide anion”.

This study witnessed that Pimento berry essential oil possess very high radical fighting activities compared to that of pure eugenol and also recommended its use as a natural antioxidant along with good flavor and enormous health benefits, including cancerous and degenerative diseases due to the effect of free radicals.

5. Calms the mind and body:

The comforting, warming, encouraging, uplifting and fostering aroma of Pimento Berry essential oil renders a sense of personal touch, self-confidence and freshness on the mind and body.  As a proven tonic for the central nervous system, this oil supports in treating neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, convulsions, hysterical paroxysms, depression, fatigue and stressful conditions.

Enriching your potpourri, diffuser, burner, vaporizer or bathing water with 3 drops of Allspice essential oil can grant you ultimate solace after a long tiring day and can also kick start your confidence for a promising dawn. It is for this strong purpose, Pimento berry essential oil has been a part of men’s perfume ranges.

Other health benefits:

Allspice essential oil is also known to be used in food industry for flavoring frozen food items. Its potent antioxidant effects have made its use compelling in meat preservation. Dentists use eugenol as a trusted antiseptic and local anesthetic for treating problems with gum and teeth. Pimento berry essential oil contains rich eugenol content that makes it a promising agent for treating halitosis and other dental problems.


Always use essential oils after diluting it in carrier oils. Never take essential oils internally as it may cause harm. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before using specific essential oils for your unique constitution and the quantity of oils to be used. Use Allspice essential oil in low dilutions as it has a high content of eugenol and may cause skin irritation.

Thought for the day:

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.
-Rabindranath Tagore

Suggested Reading:

  1. Vibrational Healing: Revealing the Essence of Nature through Aromatherapy and Essential Oils by Deborah Eidson
  2. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  3. The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body by Stacey Chillemi

Reference Links:

  1. Traditional Uses of Allspice by Natural Standard The Authority on Integrative Medicine
  2. Composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil of pimento (Pimenta dioica (L) Merr.) from Jamaica published in PubMed
  3. Pimento/Allspice by
  4. What Are The Health Benefits of Allspice Leaf? By

Myrrh Gel Essential Oil

Mrrh-gel-bannerCrowned as one among the first and best gifts to baby Jesus by the Biblical Magi, Myrrh is asserted as a panacea for many diseases and is a symbol of wishing good health and happiness. This sacred herb has its name engraved in almost all the major religious practices of healing and has been in use throughout history as a promising medicine, renowned perfume and sanctified incense.

Myrrh essential oil is hydro distilled from the resin of Myrrh trees. Ayurveda accentuates Myrrh as a trusted remedy for treating arthritis, dysmennorhea, anemia, menopausal problems, bronchitis, asthma, obesity, mouth ulcers, digestive problems, gum diseases, cough and rheumatism. Myrrh resin has been a vital ingredient in many rasayana formulas in Ayurvedic treatment.

Historical importance of Myrrh:

Botanically known as Commiphora myrrha, Myrrh is indigenous to Somalia, Yemen, Ethiopia and Eritrea. The word ‘Myrrh’ is derived from the Aramaic word murr, meaning ‘was bitter’. Myrrh has many religious rituals stringed to its historical fame. The Islamic herbal medicine encyclopedia quotes “The Messenger of Allah stated, Fumigate your houses with al-shih, murr, and sa’tar”, where murr indicates Myrrh.

The book of Matthew states that gold, frankincense and myrrh were among the gifts to Jesus Christ. New Testament cites Myrrh as an incense presented at the time of Christian liturgical celebrations. The Eastern Orthodox Church makes use of Myrrh scented oil as a symbol of tradition during the sacraments of unction and chrismation.

Myrrh was held high in the Traditional Chinese Medicine as a special herb with ‘blood-moving’ powers to eliminate stagnant blood from the uterus and is also effective on spleen meridians, liver and heart. It is for this reason, Myrrh has been used in the treatment of uterine tumors, menopause, amenorrhea, rheumatic problems, dysmennorhea, arthritis and other circulatory problems.  It is also said that Myrrh has been used in the Chinese ma yao since 600 BC.

It is said that the Greek soldiers took Myrrh with them to the battlefield for cleansing and healing their wounds, as this herb has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It was used by the ancient Egyptians for treating hay fever, herpes and also in fumigations and embalming.

This herb is used in folklore medicine in making rheumatic plasters and for treating muscular pains. Tibetans trust the magical powers of Myrrh to assuage stress and certain other nervous disorders.

Myrrh is a popular ingredient in many liniments, tooth powders, gargles, toothpastes and mouthwashes especially for its antiseptic and analgesic properties that aid in treating many oral problems, wounds and skin ailments.  It is also used in making tinctures for healing wounds in the Veterinary practice. Assyrians and Babylonians burned Myrrh during religious ceremonies.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Myrrh essential oil:

The remedial values of Myrrh gel essential oil are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, antiseptic, antimicrobial, carminative, stimulant, tonic, stomachic, astringent, antifungal, circulatory, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, anti-catarrhal, immune booster and expectorant. The chemical components contributing to these properties are eugenol, triterpenoids, polysaccharides, a-pinene, limonene, cresol, triterpene acids, cadinene, cuminaldehyde, sesquiterpenes and acetic acid.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Myrrh gel essential oil:

Myrrh is a part of many Ayurvedic medications, especially for its positive effects on the nervous system and the circulatory system. Everything in Ayurveda has a strong reason behind it and that is the focus on treating the root cause of an illness and preventing it in the future also.

Ayurvedic practices do not treat human beings and their illnesses as one among the ten instead it believes that every individual is unique by birth and each and every one of their health condition needs to be treated in a unique manner.

Ayurvedic principles trust that every one of us on earth is built up of three vital energies known as doshas. They are kapha, pitta and vata doshas. The wisdom of Ayurvedic healing lies in its holistic and inimitable approach towards humanity by identifying their attributes, personal traits and health mechanism based on their predominant dosha.

Generally vata predominant people are lean, tall, creative and have a dark complexion and its imbalance causes constipation, stress, sleeplessness, anxiety and loss of sexual interest. People with the predominance of pitta dosha have a fair complexion, sharp decision making skills, short temper and are perfectionists.

Pitta imbalance leads to loss of temper and digestive disorders like heartburn and ulcers. Kapha predominant people are kind at heart, affectionate and obese with an average complexion. Imbalance of kapha energy will lead to overweight, sluggishness and poor process of digestion.

Ayurvedic remedies are based on your individual constitution and center natural medications to treat the imbalance of doshas. Myrrh essential oil is known to pacify vata and kapha energies and increase pitta dosha.

It’s time to have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Myrrh gel essential oil.

Myrrh-gel-broucher1. Protects from the infestations of microbes and other harmful organisms:

Myrrh essential oil is known for its anti-fungal, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It assists in killing bacteria, fungi and certain other detrimental microbes by making the body resistant to such infections.

Myrrh oil has natural breath freshening properties that aid in treating bad breath known as halitosis. Add 2 drops of Myrrh oil in warm water and use it as a gargle for treating oral problems like toothaches, pyorrhea, abscesses, mouth ulcers, gingivitis and gum problems. This blend also helps in fighting bacteria causing cavities.

Applying 2 drops of Myrrh oil blended along with coconut oil on wounds, cuts, athletes foot, and other skin infections will aid in preventing the wound from getting septic as Myrrh oil fights Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria responsible for wounds becoming septic. This oil is also used in treating cough, measles, pox, cold, fever, diarrhea, mumps, food poisoning and other health conditions caused due to microbial infections.

2. Boosts your immunity and fights against cancer:

A weak immune system is the underlying cause for the body becoming vulnerable to diseases and infections. Myrrh essential oil reinforces the immune system and augments the body’s natural disease resistant power by enhancing the body’s nutrient absorption capacity.

This way it protects the body from pathogens in case of airborne or waterborne diseases like diarrhea, cold, cough, dysentery, typhoid, bronchitis, vomiting and few other digestive problems. Add 3 to 4 drops of Myrrh oil with jojoba oil and massage gently on your body. This helps in transmitting the therapeutic molecules of Myrrh oil by penetrating deeply into the skin and to your blood stream.

Myrrh has been proved effective in fighting against the free radicals and aid in preventing cancer. A 2001 study by the Rutgers University in NJ found that Myrrh essential oil has certain compounds that assist in killing cancer cells and showing promising effect for treatment and prevention of prostate and breast cancer.

Elemene has been identified as the unique component of Myrrh essential oil and has been proven to show improved effect on treatment of cancerous brain tumors.  You can add 2 drops to your diffuser for regaining confidence and energy. Gently massage your affected parts with 5 drops of Myrrh oil blended with coconut oil for combating the growth of free radicals worsening the effects of cancer.

3. Cures skin ailments:

Myrrh essential oil has been used as a trusted natural remedy for skin problems since the Biblical times. This is mainly because of the antiseptic, analgesic, vulnerary and astringent properties of this oil.  A 2010 study by King Saud University, Saudi Arabia traced that Myrrh was particularly potential to increase the count of white blood cells in laboratory rats treated for gastric ulcers and skin injuries with Myrrh.

Blending 2 drops of Myrrh oil with coconut oil and applying it on wounds, cuts, boils, athlete’s foot, bed sores, chapped skin, ringworm, eczema, skin ulcers, hemorrhoids, weeping wounds and itches can help heal such skin problems quickly and protect them from infections also.

Myrrh essential oil has been in use as a rejuvenating facial aid for more than hundreds of years mainly due to its ability to invigorate dull skin, revivify mature complexions, reduce wrinkles and leave it glowing from within. Mix 2 drops of Myrrh oil with jojoba oil and rub it on your face soothingly, leave it for 5 minutes and then wash your face with a mild cleanser for nourishing your skin and help it look supple and younger.

4. Abet respiratory problems:

Myrrh essential oil has expectorant and anti-catarrhal properties that help in treating respiratory problems like cold, asthma, sinus infections, cough, sore throat, congestion, bronchitis and breathing difficulties.

Add 2 drops of Myrrh oil to steaming water and inhale the aroma to get immediate relief from chest congestion and to support the expulsion of phlegm from respiratory tracts and lungs. You can also add 2 drops of this oil to hot bath or to your cold rub and gently massage it on the chest, back and throat for instant aid.

5. Assists your digestive system:

Myrrh oil is carminative and stomachic in nature, aiding in relieving gases and promoting the process of digestion. It helps in restoring the appetite, treating indigestion, nausea, flatulence, stomach pain and constipation by stimulating the flow of saliva, bile and other digestive juices. You can either use 2 to 3 drops of Myrrh oil in steam inhalation or diffuser for calming the digestive system. Massaging your tummy and abdomen with 2 drops of Myrrh oil blended with sesame oil can help in easing sluggish digestion.

6. Stimulates the mind:

Myrrh essential oil is said to grant mental clarity, alleviate stress, and treat depression, tension, fatigue and anxiety. It is used in Ayurvedic healing for enhancing the intellect and cleansing the blood. Inhaling the sacred aroma of Myrrh oil during meditation can help in opening the mind, increasing concentration and treating poor memory. Massaging your body with 4 drops of Myrrh oil along with sweet almond oil helps in uplifting the mind, relieving anxiety and nervous tension.

Myrrh essential oil has a calming and pacifying fragrance that helps open the heart chakra that is associated with love, forgiveness and acceptance. 2 drops of Myrrh oil added to burner, vaporizer or diffuser assists in discharging fear, hurting experiences and depressive feelings that stop you from going ahead. Myrrh oil strengthens your spiritual acquaintance, trust and self-confidence.

7. Alleviates pain and inflammation:

Myrrh has been a promising remedy in Ayurveda and other traditional healing methodologies for treating pain, gout, arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The essential oil of Myrrh has diaphoretic properties that increase sweating and helps expel excess water, toxic substances and extra salts from the body.

The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil supports in reducing inflammation. By eliminating the toxic substance and lessening inflammation, Myrrh oil is effective in treating arthritis and rheumatic pain.

Blend 2 drops of Myrrh oil, 2 drops of Frankincense oil along with coconut oil and massage soothingly on the affected parts for relieving pain and inflammation. You can also add 3 drops of Myrrh oil to hot compress or in hot bath for similar effects.

Other health benefits:

Myrrh essential oil is also helpful in treating menstrual cramps, delayed menstruation, uterine problems, hair fall problems and acts as a tonic for the entire system by stimulating the digestive system, nervous system and the circulatory system.

Disclaimer: Never take essential oils internally. Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids so always dilute them in suitable carrier oils before using it for topical application. This article is only for your information and is not meant to replace any prescribed medication or professional advice. Avoid using Myrrh oil if you are a pregnant or nursing woman. Keep it out of reach of children. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before using the appropriate essential oil for your unique individual constitution and health condition.

Thought for the day:

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.              – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Suggested Reading:

  1. Frankincense & Myrrh: Through the Ages, and a complete guide to their use in herbalism and aromatherapy today by Martin Watt, Wanda Sellar
  2. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha
  3. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Julia Lawless
  4. Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit
    by Queen Afua
  5. Herbal Remedies Bible: Life Saving And Healing Herbs For All Ailments: Easy Herbal Remedies For Over 100 Ailments by Dane Foster

Reference Links:

  1. Myrrh by Wikipedia
  2. Myrrh Essential Oil Can Help Fight Cancer by
  3. A Wise Man’s Cure: Frankincense and Myrrh by Jennie Cohen published in History in the Headlines
  4. Medicinal Qualities of Myrrh by Rebecca Joy Knottnerus published in Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Legacy