Citriodora Oil

Citriodora-bnr.jpgCitriodora or Lemon eucalyptus is a jewel in the crown of the Eucalyptus family, Myrtaceae. With a revivifying and invigorating aroma of lemon and eucalyptus, this lemon-scented eucalyptus oil is used in fixing feelings of abandonment and mental agitation along with poor concentration and confusions. The essential oil of Citriodora is extracted from the elongated leaves of the Lemon-scented gum tree, botanically known as Eucalyptus citriodora by steam distillation.

Lemon eucalyptus oil is used in Ayurvedic treatment for asthma, cold, cough, arthritis, hypertension, shingles, migraine pain, rheumatism, wounds, inflammation, bacterial and fungal infections as well as a non-toxic insect repellent for keeping away from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas.

Purchase Citriodora Essential Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Citriodora Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE 

Historical uses and importance of Citriodora and its essential oil:

Lemon eucalyptus or Citriodora is a type of Eucalyptus tree in the Eucalyptus genus. This tree is indigenous to north eastern and tropical parts of Australia but few sources state that it is native to Vietnam and Madagascar. Even today about 75% of the trees grown in Australia belongs to the Eucalyptus family.

Brazil and China are the largest producers of commercial Lemon eucalyptus essential oil and this tree is also grow in India, South Africa, Guatemala, Egypt, Colombia, Indonesia and Albania. Citriodora is also said to be a cross between lemon and eucalyptus varieties. This large handsome evergreen tree grows up to 50 m tall and the broad lanceolate leaves exhibit a strong lemon and eucalyptus aroma when crushed.

Citriodora has its remedial history of being used in the traditional as well as modern medicine in the east and west, mainly as an aid for respiratory infections and for keeping insects at bay. The infusion made from the leaves of this tree has been used in reducing fever, treating gastric conditions and fighting against microbes causing such infectious diseases in the Aboriginal tradition.

Ayurveda and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used the aromatic leaves of this plant in steam inhalation for clearing nasal congestion, easing cold, flu, asthma and sore throat. The paste of this leaves or the leaves poultice were also used in healing wounds, cuts, skin infections, sores, cuts, blisters, chicken pox, joint pain, rheumatic pain, fungal infections and other few other infections.

Lemon eucalyptus oil is a famous ingredient in soaps, aromatic candles, natural insect repellents, lotions, shampoo, toothpastes, deodorants, perfumes, detergents, insecticides, waxes and in the flavoring of few other products since the traditional times.

Remedial properties and chemical components of Citriodora essential oil:

The medicinal benefits of Lemon eucalyptus oil are often attributed to its high content of citronellal component (about 80%). The other chemical constituents include citronellol and other monoterpenes.

The citronellal constituent of the cultured oil is transformed into cis- and trans- isomers of p-menthane-3,8-diols (PMD), which is a natural process that  happens as the Eucalyptus leaves grow old. This oil is also called by other names like Para-menthane-3,8-diol, OLE,  PMD, P-menthane Diol,  Wild Eucalyptus Citriodora, P-menthane-3,8-Diol, Spotted Gum and Quwenling.

The therapeutic properties of this oil are calmative, insecticide, antibacterial, expectorant, diuretic, analgesic, fungicidal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-rheumatic, germicidal, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiseptic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Citriodora essential oil: Ayurveda is the ancient Indian healing methodology which exactly means ‘the knowledge of life (Ayur-life + Veda-knowledge)’. If you are completely new to this oldest healing science on earth, then join for a wonder ride where you can explore what Ayurveda has intact for you.

Ayurveda has thousands of dimensions and everything that is natural and organic falls into this bucket, as Ayurvedic principles abide by Mother Nature and strongly believe that everything in the universe is a part of nature and is built with the same five elements of nature, namely earth, fire, air, water and space.

The most imperative approaches of the Ayurvedic regime are holistic approach, which fervently states that health is a combination of the wellness of the body, psyche and the soul. This is clearly stated in Charaka Samhita, the most trusted Ayurvedic encyclopedia as “The three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.” Ayurveda trusts that a healthy body is the absolute home for a healthy mind and a pure soul.

Spiritual aspects play a vital role in Ayurvedic healing. It has been said a small, sincere prayer can bring in enormous positive energy to deal with a difficult day. Spirituality simply means the trust and the natural bond with the Supreme Power that shells and leads the Cosmos. By inculcating this practice, every individual will understand his responsibilities and righteousness to lead a glorious life.

Ayurvedic philosophies bring in the other few vital practices of Ayurveda that includes prevention of illnesses by treating the root cause of a disease instead of the symptoms. Prescribing natural remedies like herbs, essential oils, meditation, yoga, prayer and a meaningful Ayurvedic routine is the key to this healing wisdom. By this way, it promotes a disease-free living and leads to healthy aging and longevity.

Every Ayurvedic treatment starts with the analysis of the dynamic biological energies that are a pictogram of the five natural elements. They are known as doshas, namely pitta (fire + water), vata (air + space) and kapha (earth + water). These three energies are there in every person in unique ratios to make up the individual constitution. Balance between these doshas indicates health and imbalance leads to sickness.

Ayurvedic therapies are prescribed in such a way that they treat the doshic imbalances and help strike absolute balance according to the Prakriti (fundamental constitution or nature) of an individual. With its moisturizing and heating energy, Citriodora essential oil is known to lessen the excess of kapha and vata energy and increase pitta dosha when deficit.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Citriodora essential oil are:

Citriodora-broucher1. Alleviates rheumatic and arthritic pain:

Rheumatism and arthritis are mainly caused due to surplus deposits of toxic substances, salt, uric acid and excess water causing improper blood circulation especially in the joints. Water retention and stagnation of other fluids in the body are the symptoms of kapha intemperance.

Citriodora essential oil treats kapha surplus and regulates its flow in the system. Massaging the affected parts with 5 drops of Citriodora oil blended with 2.5 ml of coconut oil can help in eliminating the excess deposits and toxins through sweat and urine and enhances blood circulation. This massaging can also help in treating sore muscles, joint pain, and backache and can also serve as a vitalizing massage for people indulged in sports.

This oil relieves pain and reduces swelling with its heating effect along with its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding 2 drops of Citriodora oil in warm bathing water or in hot or cold compress is also another alternative to treat arthritic and rheumatic pain. Performing Pranayama, the art of balanced breathing can help in discharging about 70% of the toxins in the body through exhalation.

2. Non-toxic insect repellent:

The essential oil of Eucalyptus citriodora is suggested by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, U.S) as a non-toxic alternate for DEET, which an element used in other repellants, making it unsafe. With a rosy-citronella fragrance and faint lemon undertones, Citriodora essential oil is an ultimate natural remedy for keeping away from harmful insects including mosquitoes, bugs, ticks and fleas.

All you need to do is to add 3 to 4 drops of Citriodora oil in lamp oils, diffuser, lotions, patio sprays, body mists and vaporizers for preventing your lovely family from the adverse effects of insects and pests, which may otherwise cause infectious diseases like malaria, dengue etc.,

3. Relieves respiratory infections:

Problems of the respiratory system become severe when the mucous and phlegm discharges thicken and block the bronchial and nasal passages. Deposits of mucous and phlegm is due to the vitiation of kapha dosha, which is responsible for problems caused due to stagnation of water and fluids in the body.

Citriodora essential oil has kapha-reducing properties along with the antiviral and antimicrobial properties that assist in destroying the harmful virus and microbes responsible for making respiratory infections vulnerable. 2 to 3 drops of this oil added to hot water for steam inhalation helps in loosening the phlegm and mucous deposits.

By this way it helps in relieving chest congestion, nasal congestion, cough, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat and cold. Adding 2 drops of Lemon eucalyptus oil to your decongesting ointment and gently rubbing on your chest, back and throat can fasten your healing process.

4. Grants mental clarity and improves concentration:

Pitta energy is responsible for body temperature, metabolic functions, decision-making potential and for instilling the feelings of perfection in your routine. Deficit of pitta energy or pitta imbalance along with other environmental and lifestyle factors can end up in chaos, poor concentration, sluggishness, lack of self-confidence, lonesomeness and distress.

Eucalyptus citriodora oil enhances pitta energy. It has a positive effect and supports in opening the heart chakra, which is responsible for forgiveness, compassion, love for self and others and the solar plexus chakra that is incharge for feelings of self-empowerment and self-esteem.

Adding 3 drops of Citriodora oil in your burner, vaporizer, diffuser or air freshener can help in improving your self-confidence, focus, shrewdness and clarity of thoughts with its fresh, citrusy, warming, camphoraceous and woody aroma.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Citriodora oil mixed with 5 ml of olive oil or adding 3 drops of this oil to your bath can help in rejuvenating the mind, body and the soul.

5. Benefits for skin and hair:

Since the traditional times, Citriodora leaves and its essential oil have been used in the treatment of various skin disorders like burns, scabies, wounds, dermatitis and erysipelas. Citriodora oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that help in combating the growth of hazardous micro-organisms causing skin disorders and making wounds, cuts and burns more infectious.

A 2002 study on ‘Correlation between chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils of some aromatic medicinal plants growing in the Democratic Republic of Congo’ by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Belgium published that Eucalyptus citriodora is one among the most effective essential oils exhibiting the most active antibacterial effects and inhibited the growth of various bacteria.

Another research done in 2007 on ‘The antibacterial effect of Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil against a battery of clinically important bacterial strains’ at the Phytochemical Pharmacological and Microbiological Laboratory in India proved that “Citriodora oil is highly active against Alcaligenes fecalis and Proteus mirabilis, and active against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella typhimurium, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas testosterone, Bacillus cereus, Citrobacter freundii. Its healing efficiency was said to be equally comparable to the powerful Piperacillin and Amikacin antibiotics.”

As a potent antifungal oil, Citriodora has been proved effective in treating candida. When tested in a laboratory analysis in comparison with other essential oils possessing synthetic antibiotics against candida, Eucalyptus citriodora oil showed strongest anti-candidal properties.

5 drops of Citriodora oil blended with 3 ml of Almond oil and applied to infectious wounds, cuts, blisters, boils, ringworm, candida, athlete’s foot, rashes and redness due to insect stings and bites, acne and few other skin conditions with its eucalyptus and citrusy effects.

Eucalyptus citriodora oil is also a famous ingredient in shampoos, hair oils and few other hair care formulas. 10 drops of Citriodora oil added to 5 ml of coconut oil can serve as an assured remedy for alleviating dandruff, dry scalp, itching and lice, when massaged gently on the scalp followed by a hair wash with a mild shampoo (preferably 8 ml) mixed with 10 drops of Citriodora oil will leave you with a dandruff-free, lice-free, oil-free and clean smelling hair.

6. Disinfects and purifies the air:

Citriodora essential oil has a lemony, fresh, woody and energizing aroma that makes its use imperative in disinfecting, deodorizing and purifying the air. 5 to 10 drops of Citriodora essential oil can be added to your sprayer pump, diffuser, air freshener or vaporizer for killing the microbes in the atmosphere and spreading the magic of freshness around.


This article is for the purpose of education only and is not meant for curing, preventing or diagnosing any health condition or for substituting any prescribed medication or professional advice of your medical expert.

Do not use essential oils internally and always dilute essential oils before using it externally. Keep out of reach of children and avoid this oil if you are pregnant or a nursing mom. Ensure that you seek the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare expert before selecting the appropriate essential oil for your unique state of health and individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

Every particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Suggested Reading:

  1. Eucalyptus: The Genus Eucalyptus (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from CRC Press
  2. Eucalyptus Plantations: Research, Management and Development by Run-Peng Wei, Daping Xu
  3. Modern Phytomedicine: Turning Medicinal Plants into Drugs from Wiley-VCH
  4. Phytochemical and Antifungal analysis of E citriodora L. extracts: Phytochemical Constituents of Eucalyptus citriodora L. Responsible for Antifungal Activity against Pathogenic Organisms by Sehrish Iftikhar, Shabnam Javed
  5. Effect of NaCl on emergence and growth of a range of provenances of Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus populnea, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia … article from: Forest Ecology and Management] by P.A. Madsen, D.R. Mulligan

Reference Links:

  1. Eucalyptus Citriodora by Globinmed
  2. Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus citriodora) by Sigma-Adrich
  3. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (PMD) by A Beyond Pesticides Fact Sheet
  4. Extraction of essential oil and oleoresin from Eucalyptus citriodora leaves using sub and supercritical CO2 Mirelle Dogenski*, Ana Carolina Velho, Débora Nascimento e Santos, Nilson Ferreira, Alessandra Lopes de Oliveira, University of São Paulo, Department of Food Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil
  5. Correlation between chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils of some aromatic medicinal plants growing in the Democratic Republic of Congo’ by Cimanga K, Kambu K, Tona L, Apers S, De Bruyne T, Hermans N, Totté J, Pieters L, Vlietinck AJ, the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Belgium

Gurjun Oil

Gurjun-bannerAshwakarna is the Sanskrit name of the Common Gurjun tree and the trusted Ayurvedic remedy for relieving respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis and chronic cough, for its ability to eliminate excess mucous deposits in the system.

Gurjun essential oil is extracted from the woods and the oleo-resin (well-known globally as East Indian copaiba balsam), extracted from the woods of the Gurjun tree by steam distillation method.

Known as Dipterocarpus turbinatus botanically, Gurjun is indigenous to the Andaman Islands and the eastern parts of India. Gurjun is also called as Gurjun Balsam and referred as Chhaagakarna and Ajakarna in Ayurveda and used in the treatment of rheumatic conditions, urinary tract infections, skin problems like eczema and psoriasis and chronic respiratory problems.

Purchase Gurjun Oil – Retail – 4oz – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Gurjun:

Celebrated often as a key commercial timber species, the woods of this tree is considered vital in making of plywood. These notable reddish brown woods have been used in various countries including China, Cambodia, India and Yunnan. The resin extracted from the woods is used in making torches in Cambodia and the wood is employed in tea cabinet work, wood work and for sawing.

Gurjun tree is cultivated in India and China as a perfume as well as therapeutic plant. It is also used as a substitute for crude paint material. The leaves, wood and the resin of this tree have been in use in various Complementary and Alternative Medical systems for treating psoriasis, gonorrhea, bronchitis, leprosy, asthma and certain other skin disorders.

Chemical components and therapeutic properties of Gurjun oil:

The essential oil extracted from the oleo-resin of the Gurjun trees contains beta-caryophyllene, bicyclic sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, humulene and sesquiterpene alcohol. The remedial properties of this oil are diuretic, antifungal, antimicrobial, spasmolytic, anti-ulcer, stimulant, anti-rheumatic and decongestant.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Gurjun essential oil:

Cherished as the mother of all healing sciences, Ayurveda is the oldest of all healing systems on earth, trusted to have its roots deeply vested in the ancient history of the Indian mythology. The magnificence of Ayurvedic healing lies in its holistic healing approach that revolves around the principle ofThe three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.

Health is not just a physical attribute according to Ayurveda and it depends upon the emotional, spiritual and environmental factors that affect an individual’s life.

The ancient Ayurvedic texts state that the world is made up of five elements namely water, air, fire, earth and space and every individual on earth is also made up of these vital elements. This paves way for the unique individual constitution that comprises of three biological energies known as doshas, namely vata, pitta and kapha.

Every human being has a predominance of any one of these doshas that determines his physical attributes, character, mental makeup and his behavior. Balance between these doshas is a symbol of perfect health and imbalance causes illnesses. Ayurvedic remedies like essential oils, herbs, yoga, physical exercises, Ayurvedic routine, meditation and a healthy lifestyle aim at striking absolute balance between these doshas.

Gurjun essential oil is said to lessen aggravated kapha, pitta and treat vata deficit.

The major Ayurvedic health benefits of Gurjun oil are:

Gurjun-broucher1. Relieves rheumatic problems:

Rheumatism is known as ‘Amavata’ in Ayurveda and is recognized by severe pain and inflammation of the joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. Ayurvedic healing begins with the analysis of the root cause of an illness and aims at treating it instead of treating the illness alone.

The major underlying causes of rheumatic disorders according to Ayurveda are amassing of toxins or ama in the joints and the system, where these toxic substances are formed mainly due to poor metabolism, improper digestion and excretion; over exposure to cold weather conditions and infections in the gall bladder, teeth and tonsils.

Gurjun essential oil is regarded as one among the best Ayurvedic remedies for its potential to eliminate the toxic deposits in the joints and the entire system through urine, with its diuretic properties. This oil also has the power to reduce kapha dosha, which is responsible for excess water deposits, inflammation and swelling.

Blend 2 drops of Gurjun oil with 1 ml of coconut oil and massage it gently on the affected parts for guaranteed relief. You can also add 2 to 3 drops of this oil in hot compress for relieving pain and redness of the inflamed areas. The decoction prepared with the bark of this tree is prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine for treating rheumatism.

You can assist this natural remedy along with a healthy nutritious diet, Ayurvedic routine and yogasanas like Dhanur Asana and Hala Asana for complete relief from rheumatic conditions.

2. Alleviates respiratory disorders:

Respiratory system is known as Pranavaha Srotas in Ayurveda and it includes the nose, trachea and lungs, and the illnesses in this system are known as ‘Swasa Roga’. Vitiation of the respiratory system causes disorders that affect its normal functioning, which cause breathing difficulties and chronic conditions.

Imbalance of vata, pitta and kapha doshas cause different problems in the respiratory system, where excessive mucous deposits, obstruction and blockage in the nasal and respiratory passages are caused by excess of kapha dosha.

Ayurvedic medications that lessen kapha dosha are proven effective in the treatment of respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough, chest congestion and mucous deposits in the nasal and bronchial passages. Gurjun essential oil reduces aggravated kapha dosha that assists in discarding excess mucous and phlegm deposits that obstructs normal breathing and relieves nasal and chest congestion.

The ideal way to use essential oils for treating respiratory problems is in steam inhalation. Add 2 drops of Gurjun oil in steam inhalation for relieving from problems associated with the respiratory system. You can also add 1 drop of this oil to vaporub or medicated ointments and rub it gently on the chest, back and throat for relief.

3. Supports skin health:

Gurjun Balsam oil is a popular ingredient in many Ayurvedic skin care formulations used in the treatment of wounds, bedsores, ringworm, cuts, boils, diaper rashes and psoriasis. Gurjun oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties that curb the growth of harmful organisms like bacteria and fungi.

It speeds up the healing of wounds and prevents wounds from getting septic by fighting against the growth of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, which make the wounds to turn septic. Mix 2 drops of this oil in your regular skin care cream or lotion or with 1ml coconut oil and apply it on the infected parts for quicker healing. It works by combating micro organisms and retaining the natural moisture in the skin.

Other health benefits:

Few other documented use of Gurjun oil is its ability to increase blood pressure, stimulate the functions of the heart and treat ulcer. The fresh nutty, woody and balsamic fragrance of this oil has made its use vital in the perfume industry and in flavoring tobacco products.


This article is only for the purpose of information and is not intended to treat or replace any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never use essential oils internally and always use it in a diluted form as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances. Always seek professional advice from your Ayurvedic expert for choosing the appropriate essential oil for your unique health condition and individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.
-Walt Whitman

Suggested Reading:

  1. Gurjun, Apitong, Keruing, Kapurand Allied Timbers by S H. Clarke
  2. The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia: A Concise Guide to over 385 Plant Oils by Carol Schiller, David Schiller
  3. Analysis of Resins, Balsams and Gum-Resins: The Chemistry and Pharmacognosis by Karl Dieterich

Reference Links:

  1. Dipterocarpus turbinatus by Wikipedia
  2. Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary by C.P. Khare
  3. Respiratory Disease Management by Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla, MD, Ayurveda
  4. Gurjun Balsam Oil by Venkatramna Perfumers

Hyssop Oil

hyssop-bannerBible reveals the genuine use of Hyssop by saying “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean” in Psalm 51:7. Hyssop is held-high as a spiritual herb since the Biblical times for its potential to purify the mind, cleanse the soul and improve divinity and supports nourishment from within.

The name Hyssop is extracted from the Hebrew word ‘azob’ meaning ‘holy herb’ and was used in temples and other sacred places as a cleansing agent. The essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of this perennial plant and is botanically known as Hyssopus officinalis and is a part of the mint family, Lamiaceae.

It has been honored as one among the 12 main oils of the Scripture. Ayurveda recommends the use of Hyssop and its essential oil for treating respiratory problems like chronic catarrh, cold, cough, congestion and asthma.  It was also used for regulating high blood pressure, treat flatulence and colic, reduce fever, release heavy emotions, support deep breathing and improve the immune power.

Purchase Hyssop Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Hyssop and its essential oil:

Hyssop is known as one among the oldest herb used by human beings. Hippocrates, the renowned physician prescribed Hyssop for treating bronchial problems, inflammation, chest congestion, throat infections and pleurisy.

The ancient Romans used Hyssop for protecting themselves from plague. They prepared a medicated wine using Hyssop leaves and flowers and valued it as a natural remedy for plague and certain other health disorders. Hyssop tea, infusion and tincture have been used in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice.

Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. Not one of you shall go out the door of his house until morning.” Exodus 12:22, is another Biblical verse talking about the greatness and purifying abilities of Hyssop herb. Bible also records the use of Hyssop by influential Biblical leaders including Jesus, Moses, Solomon and David. There are about 126 verses in the Bible that talk about Hyssop. It was also used in cleaning and polishing sanctified places.

Persians used Hyssop oil in skin lotions to augment their complexion and enhance skin health. It was used by the Europeans as air freshener and the traditional Indians used Hyssop for healing wounds, treat bruises, lessen excess fluid content in the body and to alleviate muscular pain. Hyssop is also a popular ingredient of Chartreuse liquor.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Hyssop essential oil:

The most important chemical constituents of Hyssop essential oil are myrcene, a-pinene, limonene, camphene, isopinocamphene, b-pinene, 1,8-cineole, sabinene, y-terpineol, thujone and pinocamphone.

These components contribute to its remedial properties like expectorant, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, vulnerary, carminative, sudorific, cicatrisant, nervine, digestive, vermifuge, febrifuge, tonic and hypertensive.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Hyssop essential oil:

Ayurveda is the wisdom of spiritual and holistic healing that has been in practice since 5,000 years. This ancient philosophy identifies disease as an opportunity to explore the actual cause lying behind an illness.

Identifying the root cause of an illness and treating it paves way for prevention of diseases in the future, leading a healthy life and progressing towards longevity. Whereas the contemporary medical system treats illnesses without analyzing its root cause, by this way the disease gets suppressed inside for the time being and grows as a major root for chronic disorders in the future.

Ayurvedic philosophy is based upon five major elements of nature, namely fire, water, earth, air and space. It is strongly believed that the universe is made up of these five elements and everything on this universe is made up of these elements including human beings. With a combination of these vital elements, every individual has a unique constitution that comprises of three biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas are a combination of the five elements of nature. Vata represents air and space, pitta is combination of fire and water and kapha signifies water and earth.

Vata dosha is responsible for nervous functions, movement, circulation and respiration.  Pitta energy governs digestion and metabolic functions. Kapha type controls the structure and sustenance of the body and the movement of fluids in the system. Every human being has a predominance of any one of these doshas that depicts their personality, behavior, physical and emotional attributes. Balance between these doshas symbolizes health and imbalance causes illnesses.

Ayurvedic remedies focus on regularizing dosha imbalances and include essential oils, herbs, meditation, yoga, physical exercises, prayers, Ayurvedic routine and a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet. Hyssop essential oil has been used in Ayurvedic healing for treating excess kapha along with pitta and vata deficit.

Let’s take a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Hyssop essential oil based on the suggested methods of usage.

Hyssop-broucher-info1. In baths and Ayurvedic massage therapy:

Ayurveda trusts in healing humanity through the five major senses namely the sense of sight, sense of sound, sense of touch, sense of taste and the sense of smell. Using Ayurvedic essential oils in bath and in Abhyanga, the art of Ayurvedic massaging treats illnesses of the mind and body through the sense of touch and the sense of smell.

Skin is the largest organ of the body and is the fastest mode to transmit the therapeutic molecules of essential oils to penetrate deeply into the blood stream. When used in bathing water, the aroma of the essential oil passes through the nasal passages and passes onto the limbic system, which is the control center of the brain. By this way the remedial properties of the oil gets conveyed to other parts of the body in the form of control waves by the limbic system.

Add 2 drops of Hyssop essential oil in warm bathing water for relieving from fatigue, anxiety, menstrual pain, flatulence, viral infections, low blood pressure, respiratory infections, urinary problems, fever and skin infections. Taking bath in this medicated water before going to bed can assist in promoting peaceful sleep, mental clarity, relaxation of muscles and nerves. It also helps in eliminating excess fluids and toxic substances in the body through urine and sweat.

Blend 3 drops of Hyssop essential oil with 1.5 ml of sesame oil and gently massage it on your abdomen for treating dysmennorhea, promoting blocked or delayed menstruation, regularize the menstrual cycle and alleviate menopausal symptoms like stress, hot flashes and discharges with its emmenagogue, stimulant and tonic properties.

Massaging the painful area with this blend also helps in expelling excessive salts, fluids, sodium and other toxic substances in the body through urine. By this way it helps in reducing swelling, inflammation and rheumatic pain. A 2002 study on ‘The muscle relaxing activity of Hyssopus officinalis essential oil on isolated intestinal preparations’ have proved that Hyssop oil is effective in treating muscular pain by relaxing the muscles and reducing the amplitude of spontaneous movements.

Hyssop essential has the potential to increase pitta dosha, which is responsible for metabolic functions and digestive fire. Massaging your stomach and abdomen with 2 drops of Hyssop oil blended with 1 ml of olive oil can help in relieving from gas, flatulence, colic and indigestion. The carminative, digestive, vermifuge and stomachic properties of Hyssop oil aids in increasing the secretion of digestive acids and gastric juices that supports indigestion, colic, intestinal gas and spasms and kills intestinal worms.

Massaging your foot soles with 2 drop of Hyssop oil mixed with 1 ml of warm coconut oil can help in reducing your body temperature and treat fever effectively with its febrifuge properties. It promotes urination and supports to get rid of all infectious organisms causing fever through sweat and urine. A 2010 study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Hyssop essential oil has been proved to weaken the flu virus and weakens the ability of influenza to affect cells.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Hyssop essential oil mixed with 5 ml of coconut oil can assist in relieving tension, mental fatigue, anxiety, sore muscles, microbial infections, pain, inflammation, headache, low blood pressure, flu, tonsillitis, dermatitis, eczema, sore throat and asthma.

This massage blend aids in stimulating your system by enhancing your immune powers and acts as a tonic to your digestive system, nervous system, endocrinal system, excretory system and circulatory system. Go for a Hyssop massage every weekend to revitalize your senses and your system for the week ahead.

2. In steam inhalation:

Excess of kapha dosha is responsible for respiratory problems like cold, cough, chest congestion, nasal congestion and breathing difficulties. Hyssop essential oil controls excess kapha and assists in relieving respiratory disorders including heavy catarrhal conditions. This oil also has expectorant, decongestant and diuretic properties that help in expelling excess of phlegm and mucus deposits in the chest, bronchial and nasal passages.

Hyssop is listed as an effective expectorant by the University of Maryland Medical Center that can support in eliminating mucus from lungs and in alleviating whooping cough. All you need to do to relieve from your respiratory problems is to add 2 drops of Hyssop essential oil in steam inhalation.

3. In burners or diffusers:

The sweet-camphoraceous, warm and powerful aroma of Hyssop oil assists in treating anxiety, mental fatigue, stress, negative feelings and other mental woes. Hyssop is used as an effective mental stimulant for calming the mind and soothing the nerves.

Add 2 to 3 drops of Hyssop essential oil to your diffuser, burner or aromatic lamp for relieving nervous tension, alleviate negative emotions and purify the mind. This oil is also known to grant mental clarity, augment creativity and assist meditation peacefully. On a spiritual perspective, Hyssop essential oil is recognized as a spiritual remedy to forgive sins and attain spiritual oneness.

4. In creams, lotions and rubs:

Hyssop essential oil has antiseptic, cicatrisant and vulnerary properties that make it the most ideal oil for treating skin problems. Being an antiseptic and vulnerary oil, Hyssop aids in protecting wounds, cuts and abrasions from being septic. It invades the presence of micro-organisms like bacteria and virus and protects the wound from microbial infections, paving way for quicker healing process.

The cicatrisant value of Hyssop essential oil assists in diminishing scars and prevents the skin from permanent scarring left by acne, boils, accidents, insect bites, pregnancy, pox and surgeries.  Mix 2 drops of Hyssop essential oil to your regular skin care cream or daily lotion and apply it on wounds, infections, cuts, scars, marks, acne and insect bites for effective results.

Using this aromatic blend on your scars, stretch marks and other marks on the skin helps in promoting cellular regeneration and growth of new skin cells that assist in fading away existing scars and marks on the skin. Add 2 drops of Hyssop oil to your vapor rub and apply it gently on the chest, throat and back for effective relief from whooping cough, cold, headache and nasal congestion.


This is only for the purpose of information and is not intended for treatment or to substitute any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never take essential oils internally.

Ensure to use them in a diluted form as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances and can cause harm if used directly on the skin. Consult your Ayurvedic physician before choosing the right essential oils for your unique individual constitution and precise health condition. Be cautious before using essential oils if you are nursing or pregnant.

Thought for the day:

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. – David in Psalm 51:7

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Hyssop Supplement: Alternative Medicine for a Healthy Body (Health Collection) by William Wagner
  2. Beautiful Plants of the Bible from the Hyssop to the Mighty Cedar Trees by Dr. David Darom
  3. A 21st Century Herb: Hyssop Superior Healing Power: By Willie Southall
  4. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  5. The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Aromatic Oils In Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Health, and Well Being by Julia Lawless

Reference Links:

  1. Hyssop by University of Michigan Health System
  2. Hyssop by Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
  3. Hyssop Essential Oil by FireStorm Ministries
  4. Hyssop Seeds and Hyssop Essential Oil by Diet Health Club
  5. The muscle relaxing activity of Hyssopus officinalis essential oil on isolated intestinal preparations by Department of Pharmacology of Natural substances and General Physiology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy published in PubMed