Ayurvedic Essential Oils For Back Pain Treatment

‘Ouch! It pains’ was my anthem till four years back and it was my partner’s irritating statement as I persistently sing the back pain song every single day without fail. Be it a long drive or hours together of passionate writing accompanying my gadget or a social event, everything ends impartially by gifting me with the excruciating back pain. Wondering about what had happened in the last 4 years? Will you trust me if I say that I’m in a revolutionized cosmos that is free of this agonizing ache? Yes! You should trust as millions of people have already benefited by the use of the extraordinary essential oils that have been proved effective for back pain treatment, which I came to know only before the fairy four years time.

Possible reasons for back pain: Back pain could screw your life if you fit into any of these criteria:

‘Okay, what should I do now?’ Will be your next question as back pain is as common as a cough or sneeze in today’s hectic living as William Henry Davies said in his renowned poem Leisure:

‘A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare’.

Secret of my rescue and myriad people as well: Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines may grant you temporary relief but might worsen the situation with their irreparable and off-putting side effects. Using Ayurvedic essential oils for treating your acute or chronic pain in the back has been proven safe and powerful. Few such essential oils for back pain treatment are:

Peppermint essential oil: Peppermint oil is widely used in Ayurvedic massage therapies for improving blood circulation in the body aiding in smooth supply of blood to the affected parts of the body. This oil helps in rejuvenating your mind and helps you to recover from your ache at ease.  With its analgesic, therapeutic and anti-inflammatory qualities it’s used effectively for getting rid of acute back pain.

Clary Sage and Chamomile essential oil: Clary sage is known for its relaxing, cooling, antispasmodic, nervine, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties that assist in reassuring the stressed muscles and eliminating the actual pain in your back and joints. Chamomile essential oil is mainly used for treating muscular spasms and relieves tension in the muscles.

Ginger Essential Oil: Ginger is a legendary herb in the history of Ayurveda and is the worst enemy of diseases and abnormalities. The essential oil of Ginger has its use since the ancient period in treating skeletal and muscular problems. It tones the muscles and soothes extreme pain in a matter of minutes when it is gently massaged on the affected area.

Frankincense, Lavender, Rosemary and Yarrow essential oils are also used in treating back pains and save your head from this slow-killer with the help of a proficient Ayurvedic massage expert.

Reference Links:

  1. Back Pain by emedicinehealth
  2. Back Pain by Wikipedia
  3. Remedies-Back Pain by Health Herbs and Nutrition
  4. Soothe Back Pain Naturally With Various Essential Oils by Natural News.com

Ayurvedic Ways of Treating The Disgusting Dysmennorhea

Dysmennorhea is often sickening and agonizing. Severe menstrual pain that comes before or on the onset of cyclical menstrual periods is referred to as Dysmennorhea. It lasts for 1 to 3 days of menses and is often accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, depression, headache, nausea, stress, fatigue and bloating. The discharge of the prostaglandins and oxytocin hormones during menstruation is the basic reason for primary Dysmennorhea. The best way to treat this threatening physical condition is with the use of Ayurvedic treatment that can completely cure Dysmennorhea without any adverse side effects.

It’s nature’s law and the beauty of nature often ends up in gifting all the biological complexities to the most elegant, steel-hearted and the greatest creation in the world, none other than ‘Women’. Generally women scrawl in pain during their regular menstruation and whisper a solid statement that says ‘Why everything for women? Right from menstrual pain to labor pain, why everything for women and nothing for men?’ Young ladies, never curse your creation and love to cherish it as Ayurveda considers human body as a temple and appreciates your individuality.

Blessed are women: Men have higher risks of heart disease than women as the female hormone called estrogen is active till menopause and the impurities in the blood are often discharged during your cyclic menstrual period. You are safe because of your reproductive cycle!

Ayurvedic treatment for Dysmennorhea: Ayurveda has its own magnificence in treating each health condition. It treats Dysmennorhea according to the Vata, Pitta and Kapha body types.

  • Ayurvedic herbs: The science of life suggests the use of effective herbs like Sweet fennel, Lemon balm, Pasque flower and Dong Quai, popularly known as the tonic for assisting the reproductive health of women. It also suggests the use of combination of Aloe vera with black pepper.
  • Ayurvedic essential oils: Using Ayurvedic essential oils with emmenagogue, analgesic and antispasmodic properties are trusted to treat womanly problems like Dysmennorhea, Amenorrhea, Leucorrhea and much more. Few such special essential oils with emmenagogue properties are Clary Sage essential oil, Rosemary essential oil, Angelica essential oil, Lavender essential oil, Juniper essential oil, sweet fennel essential oil, Jasmine essential oil, Myrrh essential oil and Peppermint essential oil can balance your hormones and help alleviate the painful menstrual cramps. Gently massage any of these essential oils or a blend of two or three to calm your nerves and soother your abdominal pains.
  • Yoga asanas: Ayurveda suggests practicing asanas like Padmasana for lessening menstrual pain as it gradually improves blood circulation in the lower part of the body while steadily enhancing metabolism, treating hormonal imbalances and control menstrual pains.

Ayurveda recommends the intake of healthy diet with green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and food items rich in magnesium like banana, barley, whole grains, broccoli, spinach, artichoke, beans and few others. Drink lot of water to restore the energy levels. Ayurveda also insists on the detoxifying system called Panchakarma that cleanses and removes the toxic substances from your body assisting in improved circulation and stress-free living.

Reference Links:

  1. Painful Menstrual Periods / Dysmennorhea – Symptom Evaluation by Med India
  2. Aging and Heart Disease by Heart Health Women.Org
  3. Angelica Sinensis by Wikipedia
  4. Padmasana and Benefits by answers.myYOG.com