Curry Leaf Oil

Curry-leaf-bannerCure leaf, Potent cancer warrior, Sweet neem, Indian bay and Vitamins powerhouse are some of the celebrated names of Curry leaf, the much treasured and relished aroma provider of Indian soups and curries.

Owning a similar appearance to bay leaves, these aromatic leaves hold a distinct flavor contributed by caryophyllene and 3-carene. Curry leaf essential oil is extracted from curry leaves by steam distillation method.

Curry leaf tree is an easy to cultivate herb and is indigenous to India and Sri Lanka, the countries of rich cultural heritage. Every part of this tree including its leaves, berries and flowers have enormous medicinal values and the best part is that it is easily affordable to poor people as well.

Ayurveda calls this tree as Girinimba or Krishnanimba, named after Lord Krishna, the God of ultimate protection. This ancient art of holistic healing has used Curry leaves and its essential oil in various Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of diabetes, eye diseases, liver problems, diarrhea, high cholesterol, hair fall, gastrointestinal problems, skin pigmentation and oral disorders.

Purchase Curry Leaf Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Curry Leaf tree:

Curry leaves have its name carved in the Tamil literature dating back to 4th century AD for its abundant culinary benefits. Derived from the Tamil word Kari meaning spicy sauce, curry leaves are being clad by numerous vernacular names such as Kariveppilai in Tamil, Kariveppu in Malayalam, Meetha Neem or Karipatta in Hindi, Karibevu in Kannada, Karepeku in Telugu, Folhas de caril in Portuguese, Listya karri in Russian, Fogli di cari in Italian, Hoias de curry in Spanish and Curryblatter in German.

Beautifying the backyard of every home in the Indian subcontinent, Curry leaf tree has a strong precedence in the Indian folklore medicine. The leaves are widely used for its digestive properties in numerous Indian cuisines and have been used in Ayurvedic healing as a natural tonic for an extensive range of ill-health conditions.

Curry leaves are used in alternative medicinal practices like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and the Traditional Chinese medicine for treating diarrhea, vomiting and to endorse the appetite. These leaves are known to possess anti-diabetic properties and is a popular natural aid for controlling diabetes. The paste extracted from the ground leaves are applied on wounds, eruptions, bruises, burns, acne and to treat other skin disorders.

Curry leaves boiled in coconut oil is a popular natural tonic for hair growth. This herbal tonic is trusted to nourish hair follicles and restore its natural color. It quenches thirst and suppresses the heat of the body, for which the yummy buttermilk flavored with curry leaves is often served to greet the guests in India. These leaves are also used in ancient rituals, prayers and sacred ceremonies as a substitute for tulsi leaves.

Certain Ayurvedic remedies include the roots of Curry leaf tree as an aid to relieve pain associated with kidneys. It also assists in treating inflammation, itching, anemia and other blood disorders. Known for its astringent properties, the fruits of the Curry leaf tree are found to be nutritional and beneficial in the mythological medicines of ancient India and China.

The branches of the Curry leaf tree are used since primordial times vastly in the field of oral care. It was used as a datun (natural brush) for cleaning the teeth and strengthening the gums by building a protective shield to battle against the harmful microbes.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Curry Leaf oil:

Rich in carbazole alkaloids, Curry leaf oil constitutes of  α-pinene, sabinene , caryophyllene, β-pinene , terpinen-4-ol, γ-terpinene , limonene ,α-terpinene, (E)-nerolidol, α-humulene, α-thujene ,β-elemene ,β-selinene , b-gurjunene, b-bisabolene, trans beta ocimene, b-cardinene, a-selinene and myrcene.

This oil serves as a rich nutritional source of carbohydrates, fibers, minerals, proteins, Vitamins A, B, B2, E & C, calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, oxalic acid and nicotinic acids with zero fats.

Curry leaf oil is used in promoting the health of humanity with its antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, stimulant, anti-dysenteric, stomachic, carminative, antiemetic, purgative, appetizer, analgesic, detoxifier, diuretic, anti-aging, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, aphrodisiac, depurative, revitalizing, insecticidal, fungicidal, anti-hypercholesterolemic, lipolytic and deodorant properties.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Curry leaf oil:

Ayurveda is the ancient science of holistic healing, where ‘Ayur’ means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge. Being the oldest of all remedial systems in the world, Ayurveda is the mother of all healing methodologies on earth and is the pioneer system for many healing sciences including Siddha, Unani, Chiropractic, Acupressure, Homeopathy and the Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Health according to Ayurveda is a three-tier structure comprising of the perfect balance between the body, mind and spirit. This natural science states that wellness and illness depends solely on the perfect rhythm with nature.

It also says that everything on earth is a part of nature and is made up the five elements of nature. They are earth, water, fire, space and air. Among these elements earth constructs the physical body (bones and muscles), water runs in the form of blood and other fluids in the body, air aids in breathing, agni or fire is the heat energy created in the body for carrying out the functions of metabolism, absorption and body temperature and space is the spirit that lives in.

Ayurveda trusts that every individual is made with a unique combination of these five elements in the form of biological energies known as doshas. These energies put together is the individual constitution or the physical, mental and spiritual make up of a person. Every human being has a predominance of any one of these doshas and this predominance determines their unique personality, character and behavioral attributes.

Illness according to Ayurveda is an opportunity to trace out that there is something out of balance in the body due to the imbalance of these three doshas. To treat these imbalances, which are mostly the root cause of a sickness, Ayurvedic system prescribes natural medications like herbs, physical exercises, essential oils, Ayurvedic routine, healthy lifestyle, meditation, prayers, and yoga that suit the individual constitution.

Curry leaf oil has the power to pacify aggravated kapha and vata doshas and increase pitta dosha. With such well-built healing values, Ayurveda prescribes Curry leaf oil as an aid to assist every human being with healthy hair, bright eyesight, strong teeth and gums, glowing skin, actively functioning liver, smooth digestive system, cholesterol and diabetes-free system.

The most important Ayurvedic health benefits of Curry leaf oil are:

Curry-leaf-broucher1. A natural tonic for long and lustrous hair:

Healthy, long, strong and lustrous hair is the dream of many. Here comes the natural wonder to give life to your dreams about your hair and would you believe if I say that the wonder is nothing but the most affordable Curry leaf oil? Yes! A balanced diet with equal proportion of vitamins, minerals, iron and other nutrients is required to maintain a healthy hair. Rich in minerals, iron, Vitamins A, B, C & E, Curry leaves and its essential oil have been used both internally and externally in Ayurveda since ages for hair care.

As a rich source of natural antioxidants, Curry leaf oil helps in contracting the muscles and tissues, thus strengthening the roots of the hair and preventing hair fall. The healthy nutrients in this oil promotes natural hair growth and effectively works on the real pigmentation of the individual’s physique and helps in bringing back the original color of the hair.

This attribute of Curry leaf oil makes it a wonderful natural aid for premature graying of hair and skin pigmentation problems, where the skin loses its natural pigmentation and white patches start spreading all over the body. A renowned article by the members of the Spices Board Team states that curry leaves have done miracle in the life of those affected by skin pigmentation problems.

All you need to do is to add 5 drops of Curry leaf oil in 2.5 ml of coconut oil and massage it gently on the scalp and let it for 1 hour. After this soothing massage wash your hair with natural hair cleansers like Shikakai or herbal shampoos for startling results. For treating skin pigmentation, add 2 drops of Curry leaf oil in 1 ml of olive oil and apply it on the affected areas in a relaxing manner. Use mild soaps on the skin after this massage.

2. Protects the eyes and improves eyesight:

Vitamin A is all that comes to our mind, the moment we think about ways to improve our eyesight and protect our eyes from the onset of some common diseases that come along with aging. As a rich source of Vitamin A, Curry leaf oil provides the necessary compounds required by the retina of the eye in the formation of the light absorbing molecule called rhodopsin, which aids in good vision.

Curry leaves not only help in brightening the vision of the eyes but also assists in delaying the onset of cataract if utilized regularly. You can add 1 drop of Curry leaf oil in steam inhalation or in warm water for washing your face. The best ways to benefit your vision is to use fresh Curry leaves in your diet and adding 1 to 2 drops of Curry leaf oil in almond oil for massaging your face.

3. Aids in maintaining oral health:

Gum problems, toothache and bad breath are often the most annoying health conditions. It has been a practice in India since the ancient times to chew Curry leaves daily to maintain good oral health. The essential oil extracted from these leaves are rich in vitamin C, calcium, folic acid and zinc. Adding 2 drops of this oil in a cup of warm water and using it as a gargle aids in strengthening the teeth and gums and gives a long lasting freshness in your breath.

Moreover the antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal attributes of this oil helps in refreshing the breath thus curing halitosis as well. It is for this great reason; the primeval Indians used the branches of the Curry leaf tree to clean their teeth.

A recent study on the role of herbal products for oral care states that chewing Curry leaves or gargling with its essential oil stimulates the process of salivation that in turn increases the salivary PH value which plays an important role in maintaining the oral health and promoting the dental remineralization apart from protecting against various other oral health issues such as bad breath, advent of tooth decay due to harmful bacteria etc.

4. Excellent aid in skin care:

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and most often your skin health reflects the healthiness of your entire system. Today’s contemporary living forces most of us to encounter numerous dermatological problems due to the close contact with harmful chemicals in various forms ranging from cosmetics, hair care, skin care and personal hygiene products that we use every day.

Curry Leaf oil serves as a natural antimicrobial and antioxidant agent that aids in protecting the skin from tanning with its rich nutrient values. Massaging your skin with 5 drops of Curry leaf oil blended with 2.5 ml of Jojoba oil effectively helps in keeping the connective tissues intact thus helping in reducing wrinkles and relieving from other signs of aging.

You can also add 2 drops of Curry leaf oil in your regular skin care cream or lotion and apply it gently on the affected area for arresting the spread of infectious micro-organisms like bacteria, virus and fungi that often remains as the cause of concern for various skin problems including pimples, athlete’s foot, ringworm, itches, acne, boils and septic of wounds and burns.

The antimicrobial property of this oil assists in curbing the growth of microbes causing skin problems and infections and this powerful oil is used in the manufacturing of toiletries and ointments and skin care creams. This oil has the power to treat poisonous insect bites also.

5. Helps in treating Diabetes Mellitus:

Diabetes mellitus is the most common health condition among the numerous hereditary diseases that affect human beings. It is one of the most hazardous ailments for it is always associated with plenty of other factors that can make you completely wreck-down if not kept under control.

Ayurvedic healing strongly prescribes the use of Curry leaf and its essential oil for treating diabetes, as these magical leaves have hypoglycemic values. Numerous research studies by medical practitioners and scholars state that curry leaf oil has the potential of slowing down the rate of breaking down of start into glucose which results in lower level of glucose being dispersed in the bloodstream.

Ensure that you go on for a natural Ayurvedic massaging twice a week with 6 drops of Curry leaf oil mixed with 3 to 4 ml of sesame oil, followed by a warm bath where 2 drops of this oil is diluted in the bathing water as well. The remedial properties of this oil penetrate through the skin and enter the blood stream where it fights against diabetes mellitus by controlling the blood glucose levels in the body.

6. Effectively cares your digestive system:

Curry leaf oil has a handful of remedial benefits including stimulant, appetizer, anti-dysenteric, stomachic, carminative and antiemetic. Being a natural stimulant, it enhances the appetite and promotes the secretion of digestive enzymes, thus aiding in proper digestion and complete absorption of the nutrients after every meal.

Curry leaf oil serves as an excellent purgative to regularize your bowel movements. It also helps in alleviating other digestive disorders such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea due to indigestion, constipation, piles etc. Moreover, it acts as an efficient antimicrobial and antifungal agent to set your intestines free from harmful microbes. This is the major reason for using Curry leaves in food preparation.

To help with digestive disorders, you can massage your tummy and abdomen with 4 drops of Curry leaf oil mixed with 2 ml of sesame oil or add 2 drops of this oil in your vaporizer or diffuser. You can also go for a warm bath diluted with 3 drops of Curry leaf oil to relieve from stomach upset, indigestion, irregular bowel movements and loss of appetite.

7. Helps maintain the optimal cholesterol level:

Curry leaf oil is rich in carbazole alkaloids (antioxidant), which helps in aiding the metabolism of fats and fatty acids in the body, thus helping in reducing and eliminating the bad cholesterol in the system. This potential of Curry leaf oil has significant impact in the treatment of obesity and high-cholesterol levels.

Massage your system with 6 drops of Curry leaf oil with 3 ml of warm coconut oil and inhale the remedial aroma of Curry leaf oil by adding 2 drops of this oil in your burner or aromatic candles for maintaining the proper level of HDL (good cholesterol) in your system. When inhaled, the aromatic molecules of this oil passes the nasal passages and reach the limbic system, which is the chief control center of the brain and it passes appropriate signals and commands to various organs for active functioning.

8. Reduces inflammation:

As a natural detoxifier and depurative, Curry leaf oil helps in excreting the harmful toxins from the body and purifies the blood. It also acts as a diuretic and eases the quantity and frequency of urinating. By this way, it leaves less pressure on the kidneys and protects the liver by aiding it to encounter with less amount of toxic substances.

All these medicinal values make Curry leaf oil as a superior natural remedy for reducing inflammatory conditions caused due to water retention and deposits of toxins, excess salt and uric acid. Mix 2 drops of Curry leaf oil with 1 ml of olive oil and massage it firmly on the painful or inflamed parts for quick relief. You can also add 3 to 4 drops of this oil in hot compress for effective results.

Other health benefits of Curry Leaf Oil:

Due to its richness in vitamin A and calcium, Curry leaf oil is used in strengthening the bones and hence it is highly recommended for women who suffer from osteoporosis and calcium deficiency. It is also a great aid in recovering from the aftershocks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments of cancer. With its disinfectant and antimicrobial properties, Curry leaf oil is also used in the manufacturing of soaps, insecticides and mosquito repellents.


This information is only for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute any professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Do not use essential oils internally and always use it topically in a diluted form only, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from plants. It is advisable to consult your Ayurvedic expert before making the right choice of essential oils that are suitable for your unique state of health and individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. -Hal Borland

Suggested Reading:

  1. Herbal Antibiotics: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria (Medicinal Herb Guide) by Stephen Harrod Buhner
  2. Curry Leaves and Cumin Seeds: A Healthier Approach to Indian Cooking by Jeeta Gandhi
  3. Pharmacognosy and Biological evaluation of Murraya Koenigii (Linn) by Ashish Gaur
  4. Essential Oils from the Leaves of Murraya Koenigii (spreng.), Murraya Exotica (linn.) And Murraya Exotica Var. Ovatifoliolata by A. R.; Simonsen, J. L.

Reference Links:

  1. Curry Tree by Wikipedia
  2. Phytochemical diversity of Murraya koenigii from Western Himalaya published in pubmed.
  3. A 2012 research article on the Estimation of salivary and tongue coating pH on chewing household herbal leaves: A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed.
  4. A 2004 article on ‘The traditional diabetes remedy offers hope’ published in The Times of India.
  5. Ayurvedic Herb Curry Leaves published in Geocities

Frankincense Oil

Frankinsence-banenrRepresented as an ‘Emblem of Prayer’, Frankincense is yet another Biblical oil that brings you close to heaven by appeasing your mind, relieving your pain, strengthening your positive emotions and implanting enormous beauty benefits.

Extracted from the gum or resin of Boswellia frereana tree by steam distillation, Frankincense essential oil is often held high for its power to spread health and heartiness in a magic of minutes, just like that.

Ayurveda quotes the use of Frankincense as ‘dhoopan’, and burning Frankincense everyday in homes is trusted to bring good health in Indian culture.

Known as ‘Dhoop’ in Sanskrit, Frankincense and its essential oil have been used for more than thousands of years in Ayurvedic healing in the treatment of respiratory illnesses, arthritis, weak female hormone system, rheumatism, skin infections, wounds, womanly problems and for cleansing the air.

Purchase Frankincense Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Frankincense Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Frankincense and its essential oil:

Frankincense is represented as a ‘symbol of the divine aroma’ and as an ‘emblem of prayer’ in various chapters of the Bible including Psalm 141:2; Luke 1:10 and Revelation 5:8, 8:3. Best known as one of the three gifts gifted to Infant Jesus by the wise men, the existence of Frankincense dates back even before the birth of Jesus Christ. Given the credit of the most spiritual oil of the Middle East, it has flawless healing benefits with an inbound immaculate aroma.

People of all religions consider Frankincense as a symbol of sacredness and it is witnessed with the presence of this mesmerizing fragrance in various religious ceremonies. Frankincense is an important symbol of trading carried out in Arabian Peninsula and North Africa for more than 5000 years ago that the temples of the ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut are adorned by murals depicting sacks of Frankincense traded from the land of Punt.

Prepared from the resin of Frankincense or olibanum trees by steam distillation method, this oil is a part of the traditional medicinal system including Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and in certain other folklore remedies in treating wounds, arthritis, digestive disorders, rheumatism, and weak immune system and in promoting healthy skin.

Frankincense has its name etched in Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder. The renowned book on ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ by Bryan Miller and Light Miller quotes the use of Frankincense since ages as “Clay tablets, revealed that, in Babylon, 57,000 pounds of Frankincense were burned every year.” It also says that about 60 tons of this aromatic resin was used in the annual feast of the God Baal in the Assyrian civilization.

Since ancient times, Frankincense is burnt in homes for keeping away from insects, cleansing the atmosphere, warding off sickness and evil spirits and to help reach one’s prayers to the Divine. This holy herbal medicine is burnt even today in numerous Indian homes during the dusk to fulfill their special prayers and guard against bad spirits and harmful insects.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report of Frankincense oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Frankincense oil consists of 9 major chemical components that contribute to its unique fragrance, therapeutic properties and quality.

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For learning more about the extensive information of these chief constituents of Frankincense oil.

Alpha-thujene is the predominant constituent of Frankincense with about 53 % area.

The table below on the Gas Chromatography report talks about the principal chemical constituents and its role in granting the therapeutic and other attributes to Frankincense oil.

Frankincense-OilStudies on the chemical composition of Frankincense oil reveal that it contains monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes such as a-pinene, b-pinene, isoterpenolene, a-phellandrene, b-phellandrene, sabinene, linalool, octanol, octyl acetate, bornyl acetate, incensole and incensyl acetate in different ratios depending upon the species of the Boswellia trees from which the resins are obtained.

Therapeutic properties of Frankincense oil:

Frankincense oil is commonly used for its aromatic, antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, immune stimulant, disinfectant, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, sedative, tonic, uterine, vulnerary and expectorant properties.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Frankincense Oil:

Ayurveda is an ancient healing science that focuses on longevity and healthy aging through prevention of diseases and a balanced lifestyle that assists in being in harmony with nature.

Ayurvedic healing methodologies were strongly implanted to the human civilization by the powerful Ayurvedic encyclopedias namely Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.

Charaka Samhita enlightens Ayurveda as a discipline that heals the mind, body and soul and says, “The three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.”

With this thought, Ayurveda regards human body as a temple, where the spirit dwells in and keeping the mind and body clean without any physical illnesses or mental chaos is the way to harmonious living.

The science of Ayurveda rests on the principle of five elements of nature namely fire, water, earth, air and space. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, everything in the universe is a part of nature and contains all these five elements in it.

Human body also consists of these elements in the form of biological energies known as doshas, in various forms so as to represent a unique individual constitution.

Vata dosha represents air and space and is responsible for circulation, nervous functions, respiration and movement. Kapha dosha is a combination of water and earth and is in charge of the structure of the body along with its sustenance. Pitta symbolizes fire and water and is responsible for body temperature and metabolic functions. Balance between these doshas indicates health and imbalance leads to illnesses.

Ayurveda recommends natural remedies like essential oils, herbs, yoga, physical exercises, healthy balanced diet, Ayurvedic routine, meditation and prayers in order to treat these doshic imbalances and treat the illnesses by analyzing its root cause instead of diagnosing its symptoms.

Frankincense is said to have a sattvic or cleansing effect on the mind as well as the nervous system. It assists in burning impurities in the subtle nerve channels. The essential oil of Frankincense clears excess kapha and pacifies vata and pitta doshas.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Frankincense essential oil are:

frankinsence-broucher1. Strengthens your immune system:

Frankincense essential oil is an exceptional gift of nature that serves as an antiseptic, disinfectant and immune stimulant. Just inhaling the invigorating aroma of this supreme oil by adding 2 drops of this oil to your burner or diffuser, helps build a protective aura around yourself and acts as a shield in fighting against germs and disease causing microorganisms.

A 2002 study on the chemistry and immunomodulatory activity of Frankincense oil conducted by the department of Pharmacognosy of Mansoura University, Egypt states that Frankincense oil exhibited immuno-stimulant activity in addition to its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti- leukotriene properties. This study encourages the utilization of Frankincense essential oil for several auto-immune disorders.

The number of leukocytes in the human body determines the strength of the immune system of an individual. Inhaling the fragrance or using Frankincense essential oil in a massage blend (5 drops of Frankincense oil added with 2.5 ml coconut oil) increases the production of leukocytes in the body with its cytophylactic property.

2. Fights against cancerous cells:

Frankincense essential oil has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, the attributes of monoterpenes that effectively helps in fighting against the cancerous tumors.

A 2012 research on Frankincense essential oil prepared from hydro distillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins has proved that this oil induces human pancreatic cancer cell death in cultures. It also reverses tumor growth in a heterotopic xenograft mouse tumor model. Studies have also reported that cultured human bladder and breast cancer cells are more sensitive to Frankincense essential oil and yield good results.

3. Pacifies your digestive system:

As a very good source of β-phellandrene and α-pinene, Frankincense essential oil acts as an effective carminative and helps in preventing and expelling the formation of gas in the stomach and intestines. It also acts as a natural antacid and promotes the secretion of bile and other digestive juices.

Mix 2 drops of Frankincense oil with 1 ml sesame oil and massage this blend on your abdomen for relieving flatulence, constipation and other gastro-intestinal problems including stomach pain, feelings of discomfort in the chest and abdominal area.

4. Combats oral infections:

The antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties of Frankincense oil acts as a defensive shield that protects one from germs, bacteria, pathogens and fungi. This defensive mechanism of Frankincense essential oil makes its presence vital in making dental care products like toothpaste, mouthwash, mouth freshener etc.

Add 1 drop of Frankincense oil in a cup of warm water and use it as a natural gargle to keep away from oral problems like toothache, bad breath, cavities, mouth sores and few other oral infections.

5. Pampers your skin health:

Frankincense essential oil often evolves as a perfect rescuer in case of skin problems as it acts as an effective astringent, which helps in retrieving its natural beauty. This oil works on wrinkles and other aging symptoms with its ability to shrink the body tissues and bring it back to its original shape and assist in tightening the skin.

As a cicatrisant, it helps in the formation of scar tissue and yields excellent results in treating scars, fading the after marks of acne, pimples, boils, pox, stretch marks and fat cracks due to pregnancy and childbirth. Add 2 drops of Frankincense essential oil with 1 ml of jojoba oil or to your regular skin care cream and apply it in circular movements to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, marks and micro-wrinkles around the eyes and cheeks.

As an anti-aging agent it helps in the regeneration of healthy cells while keeping the existing ones healthy. Because of its firming and toning activity it strengthens the gums and hair roots and contracts the muscles, intestines and blood vessels that loosen with aging. Frankincense oil acts as a coagulant and helps in preventing blood loss in case of wounds and cuts. It also assists in healing wounds and other skin infections speedily.

6. Helps treat womanly problems:

Frankincense oil acts as an emmenagogue that stimulates the flow of blood in the pelvic area and the uterus, thus regulating the menstrual cycle and functions of the female reproductive system.

It is also uterine in nature and regulates the secretion of estrogen hormone in the appropriate level, thus reducing the risk of cyst formation or uterine cancer in women.

Add 2 to 3 drops of Frankincense essential oil with 1 ml of Evening primrose oil and massage it slowly on your lower abdomen for relieving problems associated with menstruation like abdominal pain, nausea, digestive disorders, restlessness and mood swings. You can also add 2 drops of Frankincense oil in warm bathing water for calming your nerves and promoting peaceful sleep.

7. Relieves respiratory illnesses:

Stagnation of water, toxic substances and infectious micro-organisms in the body pave way for respiratory problems. This is mainly due to excess of kapha dosha and Frankincense essential oil lessens excess kapha.

This oil also has antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that protect one from infectious microbes and helps reduce phlegm deposits in the respiratory tract and inflammation of the nasal and respiratory passages.

2 drops of Frankincense oil added to steam inhalation or mixed with vaporub and applied on the chest, back and throat aids in easing cough, cold, bronchitis, laryngitis, breathing difficulties, asthma and certain other respiratory ailments.

8. Helps in fighting against arthritis:

Frankincense oil has been used since ancient times to treat arthritis, rheumatism and muscular pain. With its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and kapha reducing qualities, this oil also aids in eliminating excess water deposits, salt, uric acid and toxic substances in the body causing pain, swelling and inflammation.

A valuable source states that this oil possesses potent anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic effect that actively treats arthritis, osteo arthritis and pain in muscular joints. Mix 4 drops of Frankincense oil with 2 ml of coconut oil and massage it gently on the painful area or you can also add 2 to 3 drops of this oil to hot compress for quick relief.

9. Alleviates stress and anxiety:

Frankincense essential oil awakens insight, soothes anxiety and frees one from all sorts of worldly pressure that affect the mind and the body. Various studies have proved that incensole acetate in Frankincense oil is an effective anti- depressant and reduces abnormal behaviors due to anger, stress and anxiety.

Adding 2 drops of Frankincense oil in your vaporizer, burner or diffuser assists in attaining spiritual enhancement that balances the mind, body and soul to experience eternal happiness. This healing effect can also be attributed to the presence of carbon based compounds like sesquiterpenes that directly act on the limbic system, known as the control center of the human brain.

Other health benefits:

Frankincense essential oil is also used in the manufacture of soaps, disinfectant cleansers, incense sticks, cosmetics, perfumes, body lotions, oral hygiene products and much more.


This article is for the purpose of education only and is not intended for treatment or for replacing any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never take essential oils for internal use and always use externally in a diluted manner, as organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause allergic reactions if used directly on the skin.

Always consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the appropriate essential oil for your unique individual constitution and health condition.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Frankincense oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and healthier usage.

Gas Chromatography Report of Frankincense oil.

Thought for the day:

To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.
-Beverley Nichols

Suggested Reading:

  1. Frankincense & Myrrh by Martin Watt, Wanda Sellar
  2. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha
  3. Fragrance & Wellbeing: Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche by Jennifer Peace Rhind
  4. Holistic Cancer Protocols with Essential Oils by Dr. Deborah McFarland

Reference Links:

  1. Frankincense by Wikipedia
  2. Frankincense in Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Vishnu Dass, Ayurvedic Herbology
  3. Chemistry and Immunomodulatory Activity of Frankincense Oil by Botros R. Mikhaeil, Galal T. Maatooq, Farid A. Badria, and Mohamed M. A. Amer Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt, published in Naturforsch
  4. Frankincense essential oil prepared from hydrodistillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins induces human pancreatic cancer cell death in cultures and in a xenograft murine model, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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Hyssop Oil

hyssop-bannerBible reveals the genuine use of Hyssop by saying “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean” in Psalm 51:7. Hyssop is held-high as a spiritual herb since the Biblical times for its potential to purify the mind, cleanse the soul and improve divinity and supports nourishment from within.

The name Hyssop is extracted from the Hebrew word ‘azob’ meaning ‘holy herb’ and was used in temples and other sacred places as a cleansing agent. The essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of this perennial plant and is botanically known as Hyssopus officinalis and is a part of the mint family, Lamiaceae.

It has been honored as one among the 12 main oils of the Scripture. Ayurveda recommends the use of Hyssop and its essential oil for treating respiratory problems like chronic catarrh, cold, cough, congestion and asthma.  It was also used for regulating high blood pressure, treat flatulence and colic, reduce fever, release heavy emotions, support deep breathing and improve the immune power.

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Historical importance of Hyssop and its essential oil:

Hyssop is known as one among the oldest herb used by human beings. Hippocrates, the renowned physician prescribed Hyssop for treating bronchial problems, inflammation, chest congestion, throat infections and pleurisy.

The ancient Romans used Hyssop for protecting themselves from plague. They prepared a medicated wine using Hyssop leaves and flowers and valued it as a natural remedy for plague and certain other health disorders. Hyssop tea, infusion and tincture have been used in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice.

Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. Not one of you shall go out the door of his house until morning.” Exodus 12:22, is another Biblical verse talking about the greatness and purifying abilities of Hyssop herb. Bible also records the use of Hyssop by influential Biblical leaders including Jesus, Moses, Solomon and David. There are about 126 verses in the Bible that talk about Hyssop. It was also used in cleaning and polishing sanctified places.

Persians used Hyssop oil in skin lotions to augment their complexion and enhance skin health. It was used by the Europeans as air freshener and the traditional Indians used Hyssop for healing wounds, treat bruises, lessen excess fluid content in the body and to alleviate muscular pain. Hyssop is also a popular ingredient of Chartreuse liquor.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Hyssop essential oil:

The most important chemical constituents of Hyssop essential oil are myrcene, a-pinene, limonene, camphene, isopinocamphene, b-pinene, 1,8-cineole, sabinene, y-terpineol, thujone and pinocamphone.

These components contribute to its remedial properties like expectorant, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, vulnerary, carminative, sudorific, cicatrisant, nervine, digestive, vermifuge, febrifuge, tonic and hypertensive.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Hyssop essential oil:

Ayurveda is the wisdom of spiritual and holistic healing that has been in practice since 5,000 years. This ancient philosophy identifies disease as an opportunity to explore the actual cause lying behind an illness.

Identifying the root cause of an illness and treating it paves way for prevention of diseases in the future, leading a healthy life and progressing towards longevity. Whereas the contemporary medical system treats illnesses without analyzing its root cause, by this way the disease gets suppressed inside for the time being and grows as a major root for chronic disorders in the future.

Ayurvedic philosophy is based upon five major elements of nature, namely fire, water, earth, air and space. It is strongly believed that the universe is made up of these five elements and everything on this universe is made up of these elements including human beings. With a combination of these vital elements, every individual has a unique constitution that comprises of three biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas are a combination of the five elements of nature. Vata represents air and space, pitta is combination of fire and water and kapha signifies water and earth.

Vata dosha is responsible for nervous functions, movement, circulation and respiration.  Pitta energy governs digestion and metabolic functions. Kapha type controls the structure and sustenance of the body and the movement of fluids in the system. Every human being has a predominance of any one of these doshas that depicts their personality, behavior, physical and emotional attributes. Balance between these doshas symbolizes health and imbalance causes illnesses.

Ayurvedic remedies focus on regularizing dosha imbalances and include essential oils, herbs, meditation, yoga, physical exercises, prayers, Ayurvedic routine and a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet. Hyssop essential oil has been used in Ayurvedic healing for treating excess kapha along with pitta and vata deficit.

Let’s take a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Hyssop essential oil based on the suggested methods of usage.

Hyssop-broucher-info1. In baths and Ayurvedic massage therapy:

Ayurveda trusts in healing humanity through the five major senses namely the sense of sight, sense of sound, sense of touch, sense of taste and the sense of smell. Using Ayurvedic essential oils in bath and in Abhyanga, the art of Ayurvedic massaging treats illnesses of the mind and body through the sense of touch and the sense of smell.

Skin is the largest organ of the body and is the fastest mode to transmit the therapeutic molecules of essential oils to penetrate deeply into the blood stream. When used in bathing water, the aroma of the essential oil passes through the nasal passages and passes onto the limbic system, which is the control center of the brain. By this way the remedial properties of the oil gets conveyed to other parts of the body in the form of control waves by the limbic system.

Add 2 drops of Hyssop essential oil in warm bathing water for relieving from fatigue, anxiety, menstrual pain, flatulence, viral infections, low blood pressure, respiratory infections, urinary problems, fever and skin infections. Taking bath in this medicated water before going to bed can assist in promoting peaceful sleep, mental clarity, relaxation of muscles and nerves. It also helps in eliminating excess fluids and toxic substances in the body through urine and sweat.

Blend 3 drops of Hyssop essential oil with 1.5 ml of sesame oil and gently massage it on your abdomen for treating dysmennorhea, promoting blocked or delayed menstruation, regularize the menstrual cycle and alleviate menopausal symptoms like stress, hot flashes and discharges with its emmenagogue, stimulant and tonic properties.

Massaging the painful area with this blend also helps in expelling excessive salts, fluids, sodium and other toxic substances in the body through urine. By this way it helps in reducing swelling, inflammation and rheumatic pain. A 2002 study on ‘The muscle relaxing activity of Hyssopus officinalis essential oil on isolated intestinal preparations’ have proved that Hyssop oil is effective in treating muscular pain by relaxing the muscles and reducing the amplitude of spontaneous movements.

Hyssop essential has the potential to increase pitta dosha, which is responsible for metabolic functions and digestive fire. Massaging your stomach and abdomen with 2 drops of Hyssop oil blended with 1 ml of olive oil can help in relieving from gas, flatulence, colic and indigestion. The carminative, digestive, vermifuge and stomachic properties of Hyssop oil aids in increasing the secretion of digestive acids and gastric juices that supports indigestion, colic, intestinal gas and spasms and kills intestinal worms.

Massaging your foot soles with 2 drop of Hyssop oil mixed with 1 ml of warm coconut oil can help in reducing your body temperature and treat fever effectively with its febrifuge properties. It promotes urination and supports to get rid of all infectious organisms causing fever through sweat and urine. A 2010 study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Hyssop essential oil has been proved to weaken the flu virus and weakens the ability of influenza to affect cells.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Hyssop essential oil mixed with 5 ml of coconut oil can assist in relieving tension, mental fatigue, anxiety, sore muscles, microbial infections, pain, inflammation, headache, low blood pressure, flu, tonsillitis, dermatitis, eczema, sore throat and asthma.

This massage blend aids in stimulating your system by enhancing your immune powers and acts as a tonic to your digestive system, nervous system, endocrinal system, excretory system and circulatory system. Go for a Hyssop massage every weekend to revitalize your senses and your system for the week ahead.

2. In steam inhalation:

Excess of kapha dosha is responsible for respiratory problems like cold, cough, chest congestion, nasal congestion and breathing difficulties. Hyssop essential oil controls excess kapha and assists in relieving respiratory disorders including heavy catarrhal conditions. This oil also has expectorant, decongestant and diuretic properties that help in expelling excess of phlegm and mucus deposits in the chest, bronchial and nasal passages.

Hyssop is listed as an effective expectorant by the University of Maryland Medical Center that can support in eliminating mucus from lungs and in alleviating whooping cough. All you need to do to relieve from your respiratory problems is to add 2 drops of Hyssop essential oil in steam inhalation.

3. In burners or diffusers:

The sweet-camphoraceous, warm and powerful aroma of Hyssop oil assists in treating anxiety, mental fatigue, stress, negative feelings and other mental woes. Hyssop is used as an effective mental stimulant for calming the mind and soothing the nerves.

Add 2 to 3 drops of Hyssop essential oil to your diffuser, burner or aromatic lamp for relieving nervous tension, alleviate negative emotions and purify the mind. This oil is also known to grant mental clarity, augment creativity and assist meditation peacefully. On a spiritual perspective, Hyssop essential oil is recognized as a spiritual remedy to forgive sins and attain spiritual oneness.

4. In creams, lotions and rubs:

Hyssop essential oil has antiseptic, cicatrisant and vulnerary properties that make it the most ideal oil for treating skin problems. Being an antiseptic and vulnerary oil, Hyssop aids in protecting wounds, cuts and abrasions from being septic. It invades the presence of micro-organisms like bacteria and virus and protects the wound from microbial infections, paving way for quicker healing process.

The cicatrisant value of Hyssop essential oil assists in diminishing scars and prevents the skin from permanent scarring left by acne, boils, accidents, insect bites, pregnancy, pox and surgeries.  Mix 2 drops of Hyssop essential oil to your regular skin care cream or daily lotion and apply it on wounds, infections, cuts, scars, marks, acne and insect bites for effective results.

Using this aromatic blend on your scars, stretch marks and other marks on the skin helps in promoting cellular regeneration and growth of new skin cells that assist in fading away existing scars and marks on the skin. Add 2 drops of Hyssop oil to your vapor rub and apply it gently on the chest, throat and back for effective relief from whooping cough, cold, headache and nasal congestion.


This is only for the purpose of information and is not intended for treatment or to substitute any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never take essential oils internally.

Ensure to use them in a diluted form as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances and can cause harm if used directly on the skin. Consult your Ayurvedic physician before choosing the right essential oils for your unique individual constitution and precise health condition. Be cautious before using essential oils if you are nursing or pregnant.

Thought for the day:

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. – David in Psalm 51:7

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Hyssop Supplement: Alternative Medicine for a Healthy Body (Health Collection) by William Wagner
  2. Beautiful Plants of the Bible from the Hyssop to the Mighty Cedar Trees by Dr. David Darom
  3. A 21st Century Herb: Hyssop Superior Healing Power: By Willie Southall
  4. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  5. The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Aromatic Oils In Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Health, and Well Being by Julia Lawless

Reference Links:

  1. Hyssop by University of Michigan Health System
  2. Hyssop by Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
  3. Hyssop Essential Oil by FireStorm Ministries
  4. Hyssop Seeds and Hyssop Essential Oil by Diet Health Club
  5. The muscle relaxing activity of Hyssopus officinalis essential oil on isolated intestinal preparations by Department of Pharmacology of Natural substances and General Physiology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy published in PubMed