Beauty Secrets With Ayurvedic Essential Oils

Who will hate being beautiful and staying away from the limelight? To be honest, none of us has the answer for this question. Every man would at least try being handsome, if not for attracting women nonetheless for having his own image in the society. Every woman would make an attempt for being beautiful to face the world confidently. All we need to know now is ‘What does the word ‘Beauty’ actually mean?”. This word has a unique meaning in everyone’s dictionary. For some it means a fair complexion and clear skin, for few it means curly hair, for several it means skinny figure, for few others it means brawny muscles and for many it means everything from head to toe.

When manifold advanced therapies like Liposuction aim at beautifying you by biting your pocket, you will be awe-struck to hear that ‘Beauty without biting your pocket’ is just a click away from you. Yes! Ayurveda, the ancient healing system recommends thousands of Ayurvedic essential oils along with yoga and meditation to augment your beauty naturally.

Ayurvedic essential oils for flawless beauty: Ayurveda is a spectacular gift granted by the ancient sages and saints who lived before thousands of years ago. It is known as the mother of all healing sciences. Essential oils are pure plant extracts without any kinds of artificial ingredients for aroma or effectiveness. Daniele Ryman, who practices Aromatherapy for about 40 solid years trusts that essential oils are effective and have proven remedies, especially for anti-ageing problems. The best Ayurvedic essential oils for perfect beauty are:

1. Ayurvedic essential oils for hair care: Martin Luther rightly said that ‘The hair is the richest ornament of women’. Numerous hair care products in the market steal the show with attractive advertisements and false claims. There are thousands of problems associated with hair and the most predominant one among them are dry hair, oily hair, rough hair, split hair, dandruff, lice and hair fall. Ayurveda suggests numerous natural remedies to put an end to your hair problems. Ylang Ylang oil has been used in hair care treatments since the prehistoric period.

Tea tree oil is considered as the best oil to treat dandruff, lice and hair fall problems. Few other essential oils for controlling dandruff are Lemon essential oil, Rosemary essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil and Thyme essential oil. You can use these oils as a blend with borage oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil.

The best combination of essential oils for stimulating hair growth naturally is Lavender essential oil, Myrtle essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil, Tea tree essential and Rosemary essential oil blended with virgin Olive oil, promotes hair growth and acts as a good hair tonic for treating various other hair damages.

2. Ayurvedic essential oils for your face: ‘Face is the index of the mind’ and your clear, spotless, blemish-free, young looking facial skin speaks before you could speak. The trustworthy Ayurvedic essential oils for your face are Frankincense essential oil, Lavender essential oil, Tea tree essential oil, Rosemary essential oil and Ylang Ylang essential oil. These oils help in nurturing your facial skin and aid you in maintaining your beauty at its best.

3. Ayurvedic essential oils for skin care: Ayurveda suggests numerous simple practices for maintaining a healthy skin. Nothing other than Turmeric essential oil can pamper your skin profoundly. Yes! This age old beautifying oil is trusted to assist you in innumerable skin problems like pimple, cuts, wounds, eczema, psoriasis, wrinkles, burns, acne, skin infections, skin pigmentation and much more with its anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, anti-spasmodic and stimulant properties. Few other skin-friendly oils include Lavender essential oil, Rose essential oil, Roman Chamomile essential oil, Tea tree essential oil, Frankincense essential oil and Geranium essential oil.

4. Ayurvedic essential oils for weight loss: Oh! Those extra pounds often make you dull and gloomy. Standing upside down cannot end up your excess weight woes. The safe and the effective way to assist your weight loss campaign is to use Ayurvedic essential oils like Grapefruit essential oil, Lemon essential oil, Peppermint essential oil and Bergamot essential oil. Along with this, the use of Ayurvedic herbs like Triphala, Tulasi, Rhubarb, Garcinia etc can help you go on a great way towards your weight loss mission.

Every single thing related to the human body is associated from within. Just the external use of these essential oils cannot serve the purpose on a full swing. To hit the nail on the head right, you need to do yoga, meditation and follow an Ayurvedic routine to remain beautiful from within.

Thought for the day:

A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.
-John Keats

Suggested Reading:

  1. Daniele Ryman’s Secrets of Youth and Beauty: Aromatherapy for Natural Rejuvenation By Daniele Ryman
  2. Absolute Beauty: Radiant Skin and Inner Harmony Through the Ancient Secrets of Ayurveda By Pratima Raichur, Mariam Cohn
  3. Ayurvedic Beauty Care: Ageless Techniques to Invoke Natural Beauty By Melanie Sachs
  4. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health – Beauty – a Safe Home Environment By Valerie Ann Worwood

Reference links:

  1. The secret of natural beauty: Essential oils that will keep you looking younger for longer by Mail Online
  2. Liposuction by Wikipedia
  3. 7 Ayurvedic Skin Care Tips for Healthy & Glowing Skin by MindBodyGreen

Neem Seed Oil

Neem is the ultimate pride of India and a divine gift of nature for its colossal remedial benefits including its power in treating tuberculosis, malaria, dandruff, fever, leprosy, acne, joint pain, plaque, intestinal worms, gastrointestinal disorders, chicken pox, diabetes and jaundice.

Neem-bannerAyurveda calls Neem as Sarva roga nivarani, means cure for all diseases and Arishtha, meaning one that alleviates all illnesses. Even today, Neem is a trusted solution for treating various health conditions in Indian villages for which it is called as ‘Village Dispensary.’

Neem and its varied extracts are prescribed in Ayurvedic medication for treating skin ulcers, diabetes, urinary infections, hair loss, psoriasis, constipation and digestive difficulties, scabies, asthma, whooping cough, wounds, pain, chicken pox and certain other infectious diseases.

Purchase Neem Seed Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Neem Seed Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Neem and its varied extracts:

‘The liberated tree of India’ is the direct meaning of its scientific name Azadirachta indica, where the word ‘Azad’ means freedom, ‘dirakht’ means tree, ‘i-Hind’, means of Indian origin.

Neem is the first medicinal plant indicated in Siddha medicine, one among the oldest healing systems on earth. The 4,500 years old Indus valley civilization including the discovery of the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro talks about the medicinal uses of Neem tree.

Being an evergreen tree, Neem is often found in the front yard of most of the Indian homes for its phenomenal healing powers. WHO or the World Health Organization mentions that about 80 per cent of the developing countries’ populace bank upon natural or traditional medicines for treating various health conditions.

Among all those natural medications, Neem has found enormous medicinal attributes and therapeutic properties. Neem was called as the ‘Tree of the 21st Century’ by the United Nations Environment Programme.

The Siddha medications for treating blood pressure, diabetes, excess cholesterol, urinary tract infections, leprosy and gastro intestinal problems had Neem formulations in it.

In 1992, the National Academy of Science of the United Nations called Neem tree as “A tree for solving global problems.” The 350 years old Palm leaf manuscript preserved in the Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research emphasize on the remedial uses of Neem tree.

Every day many Indian families start their day with the use of Neem, where the Neem twigs are used as a natural toothbrush for combating oral problems.

The tea prepared with Neem leaves decoction, consumed in empty stomach in the morning is said to be a trusted remedy for flushing out toxic remains in the system, killing microbes in the body and increasing the immune power.

All the parts of the Neem tree including its leaves, bark, twigs, gum, fruits, flowers, seeds and the cold pressed Neem oil have enormous medicinal values for mankind.

The Neem leaves paste has been used in various folklore medicinal practices for treating pimples, chicken pox boils, viral infections, bed sores, psoriasis, eczema and wounds. Neem leaf decoction was also used for treating dandruff, hair fall and head lice.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Neem seed oil:

The primary chemical constituents of Neem oil are triterpenoid compounds like Azadirachtin and Nimbin along with triglycerides, sterols including stigmasterol, campesterol and beta-sitosterol. This oil also contains fatty acids, namely Omega-6, Omega-9, stearic acid and palmitic acid.

These components contribute to its remedial values like antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, antihistamine, febrifuge, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulant, antioxidant, emmenagogue, circulatory, vermifuge, anthelmintic, astringent, cicatrisant, spermicidal and nervine.

Ayurvedic uses of Neem seed oil:

Being a part of nature is the greatest acknowledgement one can ever receive. If you wander in search of solace through natural beauty either in the form of a lawn or a mountain, then it is just a symbol of your ignorance.

Beauty, especially the eternal beauty lies within you and your soul has everything that is in nature. Wanna try what I say??? Come lets experience the heaven in us..

Just sit in the most silent or tranquil zone in your home. Take a deep breath, relax and close your eyes. Want to be amid Niagara Falls now? PICTURIZE is all I have to say. Start hearing the roaring voice of the falls, feel touch of the drizzling water on your face and think that you are there and experience the joy of being there..

You’re done. Not more than 10 minutes, your brain would have certainly secreted the positive and the happy hormones and instill lot of optimism and superfluous inspiration that is more than enough to keep you charged for the rest of the day.

This is the power of thinking that nature has deeply vested within you. Your soul is the greatest encyclopedia of Nature and that this why your thoughts travel millions of kilometers in a jiffy.

Wondering what all these philosophical thoughts have to do with the Ayurvedic health benefits of Neem seed oil?

Here’s the catch. All I wanted to say is that Ayurveda is within you and there’s no need to wander in search of this miraculous science outside.

The word ‘Ayur + Veda’ just means the ‘the knowledge (Veda) of life (Ayur). Every remedial practice in this heavenly healing methodology aims at invigorating your prana or the life force.

Plant essential oils are nothing but the prana, essential life force or the vital energy of plants. It is for this reason Ayurvedic essential oils are very special and close in uplifting the life force of mankind with the life force of plants.

The supreme essence of Ayurveda is that it treats every individual and it never treats just their illnesses alone. This derivation starts from the Ayurvedic school of thought that says that every person is a unique part of nature with a distinct individual constitution known as doshas.

Vata, pitta and kapha are the three vital energies and all these combined together is known as Prakriti of a person. Every individual has a predominance of any one of these doshas, which decides their physical attributes, emotional stability, spiritual influence and behavioral patterns.

A disciplined life with healthy lifestyle practices for the mind, body and spirit paves way for absolute balance between doshas. Sedentary lifestyle, irregular food habits, change in climatic conditions and misconduct leads to imbalance of doshas, nature’s alarm for the onset of diseases.

Ayurveda trusts and depends upon nature for its medications. Herbs, essential oils, Pranayama or balanced breathing, yoga, Panchakarma or the detoxification technique, Ayurvedic routine, prayers and meditation are prescribed in order to restore the balance between doshas and to recuperate and prevent illnesses in the future as well.

Neem is indeed a blessing to mankind. The oil extracted from Neem seed has cooling, energizing and rejuvenating properties for the body, spirit and mind.

Neem seed oil has the power to boost vata (responsible for circulatory, nervous and respiratory functions along with sociability and creativity), pacify pitta (metabolic functions, decision-making skills, leadership qualities and body temperature) and kapha (responsible for physique, sustenance, trust and love).

Here we go!!! The Ayurvedic health benefits of Neem Seed Oil.

Neem-Seed-info-broucher1. Neem is the ‘Hero’ of all the fever remedies out there:

Pitta dosha is responsible for body temperature. With its power to pacify pitta energy, Neem oil has the ability to reduce the body temperature very quickly than any other medications.

It is called as Jwarahara, potent fever reducer with its antimicrobial, antiviral and febrifuge properties, contributed by the presence of nimbin and nimbidin.

As a Shramahara, Neem oil alleviates fatigue and lack of energy associated with fever.

Numerous research studies have proved the effectiveness of Neem oil in fighting against sensitive strain and choroquin-resistant malarial parasites.

Neem oil is also efficient in the treatment of viral fever with its potent to wrestle against chikungemya, vaccinia and measles virus.

‘Nila vembu’ or ‘Neem of the ground’ was the redeemer of thousands of people affected by Dengue, Chickungunya and the chronic viral fever with severe headache and body pain.

The ideal method of using Neem oil for reducing fever is massaging your palms and foot soles with 4 drops of Neem oil blended with 15 drops of Evening primrose oil. Wondering why on foot soles? Because foot soles are the home for all the nerve-endings in your system.

Essential oils penetrate deeply through the skin and pass on to the bloodstream quickly. By this way, it passes on the therapeutic values of Neem oil and helps in bringing down your body temperature considerably, granting you speedy relief.

2. Neem is nature’s lucky charm for your skin:

Neem can gift your skin with all the best things to make it glow and look younger. Neem has antimicrobial, antiseptic, cicatrisant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and circulatory properties that helps in combating microbes causing acne and other skin infections.

The cicatrisant values of Neem oil aid in healing wounds quickly and its antiseptic values arrest the growth of microbes and protect the wounds from turning septic.

The antimicrobial properties of Neem oil have been proved powerful against bacteria like Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus faecalis.

Neem is called as Kushtahara for its ability to treat various skin conditions; Vranahara for cleansing and healing wounds firstly; Twachya for protecting and retaining the natural beauty of the skin.

Blend 2 drops of Neem oil with 10 drops of Linseed/Flaxseed oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil and apply it on pimples, blackheads, wounds, burns, cuts, sores, boils, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, athletes’ foot, ringworm, wrinkles, inflammatory conditions and nail fungus, for revealing its magical healing powers.

Here’s your secret ingredient to clear acne marks and own supple, clear and soft skin. Mix 1 drop of Neem oil, 1 drop of Turmeric oil and 1 drop of Tea tree oil in your mild skin cleanser.

Gently massage your facial skin with this enriching blend daily or once in two days. Wash it with cold water, wipe off and apply rose water on your skin. This will certainly help you notice visible difference in alleviating marks and blemishes on your skin.

What next? Glowing, spotless and wrinkle-free skin is all yours!!! 🙂

3. Neem is your hair’s best comrade:

Long, lustrous and strong hair is the prized possession of every woman. Men often settle with dandruff-free, voluminous and healthy stuff on the scalp.

Thousands of hair-care products hit the market every week and leave us in bafflement in choosing the right remedy for our hair problems.

Natural remedies are often the safe hub to settle for and if you are looking to stick with natural solutions for your hair, then Neem is the best choice.

Neem is nature’s powerhouse of essential nutrients for moisturizing and nourishing your hair and scalp from within.

Linoleic, stearic and palmitic acid are few among those fatty acids that contribute to your bouncy locks.

Neem seed oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-dandruff and anti-parasitic properties that assist in killing microbial infections that cause split ends, itchy and infectious scalp conditions and keep away from dandruff and head lice.

Peek-a-boo! Nourishing Neem blend is here! Mix 4 drops of Neem oil with 3 ounce of Olive oil, 2 drops of Ylang Ylang oil and 2 drops of Rosemary oil.

Gently massage your scalp with this medicated oil and wrap a warm towel on your head and allow it to rest for about 30 minutes. This helps in penetrating the therapeutic values of these Ayurvedic oils deep into your scalp and hair follicles, just to nourish your hair from the roots.

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo with 1 drop of Neem oil and 2 drops of Lime oil for that glossy, thick, bouncy hair that is free from lice, dandruff and frizz.

4. Neem is the worst enemy for pests and insects:

Few first things that strike our mind, the moment we thick of Neem is its extremely bitter taste and pungent aroma.

This is indeed good for us and utterly atrocious for the pests and insects that are extremely harmful.

Being a natural insect repellent, 2 drops of Neem seed oil can be added to your burner or vaporizer to keep your family safe from mosquitoes, bed bugs and other insects.

You can also add 3 to 4 drops of Neem oil in your hand sprayer and protect the lovely plants in your garden from pests.

Are your cute little cat and bossy dog scratching all over? Then mix 1 drop of Neem oil in its shampoo and that’s it, fleas, ticks, mites and other insects are all gone with the Neem remedy.

5. Neem is the tranquilizer for your intestine and the killer of its worms:

Neem is called as Kriminut in Ayurveda for its ability to alleviate worms and infections in the stomach and intestines.

The antimicrobial attribute of Neem oil is attributed to the presence of Nimbin constituent.

Along with its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties (Sheeta), Neem and its other extracts help in tranquilizing the intestinal linings and stomach, combat intestinal worms, parasites and heal wounds and treat ulcerates.

Neem is called as Laghu for its support in digestion and better absorption of nutrients in the food. It is a Grahi herb as it absorbs excess moisture in the intestines, thus treating wounds and ulcer by cleansing the moisture in them and soothing irritation.

Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Neem seed oil mixed with 2 drops of Peppermint oil and 1 ounce of sesame oil might help in pacifying your intestines, reducing irritation and eradicating detrimental microbes and infections.

6. Neem is your redeemer from all oral infections:

Neem has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that assist in fighting against oral pathogens in treating oral problems.

A 2011 study on ‘Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anticandidal Efficacy of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extract of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by the Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Center’, proved the inhibitory effects of Neem on Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans that are the basis for infectious diseases in the oral cavity.

Half drop of Neem oil blended with 1 cup of warm water as a gargle might be effective in getting rid of bacteria, fungi and other pathogens causing plaque, gingivitis, cavities and other oral problems.

Other health benefits:

Neem and its remedial oil is potent in treating tuberculosis, diarrhea, pneumonia, bronchitis, discard pathogens, alleviate muscular pain, control the secretion of insulin hormone, thus supporting in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.


This unique portion of information is predestined only for the use of education and is not suggested to make a diagnosis, thwart or to cure any kind of illnesses. It is not intended to substitute any prescription medicines or the consultation of a certified physician. We, at Essential Depot are not doctors of medicine and this info is shared only for spreading the magical healing of Ayurveda, the pioneer of all medicinal sciences.

Essential oils are recommended for topical use only and keep in mind to attenuate the effects of essential oils by mixing it with suitable carrier oils and never ingest essential oils. This is due to the fact that 100 per cent pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and might cause allergic reactions if used on the skin without diluting it.

Take special care in using essential oils, if you are pregnant or nursing and while using it on children. Have a word with your Ayurvedic specialist or medical expert prior to choosing the best oils for your unique individual constitution and health conditions. A patch test on your skin before experiencing the many benefits of essential oils is recommended.

Thought for the day:

I am planting a Neem tree because it is a “Medicine Cabinet In a Tree!”

-Pledge No 1223 – Singapore.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Neem:: A Tree for Solving Global Problems by Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board of Science and Technology for International Development, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs
  2. Neem: The Ultimate Herb by John Conrick
  3. Neem: Neem and Its Miraculous Healing Powers: Neem for Digestive Disorders, Stress Relief, Immunity, Skin Problems, Hair Problems, Diabetes, Asthma, Arthritis, … – All Your Questions Answered Book 3) by Sukhmani Grove
  4. Neem: India’s Miraculous Healing Plant by Ellen Norten
  5. Neem: The Tree of Life by Sara Abraham, Ryder Management Inc.

Reference Links:

  1. Neem Oil by Wikipedia
  2. Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anticandidal Efficacy of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extract of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by the Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Center, India, published in the International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy
  3. Neem (Azadirachta indica): Prehistory to contemporary medicinal uses to humankind by Venugopalan Santhosh Kumar and Visweswaran Navaratnam, published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine and PubMed.
  4. Therapeutic Potential of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by Amir Khan and Arvind Kumar Yadav, Dept. of Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Sardar Bhagwan Singh Post Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences & Research, India, published in Pharma Research Library

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender-bannerAyurveda beckons Lavender as a Medhya herb for its exquisite and energizing ability to empower the mind and stimulate the brain functions. It has been proven to treat anxiety, irritability, migraine, low self esteem, insomnia, nervousness, anger, stress, palpitations, loneliness and the feelings of being neglected.

It is a spectacular flower variety that is held high for owning 167 proven medicinal uses says author Susanne Fischer Rizzi and the popular Ayurvedic book ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ states that Lavender is the most important oil to have in the first aid kit especially during traveling. This oil has such a magnificent, mind-blowing, magical and mystical fragrance within it to splash our senses with a never before energy.

Lavender and its essential oil is used in Ayurveda for reviving the senses, harmonizing the mind, curing numerous illnesses ranging from burns to boils, headache to high blood pressure, insomnia to irritability, stress to skin disorders and for balancing the entire human system.

Purchase Lavender Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Lavender Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Purchase Lavender Bulgarian Oil – 5% Dilution in Pure Jojoba Oil – 4oz – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Lavender and its essential oil:

Indigenous to the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean areas, Lavender is also grown throughout the world including the United States, Australia, Southern Europe, France, India and other parts of Asia.

You would be amazed if I say that the name ‘Lavender’ was extracted from the name of a Latin root ‘Lavare’, which carries the strong meaning ‘To Wash’. This is more than enough to claim that Lavender is the perfect herb and its essential oil is the ideal solution for cleansing the mind, body and the ailments allied with them.

Lavender and its enriching essential oil have it’s roots deeply vested in the historic healing of human beings. It has been in use for more than 2500 years for it therapeutic, culinary and for beauty benefits in the cosmetic and personal hygiene industry.

Lavender oil and the herb as such had traveled all over the world and was almost used by most of the prominent groups like the Egyptians, Romans, Phoenicians, Europeans, Americans, Arabians, Australians, Asians and people in other parts of the world.

According to De Materia Medica, Dioscorides, the renowned Greek physician suggests the use of Lavender for treating the ‘grief’s of the thorax’ and for relieving headache, sore throat, indigestion, burns, wounds and other skin problems.

Famous herbalist Maude Grieve recommends Lavender as an excellent nervine and carminative. She also states that this herb assists in treating memory loss, snake bites, depression, headache and fatigue.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) for Lavender oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Lavender oil constitutes of 16 chemical components that contribute to the aroma, therapeutic values, consistency and quality of this essential oil. Of which, Linalyl acetate contributes to the highest percentage of Lavender oil constituents with about 36.8% of the total composition.

Just click on Linalyl acetate, Linalool, Camphor, 1, 8-Cineole and Lavandulyl acetate for getting to know the exclusive information about these prime constituents of Lavender oil.

Each and every component contributes to the various attributes and remedial properties of Lavender oil. The table crafted below clearly depicts those special contributions to the healing magnificence of Lavender essential oil.

Lavender OilTherapeutic properties of Lavender essential oil:

Lavender can be called as an elixir as it has immense remedial properties.

The most prominent among them are anti-depressant, sedative, antiseptic, nervine, bactericide, analgesic, sudorific, antiphlogistic, cicatrisant, emmenagogue, decongestant, deodorant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-spasmodic, rubefacient, cholagogue, vulnerary, hypotensive, antiviral, cytophylactic, anticonvulsant, hormonal balancing and diuretic properties.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Lavender essential oil:

Ayurveda is the oldest of all healing systems on earth and is engaged in addressing the health concerns of human beings for more than 5000 years.

Ayurvedic healing aims at longevity by focusing on prevention of illnesses by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing an Ayurvedic routine, yoga, meditation, simple physical exercises and using of natural remedies like herbs and essential oils for treating illnesses.

According to Ayurveda, sickness is an opportunity to know the imbalances of the body with nature and to know the actual root cause of the illness. This noble science suggests and trusts in treating the root cause of a disease instead of diagnosing the ailment alone.

Treating individuals instead of diseases is the prime factor that makes Ayurveda superior than other contemporary medicinal practices.

Everything that is a part of nature and that which is believed to heal humanity falls under Ayurveda as it is the ancient medicinal science existing in this world and has its age double the times of Lavender.

Ayurvedic philosophy states that every human being is distinctive with a unique individual constitution, which is made up of three vital biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha.

Lavender essential oil is beneficial for all the three constitutional types of Ayurveda. With its extremely soothing, calming, cooling and tranquil energy, Lavender essential oil pacifies kapha and pitta doshas and aggravates vata dosha.

The splendid Ayurvedic healing benefits of Lavender essential oil are:

Lavender-broucher1. Enhances strength and immunity:

Ayurveda considers Lavender essential oil as the chief oil in assisting and strengthening the immune system by protecting the body from harmful virus and bacteria causing ailments such as flu, cough, cold, fever and many other infections.

Lavender oil is trusted to enhance prana or the vital life force, which in turn increases the body’s natural disease-resistant ability and the mechanism of fighting against harmful microbes and pathogens.

Gently massaging 2 drops of Lavender essential oil mixed with 1ml of Jojoba oil in the upper part of the sternum, over the heart and the thymus gland is said to uplift the vital essence known as Ojas in Ayurveda, which is completely responsible for vitality and immunity at all the levels of the body.

A 2010 study on ‘Chemical Composition of Lavender Essential Oil and its Antioxidant Activity and inhibition against rhinitis-related bacteria by Lu Hui, Li He, Lu Huan, Li XiaoLan and Zhou AiGuo’ proved that the presence of about 47 compounds in Lavender essential oil exhibits potent antioxidant effect against lipid peroxidation in a linoleic acid model system and extensive activity against bacteria like Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, proteus vulgaris and micrococcus ascoformans.

This study also stated that Lavender oil can be used as a potential natural remedy in treating rhinitis patients.

2. Nurtures the health of hair and skin:

Lavender essential oil is an admirable skin-friendly oil as the topical application of this oil treats skin disorders like psoriasis, cuts, burns, abrasions, itches, eczema, rashes, acne, pimples, athlete’s foot, sunburns, wounds and acts as a good mosquito repellent.

For being gentle and effective on the skin and hair, Lavender oil is called as Twachya, keshya and kusthaghna, where Twachya is the natural skin remedy for augmenting the health of the skin by nourishing the cellular structure; keshya is its ability to foster hair growth and boost the strength of hair follicles and kusthaghna for its potent to heal and treat various skin conditions.

It is also called as Sookshma and Teekshna, for its potent to penetrate through the tiny channels of the skin, thus upkeep the damaged skin cells.

All you need to do to regain your skin health is to apply 2 drops of Lavender oil blended with 1 ml of olive oil and apply it on the affected area or massage gently for visible results. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in your regular skin care cream or body lotion and use it daily for protecting and pampering your skin.

Ayurvedic Physicians and the contemporary Dermatologists suggest the use of Lavender essential oil for treating numerous skin problems including acne and few other bacterial and fungal infections.

Lavender essential oil has anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties that assist in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, fungi and other micro organisms responsible for acne and other skin problems.

Lavender essential oil is also an effective remedy for treating hair problems like hair loss, baldness, lice, nits and dull hair. With the combination of few other curative essential oils like Rosemary, Lavender oil has been proved to promote hair growth in a study conducted with 86 people, who were affected by an autoimmune disease known as Alopecia areata.

5 drops of Lavender oil mixed with 3 drops of Rosemary oil and 5 ml of Almond oil when massaged onto the scalp assists in strengthening the hair follicles, promoting the growth of hair, preventing hair fall and nourishing the scalp.

3. Relaxes the nerves and calms the mind:

Lavender is certainly an excellent remedy for treating fear, fatigue, anxiety, stress and depression. The soothing aromatic molecules of this oil penetrate the mind and body through the nasal passages and reach the Limbic system, known as the control center of the human body.

With its anti-depressant, hormonal balancing and sedative properties, Lavender essential oil is proven to ease stress and induce good sleep by checking the health disorders related with insomnia.

3 to 4 drops of Lavender oil blended with 2 ml coconut oil or sesame oil can help in soothing the senses, calming the nerves and granting peace to the mind and body. You can also add 2 drops of Lavender oil to warm bathing water for promoting peaceful sleep and alleviating stress and fatigue after a tiring day.

Lavender essential oil is used in various Ayurvedic treatments and the most prominent among them is Shirodhara, which is a celebrated oil-dripping treatment in Ayurveda with the use of medicated sesame oil with herbal values. It is proven to induce an altered state of consciousness (ASC) and anxiolysis.

According to a 2008 research by the University of Toyama, the use of lavender essential oil along with sesame oil in Shirodhara treatment proved to have a positive pharmaco-physio-psychologic effect, where the relaxing effects of lavender essential oil transferred through the olfactory nerves was proved to improve the entire condition of the system.

It also witnessed a significant result that Lavender Shirodhara is better than the normal one and the intricate pharmaco-physio-psychologic feat in Ayurvedic treatment is a constructive model for pharmaco-physio-psychotherapy in the future.

4. Relieves digestive disorders:

Lavender essential oil augments the pranic (vital life force) energy, while steadily supporting the functions of the respiratory tract also. Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Lavender oil blended with 1ml sesame oil aid in promoting the secretion of gastric juices, bile and other digestive enzymes.

By this way, Lavender essential oil regularizes the process of digestion and absorption. It also helps in treating flatulence, diarrhea, colic, vomiting, stomach pain and indigestion.

An aromatic bath with 2 to 3 drops of Lavender essential oil can promote blood circulation, treat depression, anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, respiratory infections, urinary infections, bladder problems, whooping cough, nasal congestion, migraine, panic attacks, asthma, muscle soreness, headache, joint pain, bee stings and many other problems.

Lavender essential oil with its innumerable health benefits is a must-to-have oil in your medicine cabinet and a drop of oil added to your handkerchief or worn on your wrist everyday will rejuvenate your senses and give you a never before freshness, clarity of mind and absolute peace.


This article is only for educational purposes and is not in any way meant to be used for diagnosis or as a substitute for any prescribed medications or the professional advice of your Doctor. We, at Essential Depot are not healthcare experts and this article is written only with the intention of sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

Essential oils are meant for topical use only and not for ingestion, as pure and organic essential oils are the life force of plants and are highly concentrated substances. Seek the advice of your Ayurvedic expert or healthcare professional before choosing the appropriate essential oils for your state of health and unique individual constitution.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Lavender oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and superior usage.

Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Lavender oil.

Thought for the day:

                           Come forth into the light of things,

                           Let Nature be your teacher.

-By William Wordsworth

Suggested reading:

  1. Lovely Lavender: The Many Applications and Uses of Lavender Essential Oil (Essential Oils and Aromatherapy) by Rashelle Johnson
  2. Lavender Oil: The New Guide to Nature’s Most Versatile Remedy by Julia Lawless
  3. The Magic and Power of Lavender: The Secret of the Blue Flower, It’s Fragrance and Practical Application in Health Care and Cosmetics by Maggie Tisserand, Monika Junemann
  4. Lavender: Nature’s Way to Relaxation and Health by Philippa Waring
  5. HEALING POWERS OF LAVENDER Pure Essential Oil – The Universal Healer (The Aromatherapy Professional: Healing with Essential Oils) by KG Stiles

Reference Links:

  1. Lavender by University of Maryland Medical Center
  2. Pharmaco-physio-psychologic effect of Ayurvedic oil-dripping treatment using an essential oil from Lavendula angustifolia
  3. Lavender: An Ayurvedic View by Gurukula Blog
  4. Chemical Composition of Lavender Essential Oil and its Antioxidant Activity and inhibition against rhinitis-related bacteria by Lu Hui, Li He, Lu Huan, Li XiaoLan and Zhou AiGuo published in the African Journal of Microbiology Research