Dill Seed Oil

Dill-seed-BannerDill…..a miraculous herb that spells the charm of lull and pulls you out of illness. Having its origin from the Norse word ‘Dylle’, which means ‘to soothe or to lull’, Dill seed oil is well known for its carminative properties that soothes the digestive system and is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of ulcers, fever, cardiac problems, bronchitis, spermatorrhoea, syphilis and menstrual disorders.

Called as Shatapushpa in Ayurveda, Dill seeds are one among the most promising culinary herbs used in the Indian tradition especially during childbirth. Botanically known as Anethum sowa, Dill seed essential oil is extracted from the dried seeds by steam distillation method. These magical little seeds and its essential oil are prescribed in Ayurvedic healing for treating dysentery, menses, diarrhea, inflammation and for mental disturbances.

Purchase Dill Seed Oil – Retail – 4oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Dill Seed Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Dill and its essential oil:

Native to the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions, Dill has been used worldwide as an aromatic spice and a healing herb. Ancient Greeks and Romans considered it as a sign of health and wealth and carried the twig of this herb in the belief that it would protect them from curses. Few sources state that a lot of superstitions prevailed in the medieval period that Dill was used to prepare potions for casting spells and protecting one from the ill effects of witchcraft and evil spirits.

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine used Dill seeds in his medications for oral cleansing. Ancient warriors applied the extract from Dill seeds and twigs onto burns for quick healing. Dill seeds have exclusive carminative properties. It is for this reason that Emperor Charles the Great ordered the presence of Dill on his banquet tables to benefit his guests who indulged too much.

The entire plant of Dill including the seeds, leaves and twigs are equally important and carry the same flavor and aroma. The well known antimicrobial properties of this herb compel the use of Dill seeds in this planet for the preservation of food and in the preparation of pickles.

Easily available to common man, Dill seeds are an aboriginal remedy for curing insomnia, cold, fever, respiratory illnesses, diarrhea, dysentery, flatulence and a recent study has proved that it helps in preventing cancer.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Dill seed oil:

The proportion of the chemical constituents for all essential oils mainly depends upon the topography, seasons and various other attributes of its nativity. Dill is cultivated all over the world for its valuable benefits. Results of various researches state that Dill seed oil contains carvone, d-limonene, α-phellandrene, dihydrocarvone, eugenol, β-phellandrene, α-pinene, anethole, dillapiole, myristicin, carveol, arginine, β-caryophyllene, apiole, and others.

Antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, anti-hyperlipidaemic, anti-hypercholesterolaemic, anti-fungal, aromatic, diuretic, galactogogue, sedative, stomachic and sudorific are some of the priceless therapeutic properties of this prized oil.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Dill seed oil:

Dill seeds and few other extracts from this plant including its essential oil is administered to people of all ages in Ayurveda, depending upon their nature of illnesses. Ayurveda means the ‘knowledge of life’ and it aims at longevity through prevention of diseases along with its healing. This ancient wisdom analyzes the root cause of an illness and progresses towards treating the root cause instead of the symptoms alone.

Ayurvedic philosophy states that nature is made up of five vital elements known as water, earth, fire, space and air. It also says that everything on earth is a part of nature so all these things are also made up of these five elements.

Each element represent various parts of the human system, where earth represents muscles and bones, water represents blood and other fluids, air keeps us breathing, fire is the internal force created for movements and various functions of the body and space or the cosmic energy is the soul or spirit dwelling within us.

Human body is considered as a temple in Ayurveda where the spirit lives in and Ayurveda recommends one to keep his mind and body clean and tidy just like a temple for leading a healthy and harmonious life.

Every individual is unique in terms of Ayurveda and this individuality is identified with the distinctive individual constitution comprising of three biological energies known as doshas, namely kapha, pitta and vata.

Vata is responsible for movement, nervous functions, blood circulation, creativity and transmission of air and other vital elements. Pitta energy deals with metabolic functions, decision making skills and body temperature. Kapha dosha takes care of structure, movement of fluids, love and sustenance.

Balance between these doshas indicates healthiness and imbalance causes illness. Ayurvedic remedies like yoga, herbs, meditation, essential oils, physical exercises, Abhyanga and Ayurvedic routine focus on striking absolute balance between these doshas.

Dill seed oil is known to reduce pitta and kapha dosha and has a neutral effect on vata dosha. A recent research highlights the uses of Dill in Ayurveda before thousands of years, which says, “The earliest reference to use of Dill seed in medicine goes back to (700 BC) in ‘Charak Samhita’ (ancient Ayurvedic text), where an infusion of it was given as a cordial drink to women after confinement, the leaves moistened with oil were used as a poultice for suppurative skin conditions.”

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Dill seed essential oil are:

Dill-seed-Broucher-new1. Your perfect partner for health in your kitchen:

Dill seeds have a unique aroma that simply adds up to the flavor of various cuisines. It is one among the primary herbs in a number of kitchens across the globe including Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Also known as Lao Coriander it is often used in pickles and in fish dishes due to the high concentration of carvone which is antimicrobial in nature.

As an aromatic compound, it possesses anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help in preserving the edible items for a long time. As a natural reducing agent of blood glycerides, Dill seeds have gained popularity as one of the most flavored and healthiest herbs of the Middle East.

Most of the European countries, especially Germany uses Dill seed oil to preserve cucumbers and pickles, affordable to poor people as well. A variety of dishes like soups, sauces, salads, pickles, vinegars, fish and rice become special with the touch of this enticing herb. It is also used in confectionery, cakes, bread and apple pie.

2. Nature’s powerhouse of calcium:

Dill seed oil is a good source of calcium, dietary fiber, manganese, iron and magnesium. The presence of arginine strengthens bones, teeth and helps in the prevention of bone loss that occurs after menopause and even after some severe problems like rheumatoid arthritis. Few reliable sources even state that Dill seed oil is effective for treating hiccups due to its high calcium content.

Skin is the largest organ of the body and any medications used on the skin easily penetrates through the skin. The therapeutic properties of Dill seed essential oil when used topically, enters the skin and reaches the blood stream and heals the system naturally.

The best way to acquire the calcium and other energy nutrients of Dill seed oil is to add 3 drops of this oil to bathing water and massage your body with 6 drops of Dill oil blended with 3 ml of olive oil. This assists in supplying the essential calcium, iron, fiber, magnesium and other nutrients to the body.

3. Promising carminative with handful of digestive benefits:

β-phellandrene, α-pinene and other constituents of Dill seed oil attribute to the carminative property of the oil that helps in preventing the formation of gas in your intestines as well as aid in the expulsion of gas. It helps in the secretion of bile, a fluid produced by liver that aids in digestion. Dill seed oil is also stomachic in nature and assists in curing stomach pains that occur during menstrual cycles. It fights against flatulence, constipation, hiccups and colic in infants.

As an exclusive antimicrobial, antispasmodic and antifungal oil, Dill seed essential oil is recommended for treating dysentery, diarrhea and food poisoning. It fights against infectious microbes, soothes the digestive system and protects from infections and indigestion.

A recent research on ‘Seasonal differences in essential oil composition on Dill seed oil and Parsley oil’ has proven that the antimicrobial compounds like α-pinene, cineole and limonene in Dill seed oil have been proved effective against food-borne pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter jejun. Dill seed oil fights best against the microbes Aspergillus niger and the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans.

Mix 2 drops of Dill oil with 1 ml of sesame oil and gently massage on the stomach and abdomen for treating dysentery, diarrhea, flatulence, hiccups and constipation. In case of infant use, blend 1 drop of Dill oil with 2 ml of sesame oil and massage it gently on their tummy in slow circular movements. You can also add 1 to 2 drops of Dill oil in warm bathing water or in diffuser for relieving from digestive disorders.

4. Helps in combating free radicals and preventing cancer:

Dill seed oil is rich in monoterpenes, which activate the secretion of the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase. This enzyme helps in putting together the anti-oxidant molecule glutathione to the oxidized ones thus helping in prevention of cancer. It is also an excellent neutralizing agent of carcinogenic substances like benzopyrenes found in cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke, and the smoke produced by trash incinerators.

The anti-oxidant property of Dill seed oil is applied in treating mimic wrinkles around the eyes since it fights against free radicals responsible for various symptoms of aging including wrinkles. Mix 2 drops of Dill seed oil with 1 ml of Jojoba oil or with your regular skin care cream or lotion and gently apply it on your face and other wrinkles prone area for visible results. This massage aids in refreshing and soothing the skin surface.

5. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the body:

A recent study on Dill seeds have been proved to possess antihyperlipidaemic and antihypercholesterolaemic effects. It fights against hyperlipidemia that describes a condition of elevated levels of lipid formation and hyper cholesterol, which is nothing but increased cholesterol level in the body.

Maintaining the level of the fat soluble molecules called lipids and cholesterol in healthy standards yields fitness at all ages especially when you grow older. Massage your body with 6 drops of Dill essential oil blended with 3 ml of coconut oil, followed by hot bath where 2 drops of Dill oil is added to bathing water as well. This aids in decreasing the level of cholesterol and enables to feel light and fit.

6. Insomniates? Then here’s your lovable lullaby:

The soothing, calming and refreshing effects of flavonoids and group B vitamins in Dill seed oil helps in regulating the secretion of hormones and enzymes in our body that pacifies the nervous system. It is generally recommended for people suffering from insomnia and nervous disorders.

Placing cold to warm bags immersed in water with Dill seeds allowed to soak for few minutes, on closed eyelids will help you in experiencing a calming effect. You can also add 2 drops of Dill oil every night in your diffuser, burner or vaporizer for promoting peaceful sleep throughout the night.

7. Helps treat allergies and inflammation:

Dill seed oil fights against inflammation and allergies. People with oral inflammation in the throat and mouth are administered with this oil. Monoterpenes and flavonoids help in cleansing the respiratory system in case of allergies. Add 2 drops of Dill oil in steam inhalation and inhaling this medicated aroma helps in alleviating respiratory infections and allergies.

Aggravated kapha dosha is responsible for causing inflammation due to excess water deposits, salt, uric acid and other toxic substances in the system.  Dill essential oil has the efficiency to reduce increased kapha dosha and its anti-histamine properties helps one in getting rid of inflammation and other infections associated with it. Massage the inflamed and painful parts with 2 drops of Dill oil mixed with 1 ml olive oil for lessening pain, swelling and inflammation.

8. Fights against microbes:

Since Dill seed oil is rich in antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties it acts as a disinfectant and helps in killing the disease causing germs and micro organisms. This oil also acts as a mouth freshener by killing the microbes and fighting against the free radicals that affect the gums and teeth with its antioxidant effects. Add 1 drop of Dill oil in a cup of warm water and use it as a mouthwash for battling against harmful microbes causing oral infections.

Bacteria, fungus, virus and other micro organisms are the root cause of many diseases. Dill seed oil protects you against these infections and is a valuable remedy for cold, cough, flu, fever, bronchitis, spasms, respiratory tract diseases and healing wounds.

Other health benefits of Dill seed oil:

The diuretic property of this oil assists in treating urinary infections and regulates the excretion of urine without any difficulties. Since it induces the secretion of certain enzymes and hormones, Dill seed oil is used to regulate the menstrual cycle, increase the quantity of breast milk, and prevent early ovulation by acting as a natural contraceptive. Dill seed oil is also used in perfumery and cosmetic industries.


This article is only for the purpose of education and is not intended to diagnose or replace any prescribed medicines or professional medical advice. Always use essential oils externally in a diluted form, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances and can cause adverse effects if used directly on the skin.

Never ingest essential oils unless it is recommended safe by your medical expert. Remember to consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the right essential oil for your unique individual constitution and health condition.

Thought for the day:

The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.
-Henry David Thoreau

Suggested Reading:

  1. Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) (Herb of the Year 2010) from International Herb Association
  2. The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy by Kurt Schnaubelt
  3. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal (The Human Body Library) by Sheila Humphrey
  4. A Mother’s Guide to Raising Healthy Children—Naturally by Sue Frederick
  5. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller

Reference Links:

  1. Dill by Wikipedia
  2. Composition, quality control, and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of long-time stored dill (Anethum graveolens L.) seeds by PubMed.
  3. Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and Parsley (Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss) from Estonia: Seasonal Differences in Essential Oil Composition by R. Vokk, T. Lõugas, K. Mets and M. Kravets of Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, EE19086, Tallinn, Estonia
  4. Chemical Constituents of Essential Oil from Anethum Sowa Kurz Seed by Sumitra Singh, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, India, published in the Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research

Calendula Oil

Calendula-bannerIf and only if ‘the power of a flower can shower one forever’ with enormous benefits for the skin, then it cannot be anything less than Calendula, the one and only ‘on the dot’ flower that blooms probably on the first of the calendar month. Calendula and its oil has always been one among the best natural aid for treating numerous skin problems ranging from eczema to cracked foot.

While it looks resemble Marigold, this magical Pot Marigold called as Zergul in Hindi and Chin Chan Ts’ao in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has been used in Ayurveda and other Complementary and Alternative Medicinal practices for treating wounds, insect bites, sunburns, vaginal infections, varicose veins, acne, warts, calluses, scabies, corns, gastritis and conjunctivitis.

Purchase Calendula Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Calendula oil:

Lovingly called as ‘pot marigold’, Calendula officinalis is an arm of the daisy family, Asteraceae. Indigenous to southwest Asia and West Europe including the Mediterranean and Macaronesia, Calendula is also called as Garden marigold and Scottish marigold.

There are many misunderstanding facts between other Calendula and Marigold varieties like marsh marigold, corn marigold and desert marigold that belong to the Tagetes genus and not the Calendula genus.

The word ‘Calendula’ is extracted from the Latin word ‘calendae’, which means ‘little calendar’, ‘little weather-glass’ or ‘little clock’, mainly due to its promptness in blossoming on the new moon or on the beginning of the calendar month.

The word ‘Marigold’ means ‘Virgin Mary’ and is trusted to possess divine healing properties and even today, these flowers are used to honor Mother Mary during numerous Catholic occasions. It is also used to decorate the deities during auspicious religious gatherings in the Hindu tradition in India.

The ancient Greeks and Romans wore garlands and crowns made with the dazzling golden color Calendula flowers and these beautiful blossoms were also used in religious ceremonies and other rituals. The traditional Egyptians believed that these sacred flowers had revitalizing attributes.

The bright golden color petals were also used in textile industry as a source of natural dye for fabrics and it was also used as a natural colorant in cheese and butter varieties. These flowers are a popular ingredient in many Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines along with stews and soup varieties in Germany, for which it is called as ‘Pot marigold’.

Calendula is still remembered for its cordial use during the World War I and the American Civil War as a natural healing agent for treating open wounds. Calendula dressing helped in healing wounds much quicker with its antiseptic and anti-hemorrhagic properties. These flowers were dabbed directly on wounds and cuts to promoter faster healing, control bleeding and to arrest infectious growths.

Being a vital part of the Traditional and alternative medicine, Calendula has been etched in certain oldest medical scripts for cleansing toxins in the gall bladder and liver and was prescribed to treat associated digestive disorders. Till today, the world sings the glory of Calendula tea, attributed to its appetizing taste and enormous healing benefits.

Pharmacological effects and chemical constituents of Calendula oil:

Calendula oil is said to possess antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, detoxifying, carminative, anti-tumor, anti-hemorrhagic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-HIV, hepatoprotective and emmenagogue properties.

The major chemical constituents of Calendula oil are a-cadinol, limonene, a-cadinene, p-cymene, 1, 8-cineol along with other flavonoids, terpenoids, coumarins, flavonol glycosides, carotenoids, sesquiterpene glucoside, amino acids, triterpene oligoglycosides, saponins, and oleanane-type triterpene glycosides.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Calendula oil:

Ayurveda is not associated only with the word ‘remedy’ and much more than that, it encompasses diagnosis of the root cause of an illness, prevention of diseases, healthy aging and longevity to love and live with nature, naturally.

Loved as the most precious gift of the God of Creation, Brahma to the Lord of Medicine, Acharya Dhanvantari, Ayurveda is in healing and harmonizing mankind for more than 5,000 years, for which it is called as the Mother of all healing methodologies on earth. This includes Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Aromatherapy, Allopathy, TCM or the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Naturopathy.

Ayurveda is held high in India and all over the world for its holistic healing practices that defines health as the wellness of the mind, body and spirit together. Among the 4 sacred books of the Indian Hindu mythology (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvaveda), Ayurveda is a significant part of the Atharvaveda, where 114 verses talk about various health conditions, its symptoms, natural remedies and various Ayurvedic techniques for prevention and increased life span.

Dinacharya or the Ayurvedic routine recommends numerous ways for leading a hale, hearty and disciplined life. Human body is regarded as a temple, where the soul dwelling in is considered as a divine presence. This school of thought enables Ayurveda to strongly recommend practices for keeping the body, mind and spirit clean and cheerful.

Everything in this world is a part of nature and is made up of the fundamental elements, namely earth, water, fire, air and space. Every person is made up of a unique combination of these five elements, precisely called as doshas (vata, pitta and kapha). Vata (air + space), pitta (fire + water) and kapha (water + earth) make up an individual constitution, which is also called as Prakriti.

Each and every individual has a unique Prakriti just like the fingerprints, with a predominance of any of these three doshas. This doshic predominance determines the character, personality, behavioral patterns and emotional setup of an individual.

Perfect balance between doshas as per the law of nature indicates health and doshic imbalances due to sedentary lifestyle, change in food habits, weather fluctuations etc., lead to sickness. Ayurvedic remedies aim at treating the root cause of a health condition and prescribes unique medication for every person as per the Prakriti or the individual constitution.

The major Ayurvedic remedies include Ayurvedic essential oils, yoga, simple physical exercises, meditation, herbs, Pranayama (the art of balanced breathing), Abhyanga or the Ayurvedic massaging technique, Dinacharya or the Ayurvedic routine and Panchakarma (the Ayurvedic detoxification therapy).

Calendula oil is recommended for pacifying pitta and kapha doshas and for augmenting vata energy.

The most significant Ayurvedic health benefits of Calendula oil are:

Calendula-broucher1. Calendula for skin:

As we saw above, it’s historical significance during the World War I and the American Civil War as an excellent first aid agent in healing wounds, arresting bleeding and in treating inflammatory conditions is a noble proof for its brilliance in wound healing and is called as ropana in Ayurveda, means one which heals wounds.

A 2008 study on ‘Calendula officinalis and Wound Healing: A Systematic Review’ by Matthew J. Leach, PhD, BN (Hons), ND, RN, MATMS, published in WOUNDS, A compendium of clinical research and practice substantiates that the presence of triterpenoids like faradiol and the faradiol monoester and other components including flavonoids, saponins, polysaccharides and micronutrients contribute to its anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, wound healing attributes and antioxidant properties.

The major skin conditions considered for this study includes foot ulcer, dermatitis, varicose ulcer, burns, injuries, cuts, abrasions, pressure ulcer, skin ulcer and other wounds. This study also explains that Calendula officinalis has “Anti-inflammatory activity – The acute inflammatory response during the early stages of injury generates factors that are essential for tissue growth and repair.

Antimicrobial activity -Wound healing can also be delayed when microorganisms are present in large enough numbers. Therefore, reducing the bacterial load of a wound may be necessary to facilitate wound healing, as well as reduce local inflammation and tissue destruction.

An ideal agent for the prevention and control of wound infection would therefore be one that directly destroys pathogens, while also stimulating immune activity. Calendula is one agent that possesses both of these properties.

Antioxidant effect – The production of free radicals at or around the wound bed may contribute to delays in wound healing through the destruction of lipids, proteins, collagen, proteoglycan, and hyaluronic acid.

Agents that demonstrate significant antioxidant activity may, therefore, preserve viable tissue and facilitate wound healing. Calendula demonstrates free radical scavenging activity against superoxide radicals and hydroxyl radicals and facilitates wound healing via an important antioxidant effect.

Wound healing activity – The most important clinical endpoint in wound management is wound closure or 100% epithelialization. Given that wound closure is critically important; it is argued that any agent demonstrating significant wound-healing activity should be seriously considered in conventional practice.

Calendula, for example, may facilitate wound healing by increasing wound angiogenesis and collagen, nucleoprotein, and glycoprotein metabolism, leading to improvements in both local circulation and granulation tissue formation.”

This study concludes stating “Calendula officinalis possesses a number of properties that are conducive to wound healing, especially in a number of acute and chronic wounds, particularly for its effect on inflammation, microbial load, and epithelialization.”

With its immunostimulant, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, anti-microbial, antiseptic and disinfectant properties, applying a blend of 5 drops of Calendula with 2 drops of Bay leaf oil in your mild skin care cream or with 10 drops of Coconut oil can help in healing bee stings, insect bites, sores, cuts, bruises, skin abrasions, swelling, burns, acne, scrapes, diaper rashes, athlete’s foot, conjunctivitis, dermatitis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

The most adorable quality of Calendula oil is that it helps in controlling the formation of scars and diminishes stretch marks with its ability to stimulate tissue repair generation and secretion of collagen that enhances the natural elasticity of skin cells.

You can also add few drops of Calendula oil in your skin care ointments, lotions and creams or in salves, facial steams, baths, washes, tinctures and Ayurvedic essential oils for nourishing, enriching and nurturing the texture and health of your skin.

2. Calendula for circulation and inflammation:

Calendula oil has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties that assist in clearing away excess of kapha dosha responsible for fluid retention through the mutravahasrotas, means the urinary passages by promoting the frequency and quantity of urination. By this way, the excess water deposits, toxic remains, salt, uric acid and fat in the system are eliminated through urine.

The effectiveness of Calendula in enhancing the functions of rasa and rakta dhatus, which means the plasma and blood tissues contributes to its ability in augmenting proper blood circulation. This makes Calendula oil as a promising remedy in treating circulatory conditions like varicose veins, arthritis, gout and rheumatic conditions.

Thus massaging the affected or painful parts with 1 ounce of Calendula oil with 2 drops of Cassia oil and 2 drops of Black cumin oil can help in enhancing blood circulation, discarding toxic remains and fluid retention through urine and reduce pain and inflammation associated with rheumatism, varicose veins, gout and arthritis.

You can also add 2 drops of Calendula oil in warm water and use it is a gargle for alleviating sore throat, killing germs and microbes in the mouth causing bad breath, cavities, gingivitis and other gum problems.

3. Calendula for immunity:

Low immune power is the direct doorway for numerous microbes, pathogens and other micro-organisms causing various diseases and contagious medical conditions. The presence of calendulin, a yellow resin along with tannins and other chemical constituents of its volatile oil makes Calendula a promising medication for augmenting the rapid growth response of the human lymphocytes.

WBC or the white blood corpuscles are responsible for the body’s immune power or the potent to fight against pathogens, microbes or other harmful micro-organisms invading the healthy system. With its anti-microbial, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, Calendula oil strengthens the immune system by shielding against the attack of bacteria, virus, fungi, worms etc.

Calendula oil also helps in treating inflamed lymph glands and decrease lymphatic congestion. It also aids in purging away harmful toxic remains in the body through urine with its triterpenoid components responsible for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

Adding 5 drops of Calendula oil in bathing water every morning and 2 drops of Calendula oil added to your hankie or your pillow cover are the best ways to strengthen your immunity through the ‘Calendula power’.

4. Calendula for digestive disorders:

Calendula oil boasts its support to various digestive functions with its astringent, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and antimicrobial properties. The ability to pacify excess of pitta energy or digestive fire makes Calendula an excellent natural remedy for soothing the lining of the stomach, intestines and the gastrointestinal tract.

Massaging your abdomen with 10 drops of Calendula oil blended with 2 drops of Calamus oil and 4 ounce of Coconut oil can help in soothing the walls of the stomach and intestines, thus pacifying irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer, gastritis and other inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

This medicated massage can also assist in stimulating the functions of the liver, the organ of detoxification, thus support in eliminating microbial infections, ama or toxic remains in the stomach, intestinal worms and other pathogenic foreign bodies in the gut, which may otherwise lead to dysentery, viral hepatitis, diarrhea and enteritis.

5. Calendula for reproductive functions:

Calendula is extremely beneficial in supporting the functions of the female reproductive problems including irregular menstruation, uterine fibroids, frigidity and ovarian cysts (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

For all these special benefits, Calendula blossoms are called in Ayurveda as Striroga, one which aids in gynaecological problems; Granthi, remedy for treating the complications of tumors, and Artavajanana for aiding trouble-free menstruation.

The oil of Calendula helps in clearing excess of kapha and pitta energies in the uterus, mainly because of its effectiveness on artavavahasrotas.

A gentle massage of the lower abdomen, back and thighs with 10 drops of Calendula oil and 1 drop of Cinnamon oil and 1 drop of Cassia oil can help in promoting blood circulation in the uterus, regularizing blocked or delayed menstruation, relieving dysmennorhea or menstrual pain.

You can also use this blend in bath, especially during your menstrual cycle and the times you’re sick with menopausal symptoms.

Calendula oil functions like a tonic to the uterine muscles, aiding in balancing the estrogen hormones that are responsible for PCOS and uterine fibroids. It is also trusted to treat cysts in the digestive passage and the breasts. Calendula infusions were used in folklore remedy for fostering uterine contractions and the discharge of placenta during childbirth.

Other health benefits:

The most celebrated herbalists, Gerard and Culpeper call Marigold as a “comforter of the heart and spirits”. Calendula is also recommended safe for diaper rashes, hemorrhoids, stomach upset, people undergoing radiation therapy, abdominal cramps, fistulas, sprains and eye inflammation.


This information is only for the use of education and is not intended to diagnose or prevent any health condition or to substitute any prescription drugs or professional medical advice. We, the Essential Depot team are not healthcare professionals and this content is written only in social interest of educating the public about the richness of Ayurvedic treatment, the most trusted traditional healing system.

Calendula oil is suggested only for the use of topical application and do not take it internally. Talk with your medical expert or your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the appropriate Ayurvedic oils for your Prakriti or unique individual constitution and medical condition and before using them on children, nursing women, pregnant ladies and on people who are undergoing other treatments (please check on drug interactions) and on those who are allergic to specific oils.

Thought for the day:

“The marigold goes to bed with the Sun
And with him rises, weeping.”

Suggested Reading:

  1. Calendula – Calendula Officinalis by Amanda Klenner
  2. Calendula Oil (How To Make Natural Skin Care Products Series Book 29) by Miriam Kinai
  3. Calendula by Marian Kim
  4. Calendula by Mindy Green
  5. Herbs for Healthy Aging: Natural Prescriptions for Vibrant Health by David Hoffmann FNIMH AHG

Reference Links:

  1. Calendula by Wikipedia
  2. Calendula by The University of Maryland Medical Center
  3. Calendula officinalis and Wound Healing: A Systematic Review by Matthew J. Leach, PhD, BN(Hons), ND, RN, MATMS, published in WOUNDS, a compendium of clinical research and practice
  4. Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Calendula officinalis Linn(Asteraceae): A Review by BP. Muley, SS. Khadabadi and NB. Banarase, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Maharashtra, India, published in the Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


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