Grapeseed Oil

Grape-seed-oil--bannerWitnessed as one among the potential chemopreventive agent, Grape seed and its extracts are effective natural medications to support cancer treatment in all the three stages of carcinogenesis, including initiation, promotion and progression.

As the most trusted carrier oil in aromatherapy, Grapeseed oil is often preferred as excellent massage oil for its light consistency and easy absorbent efficiency. It is often recommended for treating wrinkles, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, hemorrhoids, stretch marks and high blood pressure.

Ayurveda honors Grapes as Drakshaa Phalottamaa,’ which means that Grapes is the best among all other fruits. Numerous Ayurvedic medications contain Grape and its other extracts in the treatment of urinary tract infections, tuberculosis, bloating, diarrhea, hypertension, obesity, gastritis, jaundice, depression, fatigue, anorexia, infertility, memory loss and indigestion.

Purchase Grapeseed Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Grapeseed Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Chemical constituents and remedial properties of Grapeseed oil:

The major chemical constituents of Grape seed oil are alpha-linoleic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, linoleic acid, phenols (tocopherols), steroids including stigmasterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol, flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs – source of rich antioxidants).

The promising therapeutic properties of Grape seed oil are antioxidant, moisturizing, emollient, anticancer, cicatrisant, diuretic, cardio-tonic, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, anti-allergic, anti-histamine, anti-dandruff, immune stimulant, antimicrobial and anti-aging. It also contains Vitamin E, which is extremely beneficial for skin and hair.

Historical uses and importance of Grape seed and its oil:

Vitis vinifera is the scientific name of grapes. The Greeks were the first among the world populace to consume grapes for its varied health benefits. Grapes were found to relish the universe for more than 6,000 years.

The juice extracted from Grapes has been mentioned in the Bible and the Old Testament denotes that Prophet Daniel promoted the uses of Grape seed oil by using it in a culinary variety called as Pulse.

Indigenous to Asia, Grapes were later taken to Europe and North America. Many Greek philosophers wrote about various health benefits of Grapes in their medical writings.

The traditional European medical practitioners used sap of grapevines in making an ointment for treating eye problems and skin disorders.

Dried grapes or raisins are one among those best natural medications for treating constipation, liver problems and excessive thirst.

Ayurveda and certain other Complementary and alternative medicinal practices recommend grapes and its extracts in the treatment of cholera, cancer, sore throat, nausea, infections of the eye, small pox, heart conditions and skin problems.

The Ayurvedic text ‘Dhanvantari Nighantu’ indicates grapes as one among the Swadu Triphala along with dates and Kashmari fruit and with dates and pomegranate. Grapes are also classified as highly nutritious food, Santarpana foods.

Grapes and its various other natural extracts, including grape seed and its oil has been under the limelight of scientific research later, where various therapeutic values including the antioxidant and chemopreventive effects of Grape seed extracts have been proved with corresponding evidence.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Grape seed oil:

Grapes can never be neglected in any of our fruit list or nutritious diet curriculum. With all the other gifts of Mother Nature, Grapes are indeed a blessing on mankind with a bunch of remedial properties, just like the bunch of grapes on the grapevine.

‘The Fox and the Grapes’ story is still fresh in my mind and I remember the sight of grapes would influence our taste buds just like that in a jiffy.

Ayurveda beckons grapes with various Sanskrit names and the most interesting names are here for your reference. For its extremely appealing looks, it is called as Charuphala and Priyala; Nutritious values –Bruhmani; Aphrodisiac properties – Vrushya.

Acharya Charaka, the most renowned Ayurvedic philosopher and the creator of Charaka Samhita, the ground-breaking Ayurvedic encyclopedia has classified grapes as Kanthya, meaning herbs that help in soothing throat and enhancing voice; Shramahara, which means herbs that alleviate fatigue and drowsiness; Kashara, meaning cough suppressant herbs.

The 6,000 years history of Grapes is richer than the 5,000 years old Ayurvedic healing, which is more than a valid proof for the presence of Grapes and its various extracts in Ayurvedic medications.

The philosophy of Ayurveda believes that everything on earth along with human beings is made up of the five fundamental elements called as Devanagari or Panchamaha boothas.

These five elements, namely fire (metabolism, intellect, vision and body temperature), water (blood, salivary glands and digestive juices), air (respiration, cardiac, muscular and nervous functions), earth (bones, muscles, hair, skin and nails) and space (lungs, abdomen, thorax and mouth) join together to form the unique individual constitution or Prakriti of a person, which is a combination of 3 biological energies called as doshas.

Doshas are a combination of five vital elements, kapha (earth + water), vata (space + air) and pitta (fire + water).

The physique, emotional traits, spiritual connectedness and behavioral attributes of a person is based upon the predominant dosha. Absolute balance between doshas according to nature’s law indicates perfect health and unevenness leads to diseases.

Ayurvedic treatment starts with the individual as a whole and not just as an attempt to treat their health conditions. Swasthya is the aim of Ayurvedic healing, which means a healthy state of the body, mind and spirit.

For attaining longevity through hale and hearty lifestyle practices, impediment of diseases and understanding self, Ayurveda recommends herbal medicines, Ayurvedic essential oils, Dinacharya or Ayurvedic routine, yoga, simple physical exercises, Pranayama or mindful breathing, Panchakarma or cleansing technique, prayers, and meditation.

Grape seed oil has been recommended in Ayurveda for pacifying kapha and vata and for enhancing pitta dosha.

According to Annaswaroopa Vijnaneeya Adhyaya, the sixth chapter of Astanga Hridaya, one among the three Ayurvedic encyclopedia, Grapes is quoted as “Draksa is best among fruits, is aphrodisiac, good for the eyes, helps elimination of urine and faeces, sweet in taste and the end of digestion, unctuous, slightly astringent, cold potency, hard to digest, cures diseases of vata, pitta and rakta; better taste in the mouth, intoxication, thirst, cough, fever, respiratory conditions, hoarseness, injury to the lungs and chronic respiratory diseases.”

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Grape seed oil are:Grape-seed -broucher1. Excellent benefits for skin and hair:

Grape seed oil is a light and easily absorbing oil with many benefits for the skin and hair with the presence of linoleic acid, the most banked upon essential fatty acid for boosting the health of skin cells (Twachya) and hair follicles (Keshya).

With its mild astringent, antioxidant and anti-aging qualities, Grape seed oil supports in fighting against free radicals that contribute to aging symptoms like wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and saggy skin. It protects the skin from sun damages.

Massaging your skin with 5 drops of Grape seed oil blended with 1 drop of Bergamot oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil can help in toning and tightening the skin cells. Being emollient and regenerative oil, it assists in moisturizing the skin surface and nourishing the skin cells from within.

A 2002 study on “Dermal wound healing properties of redox-active grape seed proanthocyanidins” by The Ohio State University Medical Center and Creighton University Medical Center witnessed the effectiveness of Grapeseed extracts in healing dermal wounds quickly.

This study quotes, “GSPE treatment was associated with a more well-defined hyper proliferative epithelial region, higher cell density, enhanced deposition of connective tissue, and improved histological architecture.”

It concludes stating, “Topical application of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins Extracts represents a feasible and productive approach to support dermal wound healing.” This contributes to the cicatrisant or wound healing properties of Grape seed oil.

The presence of Vitamin E makes it a vital ingredient in moisturizing creams, lip balms, sunscreen lotions, shampoos, conditioners and few other ranges of cosmetics. The most interesting fact is that Grapeseed oil has double the times of vitamin E in Olive oil.

Gently massaging your scalp with 10 drops of Grape seed oil with 2 drops of Lime oil can help in treating dry scalp conditions, itchy and flaky scalp, dandruff, hair loss and frizzy hair. This oil spreads evenly and dampens the dry conditions of your hair, leaving it soft, smooth and silky.

2. Promising chemopreventive agent for combating cancer:

Grape seed is a potent antioxidant with the presence of oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), which can prevent cellular tissue damage by the invasion of free radicals and resveratrol, a natural phenol that protects the cells from the attack of pathogens.

A 2009 study on ‘Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products, published in the Journal of Nutrition and in PubMed,’ proves the efficacy and mechanisms of action on various epithelial cancer models.

This includes the potential chemopreventive effects of Grape seed extracts on skin cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and breast cancer. The findings of various studies listed in this analysis firmly suggest that “grapes and grape-based products are the sources of many potential anticancer and cancer chemopreventive agents.”

Melanoma or skin cancer is often caused by the adverse effects of ultra violet radiation on human skin. The presence of proanthocyanidins in Grape seed is an excellent source for preventing and fighting against the development of skin cancer.

A 2008 study on ‘Grape seed proanthocyanidins and skin cancer prevention: Inhibition of oxidative stress and protection of immune system’ concludes “Grape seed proanthocyanidins could be useful in the attenuation of the adverse UV-induced health effects in human skin.”

3. Relieves rheumatic conditions and assists in the treatment of varicose veins:

Grape seed oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, circulatory and diuretic properties that help in promoting normal blood circulation, arrest the growth of free radicals, reduce swelling or inflammation, soothe inflamed nerves and discard toxic remains and water retention in the system through urine, sweat and faeces (for which it is called as Mutrala and Malakrut in Ayurveda).

The presence of oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), flavonoids and other vital nutrients in Grape seed oil does all these magic and makes it a promising natural aid in treating rheumatism, arthritis, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, edema and stiff muscles.

Massaging the affected parts with 10 drops of Grapeseed oil with 2 drops of Petitgrain oil can help in fortifying and repairing broken capillaries and blood vessels, enhancing blood circulation in case of spider veins, hemorrhoids and varicose veins, reducing swelling and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, supporting recovery from an injury and post-surgery conditions.

The University of Maryland Medical Center quotes studies where patients who used Grapeseed extract after breast cancer surgery and sports injury had less edema and swelling than others who used placebo.

4. Supports cognitive functions and enhances memory:

Strengthening cognitive power and the functions of the brain is another adorable attribute of Grape seed oil and is one among those brain tonic or Medhya herbs in Ayurveda.

A 2011 study on ‘Grape seed proanthocyanidin lowers brain oxidative stress in adult and middle-aged rats by the Bangalore University, published in PubMed concludes “Grape Seed proanthocyanidin extracts as a neuroprotectant in the hippocampus and in preventing cognitive loss with aging.”

“It lowered blood glucose, lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide level, and increased protein sulphydryl (P-SH) content in the hippocampus and significantly improved cognitive performance,” witnesses this analysis.

Using 3 ounce of Grape seed oil with 7 drops of Rosemary oil and 3 drops of Ashwagandha oil in a massage blend, can support effectively in enhancing the functions of hippocampus, part of the brain and is the center of memory, emotions and the autonomic nervous system.

This is how Grape seed oil aids in improving cognitive abilities, elevating memory power and in treating Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss.

5. Controls high cholesterol and high pressure:

Grape seed oil acts like a cardiac tonic that reinforces the functions of the cardiovascular system by reducing the level of LDL (low density lipoproteins) or bad cholesterol and augmenting the level of HDL (high density lipoproteins) or good cholesterol.

As a natural aid with mild blood-thinning properties, Grape seed oil can be of great help in removing blocks or clots in the blood vessels and treating coronary diseases. It supports the functions of the heart and is called as Hrudaya in Ayurvedic healing.

Grape seeds can support in controlling high blood pressure and other conditions associated with metabolic syndrome. A study with four weeks of Grape seed extracts proved it’s potent in reducing diastolic as well as systolic blood pressure.

The rich presence of gamma-linoleic acid in Grape seed helps significantly in lowering cholesterol levels in the system. A study published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition witnesses’ insulin resistance in obese or overweight females.

Other health benefits:

Grapeseed oil and other extracts assist in the treatment of tooth decay, low night vision, diabetic retinopathy and diabetes.

  • Stick to a healthy and wholesome diet.
  • Simple physical exercises every day might sound simple but has immense benefits on your health regimen.
  • Connecting with the Divine Force either through prayer or meditation for about 10 – 15 minutes a day can help in self-realization and immense self-belief.
  • Chuck out about 70 per cent of toxins in your system daily by extended exhalation during Pranayama or the art of balanced breathing.
  • Think positive and accomplish your duties for eternal satisfaction.
  • Enrich your body with the habit of drinking ample water.

Hmmm…. I’m done for the day and it’s your turn now…..


Use essential oils only for topical application as 100 per cent organic and pure oils are highly concentrated liquids and might cause allergic reactions, if taken internally. Do a patch test with Grape seed oil before using it on your skin.

This article is only for the purpose of education and is not meant to diagnose, substitute any prescription medicines or the advice of your healthcare professional. We are not medical experts and this info is shared only on the basis of enlightening Ayurvedic healing, the pioneer of all medical sciences on earth.

Consult your Ayurvedic expert or medical professional before choosing the appropriate oils for your unique individual constitution or Prakriti and state of health or Vikruti. Take special care before using Grapeseed oil on pregnant women or nursing mother or on children.

Thought for the day:

If you truly love Nature, you’ll find beauty everywhere.

-Wan Cogh

Suggested Reading:

  1. Grapeseed oil: An alternative to conventional edible vegetable oils by Manuela Rubio García, José Emilio Pardo González, Manuel Alvarez-Ortí
  2. The Modern Ayurveda: Milestones Beyond the Classical Age from Brand: CRC Press
  3. The Comprehensive Guide to Skin Care: From Acne to Wrinkles, What to Do (And Not Do) to Stay Healthy and Look Your Best by Rebecca B. Campen M.D.
  4. The Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pain Management with CD-ROM, 1e (A Massage Therapist’s Guide To) by Sandy Fritz, Leon Chaitow

Reference Links:

  1. Grape seed by University Of Maryland Medical Center
  2. Grape seed oil by Wikipedia
  3. What is grape seed extract? What are the benefits of grape seed extract? By Medical News Today
  4. Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products by Manjinder Kaur, Chapla Agarwal, and Rajesh Agarwal, published in the Journal of Nutrition and in PubMed
  5. Grape seed proanthocyanidins and skin cancer prevention: Inhibition of oxidative stress and protection of immune system by Santosh K. Katiyar, University of Alabama, Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, published in PubMed

Argan Oil

argan nut

Liquid Gold From Argan Nut

“May you live 100 years with all the wealth and wellness”, is the traditional way of blessing in India. Hope, Argan tree has been blessed twice as its estimated life span is more than 200 years. Argan is dotingly called as the ‘Tree of life’ by the Moroccan populace and is awarded with the title ‘Liquid gold’, for its innumerable healing benefits.

Cherished and kept as a beauty secret by the women of Morocco since 12 B.C., Argan oil has made a clean sweep of the cosmetic and medicinal streams with its natural potent to treat enormous skin conditions, hair problems, rheumatism, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and many other health conditions.

Being one among the oldest extant trees on earth dated back to the Tertiary period, Argan oil is recommended in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine for treating acne, stretch marks, wrinkles and other aging symptoms, dandruff, rough and dry hair, high cholesterol levels, inflammatory conditions and more.

Ayurveda recommends Argan oil for treating pitta dosha vitiations like acne, boils, skin inflammation, blemishes, microbial infections, digestive disorders along with vata problems including dry, scaly skin, wrinkles, fatigue, anxiety, constipation and frizzy hair conditions.

Purchase Argan Oil – Retail – 2 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Argan Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Argan Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Argan-bannerChemical constituents and therapeutic values of Argan oil:

Argan oil is cold pressed from the seed kernels of the Argan fruit and is rich in fatty acids including oleic acid, alpha-linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearidonic acid, linoleic acid and myristic acid along with tocopherols, carotenes, phenols (present in Argan oil are resorcinol, caffeic acid, vanillic acid, oleuropein, catechol, epicatechin, catechin and tyrosol.)

Since the traditional times, Argan oil is admired as a promising source of vitamin E, vitamin A, unsaturated fatty acids along with Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids (has antioxidant properties).

All these constituents contribute to the remedial properties of Argan oil. They are antioxidant, moisturizing, cicatrisant, cardiovascular, hypolipidemic, aphrodisiac, anti-rheumatic, anti-aging, anti-acne, hepatoprotective, immune stimulant, anti-obesity, anti-sebum, anti-proliferative (cancer preventive), choleretic and anti-diabetic.

Historical uses and importance of Argan oil:

Argania spinosa is the botanical name of the Argan tree that belongs to the Sapotaceae plant family. Indigenous to Morocco, the conical or oval bulb-shaped fruits possess the magical seed or the nut holding the nourishing oil-rich kernels.

Even today, in this mechanized world, the extraction of Argan oil is regarded as the most complex method that any oil can be extracted. In an economically poor setup, the Berber women involve in the toiling and long-drawn-out work of extracting oil from the kernels. The fruit pulp is often used as a cattle feed, followed which the nut is cracked open to reach the kernels.

The disheartening news is that Argan tree is one among those endangered species, mainly due to deforestation, drought and inappropriate extensive use. The primordial native women of the Amazigh community were among the oldest populace to use edible Argan oil.

The edible Argan oil is a part of the scrumptious habitual breakfast of the Moroccans, where home-made bread varieties are complimented with honey and Argan oil. It is also taken with a different combination, along with fresh salads and goat cheese. The authentic Moroccan sweet Amlou is a much-relished aphrodisiac with a blend of almonds, Argan oil and honey.

Morocco sets right the best examples of Argan oil employment, especially for topical applications, in the treatment of acne, eczema, psoriasis, joint pain, dry skin, inflammatory skin conditions and wrinkles. People of various Moroccan tribes used Argan oil as a preventive aid for frizzy hair and hair fall.

UNESCO has enlisted Argan tree in the World Heritage record and utters, “Argan tree is not only the focus for conservation, but also for research and socio-economic development. Traditional uses of the Argan tree are for example forestry, pastoralism, food, medicine and cosmetics. Growing along the border of Sahara, it also functions as a buffer against desertification.”

Ayurvedic health benefits of Argan oil:

Anything and everything that is a part of nature comes under the Ayurvedic roof. This is because Ayurveda, the knowledge of life strongly states that everything on earth is a part of Mother Nature and is made up of the five vital forces of Nature.

Ayurvedic philosophy states that the origin of all existing things on earth is the real consciousness called as Purusha. It states that energy and matter are the same, where energy is evident through the 5 vital elements namely earth, fire, water, air and space. These elemental forces lay a foundation for all matters in the universe.

In the human body earth is present in the physique like muscles, bones, cartilages, tendons, skin, hair and nails. Space exists in digestive tract, lungs, thorax, mouth and the abdominal area.

Fire is instituted in the process of metabolism, vision, intellect and body temperature. Air is evident in heart palpitations, muscular movements, nervous and respiratory functions. Water endures in the form of blood, digestive juices, functions of the salivary glands, cytoplasm and mucous membranes.

Known as Panchamahabhutas, these five elements entail the functions of the five senses. The sense of touch, sight, sound, smell and taste match up accordingly with air, fire, space, earth and water.

These 5 vital elements combine to form the 3 doshas or the biological energies of nature, namely vata (space + air), pitta (fire + water) and kapha (earth + water). According to the Ayurvedic principle, every individual is made up of a combination of three doshas with a predominance of any one dosha. This predominance determines the personality, spirit and the behavioral patterns.

Every person is treated in a distinctive manner based upon his/her Prakriti or the unique individual constitution and Vikruti or the state of health. Balance between these doshas indicates a healthy state whereas doshic imbalances end up in illnesses.

Ayurvedic treatment involves the natural remedies and techniques for striking proper balance between the doshas. According to this remedial system, health encompasses the wellness of the mind, body and spirit, also known as Swasthya.

More than a healing methodology, Ayurveda is a way of living that embraces spirituality, philosophy, and science. It aims at diagnosis, prevention of illnesses, healthy aging, self-realization and longevity.

For attaining this freedom of living and blissful aging, Ayurveda treats the individual (not the disease) by recommending herbal medicines, Ayurvedic essential oils, Dinacharya or Ayurvedic routine, yoga, simple physical exercises, Pranayama or conscious breathing, Panchakarma or cleansing technique, prayers and meditation (to connect with the Divine energy).

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Argan oil are:

Argan-oil-broucher1. Twachya and Kusthaghna – Supports skin health and treats various skin problems:

Integrating the Ayurvedic essence of the Eastern provinces with the nurturing herbs of the Western world is indeed an enlightening experience.

Argan oil is such a nourishing, moisturizing and enriching oil for the skin, for which it can be honored as Twachya, meaning a remedy that backs up healthy skin and as Kusthaghna for its effectiveness in repairing various skin damages and healing numerous skin conditions.

The rich presence of tocopherols, squalene, carotenes, sterols and phenolic antioxidants from its vitamin E, vitamin A, Omega 6, Omega 9 and unsaturated fatty acids make Argan oil, the best ever oil on earth for skin in the pink.

It is effective for all the three types of skin:

i. Dry, rough and scaly vata skin – With its moisturizing, nourishing, emollient and circulatory properties, Argan oil pampers your skin by kicking out dryness and leaving it supple and soft. It is one among the trusted remedies to mend itchy, flaky and rough skin.

ii. Sensitive, broken and inflammatory pitta skin – Argan oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial oil that can support in treating boils, irritating and acne-prone skin, cracks, burns and repair inflamed skin conditions.

Mr. Majda Alaoui Sosso, Director of Morocco’s oil cooperative said, “Recent scientific studies have showed benefits of Argan oil has antimicrobial properties, and can be used in treating damaged skin and inflammation.”

iii. Oily, puffy and thick kapha skin – Kapha based skin has a natural tendency to secrete excess sebum from the sebaceous glands of the skin. This greasy, oil-like secretion helps to retain the moisture and elasticity of the skin.

Over-secretion might end up in oily skin, acne, blemishes and dullness. Argan oil has active anti-sebum property that regulates the secretion of sebum.

A 2007 study on “Clinical and instrumental study of the efficacy of a new sebum control cream” by Dobrev H, Department of Dermatology, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, tested the effectiveness of a sebum control cream containing Argan oil. Topical application of this Argan oil based cream on 20 healthy volunteers for 4 weeks reveals an evident sebum-regulating effect in about 95 percent of the participants.

This study concludes that the Sebum control cream with Argan oil shows efficacy in “reducing the greasiness and improving the appearance of oily facial skin.”

It works on suppressing surfeit fat cells and reduces water retention, which might otherwise end up in leaving the skin thick and puffy.

Argan oil has been in use for more than thousands of years in healing wounds, cuts, sores, burns, and acts as a protective layer for your skin from harmful UV (ultra-violet) rays, pollution, change in weather conditions, stress and other environmental factors.

Gently massaging your skin in slow circular motion with 2 drops of Argan oil, 1 drop of Tea tree oil and 1 drop of Evening primrose oil can help in reducing acne, inflammation, acne marks, chicken pox scars, rashes, eczema, boils, repairing damaged skin cells and in preventing microbial infections from spreading all through skin surface.

This tranquilizing massage also helps in regulating the pH balance of the skin and supports in locking the natural moisture in it. The presence of vitamin E, linoleic acid and other nutrients in Argan oil aid in boosting cellular production.

2. Rasayana – Rejuvenates and restores skin health:

Argan oil is absolutely a Rasayana in Ayurvedic terms, mainly due to its anti-aging, rejuvenative, tonic, circulatory and regenerating properties. It aids in restoring the skin health that has turned thick, dry, inflamed, mature and aged skin with wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and other aging symptoms.

The phenolic antioxidants along with the presence of Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids contribute to its free radicals scavenging activity. Free radicals are often the terrible cause behind the symptoms of aging.

The oil of Argan extracted from its seed kernel is an excellent skin toner with exfoliating qualities that can discard dead skin cells, tone the cellular structure, tightens the skin cells, influences the replenishment of new skin cells and guards skin elasticity by supporting the collagen production.

Collagen is the essential protein in the body that supports the strength of the connective tissues and grants that natural cushioning effect for various parts of the body.

Massaging your system with 5 drops of Argan oil blended with 4 ounce of Jojoba oil can do all that is required to retain your youthful looks and leave you look like ‘you’re 16 even at 36.’

This aids in moisturizing dry feet, hands, heels, cracked lips, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation disorders, wrinkles and in granting that glossy look to your nail and cuticles.

3. Deepana and Medohara – aids in metabolism, reduces cholesterol and treats obesity:

Argan oil is a Deepana, which aids in strengthening the digestive system and is a Medohara that assists in reducing cholesterol and deal with obesity.

Massaging your abdomen with 3 drops of Argan oil with 2 drops of Peppermint oil can help in enhancing the secretion of pepsin, digestive enzymes and other gastric juices.

This aids in supporting metabolic functions and promote quicker digestion and proper bowel movements. The gentle properties of Argan oil also helps in soothing the lining of the stomach and intestinal walls.

Argan oil has antioxidant properties and the potent to enhance HDL – good cholesterol and reduce LDL – bad cholesterol with the presence of phenolics and phytosterols that contribute to its hypocholesterolemic activity. This helps in enhancing heart health and in treating cardiovascular disorders and obesity.

Polyphenols, sterols and tocopherols are antioxidant components present in Argan oil. This helps in treating cellular damage and according to certain studies; Argan oil reduced the rate of cellular division, especially in prostate cancer conditions with its antioxidant, antiatherosclerotic and hypocholesterolemic properties.

A 2008 study on ‘Effect of Argan oil on platelet aggregation and bleeding time: A beneficial nutritional product’ by Mekhfi H, Bnouham M and Gadi D states, “Argan oil prevents thrombin- or epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation. Argan oil can reduce platelet aggregation, therefore minimizing the risk of thrombosis in cardiovascular event.”

4. Keshya – Encourages hair growth and strengthens your hair follicles: Conditioning and styling of hair, deep conditioning treatment.

“Argan oil has an amazing oil balance feature which hydrates dry hair and spreads and balances excess in oily hair. The oil can leave a beautiful shine without any greasiness and aims to reduce the impact of environmental pollution,” says Sangeeta Mahimtura, technical director of Juice.

She also adds, “Argan oil also hydrates and nourishes. It regenerates your cells thus strengthening the hair and its elasticity and increasing its growth. When used on skin it can make ugly marks, spots and acne disappear. This oil can also protect your skin from early aging which can be caused due stress, pollution, sun and chemicals. It adds shine and has a calming effect on flyaway and frizzy hair and significantly detangles the hair, reducing blow-dry time.”

Argan oil is a rich source of Vitamin E, which is predominantly recognized to help with the ducts or the growth of capillaries on the skin and scalp. This helps in cascading the therapeutic values along with natural nutrients of Argan oil and also supports proper blood circulation. And! The result is strong, healthy and voluminous hair.

With its natural emollient and moisturizing properties, Argan oil works as a conditioner and a repairing serum that works wonders in treating frizzy hair, split ends, dandruff, itchy and flaky scalp conditions.

Gently massage your scalp and hair (especially the ends), by starting from the roots and extending to the length with 2 drops of Argan oil blended with 2 drops of Ylang Ylang oil, 2 drops of Tea tree oil and 1 ounce of coconut oil. Leave it overnight by covering your head with a shower cap.

Wash your hair in the morning with ½ drop of Argan oil mixed with your mild shampoo. That’s it and you are perfectly ready with those soft, shiny, silky, detangled and bouncy locks.

You don’t need a conditioner anymore and you’d love to have your hands on your hair, just to keep caressing them.

5. Medhya – Enhances cognitive abilities and increases intelligence:

Argan oil is a Medhya herb in Ayurvedic terminology for its potent to stimulate the functions of the brain, cognitive performance, memory power, positive thinking and treat mood fluctuations.

Rosemary is there for remembrance’ is an encouraging phrase for all those wonderful people in the world, involved in an effort for greater achievements. Argan oil joins the queue with Rosemary oil in augmenting your cognitive performance and improved functions of the mind.

Argan oil has the same 1,8-cineole, the proven active constituent in Rosemary that has been proved as an effective contributor for Rosemary oil’s improved cognitive abilities. This is substantiated by the research conducted by Lorraine Oliver and Mark Moss, the Brain, Performance and Nutrition Research Center, Northumbria University, UK.

This study states that ‘1-8-cineole present in Rosemary oil’ was candidly associated with the enhancement of the cognitive function in the 20 volunteers who were a part of the experiment. It concludes “the compounds absorbed from rosemary aroma affect cognition and subjective state independently through different neurochemical pathways.”

Blend 1 drop of Argan oil and 1 drop of Rosemary oil and rub soothingly on your temples and wrist to alleviate headache, loss of memory, mood fluctuations, tension, lethargic attitude, stress, lack of motivation, feelings of loneliness and low self-confidence and self-esteem.

1 drop of Argan oil and 5 drops of Rosemary oil added to your bath is an excellent way to trigger a uplifting, new-fangled and a great day with full of positive energy to just get-up-and-go!!!

What more? Welcome our dear ‘Rock Star’.

6. Vrushya – Supports reproductive health as a natural aphrodisiac:

Though claiming Argan oil as Vrushya, aid for enhancing reproductive wellness as an aphrodisiac, lacks scientific evidences, Argan oil has nourishing properties that help withstand the natural potency and vigor for a hale and hearty relationship.

Argan oil has fatty acids like Omega 6, Omega 9, linoleic acid, oleic acid, tocopherols and phenols. This makes it an excellent aid in enhancing immunity with its antimicrobial, immune stimulant, anti-aging and antioxidant properties that assists in fighting against free radicals and augments the body’s natural ability to resist against infections and symptoms of aging.

This oil also increases prana or the life force and ojas or vitality. Supporting the health of skin and hair also adds upon your beauty quotient.

With all these benefits, Argan oil is absolute an aphrodisiac package that might help in treating impotence, lack of vitality, loss of libido due to stress and mood fluctuations, premature ejaculation and other reproductive problems.

Somersaulting into the invigorating Ayurvedic massage with 4 drops of Argan oil mixed with 3 drops of Cinnamon oil, 2 drops of Lavender oil and 5 ounce of Evening Primrose oil might extremely benefit one in soothing the nervous system, relieving stress and muscular tension, enhancing blood circulation, promoting positive thoughts, increasing life force and conceding all the vital energy required for spicing up your ‘time together’ as ‘Mr. Handsome and Mrs. Gorgeous!!!! 🙂

Other health benefits:

Argan oil has also been witnessed scientifically in assisting the treatment of diabetes, liver infections, digestive disorders, and cancerous growths.


This article is crafted only for the use of information and is not in any ways meant to treat any health condition or substitute any prescription drugs or the professional medical advice of your healthcare expert. We, at Essential Depot are not medical professionals and this information is published only with the thought of sharing the healing wisdom of Ayurveda, the pioneer of all medical systems on earth.

Never take essential oils for internal use as pure and organic oils are highly concentrated liquids and might lead to allergic reactions when ingested or used on the skin directly without dilution. Make sure that you use Argan oil only for topical application, preferably after a patch test on your skin.

Remember to consult your Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare expert before choosing the appropriate essential oils for your Prakriti or unique individual constitution and Vikruti, current state of health. Talk with your Doctor before using Argan oil on children, nursing or pregnant moms – to – be.

Thought for the day:

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

-Martin Luther King.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Argan Oil Beauty Secrets: 50 Natural Skin Care and Anti-Aging Beauty Treatments for Glowing, Healthy Skin! (Organic Skin Care Recipes & Homemade Remedies) … Essential Oil, Natural Beauty Secrets) by Laura Watson
  2. Argan Oil: The Liquid Gold from Morocco: Tips to Best Uses of Argan Oil for Skin, Hair, and Nails by Sara Abdel
  3. Argan Oil Secrets for Beautiful Hair and Skin: 40+ Cosmetic Recipes for All Types of Hair and Skin by Lynn Alex
  4. Argan Oil: The Magical Moroccan Cure: Powerful Natural remedies for Anti-aging skin, Healthy Hair, and Long Life (argan oil,argan,argan essential oil,moroccan oil,liquid gold) by Alex Ham
  5. Beauty Secrets Of Argan Oil: Powerful Natural remedies for Anti-aging skin, Healthy Hair, Nails and Long Life (argan oil, essential oils, 100 percent pure … of Essential Oil, Argan Oil Benefits,) by Steve A. Hamilton

Reference Links:

  1. Argan oil by Wikipedia
  2. Activation of MITF by Argan Oil Leads to the Inhibition of the Tyrosinase and Dopachrome Tautomerase Expressions in B16 Murine Melanoma Cells by Myra O. Villareal, Sayuri Kume, Thouria Bourhim, Fatima Zahra Bakhtaoui, Kenichi Kashiwagi, Junkyu Han, Chemseddoha Gadhi, and Hiroko Isoda, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, listed in PubMed
  3. Argan Oil by Dr. Dom Guillaume and Dr. Zoubida Charrouf, published in Alternative Medicine Review
  4. Health benefits of Argan oil by Herbcyclopedia
  5. Benefits of Argan Oil – Healing Liquid Gold From Morocco by Underground Health Reporter

Basil Oil

‘The Elixir of life’ and ‘Mother medicine of Nature’ are the most popular historical references of Basil for its enormous healing values to the mind, body and soul.

Basil-oil-bannerIt has marked its presence significantly in various medicinal systems in the world including Ayurveda and Homeopathy for treating diabetes, renal colic, epileptic attacks, painful breasts, congestion, asthmatic attacks, diarrhea, numbness, migraine, nervous exhaustion and insomnia.

Scientifically known as Ocimum canum, Basil is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae. This traditional medicinal herb is widely distributed in India, especially Tamil Nadu and is called as Nai Tulasi in Tamil. Besides numerous therapeutic properties, the most noteworthy remedial effects of Basil and its essential oil are its functions as a cancer chemoprotective agent and anti-diabetic agent for reducing blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes.

Historical uses and importance of Basil oil:

Basil is said to have its origin in India, the land of rich traditional values. The healing, culinary and aromatic attributes of this sweet-smelling plant have been talked about in many classical herbal writings including Charaka Samhita (ancient Ayurvedic text) and the works of renowned herbalists like Dioscorides, Gerard, Culpeper and Parkinson.

Parkinson has quoted that Basil’s scent “fit for a King’s house”, denoting its royal aroma and has also said that Basil can be used “to procure a cheerful and merry heart.” Gerard and Culpeper has mentioned that Basil is an excellent remedy for melancholy and is a natural antidote for insect bites including scorpion stings, mosquito bites and bee stings.

The word ‘Ocimum’ (generic name) is derived from the Greek word ‘okimon’, which means smell. This indicates one among those reasons behind the unforgettable fragrance of the Basil variety. Basil plays a vital role in various religious practices across the world, where it has been considered as a sacred herb in Hinduism and said to have grown at the place of Christ’s crucifixion.

Basil plant has also been associated as a symbol of love, protection, courtship, truthfulness, courtship, death and luck. This plant has been a significant part of various religious ceremonies, where the smoke from burning this herb is said to calm the mind and augment the spiritual power.

Ocimum canum has been used in the traditional medicine for treating oral problems, fever, insect bites, constipation, parasitic infestations, cold, inflammation, headache, joint pain and dysentery. This plant was burnt in the homes as incense and for protecting from insects. Basil leaves were also used to guard the crops post harvesting from the damages of insects.

This herb is much remembered in various traditions across the world in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Basil and its essential oil are also used as a flavoring agent in soft drinks, shampoos, cuisines, body lotions, teas, candies, dairy products, toothpastes and cosmetics.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Basil essential oil:

The essential oil of Basil has about 36 chemical components and is a rich source of camphor, eugenol, β-caryophyllene, a-pinene, limonene, myrcene, camphene, naphthalene, caryophyllene and valencene.

These components contribute to its therapeutic properties like antiemetic, anti-stress, antiviral, antibacterial, rubefacient, antidiabetic, antiasthmatic, antimicrobial, anticancer, insecticide, anti-fertility, anti-fungal, anti-malarial, antioxidant, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Basil essential oil:

Ayurveda is a complete medicinal practice which stands on the three pillars of health, including physical, mental and a hearty soul. For attaining this holistic healing, Ayurveda focuses on treating the root cause of an illness instead of treating the symptoms. This aids in curing the sickness initially and preventing it in the future as well.

The principle of Ayurveda strongly believes that every individual is a unique part of nature with a unique individual constitution, which consists of three dynamic energies called as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas are a representation of the five fundamentals elements of nature. They are water, fire, earth, space and air.

Vata dosha is an arrangement of air and space and is in charge for circulatory, respiratory, and nervous functions of the system. Pitta energy is a combination of fire and water and it takes care of body temperature and metabolic activities including digestion, absorption and elimination. Kapha is a representation of earth and water and is responsible for reproductive functions, movement of fluids and muscular development of the body.

Ayurvedic texts state that every person should be treated in a unique manner according to the predominance and balance between the 3 doshas. This doshic structure determines a human’s physique, character and behavioral attributes.

Imbalance between these doshas is said to happen based on an individual’s balance with nature, which is said to deviate depending on a person’s change in food habits, lifestyle changes, environmental factors and climatic conditions.

Doshic imbalances lead to illnesses and is best treated in Ayurvedic medicine by recommending natural remedies including herbs, essential oils, meditation, yoga, prayers, Pranayama or the art of balanced breathing, simple physical exercises, Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massaging), Ayurvedic routine, Panchakarma (Ayurvedic detoxification) techniques.

These remedies help in correcting the imbalance between these doshas and aid in healing the illness initially and preventing it in the future as well. Basil oil is said to reduce kapha dosha predominantly, pacify vata and enhance pitta dosha with its warming effect on the system.

Let’s look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Basil essential oil based on its usage:

Basil-oil-broucher1. Benefits as a bathing or massaging oil:

Abhyanga or the art of Ayurvedic massaging is an ancient healing technique and is one among the friendliest remedy for treating various medical conditions.  Massaging in Ayurveda means the use of palms, elbows, feet and other conventional massaging tools and equipments for maneuvering nerves, muscles and the whole body.

Ayurveda prescribes the use of Ayurvedic essential oils in massaging technique after analyzing the individual constitution and the state of health. By this way, the medicinal properties of the essential oils pass on to the blood stream and then to the skin, where it transforms the respective health benefits to the related parts of the system.

The largest organ of the human body is skin. Using Ayurvedic essential oils in topical application, aids in passing on the healing values to the system by penetrating through the skin cells. This traditional massaging technique helps in enhancing the blood circulation and augments the red blood cells count.

Massaging your system with 10 drops of Basil oil blended with 5 drops of Clove oil, 5 drops of Lavender oil and 5 drops of Lime oil along with 15 ml of coconut oil can assist in treating respiratory infections, skin problems, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, headache, arthritis, rheumatism, dandruff, kidney stones, urinary infections and digestive disorders like indigestion, heartburn, vomiting and other stomach disorders.

a) Relieves pain and eliminates toxic substances:

Basil essential oil has detoxifying, diuretic, antioxidant and analgesic properties that help in discarding toxic remains from the system by promoting frequent urination. This also aids in reducing the level of uric acid and salt deposits, which may otherwise lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Improper blood circulation, stagnation of water deposits and amassing of toxic remains or ama (left due to indigestion) are the major causes for rheumatic conditions, arthritis and pain leading to stiff joints, inflammation, painful muscles, soreness, redness, irritation, fatigue and difficulties in performing routine tasks.

Gently massaging the painful and affected parts with this Ayurvedic massaging blend can be of great assistance in reducing inflammation, redness, irritation, pain and it also supports in promoting blood circulation in the painful areas. The therapeutic values of Basil oil along with other Ayurvedic oils in this massage blend promotes the frequency and quality of urination through which the toxic remains in the system are eliminated.

Homeopathy medication prescribes the use of Ocimum canum in the treatment of diseases associated with the kidneys, urethra and bladder. The most common health disorders treated with Basil in Homeopathic medicine are cramps and pain in kidneys and ureters, urinary problems like formation of high acidity or spike crystals of uric acid, renal colic, swelling and other symptoms of renal calculus.

b) Skin disorders and hair problems:

The essential oil of Basil has antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic and antiviral properties that help in healing numerous skin disorders including acne and dermatitis. 3 drops of Basil oil blended with 3 drops of Lavender oil and 3 ml of coconut oil can be applied on acne, marks, ringworm, eczema, athletes’ foot, leucoderma, itches and insect bites for improved results.

Basil oil also helps in clearing away skin blemishes and marks left behind by acne and wounds. Fresh juice extracted from Basil leaves mixed with honey is a traditional remedy for treating acne in Ayurveda. With its antifungal properties, Basil oil is said to be an excellent remedy for clearing dandruff, hair fall, dry and itchy scalp conditions.

A 2012 study on Antifungal activity of Ocimum canum Essential oil against Toxinogenic Fungi isolated from Peanut Seeds in post-harvest in Benin, published in the International Research Journal of Biological Sciences, concluded that the essential oil of Basil is used as an antifungal agent in protecting peanuts post harvest in Benin against the toxic strains of fungi like Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavus.

This study justifies the use of the Basil leaves in the traditional medicine for treating numerous ailments and also reports “the essential oil of fresh leaves of O. canum as aflatoxin inhibitor and fungal growth suppressor. Based on these potentials, essential oil of Ocimum canum may be recommended as preservative of stored food commodities from fungal and aflatoxin contamination in storage system.”

Slightly heat 5 drops of Basil oil with 5 drops of Rosemary oil, 3 drops of Ylang Ylang oil and 3 drops of Lemon oil along with 10 ml of sesame oil and massage it soothingly on your scalp. Leave this blend to rest on your scalp for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo blended with 1 drop of Basil oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil for treating dandruff, rough hair and split ends. This also aids in controlling hair fall and supports shiny, lustrous and thick hair.

c) Controls diabetes and reduces the level of cholesterol in the system:

Just like Clove oil, Basil oil is also a rich source of eugenol, caryophyllene and methyl eugenol. The high level of antioxidants along with these chemical constituents helps in supporting the proper functions of the pancreatic beta cells. These cells are responsible for storing and releasing of insulin in the system.

Massaging your system with this medicated blend will be a great aid in increasing the sensitivity to insulin and can help in controlling the level of blood sugar and insulin. This also helps in treating oxidative cellular stress and damage, thereby reducing the increased level of cholesterol and high blood pressure. You can also add 1 drop of Basil oil and 1 drop of Clove oil in your bathing water daily for obtaining these benefits.

A 2002 study on “Extract of Ocimum canum lowers blood glucose and facilitates insulin release by isolated pancreatic beta-islet cells” by Nyarko AK, Asare-Anane H, Ofosuhene M, Addy ME, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Legon studied the use of the aqueous extract of Ocimum canum in the traditional Ghanaian medicine for treating diabetes mellitus.

This study concluded that the use of Ocimum canum extracts on animal models “inhibited insulin secretion by the pancreatic beta-islet cells and fasting blood glucose levels and body weight decreased significantly.”

d) Reduces fever:

Basil oil is a known Ayurvedic remedy for treating fever, including viral and malarial fever. With its febrifuge, antibacterial, antifungal, insecticide and antimicrobial properties, Basil and its essential oil assists in reducing the body temperature even in cases of high fever.

Massaging your foot soles with 2 drops of Basil oil along with 2 drops of Coriander oil and 2 ml of coconut oil can help in reducing fever significantly as all the nerves in body end up in foot soles and passing the therapeutic properties of these essential oils through the foot soles grants instant relief.

2. In steam inhalation:

Basil essential oil has been proven for its remedial effects in reducing excess of kapha dosha, which is responsible for respiratory infections including flu, common cold, nasal congestion, sinusitis, bronchitis, chest congestion, whooping cough and breathing difficulties.

Adding 2 drops of Basil oil and 1 drop of Eucalyptus oil in steam inhalation can help in relieving cold, cough, nasal congestion, sinusitis, sore throat, watery eyes and difficulties in breathing due to excess of mucus and phlegm deposits in the nasal and bronchial passages.

3. In burners or vaporizers:

Aroma plays a significant role in the natural healing methodologies and is one among the five types of remedial measures in Ayurveda. The sense of smell in Ayurveda states that an encouraging, energizing and tranquilizing fragrance has a positive effect on the entire system. This is the major reason for the use of incense sticks, flowers and aromatic candles during prayers and other spiritual gatherings.

Basil essential oil owns a warm, sweet, herbaceous and invigorating aroma that implants an encouraging effect on the plasma, nervous system and the circulatory system. When inhaled the therapeutic properties of this oil reach the limbic system of the brain through the nasal passages. Limbic system is the control center of the human brain that controls the feelings, emotions and attributes of a person.

2 drops of Basil oil with 1 drop of Neroli oil and 1 drop of Clary Sage oil added to the burner, diffuser, aromatic candle or vaporizer during meditation or Pranayama can assist in treating anxiety, mood fluctuations, stress, fatigue, nervous weaknesses and stressful conditions. This also assists in enhancing memory power, concentration, sexual interest, self-confidence and spiritual oneness.

Being a sacred oil, Basil is known for its power in uplifting the spirit and supporting improved spiritual bonding. This also helps in expanding the heart chakra, which is responsible for self-confidence, self-love, self-respect and love for others. Inhaling the curative aroma of this oil is said to generate a soothing effect on the intestines and stomach and alleviates spasms and cramps.

4. In oral rinse and compresses:

Basil essential oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that work as a protective shield against germs causing tooth decay, bad odor and gum problems.1 drop of Basil oil and 1 drop of Clove oil added to a cup of warm water can be used as an oral rinse for relieving plaque, tooth pain, bad breath and protecting from damaging germs and other micro-organisms. This gargle can also aid in strengthening the gums and lessening toothache due to sensitivity.

2 drops of Basil oil blended with 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 2 drops of Bergamot oil in warm or cold compress aids in relieving joint pain, headache, muscular spasms, arthritis, stomach ache, rheumatic pain and migraine.

5. Other uses:

Basil and its essential oil is also effective in the treatment of intestinal worms, indigestion, cancer (attributed to its antioxidant and cytotoxic activities), eye irritation, epileptic attacks, renal colic, vomiting, painful kidneys, epileptic convulsions, painful urination and weak immune system.


This article is meant only for the use of education and information. It is not in any way recommended for substituting prescription drugs or expert medical guidance. We are not professionals in healthcare and this information is shared purely based on the interest of spreading the fragrance of Ayurvedic healing, the world’s oldest medical system on earth.

Never use essential oils internally and make sure that you dilute essential oils before using it for external application. This is because 100 percent organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated substances and may cause allergic reactions if used on the skin directly.

Talk with your Ayurvedic practitioner/ healthcare expert before selecting the most suitable essential oils for your prakriti or unique individual constitution and state of health. Please avoid using Basil oil if you have sensitive skin or during pregnancy.

Thought for the day:

By bringing nature into our lives, we invite humility.  -Richard Louv

Suggested Reading:

  1. Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston, Steven Maimes
  2. The Basil Supplement: Alternative Medicine for a Healthy Body (Health Collection) by William Wagner
  3. Basil Recipes: Cooking with the King of Herbs (Quick and Easy Series) by Dogwood Apps
  4. Essential Oils for Weight Loss: If You Are Not Using These Essential Oils You Are Missing Out On Weight Loss Success (Essential Oils for Beginners – … Need to Accomplish Your Weight Loss Goals) by Sophie Hart
  5. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha

Reference Links:

  1. Basil: An Herb Society of America Guide by the Herb Society
  2. Extract of Ocimum canum lowers blood glucose and facilitates insulin release by isolated pancreatic beta-islet cells by Nyarko AK, Asare-Anane H, Ofosuhene M, Addy ME, published in PubMed
  3. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of essential oil of Ocimum canum Sims. from India by Tamil Selvi, Thirugnanasampandan, Sundarammal published in the Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
  4. Antifungal activity of Ocimum canum Essential oil against Toxinogenic Fungi isolated from Peanut Seeds in post-harvest in Benin by Adjou Euloge S., Kouton Sandrine, Dahouenon-Ahous, Si Edwige, Sohounhloue Dominique C.K., Soumanou Mohamed M published in the International Research Journal of Biological Sciences