Curry Leaf Oil

Curry-leaf-bannerCure leaf, Potent cancer warrior, Sweet neem, Indian bay and Vitamins powerhouse are some of the celebrated names of Curry leaf, the much treasured and relished aroma provider of Indian soups and curries.

Owning a similar appearance to bay leaves, these aromatic leaves hold a distinct flavor contributed by caryophyllene and 3-carene. Curry leaf essential oil is extracted from curry leaves by steam distillation method.

Curry leaf tree is an easy to cultivate herb and is indigenous to India and Sri Lanka, the countries of rich cultural heritage. Every part of this tree including its leaves, berries and flowers have enormous medicinal values and the best part is that it is easily affordable to poor people as well.

Ayurveda calls this tree as Girinimba or Krishnanimba, named after Lord Krishna, the God of ultimate protection. This ancient art of holistic healing has used Curry leaves and its essential oil in various Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of diabetes, eye diseases, liver problems, diarrhea, high cholesterol, hair fall, gastrointestinal problems, skin pigmentation and oral disorders.

Purchase Curry Leaf Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Curry Leaf tree:

Curry leaves have its name carved in the Tamil literature dating back to 4th century AD for its abundant culinary benefits. Derived from the Tamil word Kari meaning spicy sauce, curry leaves are being clad by numerous vernacular names such as Kariveppilai in Tamil, Kariveppu in Malayalam, Meetha Neem or Karipatta in Hindi, Karibevu in Kannada, Karepeku in Telugu, Folhas de caril in Portuguese, Listya karri in Russian, Fogli di cari in Italian, Hoias de curry in Spanish and Curryblatter in German.

Beautifying the backyard of every home in the Indian subcontinent, Curry leaf tree has a strong precedence in the Indian folklore medicine. The leaves are widely used for its digestive properties in numerous Indian cuisines and have been used in Ayurvedic healing as a natural tonic for an extensive range of ill-health conditions.

Curry leaves are used in alternative medicinal practices like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and the Traditional Chinese medicine for treating diarrhea, vomiting and to endorse the appetite. These leaves are known to possess anti-diabetic properties and is a popular natural aid for controlling diabetes. The paste extracted from the ground leaves are applied on wounds, eruptions, bruises, burns, acne and to treat other skin disorders.

Curry leaves boiled in coconut oil is a popular natural tonic for hair growth. This herbal tonic is trusted to nourish hair follicles and restore its natural color. It quenches thirst and suppresses the heat of the body, for which the yummy buttermilk flavored with curry leaves is often served to greet the guests in India. These leaves are also used in ancient rituals, prayers and sacred ceremonies as a substitute for tulsi leaves.

Certain Ayurvedic remedies include the roots of Curry leaf tree as an aid to relieve pain associated with kidneys. It also assists in treating inflammation, itching, anemia and other blood disorders. Known for its astringent properties, the fruits of the Curry leaf tree are found to be nutritional and beneficial in the mythological medicines of ancient India and China.

The branches of the Curry leaf tree are used since primordial times vastly in the field of oral care. It was used as a datun (natural brush) for cleaning the teeth and strengthening the gums by building a protective shield to battle against the harmful microbes.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Curry Leaf oil:

Rich in carbazole alkaloids, Curry leaf oil constitutes of  α-pinene, sabinene , caryophyllene, β-pinene , terpinen-4-ol, γ-terpinene , limonene ,α-terpinene, (E)-nerolidol, α-humulene, α-thujene ,β-elemene ,β-selinene , b-gurjunene, b-bisabolene, trans beta ocimene, b-cardinene, a-selinene and myrcene.

This oil serves as a rich nutritional source of carbohydrates, fibers, minerals, proteins, Vitamins A, B, B2, E & C, calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, oxalic acid and nicotinic acids with zero fats.

Curry leaf oil is used in promoting the health of humanity with its antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, stimulant, anti-dysenteric, stomachic, carminative, antiemetic, purgative, appetizer, analgesic, detoxifier, diuretic, anti-aging, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, aphrodisiac, depurative, revitalizing, insecticidal, fungicidal, anti-hypercholesterolemic, lipolytic and deodorant properties.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Curry leaf oil:

Ayurveda is the ancient science of holistic healing, where ‘Ayur’ means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge. Being the oldest of all remedial systems in the world, Ayurveda is the mother of all healing methodologies on earth and is the pioneer system for many healing sciences including Siddha, Unani, Chiropractic, Acupressure, Homeopathy and the Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Health according to Ayurveda is a three-tier structure comprising of the perfect balance between the body, mind and spirit. This natural science states that wellness and illness depends solely on the perfect rhythm with nature.

It also says that everything on earth is a part of nature and is made up the five elements of nature. They are earth, water, fire, space and air. Among these elements earth constructs the physical body (bones and muscles), water runs in the form of blood and other fluids in the body, air aids in breathing, agni or fire is the heat energy created in the body for carrying out the functions of metabolism, absorption and body temperature and space is the spirit that lives in.

Ayurveda trusts that every individual is made with a unique combination of these five elements in the form of biological energies known as doshas. These energies put together is the individual constitution or the physical, mental and spiritual make up of a person. Every human being has a predominance of any one of these doshas and this predominance determines their unique personality, character and behavioral attributes.

Illness according to Ayurveda is an opportunity to trace out that there is something out of balance in the body due to the imbalance of these three doshas. To treat these imbalances, which are mostly the root cause of a sickness, Ayurvedic system prescribes natural medications like herbs, physical exercises, essential oils, Ayurvedic routine, healthy lifestyle, meditation, prayers, and yoga that suit the individual constitution.

Curry leaf oil has the power to pacify aggravated kapha and vata doshas and increase pitta dosha. With such well-built healing values, Ayurveda prescribes Curry leaf oil as an aid to assist every human being with healthy hair, bright eyesight, strong teeth and gums, glowing skin, actively functioning liver, smooth digestive system, cholesterol and diabetes-free system.

The most important Ayurvedic health benefits of Curry leaf oil are:

Curry-leaf-broucher1. A natural tonic for long and lustrous hair:

Healthy, long, strong and lustrous hair is the dream of many. Here comes the natural wonder to give life to your dreams about your hair and would you believe if I say that the wonder is nothing but the most affordable Curry leaf oil? Yes! A balanced diet with equal proportion of vitamins, minerals, iron and other nutrients is required to maintain a healthy hair. Rich in minerals, iron, Vitamins A, B, C & E, Curry leaves and its essential oil have been used both internally and externally in Ayurveda since ages for hair care.

As a rich source of natural antioxidants, Curry leaf oil helps in contracting the muscles and tissues, thus strengthening the roots of the hair and preventing hair fall. The healthy nutrients in this oil promotes natural hair growth and effectively works on the real pigmentation of the individual’s physique and helps in bringing back the original color of the hair.

This attribute of Curry leaf oil makes it a wonderful natural aid for premature graying of hair and skin pigmentation problems, where the skin loses its natural pigmentation and white patches start spreading all over the body. A renowned article by the members of the Spices Board Team states that curry leaves have done miracle in the life of those affected by skin pigmentation problems.

All you need to do is to add 5 drops of Curry leaf oil in 2.5 ml of coconut oil and massage it gently on the scalp and let it for 1 hour. After this soothing massage wash your hair with natural hair cleansers like Shikakai or herbal shampoos for startling results. For treating skin pigmentation, add 2 drops of Curry leaf oil in 1 ml of olive oil and apply it on the affected areas in a relaxing manner. Use mild soaps on the skin after this massage.

2. Protects the eyes and improves eyesight:

Vitamin A is all that comes to our mind, the moment we think about ways to improve our eyesight and protect our eyes from the onset of some common diseases that come along with aging. As a rich source of Vitamin A, Curry leaf oil provides the necessary compounds required by the retina of the eye in the formation of the light absorbing molecule called rhodopsin, which aids in good vision.

Curry leaves not only help in brightening the vision of the eyes but also assists in delaying the onset of cataract if utilized regularly. You can add 1 drop of Curry leaf oil in steam inhalation or in warm water for washing your face. The best ways to benefit your vision is to use fresh Curry leaves in your diet and adding 1 to 2 drops of Curry leaf oil in almond oil for massaging your face.

3. Aids in maintaining oral health:

Gum problems, toothache and bad breath are often the most annoying health conditions. It has been a practice in India since the ancient times to chew Curry leaves daily to maintain good oral health. The essential oil extracted from these leaves are rich in vitamin C, calcium, folic acid and zinc. Adding 2 drops of this oil in a cup of warm water and using it as a gargle aids in strengthening the teeth and gums and gives a long lasting freshness in your breath.

Moreover the antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal attributes of this oil helps in refreshing the breath thus curing halitosis as well. It is for this great reason; the primeval Indians used the branches of the Curry leaf tree to clean their teeth.

A recent study on the role of herbal products for oral care states that chewing Curry leaves or gargling with its essential oil stimulates the process of salivation that in turn increases the salivary PH value which plays an important role in maintaining the oral health and promoting the dental remineralization apart from protecting against various other oral health issues such as bad breath, advent of tooth decay due to harmful bacteria etc.

4. Excellent aid in skin care:

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and most often your skin health reflects the healthiness of your entire system. Today’s contemporary living forces most of us to encounter numerous dermatological problems due to the close contact with harmful chemicals in various forms ranging from cosmetics, hair care, skin care and personal hygiene products that we use every day.

Curry Leaf oil serves as a natural antimicrobial and antioxidant agent that aids in protecting the skin from tanning with its rich nutrient values. Massaging your skin with 5 drops of Curry leaf oil blended with 2.5 ml of Jojoba oil effectively helps in keeping the connective tissues intact thus helping in reducing wrinkles and relieving from other signs of aging.

You can also add 2 drops of Curry leaf oil in your regular skin care cream or lotion and apply it gently on the affected area for arresting the spread of infectious micro-organisms like bacteria, virus and fungi that often remains as the cause of concern for various skin problems including pimples, athlete’s foot, ringworm, itches, acne, boils and septic of wounds and burns.

The antimicrobial property of this oil assists in curbing the growth of microbes causing skin problems and infections and this powerful oil is used in the manufacturing of toiletries and ointments and skin care creams. This oil has the power to treat poisonous insect bites also.

5. Helps in treating Diabetes Mellitus:

Diabetes mellitus is the most common health condition among the numerous hereditary diseases that affect human beings. It is one of the most hazardous ailments for it is always associated with plenty of other factors that can make you completely wreck-down if not kept under control.

Ayurvedic healing strongly prescribes the use of Curry leaf and its essential oil for treating diabetes, as these magical leaves have hypoglycemic values. Numerous research studies by medical practitioners and scholars state that curry leaf oil has the potential of slowing down the rate of breaking down of start into glucose which results in lower level of glucose being dispersed in the bloodstream.

Ensure that you go on for a natural Ayurvedic massaging twice a week with 6 drops of Curry leaf oil mixed with 3 to 4 ml of sesame oil, followed by a warm bath where 2 drops of this oil is diluted in the bathing water as well. The remedial properties of this oil penetrate through the skin and enter the blood stream where it fights against diabetes mellitus by controlling the blood glucose levels in the body.

6. Effectively cares your digestive system:

Curry leaf oil has a handful of remedial benefits including stimulant, appetizer, anti-dysenteric, stomachic, carminative and antiemetic. Being a natural stimulant, it enhances the appetite and promotes the secretion of digestive enzymes, thus aiding in proper digestion and complete absorption of the nutrients after every meal.

Curry leaf oil serves as an excellent purgative to regularize your bowel movements. It also helps in alleviating other digestive disorders such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea due to indigestion, constipation, piles etc. Moreover, it acts as an efficient antimicrobial and antifungal agent to set your intestines free from harmful microbes. This is the major reason for using Curry leaves in food preparation.

To help with digestive disorders, you can massage your tummy and abdomen with 4 drops of Curry leaf oil mixed with 2 ml of sesame oil or add 2 drops of this oil in your vaporizer or diffuser. You can also go for a warm bath diluted with 3 drops of Curry leaf oil to relieve from stomach upset, indigestion, irregular bowel movements and loss of appetite.

7. Helps maintain the optimal cholesterol level:

Curry leaf oil is rich in carbazole alkaloids (antioxidant), which helps in aiding the metabolism of fats and fatty acids in the body, thus helping in reducing and eliminating the bad cholesterol in the system. This potential of Curry leaf oil has significant impact in the treatment of obesity and high-cholesterol levels.

Massage your system with 6 drops of Curry leaf oil with 3 ml of warm coconut oil and inhale the remedial aroma of Curry leaf oil by adding 2 drops of this oil in your burner or aromatic candles for maintaining the proper level of HDL (good cholesterol) in your system. When inhaled, the aromatic molecules of this oil passes the nasal passages and reach the limbic system, which is the chief control center of the brain and it passes appropriate signals and commands to various organs for active functioning.

8. Reduces inflammation:

As a natural detoxifier and depurative, Curry leaf oil helps in excreting the harmful toxins from the body and purifies the blood. It also acts as a diuretic and eases the quantity and frequency of urinating. By this way, it leaves less pressure on the kidneys and protects the liver by aiding it to encounter with less amount of toxic substances.

All these medicinal values make Curry leaf oil as a superior natural remedy for reducing inflammatory conditions caused due to water retention and deposits of toxins, excess salt and uric acid. Mix 2 drops of Curry leaf oil with 1 ml of olive oil and massage it firmly on the painful or inflamed parts for quick relief. You can also add 3 to 4 drops of this oil in hot compress for effective results.

Other health benefits of Curry Leaf Oil:

Due to its richness in vitamin A and calcium, Curry leaf oil is used in strengthening the bones and hence it is highly recommended for women who suffer from osteoporosis and calcium deficiency. It is also a great aid in recovering from the aftershocks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments of cancer. With its disinfectant and antimicrobial properties, Curry leaf oil is also used in the manufacturing of soaps, insecticides and mosquito repellents.


This information is only for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute any professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Do not use essential oils internally and always use it topically in a diluted form only, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from plants. It is advisable to consult your Ayurvedic expert before making the right choice of essential oils that are suitable for your unique state of health and individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. -Hal Borland

Suggested Reading:

  1. Herbal Antibiotics: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria (Medicinal Herb Guide) by Stephen Harrod Buhner
  2. Curry Leaves and Cumin Seeds: A Healthier Approach to Indian Cooking by Jeeta Gandhi
  3. Pharmacognosy and Biological evaluation of Murraya Koenigii (Linn) by Ashish Gaur
  4. Essential Oils from the Leaves of Murraya Koenigii (spreng.), Murraya Exotica (linn.) And Murraya Exotica Var. Ovatifoliolata by A. R.; Simonsen, J. L.

Reference Links:

  1. Curry Tree by Wikipedia
  2. Phytochemical diversity of Murraya koenigii from Western Himalaya published in pubmed.
  3. A 2012 research article on the Estimation of salivary and tongue coating pH on chewing household herbal leaves: A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed.
  4. A 2004 article on ‘The traditional diabetes remedy offers hope’ published in The Times of India.
  5. Ayurvedic Herb Curry Leaves published in Geocities

Cucumber Oil

Will you be delighted or dreary if someone beckons you, “As Cool as a Cucumber”? I would rather recommend you to take pride when somebody calls you with that phrase because it simply means the attitude of being calm, composed and in absolute control of your emotions, even if a particular situation demands your aggressiveness and anger.

Cucumber-bannerThis is because Cucumber is one among the coolest fruits as scientific facts state “the inside temperature of a Cucumber can be up to 20 degrees cooler than the outside air”, besides growing well in tropical conditions.

Called as Kantakiphalam, Svetakarahatakam, Mutralam and Sudhavasah in Sanskrit, Cucumber is commonly called as Kheera in the traditional healing methodology.

Proudly representing India as its Motherland, Cucumber has been a part of the ancient Ayurvedic regimen in the treatment of rheumatic conditions, constipation, urinary disorders, cholera, wrinkles, dandruff, arthritis, vaginal infections, loss of appetite, duodenal ulcer, erectile dysfunctions, high cholesterol, eczema and hyperacidity.

Purchase Cucumber Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Cucumber Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Cucumber and its essential oil:

Cucumber, as far as its history is known to the world is said to be a 3,000 years old fruit variety of the gourd family, cucurbitaceae. Besides its use in culinary, Cucumber has been preferred for raw eating, mainly for its cool, mild and enhancing flavor.

This cylindrical fruit is a powerhouse of various nutrients, for which it has been used in various civilizations across the world including the Rome, Israel, Greek, Egypt, The United Kingdom, France, China, and USA. The three famous varieties of this creeping vine are pickling, slicing and burpless cucumbers.

Cucumbers are absolutely edible and are found across the globe, all around the year but the high seasonal growth curtails to May – August. Pliny The Elder, the Roman philosopher quotes that Cucumber is the most favorite fruit of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius. His gardeners grew cucumbers using artificial methods, just to ensure that the king had cucumbers on his table every day.

It is being said that cucumbers were used in the primordial Roman province for treating more than 40 medical conditions, including scorpion stings, blurred vision, frigidity, high blood pressure and diabetes.

The Biblical reference of cucumber goes like this “We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely/the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic.” After which the Israelites started cultivating cucumbers by themselves.

Certain sources state that cucumbers were brought to Haiti in 1494 by Christopher Columbus and were cultivated by the early Spanish settlers. South and North Dakota boasts for owning the finest cucumber farmers of Native America.

These fresh and refreshing fruits are often used in making salads (Indian raita), sauces, pickles, cold soups, sausages, chutneys, lamb chops, relishes and dressings. Cucumber and its essential oil are also used in the manufacturing of soaps, moisturizing lotions, anti-dandruff shampoos, conditioners and skin care creams, especially anti-aging products, for its nourishing properties.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Cucumber oil:

The oil of Cucumber contains about 14 to 20% of oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid and 60 to 68% of omega-3-linoleic acid. It also contains potassium, silicon, cucurbitacins, sulphur and certain fatty acids like 9, 12, 15-Octadecatrienoic acid and 9, 12-Octadecadienoic acid.

Cucumber oil has antioxidant, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-ulcer, relaxing, antidote, rejuvenating, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, tonic, anti-dandruff, and laxative properties. It is rich in Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C along with magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, iron and folic acid.

Next time, when you are exhausted and drained out, stop sliding on toxic caffeine drinks, instead grab a Cucumber and bank upon it for all your nutritional requisites.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Cucumber oil:

Ayurveda and Cucumber share the mutual joy of being indigenous to India, the land of rich cultural heritage. This oldest healing science on the globe states that everything on earth is made up of the five vital elements of nature, namely fire, water, earth, space and air.

Among which the living things on this planet acquires prana, the vital energy of life and ojas, and the nutritive quintessence from Mother Earth. While animal and human beings utilize prana and ojas for vitality and livelihood, plants grab ojas and prana from the ground and renovate them as food, herbal medications and essential oils for the absolute well-being of all other organisms.

The greatest news about the nobility of plants and trees are that they capture enormous life force and spiritual energy straight from the space by constantly looking up to the sky. Thus, any source of food or medicines acquired from plants instills the purest form of energy directly to our soul. It is because of this reason; we call invigorating plant fragrances (especially from essential oils, the life essence of plants) as soulful aromatic substances.

Cucumber is a bundle of joy and instant coolant that refreshes everyone even on a bright sunny day. It bears all the heat in the atmosphere, yet remaining absolutely cool in the inside makes it a special fruit with enormous healing attributes and nutritional values. India, being a country of tropical climatic conditions, rests upon Cucumber to quench its thirst and no Indian summer is complete without Cucumbers on the street.

Being a complete traditional remedy, Ayurveda regards health as a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual wellness and this ideology is based upon its philosophy of considering the human system as a place of worship or temple.

Ayurveda believes that the soul vested within each of us connects with Divinity and this connection or synchronization is the rationale behind hale and heartiness.

Ayurveda says that every individual is made up of three distinct doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) or biological energies. The most predominant among the three doshas acts as a deciding factor for your personality, character and behavioral traits.

Imbalance of any one of these doshic elements end up in health problems signaling that the body is out of balance with nature.

Imbalance of vata dosha can end up in memory loss, lack of concentration, fear, insomnia, dry skin, restlessness and constipation. Pitta unevenness might lead to disgust, ulcer, anger, heartburn, high blood pressure, jealousy, fever and skin ulcers.

Fluid retention, toxic remains, congestion, sluggishness, delayed menstruation, uterine fibroids, obesity and procrastination are the results of Kapha vitiation.

Cucumber oil has pacifying effects on pitta and kapha dosha. The cooling and refreshing properties of this oil can help in treating high blood pressure, heartburn, ulcer, fluid retention, skin eruptions, constipation and stress.

Cucumber is absolutely a treat for the four senses of healing, whereas its lucid green color soothes the sense of sight, it’s refreshing taste energizes the sense of taste, its cooling properties penetrate deeply into the skin to transfer its therapeutic values through the sense of touch, it’s refreshing aroma reaches the limbic system in the form of aromatic molecules to control emotions.

The other significant Ayurvedic health benefits of Cucumber oil are:

Cucumber-oil1. Augments skin health and supports radiating complexion:

Cucumber oil has stupendous revitalizing and nourishing properties that help in treating dull, damaged or mature skin conditions. The presence of linoleic acid and oleic acid in cucumber makes it an excellent aid for skin problems including acne, blackheads, sunburns, psoriasis, eczema and certain other inflammatory skin conditions.

The antioxidant properties of cucumber oil are attributed to the significant existence of tocopherol and tocotrienol substance along with the three lignans including secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. These elements make Cucumber oil powerful in fighting against the free radicals responsible for aging symptoms, skin damages and several types of cancer, including ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and uterine cancer.

Massaging your skin with 10 drops of Cucumber oil blended with 2 drops of Orange oil and 4 ounce of coconut oil can help in retaining the natural moisture in the skin, repair dry and dull skin surface, treat eczema, psoriasis, rough, scaly and mature skin, reduce wrinkles, aging symptoms and skin eruptions.

A 2011 study on “Exploring Cucumber Extract For Skin Rejuvenation” by Naveed Akhtar, Arshad Mehmood, Barkat Ali Khan, Tariq Mahmood, Haji Muhammad Shoaib Khan and Tariq Saeed, Department of Pharmacy, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan, Published in the African Journal of Biotechnology, states that cucumber extract has been proven extremely beneficial for the skin.

These experts also say that Cucumber extracts have passed the maximum number of dermatological tests including skin melanin test, skin erythema test (safety of cosmetics), pH tests, skin moisture content test, skin sebum content test, and trans epidermal water loss test.

This study concludes stating that this was a preliminary initiative in exploring the unknown effects of Cucumber as a topical cream for skin rejuvenation.

It also states that cucumber extracts aid in reducing the melanin content (responsible for skin pigmentation and complexion); has anti-acne effects with its potent to decrease the content of skin sebum.

This study also declares that these analyses have proved to be capable in the context of prospective topical applications of cucumber extract (with its varied skin care properties), as cosmetics, skin-care items and in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical preparations.

You can also add 2 drops of Cucumber oil in a cup of cool water and wash your face for locking the moisture and fight against acne causing micro-organisms.

2. Combats dandruff and explores the natural shine of your locks:

Bouncy, strong, silky and dandruff-free lustrous locks are the dream of many women out there. Men are not an exception though, in longing for healthy hair that is free from hair loss, dandruff and other scalp conditions.

Cucumber is one among those natures’s richest owner of the minerals like silica and sulphur, of which sulphur is known for promoting hair growth and silica fortifies the hair follicles and protect from breakage and loss of hair. Silica is an essential element for supporting the health of connective tissues like skin, muscles, ligaments and bones.

The moisturizing properties of Cucumber oil helps in hydrating the scalp and aids in reducing dryness, itchy and flaky scales on the scalp surface and nourishes the scalp and roots of the hair from within.

Massaging your scalp with 5 ounce of Cucumber oil mixed with 5 drops of Rosemary oil and 5 drops of Brahmi oil and leaving it for 1 hour by wrapping a warm towel (helps the medicated blend to penetrate deeply into your scalp) can assist in reducing dandruff, replenishing the scalp, enhancing the luster of your hair and prevent excessive hair fall. You can also add 5 drops of Cucumber oil in your mild shampoo for fastening the natural moisture in your hair for a longer duration.

This blend can be applied by the swimmers before their swimming voyage in the chlorinated and chemical filled water. This helps in preventing the hair damage naturally.

3. Helps control high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes:

Certain studies witness that the presence of sterols in Cucumbers may help in reducing the high level of cholesterol, while the presence of fiber, magnesium and potassium assists in treating high blood pressure. Cucumber also stimulates the secretion of insulin hormones in the pancreas, thus assisting in the treatment of diabetes.

Eating fresh cucumber daily along with adding 5 drops of Cucumber oil in your liquid soap can help in vitalizing your cells and augment your energy levels.

4. Soothes the digestive system, thus helps in treating ulcers and halitosis:

Cucumber oil has the power to soothe and pacify pitta dosha. The excess of which would end up in overindulgence of digestive fire leading to ulcer, high blood pressure, acidity, heartburn, acne, negative emotions, feelings of rage, insomnia, acne and certain other skin eruptions.

Massaging your abdomen and chest with 10 drops of Cucumber oil blended with 2 drops of Peppermint oil can help in cooling the digestive system (intemperance of digestive fire) by soothing the lining of the stomach and intestines. Using 2 drops of Cucumber oil in warm gargle can assist in fighting against bad breath with the presence of phytochemicals.

5. Flushes out toxins and aids in treating rheumatic and inflammatory conditions:

Cucumber has enormous amount of ascorbic acid, contributing to its diuretic properties. This moisture-rich oil helps in replenishing the system with its anti-rheumatic, antioxidant and diuretic properties by flushing out the excess fluid deposits, toxic remains, salt, uric acid, free radicals and fat deposits in the system, which is often responsible for inflammatory conditions like gout, rheumatism, arthritis, swelling, redness, obesity and puffy eyes.

Massaging the affected parts with 5 ounce of Cucumber oil with 5 ounce of Sweet Almond oil can help in promoting frequent urination, thus eliminating toxic remains, free radicals, salt, fat deposits and uric acid, which helps in reducing swelling, skin irritations, muscular soreness, pain, redness and muscular stiffness associated with rheumatism and arthritis.

Pranayama or the art of balanced breathing can help highly in expelling ama or excess toxic substances in the system, where all these toxins are discharged through exhalation.

Inhaling the refreshing fragrance of Cucumber by adding 2 drops of this oil in your air freshener, especially during Pranayama and meditation can grant quicker relief by releasing your mind and body from toxic emotional blocks and harmful toxins in the system.

Other health benefits:

Cucumber is also helpful in treating vaginal itching, erectile dysfunctions, heart problems, renal calculi, cancer therapy, dark circles, urinary infections, cholera, and cellulites.


This piece of information is meant only for the purpose of information and is not recommended to treat or prevent any kind of medical conditions. It is not meant to replace any prescription medicines or the advice of a medical professional. We, the team of Essential Depot are not experts in Remedial practices or Traditional medicine and these facts are shared only for spreading the greatness of Ayurveda in treating mankind.

Essential oils are recommended only for topical applications and do dilute essential oils in suitable carrier oils before using it on the skin. Never ingest essential oils as absolutely pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances and may cause allergic reactions, when used internally or on the skin without dilution.

Speak with your Ayurvedic expert or medical professional before choosing the right essential oils for your state of health and unique individual constitution. Performing a patch test on your skin before enjoying its complete benefits is an amicable advice.

Thought for the day:

Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.

– By Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Cucumber Recipes by Jackie Swansen
  2. Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Plant Drugs: Expanded Therapeutics by C. P. Khare
  3. Dying to Look Good by Christine Hoza Farlow
  4. Asian Secrets of Health, Beauty and Relaxation by Sophie Benge, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
  5. The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia: A Concise Guide to over 385 Plant Oils by Carol Schiller, David Schiller

Reference Links:

  1. Cucumber by Wikipedia
  2. Cucumis sativus (Cucumber) – Derived Ingredients as Used in Cosmetics, published in Cosmetic Ingredient Review
  3. The anti-aging effects of Cucumbers by Dr. David Jockers, published in Natural News
  4. Exploring Cucumber Extract For Skin Rejuvenation by Naveed Akhtar, Arshad Mehmood, Barkat Ali Khan, Tariq Mahmood, Haji Muhammad Shoaib Khan and Tariq Saeed, Department of Pharmacy, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan, Published in the African Journal of Biotechnology
  5. Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of cucumber by Mukherjee PK, Nema NK, Maity N, Sarkar BK, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, India, published in PubMed

Birch Oil

Well identified as the ‘Shining Tree’, Birch tree sets a remarkable note in the field of ancient and modern medicine for its preventive and defensive actions against rheumatism, skin disorders, circulatory problems and dental mayhems.


Scientifically called as Betula Alba, Birch tree bears its origin to the Indian subcontinent, especially in the cold and temperate climates, in particular the northern part of India, which has been the safe haven for numerous saints, sages and Rishis since the pre-historic period for attaining divinity through meditation.

Birch tree is well known for its silvery white bark, from which the Birch essential oil is extracted by dry distillation method. It is called as ‘bhurja’ in Sanskrit, which means ‘a tree whose bark is used for writing upon’, and few sources also state that this name is extracted from the Sanskrit word ‘bhura’, which means ‘shining tree’.

Birch tree is highly rich in flavonoids and saponins. For its enormous medicinal and curative attributes, this tree and its essential oil are being used in Ayurveda for treating obesity, fluid retention, kidney stones, arthritis, colitis, indigestion, cholesterol and respiratory disorders.

Historical uses and importance of Birch and its essential oil:

Being a priceless tree of the ancestral origin, Birch and its essential oil were widely utilized since the primitive times, dating back to the Paleolithic and the Mesolithic era as an adhesive and for various other uses. Adhering to the meaning of its name (tree which is used for writing purposes), Birch has been extensively used for preparing manifold documents in olden days, which are now termed as Birch Bark Manuscripts.

Fulsome with spiritual and cultural importance, Birch tree is crowned as the National tree of Russia and Finland. The most special fact about Birch tree is that it resists all kinds of adverse soil and climatic conditions. The bark of this tree has been used for numerous purposes such as construction, writing and medicinal applications. This tree was also called as ‘Lady of the Woods’, for its elegance, charm, lightness and the mesmerizing aroma after rain.

The Native Americans used Birch in their folklore remedies, where it was taken along with beverages to deal with various health conditions associated with the stomach including dysentery, diarrhea and indigestion.

The essential oil obtained from the bark of this tree has been used in hair care and skin care products to drive away dandruff, hair fall, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. The sap of the inner bark is a rich source of nutrients and was used in making cakes and is predominantly known to the world as a famine food for its ability to satiate hunger as a last choice if not anything is accessible.

Birch essential oil has been used as a disinfectant, powerful insect repellent, and also in the treatment of skin infections, fever, kidney stones, eczema and rheumatism. It is also a key ingredient in various perfumes including the most popular Russian Leather fragrance and Iceland Wintergreen.

In various folk medicines, Birch was used in transfer magic remedies for alleviating rheumatic pain and other associated symptoms. The aromatic leaves of this tree were also used in making Birch tea, which was used as an effective remedy for dissolving kidney stones, alleviating pain, gout, dropsy and rheumatism.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Birch Oil:

The remedial properties of Birch essential oil are anti-rheumatic, anti-arthritic, febrifuge, diuretic, astringent, detoxifying, analgesic, depurative, antiseptic, stimulant, germicide, tonic, insecticide, and anti-depressant. The major chemical constituents contributing to its therapeutic properties are betulene, methyl salicylate, betulenol, creosol, salicylic acid, and guaiacol.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Birch essential oil:

The word ‘Ayurveda’ has become the most common terminology in this contemporary living as many are becoming conscious about their health. When absolute health is the need of the hour, then natural remedies and chemical-free medications come along without any say and this where Ayurveda comes into picture.

Besides being a natural healing methodology, Ayurveda is a holistic system that helps in leading a disciplined life, including guidelines for a balanced diet to a modest lifestyle.

Ayurveda is the oldest of all medicinal systems on earth and it completely trusts that Mother Nature has the cure for all ailments including physical disorders and mental mayhems.

It is also said that living in harmony with Nature gifts a disease-free, harmonious and healthy life. According to this philosophy everything on earth is a combination of the 5 fundamental elements of nature. They are fire, earth, water, space and air.

For a better understanding, it is clearly depicted that earth is the representation of the bones and muscles, fire is the heat energy generated in the body for many vital functions of the system like metabolism, water stands for blood and other fluids, we breathe air and space is the representation of our soul that harmonizes all the other functions of the human body and keeps us alive.

Ayurvedic healing relies upon nature and it strongly states that all the other things on this planet are being created just for the happiness of mankind. You can identify this with the following example; Mother earth has 92 elements, including magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium etc, and the human system also has all these 92 constituents.

When a person is ill due to the deficiency of any of these elements, say iron, he/she is advised to take dates, which is rich in iron and to our astonishment dates grow by engrossing iron content from the earth. Simply brilliant, isn’t it?

Every human being is regarded as a unique part of nature in Ayurveda and it is also recommended that the remedial measures should also be unique based upon their unique individual constitution, which comprises of three biological energies called as doshas (also known as Tridosha) namely vata, pitta and kapha.

Pitta represents fire and water, vata is a combination of air and ether, and kapha signifies earth and water. Pitta energy is responsible for body temperature and metabolism, kapha controls the physical appearance, movement of fluids in the system and sustenance and vata dosha regulates the functions of the nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems.

Your first Ayurvedic consultation will help you in identifying your unique individual constitution and your predominant dosha type, which has an upper hand in determining your physical and mental makeup. Perfect balance between these doshas signifies well-being and disparities due to unwholesome food habits, change in climatic conditions, lifestyle and immoral behaviors leads to sickness.

The most significant Ayurvedic remedies that focus on treating doshic imbalances are herbs, plant essential oils, meditation, simple physical exercises, yoga, Pranayama or balanced breathing practices, Ayurvedic routine, prayers and a balanced diet.

Birch essential oil is known to pacify vata and kapha dosha and intensifies pitta dosha. The Ayurvedic health benefits of Birch essential oil are:

Birch-broucher1. Nature’s gift for treating rheumatic conditions:

Rheumatism is generally regarded as a medical condition caused due to excess deposits of fluids in the system along with the built up of toxic substances and improper blood circulation that lead to inflammation, pain, redness, stiffness and irritation.

According to Ayurveda, rheumatism is majorly a kapha imbalance disorder and can be treated with Ayurvedic remedies that reduce kapha vitiation. Birch oil has anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritic properties that aids in alleviating these agonizing conditions and reduces excess kapha dosha.

Birch essential oil is known as an effective pain reliever with the presence of the salicylate component that is present in aspirin based medications. This compound helps in lessening pain, swelling and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other pain in the joints and muscles. It works by arresting the body’s production of prostaglandins hormones, which are responsible for pain, inflammation and other similar conditions.

Along with these attributes, the essential oil of Birch also has detoxifying, diuretic and depurative properties that assist in eliminating toxins from the body, discarding salt, uric acid and excess fluid deposits in the body by promoting sweat and frequent urination and by purifying the entire system. Being a circulatory agent, this oil also helps in promoting proper circulation of blood and lessens the severity of circulatory disorders like rheumatism and edema.

Massaging the affected parts with 2 drops of Birch oil, 2 drops of Ginger oil and 2 drops of Tea tree oil along with 3 ml of coconut oil can help in reducing pain, inflammation, redness and promote proper blood circulation that helps in treating rheumatic and arthritic conditions. You can also add 2 to 3 drops of Birch oil in warm compress and in warm bathing water that can help in improving your medical conditions related to rheumatism and other muscular and circulatory problems.

2. Alleviates congestion and other respiratory infections:

Birch essential oil is always one among those best natural remedies that assist in relieving severe congestion, long-term allergies and other respiratory infections. With its expectorant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, Birch essential oil supports the system in fighting against chest congestion, bronchitis, nasal congestion, pneumonia and bronchial congestion.

Kapha dosha is a combination of water and earth elements and imbalance of kapha dosha leads to excess level of water deposits, amassing of mucus and phlegm deposits and building up of toxic substances worsening respiratory problems.

Birch essential oil is used in Ayurvedic healing for correcting kapha imbalance by generating heat in system and discarding mucus and phlegm deposits in the lungs and the respiratory passages.

Adding 2 to 3 drops of Birch oil in steam inhalation can aid in loosening mucus accumulation, treating stuffed nose, nasal, chest and bronchial congestion and combats the effects of toxins and microbes in the body.

You can mix 2 drops of Birch oil, 2 drops of Peppermint oil and 2 drops of Lavender oil along with your regular vaporizing ointment and massage in gentle movements on throat, chest and back for quick relief. A hot compress with 2 drops of Birch oil, following this massage on the back and chest can help improve respiratory conditions at ease.

3. Lessens pain and heal wounds rapidly:

Birch is such a magical oil that can relieve severe pain in a matter of minutes. With the presence of the salicylate component in aspirin and other pain-relieving pills, Birch oil aids in lessening pain by causing numbness on the painful area and uplifts the nerves and muscles.

Along with the Alternative and Complementary medicinal practices, the Allopathic doctors also recommend Birch oil for relieving severe pain, preventing the joints from swelling in cases of dislocation of joints or fractures.

Gently massaging the painful parts with 2 drops of Birch oil and 2 drops of Lemongrass oil along with 2 ml of olive oil can aid in easing muscular pain and stiffness. It also helps in alleviating muscular spasms and bout. 3 to 4 drops of Birch oil combined with 4 drops of Helichrysum oil and 4 ml of coconut oil massaged on the affected parts will work like a fascination especially on carpal tunnel syndrome.

Mix 2 drops of Birch oil with 2 drops of Lavender oil and 2 drops of Frankincense oil along with 3 ml of Sweet almond oil and apply it on wounds, cuts, skin rashes, cellulites, ringworm, eczema, itches and insect bites for quick relief. This formula works with the disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-bacterial and germicide properties of Birch oil that kills infectious micro-organisms like bacteria and fungi in skin infections and wounds and promotes quicker healing.

4. Cures oral problems:

There’s no wonder that an admirable essential oil like Birch has the therapeutic effects for treating oral problems with its anti-bacterial, antiseptic, disinfectant, astringent and germicide properties. These remedial values help in treating oral problems like weak gums, cavities, bacteria, painful gums, plaque and halitosis or bad breath.

1 drop of Birch oil along with 1 drop of Spearmint oil added to a cup of warm water can be used as a natural gargle formula for combating germs and bacterial growths in the mouth, strengthening the gums as an astringent, protecting the teeth and gums from infections as an antiseptic and also for keeping away from bad breath by refreshing the mouth throughout the day. This therapy can be followed twice a day in the morning and night.

5. Promotes hair growth and treats hair problems:

Birch is yet another nourishing oil for controlling loss of hair, maintaining those beautiful locks, preventing dandruff, enriching the scalp and promoting growth of hair naturally.  Just 1 drop of Birch oil in your regular shampooing can aid in healing your hair problems and deliver quick results in re-establishing your hair growth.

Massaging your scalp with 3 drops of Birch oil mixed with 3 drops of Ylang Ylang oil, 3 drops of Rosemary oil, 2 drops of Lemon oil and 2 drops of Lavender oil along with 7 ml of Virgin olive oil can help in moisturizing the scalp, controlling dandruff with its anti-fungal properties, strengthening the hair follicles with its astringent properties, promotes hair growth and grants the natural lustrous, shiny and glossy look of your hair. Follow this massage with 2 drops of Birch oil added to your mild shampoo for promising results.

Other health benefits:

A 1994 study at the University of North Carolina concluded that “the chemicals found in white birch bark slowed the growth of HIV”. Various other studies conducted on the betulinic acid present in Birch essential oil have been proved to possess anti-tumor properties and kill cancerous cells. Birch essential oil is also used in the treatment of colitis, bladder stone, gout, headache, candida, multiple sclerosis, depression and urinary disorders.


This editorial is meant only for the use of education and information. It is not in anyways intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any medical condition or replace any prescribed medication or medical advice of a healthcare expert. We are medical professionals and this information is shared only with the concern of bringing out the importance of Ayurveda, the mother of all healing systems on earth.

Make sure that you speak with an Ayurvedic expert before using the perfect essential oil for your prakriti or individual constitution and state of health. Do not ingest essential oils or use it for internal purposes and ensure that you always employ essential oils in a diluted form, as 100% pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and may cause allergic or hazardous reactions, if used directly for topical application. Keep essential oils out of reach of children.

Thought for the day:

All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God. -Thomas Browne

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Julia Lawless
  2. Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine by David Hoffmann
  3. Medicinal Plants of the World by Ben-Erik van Wyk, Michael Wink
  4. The Healing Power of Essential Oils: The Original Liquid Copals by Bevonne Birch Crookston
  5. American Indian Medicine (The Civilization of the American Indian Series) by Virgil J. Vogel

Reference Links:

  1. Birch Tar by Wikipedia
  2. Health benefits of Birch essential oil by Organic Facts
  3. White Birch by the American Cancer Society
  4. Birch Tree: Natural Medicine in your Backyard by Mother Earth News