Mustard Essential Oil

‘Sarson ka tel’ or Mustard essential oil is a vital part of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian therapy where it is used for cleansing, stimulating and revitalizing the body. Besides all the controversies across the world, Mustard oil is popular and extensively used in India, Bangladesh and few other Western countries.

Though extracted from the same Mustard seeds, Mustard edible oil is totally different from Mustard essential oil by the method of extraction where the vegetable oil is extracted by cold compressing the seeds and the essential oil of Mustard is extracted by steam distillation of seeds that are soaked in water.

Mustard oil is to Asian countries just like Olive oil is to Mediterranean countries. Besides the myth of being banned in certain countries for internal use, Mustard is a legendary oil used for more than thousands of years in the world’s oldest mythologies like India, Rome and Greece.

Historical importance of Mustard and its oil:

Used as a spice, condiment, herb, cooking oil and medicinal agent, Mustard and its oil are said to have been found since the Stone Age settlements. Among the 40 species of Mustard plants, the most popular and the ones used for extracting essential and edible oils are Brassica nigra (Black mustard), Brassica hirta (White mustard) and Brassica juncea (Brown mustard).

It is still trusted that Mustard was grown in the Indian subcontinent around 3000 B.C.E. Hippocrates used mustard seeds in the preparation of many poultices and medicines. The ancient Romans mixed ground mustard seeds to wine for its unique flavor and remedial values.  It was also used as a natural remedy to treat scorpion stings in the 6th century B.C. by Pythagoras, the renowned Greek scientist.

Mustard was used as a condiment in Greece and Rome for fermenting fish sauce known as garum. The love for mustard made Pope John XXII of Avignon create the post of ‘Grand Moutardier du Pape’ (Grand Mustard-Maker to the Pope). Mustard oil has been a part of North Indian cooking for more than 4000 years and this oil has been the secret behind healthy and lustrous hair growth of Indian women.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Mustard essential oil:

The essential oil of Mustard has Allyl isothiocyanate, oleic acid, omega-6 linoleic acid, omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and erucic acid. These constituents contribute to the remedial properties including cordial, tonic, anti-rheumatic, stimulant, appetizer, antifungal, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, hair vitalizer, insect repellant and irritant.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Mustard essential oil: Mustard oil has been used in Ayurvedic healing as a promising body massage oil for improving blood circulation, enhancing the texture of the skin, muscular development and to lessen the dryness of skin. Ayurveda meaning the knowledge of life skillfully explains the vibrant relationship between one’s mind, body and spirit and the way it relates to the world around.

The Ayurvedic approach of healing starts with an Ayurvedic consultation where your unique individual constitution, likes and dislikes, food habits and your medical history is thoroughly analyzed.

Your treatment starts with the tridosha concept as the guiding principle where Ayurveda believes that every individual is unique and is born with a unique fundamental constitution knows as prakriti. It is built up with 3 major biological energies known as doshas namely vata, pitta and kapha.

The dynamic balance between these three doshas determine one’s health and predominance of any one of these doshas is the deciding factor for one’s personality, behavior and attributes.

Ayurvedic remedies are always based on your individual constitution and to balance any one or all the three doshas that are out of rhythm. With its warming properties, Mustard essential oil is said to increase pitta dosha and pacify kapha and vata doshas. It’s time to have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Mustard essential oil:

1. Benefits to the hair:

Ayurvedic Mustard oil is extremely good for hair. The essential fatty acids like linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) and certain other components present in this oil makes it an effective natural remedy for treating hair loss, premature graying, dull and lifeless hair. Using Mustard essential oil on your scalp augments natural pigmentation and vitalizes your hair follicles by acting on the roots.

This way it prevents early graying and helps you in maintaining a natural dark hair even in your late 40s or early 50s. Indeed Ayurvedic Mustard oil is a long time secret of many grandmothers in India who still have healthy black hair.

Slightly heat 3 to 4 drops of Mustard essential oil blended with sesame oil and gently massage it on your scalp. Leave this blend for about an hour and wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo or shikakai for nourishing your scalp health, reducing hair fall, enhancing blood circulation, conditioning your hair, strengthening the roots, augmenting its natural shine and to lessen the more salt than pepper on your head.

2. Benefits to the respiratory system:

Mustard essential oil is generally used as a mucolytic in many parts of the world. Herbs and vegetables like wasabi, horseradish and nasturtium along with essential oils that are used as traditional mucolytics and are proved effective in breaking up mucous deposits and help sinus drainage in chronic sinusitis.

The antimicrobial property of Mustard essential oil assists in combating numerous pathogenic organisms and microbes that worsen sinusitis and certain other respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis.

A 2009 study on ‘Antimicrobial activity of Mustard essential oil against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhi’ by the Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Korea states “Mustard essential oil affected the cell membrane of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhi. It affected cell membrane integrity, resulting in a loss of cell homeostasis”.

On an Ayurvedic perspective respiratory problems like cold, cough, sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma are caused due to imbalance or increased kapha dosha responsible for fluid retention, congestion, phlegm and mucous deposits. Mustard essential oil is known to pacify and reduce kapha energy and it is used as an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for treating such respiratory problems.

Blend 2 drops of Mustard essential oil with little coconut oil and heat it. Massage this herbal blend on your chest, back and throat for loosening mucous deposits, removing phlegm from lungs and respiratory tract and to help trouble-free breathing. You can also add 2 to 3 drops of Mustard essential oil in hot bathing water that can work wonders on respiratory ailments and certain other pulmonary problems.

3. Benefits to the skin:

Mustard essential oil is an effective antifungal, anti-parasitic, antibacterial, disinfecting and antimicrobial oil that protects the skin from infections, wounds from getting septic and heals minor skin problems like cuts, athlete’s foot, ringworm, insect bites, small lacerations, abrasions etc. Mustard essential oil has been in use for massaging for many centuries.

When gently massaged onto the skin after mixing 2 drops of Mustard essential oil with jojoba oil, it aids in increasing blood circulation with its warming properties, helps open the pores and supports in eliminating the toxins in the body through sweat. This essential oil has high level of vitamin E that promotes healthy skin, moisten the skin, protect the skin from harmful ultra-violet rays, and effectively treat blemishes, wrinkles and fine lines as well.

4. Benefits to the entire system:

The essential oil extracted from Mustard seeds is beneficial to the entire system with its tonic and stimulating properties that foster trouble-free functioning of the body. The pungent aroma of this oil increases hunger by stimulating the digestive juices and by increasing the appetite.

Massaging your tummy and abdomen with 2 drops of Mustard oil mixed with sesame oil can help in burning the excess fat, promotes quicker digestion by encouraging the secretion of digestive juices and assists in treating constipation, flatulence and intestinal gas.

Mustard essential oil penetrates deeply into the skin and is a powerful Ayurvedic remedy for treating excess vata based nervous problems and kapha based problems like inflammation and retention of fluids. Mix 2 drops of Mustard oil with coconut oil and gently massage in circular movements on the affected areas to treat rheumatism, lumbago, back pain, headaches and inflammation.  Adding 1 drop of this oil to a cup of warm water can serve as an exceptional gargle for protecting your teeth and gums from germs.

This is an excellent massaging oil especially during winter to keep the body warm, trigger the functioning of the muscles and to treat numbness with its irritant properties. This oil is also said to slow down the process of aging naturally and aids in preventing cancer.


Never take essential oils internally. Pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and might cause adverse effects on the skin and system. Always remember to use it after diluting in baths or suitable carrier oils. Ensure that you do a patch test on the skin before using essential oils for massage. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner for choosing the right essential oil that is apposite for your individual constitution and health condition.

Mustard Essential Oil Possible Skin Issues:


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Mustard oil is regarded as one of the most unsafe essential oils mainly due to the presence of Allyl isothiocyanate and erucic acid (a toxic monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid). According to the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (PubChem), Allyl isothiocyanate compound is poisonous by skin penetration and ingestion. It is also known to emit toxic fumes when exposed to high temperature.

The European Union has prohibited Mustard oil as a cosmetic ingredient and the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has forbid the use of this oil in fragrances. Allyl isothiocyanate in Mustard oil is not recommended for therapeutic use, primarily due to its toxicity, irritating nature and rigorous lachrymatory effect (potent to produce tears) that draw a question mark on the safe use of this oil in the healthcare industry.

Generally, essential oils are listed with possible safe levels for therapeutic purposes but there is no viable information on the safe levels for the use of Mustard oil.

The immune system of mammals reacts excessively to allergens thus generating antibodies known as IgE (Immunoglobulin). Allergic reactions are further caused when these antibodies move to cells that discharge chemicals.

The most prominent adverse skin effects of Mustard oil are allergic reactions due to IgE, itchiness, redness, severe skin irritation, followed by blistering and irritation of the mucous membranes as well.

Prolonged use of Mustard oil on skin might interfere the function of the skin, thus augment the loss of water of epidermis and subsequently modifying the epidermal keratinocytes structure.

Few sources also state that inhaling of Mustard oil might end up in irritation of the eyes, nose, mucous membrane, respiratory system along with an obnoxious sensation in the head.

Certain studies state that the topical use of Mustard oil can cause irritant contact dermatitis and other allergic reactions. It is also evidenced that this oil is linked to the development of pityriasis rosea-like skin eruption (cutaneous lesions), which was proved by patch testing.

Tests on Chinese hamster cells proved the genotoxic effects of Allyl isothiocyanate and is also said to cause transitional cell papillomas and hyperplasia, when tested on male rats.

Mustard oil should be strictly avoided by pregnant women as it has the potent to induce uterine contractions and may lead to unusual bleeding and miscarriage and safety measures for using this oil during nursing is also not witnessed.

Mustard oil has the tendency to lower the levels of blood sugar and might interfere with your regular medications for diabetes and low blood sugar may obstruct surgical procedures, thus it is recommended to avoid Mustard oil for about 2 weeks before and after your scheduled surgery.

Reference Links Substantiating the Possible Skin Issues of Mustard Oil:

  1. Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals By Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young
  2. Pityriasis rosea-like eruptions due to mustard oil application by Zawar V, Nashik, India, published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
  3. Dermatoses Due to Indian Cultural Practices by Divya Gupta and Devinder Mohan Thappa, published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology and PubMed
  4. Black Mustard Side Effects and Safety by WebMD
  5. Allyl Isothiocyanate by U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (PubChem)
  6. Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients, used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics by Ikhlas A. Khan and Ehab A. Abourashed

Thought for the day:

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.  -Walt Whitman

Suggested Reading:

  1. Mustard Seeds: The Tiny Seed That May Save Your Life! (Plant & Seed Legacy Series) by Mary Jo Montanye
  2. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Julia Lawless
  3. The Ayurvedic Cookbook by Amadea Morningstar, Urmila Desai
  4. Traditional Systems of Medicine by M. Z. Abdin

Reference Links:

  1. The History of Mustard – From Prehistory to Modern Times by The Nibble.Com
  2. Mustard Oil by Wikipedia
  3. Antimicrobial activity of Mustard essential oil against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhi by the Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Korea published in Science
  4. What are the benefits of Mustard oil for Sinusitis? By Livestrong.Com

Your resource for quality Essential Oils. Every batch is GC tested to ensure purity and authenticity.

Chamomile Oil Roman

roman-chamomile-bnner‘Oil for inner peace’ is the absolute way of honoring Roman Chamomile oil for its gratifying and engaging apple aroma that instantly instills a feeling of love and encouragement. Obtained from the flowers of the Anthemis nobilis plant by steam distillation method, the word Chamomile is extracted from the Greek words Chamai and Melon, which means ‘ground apple’.

Used in Ayurvedic healing in the treatment of bloating, flatulence, dysmennorhea, insomnia, headache, nervous disorders in children, jaundice, PMS, amenorrhea, sunburn, colic, indigestion, anger, depression and negative feelings.

The book Ayurveda and aromatherapy quotes Roman Chamomile as Gold Chamomile and says, “This is the Chamomile that is preferred for children’s illnesses because of its soothing and calming effect. It can be of special assistance during menopause and PMS, and inhalation works well for tension, stress and irritability.”

Purchase Chamomile Roman Essential Oil – 4oz – CLICK HERE 

Historical uses and importance of Roman Chamomile:

It is a member of the daisy family, Asteraceae and its medicinal uses dates back to the ancient Roman and Egyptian civilization, where Roman Chamomile was used in the treatment of nervous afflictions, anxiety, sleeping difficulties and respiratory problems.

The traditional Egyptians dedicated these aromatic flowers to their native Gods for its healing properties. The Sun God was called as Ra and it was trusted to bring back health and heartiness. Chamomile was offered to Sun to get rid of fevers (especially severe fevers known as Ague during that time) and to moon for its cooling potential.

Universally known as one among the Saxon’s nine sacred herbs, Roman Chamomile is also called by various other names like True Chamomile, Golden Chamomile, English Chamomile and the Noble Chamomile for its pacifying aroma and excellent remedial values.

Roman Chamomile is called as Manzanilla (means ‘Little Apple’) in Spain and it was Pliny the Elder, Roman natural philosopher who first mentioned the similarity of the fragrance of the Chamomile flowers to that of the apple blossoms.

It was prevalently used as a strewing herb in the middle ages for perfuming the surroundings in special celebrations and events. During this time, it was also used in flavoring beer, ale and other beverages for its unique bitter taste.

Chamomile tea is a popular natural drink in the United States for reducing fatigue and inducing calmness to the system. It is a favorite ingredient in cosmetics, shampoos, perfumes, soaps, skin preparations and other toiletries.

It is cultivated throughout England, Spain, Argentina, France, Germany, Hungary, Morocco, Belgium, Italy and the United States, among which the England variety is considered as the best for essential oil production.

Numerous illnesses including insomnia, intestinal spasms, eczema, colic in infants, anxiety, depression, lack of self-confidence, inflammation, headache and skin infections are being treated with Roman Chamomile and its essential oil throughout the world for more than thousands of years.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Roman Chamomile essential oil:

This oil has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, anti-depressant, nervine, analgesic, emetic, antipyretic, emmenagogue, carminative, relaxing, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antibiotic, febrifuge, sedative, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge, antiphlogistic, cicatrisant, hepatic, vulnerary, cholagogue and sudorific.

These healing actions are contributed by its chemical constituents including camphene, b-caryophyllene, myrcene, a-pinene, farnesol, sabinene, b-pinene, bisabolol, y-terpinene, azulene, propyl angelate, butyl angelate, pinocarveol, and 1, 8-cineole.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Roman Chamomile essential oil:

Ayurveda is called as the mother of all healing sciences, mainly because of its traditional wisdom spread to the world and its acumen to reside behind as the greatest resource for other healing systems with its vast ancient medicinal recordings especially in Atharvaveda, one among the 4 prominent Vedas (sacred books) of the Hindu mythology.

The three major Ayurvedic texts like Sushruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita documented the comprehensive medicinal practices and the fundamentals of Ayurveda.

Sushruta and Charaka are the most renowned Ayurvedic physicians of the ancient period and have expressed their Ayurvedic expertise in treating all kinds of illnesses from acne to plastic surgery and menstrual pain to caesarean delivery.

The most inspiring thing about Ayurvedic healing is its preaching and practices for leading a disciplined life. Ayurvedic philosophy revolves various aspects of healing and the most important ones are the holistic healing method, recommending natural remedies for prevention of illnesses and longevity.

They are the holistic approach that considers health as a three-dimensional array with the wellness of the mind, body and spirit. Charaka Samhita, clearly states this as “The three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.”

It aims at preventing illnesses, leading to aging in the pink and longevity. Ayurveda treats illnesses after analyzing its root cause instead of diagnosing it just with the symptoms. It prescribes natural remedies including essential oils, herbs, yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic routine, prayer and other Ayurvedic methodologies like Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massaging and Panchakarma or the technique for detoxification.

Ayurvedic treatment begins with the primary analysis of the biological energies that are a representation of the five vital elements of nature. These energies are called as doshas, namely vata (air + space), pitta (fire + water), and kapha (earth + water). These three doshas are present in every person in specific proportion to create the individual constitution. Absolute balance between these doshas symbolizes health and disparity leads to illnesses.

Ayurvedic physicians prescribe natural remedies to normalize the imbalance of doshas in accordance to the Prakriti or the fundamental constitution of a person. With its neutral and cooling energy, Roman Chamomile oil is said to reduce the surplus of kapha and pitta doshas and increase vata dosha.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Roman Chamomile essential oil are:roman-chamomile-broucher-in1. Pacifies and calms irritable babies:

Babies have no reason for crying, especially during the nighttime when the entire family is trying to sleep tight. Many think that pacifying a crying baby is a ‘Mother’s Thing’ and if you are worried about soothing your stubborn baby the next time, then think of keeping Roman Chamomile essential oil in your emergency kit. This oil also aids in calming irritable babies and appease your baby’s spiteful temper crabbiness.

Roman Chamomile oil is considered to be absolutely safe on children, including newborns. Add 2 drops of this oil on bed linens or on the baby’s pillow. You can also add 2 drops of Roman Chamomile oil to a cotton ball and keep it near your shoulders, inside your shirt. This helps greatly when you try to tranquil your crying baby by granting comfort to their nerves and senses and promote peaceful sleep in sometime.

One drop of Roman Chamomile oil mixed with 10 drops of virgin olive oil can be gently massaged on your baby’s tummy to get rid of pain, colic, stomach upset and diarrhea. This can also be rubbed on a baby’s gums for relieving teething pain, inflammation and swelling associated with teething.

2. Combats insomnia and promotes peaceful sleep:

Sleepless nights are the biggest nightmare that lead to a dull day and drowsiness at work. Insomnia or sleeping disorders mainly occur due to anxiety, fatigue, tension, pain, worries, nervous disorders, post-pregnancy problems or post-surgery effects.

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, states that “Chamomile extract therapy was found to be efficacious for mild-moderate GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)“. Patients with mild to moderate level of GAD were a part of the study and they received chamomile or placebo. This study concluded stating that the patients who received the Chamomile treatment were traced to have a noteworthy change in the severity of their Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

The calming, soothing, sedative and relaxing effects of this oil assist in sedating the system and stimulating good sleep. Adding 3 drops of Roman Chamomile oil to the diffuser or vaporizer in your bedroom or 2 drops added to a tissue placed near your pillows can help in having a restful state in which you can sleep faster and better as well.

Adding 5 to 6 drops of this oil in warm bathing water before going to bed can also be helpful in tranquilizing the nervous system with its nervine properties and lighten up the system physically and emotionally.

3. Bundle of benefits for the skin:

Roman Chamomile essential oil is an excellent calmative for the skin also. Baumann says “It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that make it ideal for patients with rosacea.” This oil also works wonders in reducing pimples, blackheads, itches and heat rashes especially during summer. This oil also assists in lessening skin irritation and redness caused due to climatic conditions and allergies.

A report by the University Of Maryland Medical Center on Roman Chamomile states that “Test tube studies have shown that chamomile can kill bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Used on the skin, it may also reduce inflammation from cuts or hemorrhoids.”

It is also said that this oil can help in easing the discomforts of eczema, psoriasis, blisters, diaper rashes, skin ulcers, bruises, sunburns and other skin conditions.

Roman Chamomile oil is a popular ingredient in an extensive range of cosmetics and skin care products for many centuries. This is mainly due to the antiseptic, antibacterial, vulnerary, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cicatrisant properties of this oil.

Mix 3 drops of Roman Chamomile oil with 1.5 ml of Almond oil and gently massage on the affected parts of your skin, followed by a gentle face wash with soap-free cleansing cream.

Then wash it again with a cup of cold water with 1 drop of Roman Chamomile oil diluted in it. This treatment helps in healing wounds, burns, cuts, blisters, wrinkles, blackheads, acne marks, eczema, cracked nipples and other skin problems.

4. Alleviates depression and proffers inner peace:

Roman Chamomile is trusted to be a calming agent especially for alleviating stress and assisting in peaceful sleep. This oil has an impact on the heart chakra and the crown chakra; where the heart chakra is responsible for love for the self, conscious evolution, forgiveness, compassion and love for others as well. The crown chakra is the center of prayer and faith and for building an intimate bond with the Divine power.

The invigorating aroma of Roman Chamomile oil aids in opening the crown chakra and assists in releasing fear and anxiety related to the world. It also helps one realize the heavenly truth of ‘living in the present moment’ and alleviates worries, stress and depression related to loneliness, separation and detachment.

About 2 to 3 drops of Roman Chamomile oil when added to vaporizer, burner or diffuser     assists in bringing self-acceptance, augmenting self-esteem and peace. Inhaling the soothing aroma of this oil along with massaging your body with 5 drops of Roman Chamomile oil blended with 5 drops of Lavender oil and 5 drops of Frankincense oil with 10 ml of virgin olive oil can aid in overcoming fear, agony, agitation, mental confusions, hopelessness, discouragement and frustration.

5. Supports the digestive system:

The essential oil of Roman Chamomile has carminative, stomachic, vermifuge, digestive and cholagogue properties that help in supporting the digestive system and in stimulating the metabolic functions.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan, MD in Ayurveda regards Roman Chamomile as an effective herb for digestive disorders. He says “Roman chamomile has long been used to treat digestive problems, such as sluggish digestion, bloating, belching and flatulence. The bitter sesquiterpene lactones stimulate the digestive juices, and the flavonoids and coumarins have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory powers.”

Massaging your abdomen with 3 drops of Roman Chamomile oil with 3 drops of Peppermint oil helps in toning up the functions of the stomach, alleviates excess gas from the stomach and intestines by stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid, bile and other digestive juices and enzymes that regularize the digestion process.

6. Relieves pain and inflammation:

Roman Chamomile oil has analgesic or pain-relieving qualities that help in relieving pain in the joints, muscular aches, headache, toothache and migraine pain. 2 drops of this oil mixed with 2 drops of Myrrh gel oil and 2 ml of coconut oil massaged on the painful or affected parts can help in promoting blood circulation, relieving tension in the painful nerves and muscles, detoxifying the blood and helps in alleviating toxins and other impurities in the blood. The anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and antiphlogistic effects of this oil aids in reducing inflammation, redness, edema and swelling in case of arthritis and rheumatism.

Can also be used for:

This oil is also effective in treating dysentery, allergies, menopausal problems, menstrual discomforts, sciatica, restlessness, insect bites, cystitis and sprains.


This information is only for the purpose of education and is not meant to cure, diagnose or prevent any illnesses or substitute any professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Ayurveda is a common sense science that treats the individual instead of the illnesses and this article is meant to confer the ancient traditional wisdom of this 5,000 years old healing system, and we are not medical professionals.

Do not use essential oils internally and always make sure that you use it topically in a diluted form, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances and may cause allergies if used directly on the skin. It is advisable to do a small patch test on your skin, if you are using any essential oil for the first time. Speak with your healthcare expert/Ayurvedic practitioner before using the suitable essential oils for your health condition and unique individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift. 

-Albert Einstein

Suggested Reading:

  1. How to Use Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Aromatherapy) by Miriam Kinai
  2. Camomile (The Herb Library Series) by Kate Ferry-Swainson, Deni Brown
  3. The Ultimate PCOS Handbook: Lose Weight, Boost Fertility, Clear Skin and Restore Self-Esteem by Colette Harris, Theresa Cheung
  4. Natural BabyCare: Pure and Soothing Recipes and Techniques for Mothers and Babies (Natural Health and Beauty Series) by Colleen K. Dodt
  5. Chamomile: Industrial Profiles (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from CRC Press

Reference Links:

  1. Roman Chamomile by the University of Maryland Medical Center
  2. Chamaemelum nobile by Wikipedia
  3. Health Benefits of Camomile Essential Oil by Organic Facts
  4. Roman Chamomile – Effective Herb For Digestion Problems by Dr. Vikram Chauhan
  5. The Calming Power of Chamomile by Medical News Today

Your resource for quality Essential Oils. Every batch is
GC tested to ensure purity and authenticity.

Juniper Berry Oil

June and moon pair perfectly to bring in the ideal romance with warm days and clear nights, just like Juniper and its essential oil, known as ‘the mover of fluids’ work wholly to get rid of the toxic remains and excess fluid in your system, so that you fall in love with yourself again and again.


Boasted as the best diuretics in Western Herbal Medicine and in Traditional Herbalism, Juniper berries and its essential oil are looked upon for treating various fluid retention diseases like congestion, sciatica, rheumatism, edema, swollen joints, urinary tract infections, lumbago, cystitis, obesity and respiratory conditions.

Hapusha is the Ayurvedic name of Juniper and is scientifically known as Juniperus communis. Juniper is held high in Ayurveda as one among the best detoxifying natural agent with its diuretic and diaphoretic properties for eliminating excess water deposits, toxic remains, uric acid, salt and fat deposits by promoting the frequency and quantity of sweating and urination.

Purchase Juniper Berry Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Purchase Juniper Berry Essential Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and significance of Juniper berry and its essential oil:

Juniper berries are not real berries but are the female seed cones produced by many species of Junipers. It is an evergreen shrub that is found growing in the wild and can grow up to a height of 30 feet. Juniper is a native of the European Province, Asian subcontinent and few North American countries including Oregon and Texas.

Juniper was the notable symbol of Ashera, the Goddess of Fertility of the Canaanites. The mystical fragrance of Juniper was used as incense by the Scottish and Tibetans to keep away from demons and evil spirits. The first historical use of Juniper berries dates back to the Egyptian Papyrus from 1500 B.C.

The berries of the Juniperus communis species are used as a popular spice in the European cuisine for its unique flavor. It has been used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, scrofula and chest conditions in the traditional French medicine.

It was in ancient Greek medicine, Juniper berries were recorded for their medicinal uses before being stated as a culinary item. The aboriginal Americans used these berries for suppressing the appetite when they were hungry. Certain tribal populace used Juniper berries as female contraceptive agents.

Juniper berries were used as a substitute for long pepper and black pepper varieties by the primordial Romans. It was believed that Juniper berries enhanced physical endurance and vigor in athletes, for which it was used during many of the Olympic events by the people of Greece.

For its power to prevent infections and its antiseptic values, Juniper berries were used as a precautionary medicine during the Bubonic plague. These spicy little berries were used as a folklore remedy for treating urinary infection, chest congestion, stomach upset and warts. Juniper berries are also used as a flavoring agent in gin and other traditional food items.

Remedial properties and chemical constituents of Juniper berry oil:

The notable therapeutic properties of Juniper berry oil are diuretic, energizer, disinfectant, antiseptic, analgesic, carminative, diaphoretic, antibacterial, astringent, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, depurative, sudorific, vulnerary, tonic, rubefacient, calmative and stimulant.

The chemical components contributing to its varied remedial values are sabinene, a-pinene, b-pinene, camphene, myrcene, a-terpinene, a-phellandrene, y-terpinene, b-phellandrene, 1,4-cineole, p-cymene, bornyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol, caryophyllene along with a hint of borneol, limonene, linalool, nerol, linalyl acetate and camphor.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Juniper berry essential oil:

Ayurveda is unquestionably the Master and the Mother of the world of medicine and has given birth to various remedial sciences including Siddha, Unani, The Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Allopathic, Chiropractic, Acupressure and much more.

The secret behind its majestic stand for about 5000 years is its holistic healing approach that aims in tracing and treating the root cause of an illness rather than its occasional symptoms. Ayurveda completely relies on natural remedies and Ayurvedic techniques for the treatment and the prevention of diseases to pave way for longevity.

The Indian mythology records the birth of Ayurveda as gift of Lord Brahma, the God of Creation to Acharya Dhanvantari, the Lord of Ayurvedic medicine and he was also adored as the Physician of Gods. Ayurveda is a prominent part of Atharvaveda, one of the 4 sacred books of the Hindu tradition of India.

Acharya Charaka and Sushruta added glory to Ayurveda with their greatest works namely Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, the renowned Ayurvedic encyclopedias. These noble books cover every medical practice from a C-section delivery to Plastic surgery. Everything aims at attaining holistic health, which is a combination of physical, psychological and spiritual wellness.

Ayurveda recommends a disciplined life for retaining absolute balance with nature. Ayurvedic philosophy states that everything in this universe is made up of five elements of nature viz., earth, water, air, fire and space.

Water represents blood and other fluids in the system, earth denotes bones and the muscular built up, air assists in the breathing mechanism, space is the soul/the spirit that dwells in and fire is in charge for body temperature and all other metabolic functions.

All the individuals on earth are created in a distinctive manner with a unique physical, mental and spiritual setup, determined by the individual constitution known as doshas. These dynamic energies are an array of the five fundamental elements of nature.

Vata dosha (air and space) is responsible for the functions of the nervous system, respiratory system and the circulatory system. Pitta dosha (fire and water) takes care of body temperature and metabolism. Kapha dosha (water and earth) and is in charge of the physique, reproductive health and sustenance.

Every person has a prevalence of any one dosha that determines one’s persona, traits and behavioral patterns. Absolute balance between these doshas as per the Law of nature indicates health and imbalance of doshas leads to sickness.

Ayurveda recommends natural remedies including plant essential oils, herbal medications, yogasanas, meditation, prayers, simple physical exercises, Ayurvedic routine, Pranayama (yogic breathing practice), Panchakarma (five detoxification therapies), and certain other Ayurvedic treatments for nurturing natural balance between doshas.

Juniper berry oil helps in pacifying kapha imbalances like rheumatism, urinary infections, congestion and bronchitis; vata imbalances including stress, dysmennorhea and skin problems and enhances pitta energy and supports in the treatment of flatulence, indigestion, abdominal pain, high blood pressure etc.,

It’s time to take a look at the varied health benefits of Juniper berry oil in terms of physical, emotional and spiritual attributes.

  1. Physical benefits:
  • Juniper berry oil to the skin:
  • Juniper berry oil to the joints and kidneys:
  • Juniper berry oil to the digestive system and liver:
  1. Emotional benefits:
  • Alleviates stress:
  • Relieves tension:
  • Widens your creative power:
  1. Spiritual benefits:
  • Instills deep divinity:
  • Augments the power of concentration and inner consciousness:
  • Helps release negative feelings:
  1. Physical benefits: ‘Face is the index of the mind’ is a popular saying. In a much similar way, the human body showcases the sickness of the mind and the soul. Traditional healthcare experts say that every illness has certain underlying emotional and hereditary (tarpana) reasons behind to deal with. Talking with the patient about everything including their medical history, family, daily routine, lifestyle practices, behavioral patterns and every little thing that has an impact in their daily lives, can help in identifying the root cause of their sickness and in bringing a permanent solution to their health problem.
  • Juniper berry oil to the skin: Human skin is the highly structured security mechanism that guards us from the harmful effects of virus, bacteria, fungi and many other harmful micro-organisms. Treating it with ordinary alkaline soaps might spoil the protective layer of the skin formed by sebum (oily and acidic mantel produced by the sebaceous glands).

Ayurveda prescribes Abhyanga or the art of Ayurvedic massaging with the use of essential oils aiding in toning the muscles, relieving muscular tension, protecting the skin and for creating a natural barrier that can protect the skin from the outside forces.

Juniper berry oil has excellent moisturizing properties that help in treating various skin problems like acne, dermatitis and eczema. Skin problems are often associated with the vitiation of vata dosha. Juniper berry oil has the power to pacify excess of vata dosha and helps in the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis.

Three drops of Juniper berry oil blended with 2 drops of Lavender oil, 2 drops of Grapefruit oil added to your mild skin care creams and lotions can help in controlling the excess secretion of sebum, responsible for pimples, blackheads and redness of the skin cells.

A 2003 study on “Antibacterial and Antifungal activity of Juniper berry oil and its selected components” published in Phytotherapy research concludes that Juniper berry oil possesses antibacterial and antifungal activity.

A 2010 study published in “Pharmacognosy Research” by the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran, has confirmed that juniper berries’ essential oil contains excellent antioxidant effects and the capacity to combat destructive free radicals.

Juniper berry oil also has circulatory and tonic properties that nourish the skin cells from within. Massaging the affected parts with 2 drops of Juniper berry oil, 2 drops of Rosemary oil and 2 drops of Geranium oil along with 3 ml of Sweet Almond oil can assist in the treatment of scaly, itchy scalp in dandruff, psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory skin conditions.

You can compliment this massaging with a warm compress for letting the remedial properties of the essential oils to penetrate the skin deeply.

  • Juniper berry oil to the joints, kidneys, digestive system and liver: Stagnation of water deposits, uric acid, salt and toxic remains in the system lead to chronic health conditions like rheumatism, arthritis, edema, swollen joints, dropsy, cystitis, renal calculi or kidney stones and urinary infections.

People with kapha imbalance can benefit highly from Swedhana (Panchakarma treatment for elimination of toxic remains through sweat). Massaging the affected region, especially the knees and joints in case of arthritis and rheumatism with 5 drops of Juniper berry oil, 4 drops of Cinnamon oil, 5 drops of Rose Geranium oil, 5 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 5 drops of Orange oil with 4 ounces of Sesame oil can help in promoting blood circulation in the painful area, reduces pain by causing numbness.

You can reduce inflammation, swelling, redness and soreness of the muscles by using a hot compress. This aids in discarding the toxic remains in the system through sweat and urine by enhancing its quantity and frequency.

Light Miller, in her book “Ayurvedic Remedies: For The Whole Family” has mentioned Juniper berry in numerous healing blends. The most significant among them are listed below for your reference.

  • Obesity or Weight loss blend: Massaging with 10 drops of Juniper berries oil, 10 drops of Grapefruit oil, 10 drops of Orange oil, 5 drops of Birch oil, 5 drops of Black pepper oil, 5 drops of Ginger oil with 4 ounces of Almond oil can assist in treating obesity by eliminating the excess fluids, toxic remains and fat deposits in the system by promoting frequent urination and sweating.
  • Gout: Gently massaging your abdomen with 5 drops of Juniper berry oil, 5 drops of Thyme oil, 5 drops of Cypress oil, 5 drops of Lemon oil, 5 drops of Basil oil, 5 drops of Myrtle oil along with 4 ounces of Coconut oil can help significantly in the treatment of renal calculi, cystitis, and gout.
  • Varicose veins: Varicose vein is a vata disorder caused due to lack of blood circulation, prolonged standing and sedentary lifestyle. Massaging with 5 drops of Juniper berry oil, 5 drops of Cypress oil, 5 drops of Lemon Grass oil and 2 ounce of Olive oil can help in stimulating blood circulation, relaxing the nerves, soothing the tensed muscles and alleviating pain associated with varicose vein condition, lumbago and sciatica.
  • Supports the digestive functions: Juniper berry oil has pitta or digestive fire enhancing attributes with its carminative, stomachic and warming properties. 5 drops of Juniper berry oil along with 2 drops of Ginger oil and 1 drop of Fennel oil to warm bathing water can assist in stimulating the secretion of bile, hydrochloric acid and digestive acids for treating sluggish digestion, relieving intestinal gas and colic pain.
  1. Emotional benefits: Emotions play a vital role in all our lives, without which thoughts are of, nil value. These emotions are often the sound of the soul. The therapeutic and soothing aroma of Ayurvedic essential oils fortifies your energy centers and protects one from being deviated from your life’s purpose.

Juniper berry essential oil has warm, appeasing, woody, earthy, engaging, sweet and energizing fragrance that pacifies the mind and sows the seeds of optimism in the limbic system of the brain. It is the brain’s center of control and is in charge of transmitting commands to the entire body on thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns.

Juniper berry oil offers various emotional benefits and the most prominent among them are:

  • Alleviates stress:
  • Relieves tension:
  • Widens your creative power:

Mental mayhems are often an output of stressful conditions. Stress can at times work quicker than cyanide in killing the potential of the mind and the brain. It occurs when the mind is occupied or forced with loads of chores than its bearing capacity. As a result, one’s true efficiency and the normal functioning of the brain get disrupted.

Rage, resentment, fear, fatigue, anxiety, tension, lack of concentration and memory loss are few branches of the stress tree.

Inhaling the magical aroma of Juniper berry essential oil by adding 3 drops of Juniper berry oil with 2 drops of Neroli oil to your air freshener or diffuser, especially during the feeling of loneliness or before going to bed or during meditation, can help in bringing back the energy of self-confidence by augmenting your self-esteem.

This blend can also heighten the quality of your thoughts by boosting your creative quotient. 5 drops of Juniper berry oil and 2 drops of Bergamot oil added to your warm bathing water before your bedtime can relax your nervous system, soothe your muscles and induce peaceful sleep at night. Then, what else would stop you from starting a fresh and prolific day?!

  1. Spiritual benefits:
  • Instills the deep divinity:
  • Augments the power of concentration and inner consciousness:
  • Helps release negative feelings:

Juniper berry oil has a pleasant and elevating aroma that instills a feeling of absolute peace and tranquility. Inhaling the sacred aroma of this oil helps in discharging the negative feelings, loneliness, suppressive thoughts and assist in developing intense inner consciousness.

The essential oil of Juniper berry affects the crown chakra, root chakra and the solar plexus chakra. The book “Ayurvedic Remedies: For the Whole Family” by Light Miller quotes “Meditation offers us an opportunity to reach a higher potential by fine tuning our minds. Meditation creates an opening to live a life free of fears, blame, attachments, judgements, stress, negativity and illusions.”

2 drops of Juniper berry oil with 1 drop of Sandalwood oil, 1 drop of Vetiver oil and 1drop of Patchouli oil added to your vaporizer, diffuser, aromatic candles or room freshener during meditation and prayers can be a great soulful remedy.

It can help one to quit addiction, vent out negative feelings, disregard the pain of being abused, alleviate the trepidation of being neglected, deepen your level of thinking, build your bonding with the divine power and augment the connectivity of your soul with the universe.

Disclaimer: This article is meant only for educational purposes and is not recommended to treat or prevent any health condition or to replace any prescription medicines or the medical advice of your healthcare practitioner. We are not healthcare professionals and this information is shared only with the genuine thought of spreading the fragrance of Ayurvedic healing, world’s oldest and the pioneer of all medical sciences on earth.

Use essential oils only for topical application in a diluted form, as organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated substances and may cause allergic reactions, if used directly on the skin. Never ingest essential oils. Keep out of reach of children.

Juniper berry oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it has the potent to induce menstruation. Care should be taken in using this oil under the supervision of a healthcare expert, if you have inflammatory kidney disorders.

Thought for the day:

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. – By Moliere

Suggested Reading:

  1. Vibrational Healing: Revealing the Essence of Nature through Aromatherapy and Essential Oils by Deborah Eidson
  2. Ayurvedic Remedies- For the Whole Family by Light Miller
  3. Essential Oils for Weight Loss: Easy Ways to Supercharge your Weight Loss Success with Essential Oils by Isla Burroughs
  4. Herbs for Detoxification by C.J. Puotinen

Reference Links:

  1. Juniper Berry by Wikipedia
  2. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of juniper berry oil and its selected components by Natalia Filipowicz, Marcin Kamiński, Julianna Kurlenda, Monika Asztemborska and J. Renata Ochocka, published in Phytotherapy research
  3. Health benefits of Juniper essential oil by Organic Facts
  4. Ayurvedic Remedies: For The Whole Family, by Light Miller


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