Niaouli Essential Oil

Niaouli-bannerYet another natural feather in the Australian cap along with Tea Tree and Cajeput, Niaouli belongs to the same species Melaleuca and is native to Australia. Along with these 3 trees, Melaleuca contains more than 200 species and these are the most popular ones used for extracting essential oils. Niaouli essential oil is extracted from the leaves and young twigs of this tree through steam distillation.

The clean, camphoraceous and composed aroma of Niaouli oil heals one in a number of ways and never fails to remind you about Tea tree oil. Niaouli essential oil is used in Ayurvedic healing as an antiseptic, immune stimulant and expectorant for helping with respiratory and pulmonary infections.

Purchase Niaouli Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

Purchase Niaouli Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Niaouli essential oil:

Niaouli, scientifically known as Melaleuca quinquenervia (Melaleuca viridiflora) has been initially used by the Aborigines of Australia for rescuing Sir Francis and his crew from exhaustion and scurvy with the tea brewed from the leaves of Niaouli tree. It was used as a respiratory aid in the folklore medicine and the indigenous people used the fresh Niaouli leaves for wrapping the affected parts of their body.

Niaouli and its essential oil have been considered as a ‘cure-all’ in French Polynesia and Caledonia and have also been espoused as the national flower. The French use this oil in almost all the hospitals all over the country especially in the gynecological and obstetrics wards for its antimicrobial properties and this oil is also implemented into their pharmacopoeia. It has also been used as a water purifier in the French Pacific.

Niaouli has been used in the Middle East for preparing herbal tea to support healthy bowels. It was also used in the ancient period to keep away from malaria. Since the pre-historic period Niaouli has been a valuable additive to toothpastes, gargles, mouth sprays and cough drops. This oil is also used as a substitute for Cajeput and Eucalyptus oil in the treatment of neuralgia, cold, cough and rheumatism.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Niaouli essential oil: 1,8-cineole, alpha-terpineol, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene, a-phellandrene, nerolidol, linalool, piperitone and gamma terpineol. The therapeutic properties of this oil are analgesic, antiseptic, decongestant, bactericidal, cicatrisant, expectorant, balsamic, vermifuge, febrifuge, stimulant, insecticide, vulnerary and anti-rheumatic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Niaouli essential oil:

Ayurveda meaning ‘science of life’ is the oldest medicinal systems in the world. The basis of Ayurvedic philosophy revolves around the fact that perfect health can be attained only by a well-built immune system. This is because strong immunity make the body resistant and help fight against harmful organisms and infections causing illnesses. Ayurvedic perception of good health is the outcome of synchronization between a person’s physical, mental and spiritual wellness.

Ayurveda treats every individual in a unique manner trusting that no two individuals have identical individual constitution. For this identification, Ayurvedic approach recognizes human beings based on their specific metabolic principles governing the body and mind and its intelligence. They are known as doshas (vata, pitta and kapha).

The predominance of any one of these doshas is the primary dosha of an individual and he is identified with that dosha as his unique body type. Imbalance of any one or all these doshas ends up in illnesses. Niaouli pacifies kapha and vata doshas and aggravates pitta dosha.

Man-made medicines or menacing treatments are not a part of this holistic medicinal practice as it trusts and relies on Mother Nature for its healing system. It centers on prevention of diseases with healthy diet, Ayurvedic routine, balanced life-style changes, herbs, yoga, essential oils, meditation and other simple physical exercises.

Let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Niaouli essential oil.

Naouli-oil-broucher1. Heals scars and skin infections:

Niaouli essential oil has excellent bactericide, disinfectant, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that make it a wonder oil in treating skin infections, wounds and other similar disorders.

Donoyama and Ichiman study on the effectiveness of six essential oils like eucalyptus, thyme linalool, lavender, tea tree, niaouli and sage in treating Staphylococcus aureus bacteria was tested. This study revealed that among the six essential oils tested “niaouli oil was found to be the most effective, reducing colony count to zero at 3.125%”.

Add 1 drop of Niaouli oil in a cup of lukewarm water to make a natural cleanse for washing your wounds, skin ulcers, blemishes, cuts, acne, insect bites and burns. This cleansing solution aids in removing the harmful organisms like bacteria on your affected part of the skin and initiates its quicker healing process.

Mix 2 drops of Niaouli oil in coconut oil or your regular skin care cream or lotions and apply it gently on the infected area. The vulnerary and disinfectant properties of this oil help in healing wounds quickly, shielding your skin from microbial infections by activating platelet particles and leucocytes in the infected area and aiding in clearing your acne, marks and blemishes. With its antiseptic properties, Niaouli is also an effective oil in treating infections of the colon, uro-genital tract, kidneys, urethra, kidneys and intestines. Even today Niaouli is used as a safe vaginal douche in France.

Niaouli oil is used in an extensive range of cosmetic products in Australia. With its cicatrisant properties, Niaouli essential oil can be more forceful on your scars and marks than your expensive anti-marks and scar-removing creams. Applying 2 drops of Niaouli oil blended with jojoba oil can assist you in diminishing your scars and marks left by pimples, post-pregnancy stretches, acne or pox by influencing the faster growth of new skin cells and tissues. On prolonged use, this remedy can aid in regenerating your skin surface and replenish it with natural glow.

2. Relieves rheumatic and other pain:

The essential oil of Niaouli works effectively on sharp pain and other related discomforts. When gently massaged on to the painful area with 2 drops of Niaouli essential oil blended with coconut oil, the analgesic properties of this oil acts like a general anesthetic by numbing the nerves in the painful parts and consoles pain.

Niaouli essential oil is celebrated as a popular complementary cure for treating rheumatic pain. Massaging 2 drops of Niaouli oil added to sesame oil helps in stimulating the lymphatic system and enhancing blood circulation in the body, which controls the amassing of toxic substances and uric acid in the joints. By this way, Niaouli oil assists rheumatic patients by easing pain, inflammation and swelling in the painful areas. This oil also helps in treating toothache, joint pain, migraines, earache, headache and sprains.

3. Treats fever and respiratory problems effectively:

Niaouli essential oil has been approved in the German Commission E Monographs especially for its effective uses to the respiratory system. Niaouli oil has expectorant and decongestant properties that aid in clearing congestion and blocked respiratory passages with mucous and phlegm. It also supports in reducing the body temperature at times of fever by combating the infections responsible for fever.

Using 2 drops of Niaouli oil in steam inhalation or in vaporizer can help you fight against cold, flu, bronchitis, whooping cough, sinusitis, catarrh, pneumonia, asthma, laryngitis, sore throat, tuberculosis and cough. It helps open up clogging or obstruction of nasal passages, lungs, trachea, larynx, bronchi and pharynx by loosening phlegm, which promotes easy breathing and sound sleep. You can also add 2 drops of Niaouli oil in your rubs and massage it gently on your neck, chest and back for quicker relief.

4. Kills worms and insects:

This oil is also effective in killing intestinal worms like tape worms and round worms that interrupt the normal growth of the body and the regular process of metabolism. You can add 3 to 5 drops of Niaouli oil in warm bathing water or inhale the aroma of this oil by adding 2 drops to your diffuser for eliminating worms from your body. Niaouli essential oil can also be used along with your insect sprays and vaporizers for killing insects like ants, bugs and cockroaches.

5. Boosts immunity:

Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt says “Niaouli is an excellent general immune system booster and an agent to help one with allergic reactions.” Niaouli essential oil enhances the resistant power of your body to withstand against infections and micro organisms by strengthening your immunity. This oil has been proven mild and safe for everyone so you can add 2 drops of Niaouli oil to your diffuser to facilitate the fostering aroma of this oil fortify your immune power every day.

Other health benefits:

Inhaling the aroma of Niaouli essential oil especially during meditation is said to revive your senses, improve concentration and uplift the spirit. Niaouli oil is applied to the skin of the cancer patients before every session of cobalt therapy for protecting the skin against burning due to the radiation therapy for cancer. Niaouli is also used in cough drops, rubs, mouth sprays, toothpastes, gargles and certain other cosmetic products.


Never take essential oils internally as pure essential oils are highly concentrated liquids.  Avoid using essential oils directly on the skin and always remember to dilute it in appropriate carrier oils. This information is only for educational purposes and is not meant to replace prescription drugs or expert advice of your healthcare professional. Always consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before using the right essential oil for your specific constitution and health condition.

Thought for the day:

For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.          – Martin Luther

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Acne Diet: Holistic Plan to Achieve Clear, Youthful, Acne-Free Skin with Natural Nutrition, Stress Relief and Organic Skincare by Julie Gabriel
  2. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  3. Tea Tree: The Genus Melaleuca (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from CRC Press
  4. Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art by Kathi Keville, Mindy Green

Reference Links:

  1. Melaleuca quinquenervia by Wikipedia
  2. True Niaouli by Essential News
  3. Niaouli Essential Oil And Its Benefits by Yoga Wiz.Com
  4. Hygienic Massage with Essential Oils by Robert Tisserand

Geranium Oil

Euphoria is the feeling that you will experience with the inspiring and heartening floral aroma of Geranium essential oil, used for uplifting the spirit, alleviating nervous tension, relieving off-putting memories and negative emotions.

Geranium-bannerExtracted by steam distillation from the flowers and leaves of Pelargonium graveolens plant, Geranium essential oil is celebrated as an exceptional healing agent that helps in quickly repairing wounds, cuts and injuries including bone fractures.

Geranium is immune-system stimulating, firms and tightens tissue and is mood elevating”, says Bryan Miller and Light Miller in their book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy. Often used in improving the body’s ability to fight against illnesses, Geranium essential oil is used in Ayurvedic healing for stimulating the lymphatic system, assisting in menopausal and menstrual problems, relieving stress and for treating skin problems.

Purchase Geranium Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Geranium Oil – Wholesale – 1KG – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Geranium essential oil:

Geranium is native to Egypt and is also believed to have been originated in the Reunion Island of the Indian Ocean. It slowly spread to Madagascar, South Africa, the Congo, Morocco, Central America, England, Italy, Spain, Russia, China, France and India. The best quality Geranium essential oil is said to be from the Reunion Island, which was previously called as Ile de Bourbon and so the finest essential oil from this island is known as Geranium Bourbon-La-Reunion.

Geranium and its essential oil have been used in numerous Alternative medicinal practices for healing wounds and fractures. It is said that the ancient Greeks used Geranium for treating skin problems. Egyptians used Geranium oil for enhancing the beauty and radiance of their skin.

This plant was grown around homes in the ancient times to keep away from evil spirits. The traditional Africans used Geranium oil in the treatment of cholera and tumors. The Indian tribes in North America used Geranium tea prepared with its root powder to enhance the body’s immune power and treat ulcers and dysentery.

The essential oil of Geranium is said to have first distilled from its leaves by the popular French chemist Recluz in the 17th century. His discovery was then supported by numerous research studies by many botanists and chemists, insisting the therapeutic use of Geranium essential oil. The leaves and flowers of this plant have also been used as a flavoring agent in teas, ice creams, cakes, jellies, sorbets, jams and salads. It has also been used in making perfumes and beauty products.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Geranium oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Geranium oil constitutes of 20 chemical components that contribute to its fragrance, therapeutic attributes, consistency and quality of this oil. Of which, Citronellol contributes to the highest proportion of Geranium oil with about 35.0% of its total composition.

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I trust that this must certainly help you in getting to know the exclusive information about the prime chemical constituents of Geranium oil.

The table crafted below clearly depicts the unique nature and contributions of these bio-chemical constituents to the healing magnificence of Geranium essential oil.


Therapeutic properties of Geranium essential oil:

The remedial properties of this oil are antiseptic, anti-infectious, antibacterial, astringent, antimicrobial, cicatrisant, haemostatic, vulnerary, deodorant, cytophylactic, tonic, styptic, vermifuge, diuretic and immune-stimulant.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Geranium essential oil:

Ayurveda means the ‘knowledge of life’ and is a science of Mother Nature, which strongly states that Nature has all the cure in itself and illnesses occur where there is a lack of rhythm with nature. Health is a three-fold structure in Ayurveda, which states that perfect health is not just the nonexistence of diseases but the absolute balance of the mind, body and spirit.

Ayurvedic healing does not practice the ‘one size fits all’ methodology as it trusts that every individual is a unique part of nature with a distinctive combination of the five elements of nature, namely fire, water, earth, air and space, where earth is the physical body (muscles and bones), water is the blood, air is what we breathe, fire is the heat generated in our body for metabolism, absorption and body temperature and space is the spirit that dwells in.

Every human being is created with a unique individual constitution comprising of three biological energies known as doshas, which are nothing but a combination of the five elements of nature.

Vata dosha is a combination of air and space and is accountable for movements, nervous functions and respiration. Pitta is a combination of fire and water and is in charge of digestion, absorption, excretion and body temperature. Kapha dosha is an arrangement of water and earth and is responsible for structure of the body, cellular nourishment and lubrication of all the parts of body.

Ayurvedic texts state that every individual has a predominance of anyone of these doshas determines their character and personality. It also says that illnesses occur when there is a lack of balance between these three doshas.

When it comes to treatment, Ayurveda prescribes natural remedies including herbs, essential oils, physical exercises, healthy lifestyle, Ayurvedic routine, yoga, prayers and meditation, according to the unique individual constitution of a person in such a way that it corrects the doshic imbalances.

Geranium oil has the power to pacify aggravated vata, pitta and kapha doshas.

Let’s take a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Geranium essential oil:

geranium-broucher1. Excellent benefits to the skin:

Geranium essential oil is a historic remedy for treating numerous skin problems ranging from pimples to scars. It works wonders on the skin mainly because of the fact that it exceptionally suits all types of skin.

The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of Geranium oil heal and act as a shield to the skin mainly from the hazardous effects of acne. Using 2 drops of this oil in your face wash, skin cream, lotion or in face packs can assist in cleansing the skin thoroughly, regularizing the secretion of sebum and retains the natural oil and moisture content of the skin.

By this way, it prevents the formation of pimples, black heads and boils. Geranium oil is also effective in treating cellulite, eczema, dandruff and fungal infections like athlete’s foot and ringworm.

The major cause for those ugly scars on your facial skin or on any part of the body is due to lack of blood circulation leading to stagnation of toxic substances and dead skin cells that block the even circulation of melanin causing scars and marks to stay on the skin forever.

Geranium essential oil has cicatrisant and cytophylactic properties that promote blood circulation, assist proper distribution of melanin pigments, support the regeneration of dead skin cells and speeding up the growth of new skin cells.

Massaging the affected areas with 2 drops of Geranium oil blended with 1 ml of olive oil or in your regular skin care cream can be of great help in fading away your scars and bringing out the natural glow like never before.

2. Addresses feminine problems including menstruation and menopause:

Traditionally known as ‘women’s oil’, Geranium essential oil helps in treating feminine problems like excessive menstrual flow, vaginal infections and discharges during menopause.

Massaging your lower abdomen and back with 4 drops of Geranium essential oil mixed with 2 ml sesame oil helps in treating painful menstruation, excessive bleeding, mood fluctuations, fatigue and anxiety during menses and menopause.

Geranium oil has haemostatic properties that speed up the process of blood clotting and helps in controlling excess bleeding. It’s calming, soothing, tonic and stimulant properties relieves pain, stress and mood fluctuations during these ‘M&M’ times.

3. Soothes the mind:

Many recent studies have proved that Geranium essential oil stimulates the adrenal cortex, which helps in balancing the mind and grants the endurance to handle stress.

The invigorating floral fragrance along with a touch of refreshing mint aroma makes Geranium as an incomparable essential oil for alleviating stress, anxiety, fear, feelings of desertion, negative emotions, tension and agitation.

Add 5 drops of Geranium oil to warm bathing water, followed by 2 drops added to your diffuser can help in relaxing your mind, soothing your nerves and reviving your senses. This also helps in promoting peaceful sleep at night. With its assenting effects on the mind, Geranium is also recommended as a suitable oil to be used during meditation as it is trusted to guide one’s mind in the right path without confusions.

4. Heals wounds and injuries speedily:

Geranium essential oil is one among the classic natural remedies for healing wounds and injuries including fractures. It is also effective in treating hemorrhoids and is used as an important ingredient in herbal formulations for hemorrhoids treatment.

Applying 2 drops of Geranium essential oil mixed with 1 ml of coconut on the affected area aids in cleaning the wounds with its antiseptic and disinfectant properties, arrest the growth of infectious microbes and bacteria that may cause the wound to turn septic, speeds up the process of healing with its vulnerary properties, stimulates quick coagulation and blood clotting with its haemostatic properties.

A 2012 study on ‘Antibacterial activity and composition of essential oils from Pelargonium graveolens L’Her and Vitex agnus-castus L’ by the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences have stated that the essential oil of Pelargonium graveolens is active against all of the studied bacteria and the presence of β-citronellol in this volatile oil along with its possible synergistic effect with other constituents are accountable for its antibacterial effects.

5. Eliminates toxins effectively:

Accumulation of toxic substances, which are the remains of indigestion and improper metabolic functions, is the root cause lying behind numerous illnesses. These harmful remains are known as ‘ama’ in Ayurveda and numerous Ayurvedic texts state that the amassing of ama in human body can even lead to chronic illnesses.

Geranium essential oil is a natural diuretic agent that promotes the flow of urine and increases the frequency of urination, through which the toxic substances, excess salts and water in the body are eliminated easily.

This aids in stabilizing blood pressure, improving the proper functioning of the system, relieving swollen ankles, reducing inflammation, lessening rheumatic and arthritic pain due to toxic buildup and gradually treating obesity due to fluid retention. Mix 5 drops of Geranium oil in 2.5 ml of almond oil and massage it gently for discharging the harmful substances in the system.

6. Boosts the immune system:

The essential oil of Geranium has enormous tonic properties that strengthens the system, enhances the immune power and stimulates the proper functioning of all the parts of the body. Using Geranium essential oil in bathing water or steam inhalation or massage or in diffuser has positive effects on the digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, respiratory system and circulatory system.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Geranium oil blended with 5 ml jojoba oil or adding 5 drops of this oil to warm bathing water can assist in stimulating the adrenal glands, lymphatic system, upholding the natural balance of hormones, increasing the immunity and augmenting the body’s natural resistance to fight against illnesses.

Other health benefits:

Geranium oil is an excellent natural deodorant with its antibacterial properties that combat body odor and its floral fragrance that keeps one fresh all day long. 2 to 4 drops of this oil added to your diffuser can disinfect impure air, repel mosquitoes and other insects. 2 drops of Geranium oil added to steam inhalation can help relieve nasal congestion, tonsillitis and sore throat.


This article is only for the purpose of information and is not meant to heal or substitute any professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Never use essential oils internally and always consider to use essential oils topically in a diluted form as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause harmful effects if used straight on the skin.

Geranium oil is non-sensitizing, non-toxic and non-irritant but it is good to be avoided during pregnancy. Consult your Ayurvedic physician before choosing the right essential oils for your unique individual constitution and state of health.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Geranium oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and better usage.

Gas Chromatography Report (GC analysis) of Geranium oil.

Geranium Essential Oil – Possible Skin Issues:

Greener Life Diamond – Bio-Healthy Score => 3 – Possible Skin Issues.

See =>

In the midst of the 250 natural species and thousands of cultivars and hybrid varieties of the Pelargonium plant family, in the genus Geraniaceae and the most popular ones are Egyptian Geranium, Reunion or the Geranium Bourbon and the Moroccan varieties. Most of the varieties have a similar structure of chemical constituents with Citronellol and Geraniol being the prevalent components.

Geranium Bourbon essential oil is certified with GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as Geranium oil is mild and tested safe on individuals on a normal prescribed usage level.

Using Geranium oil in a concentrated form or beyond the safe level of use might cause adverse skin reactions like mild irritation, sensitization (lower risk), rashes, allergy, irritation of the eyes and contact dermatitis. Geranium oil is non-phototoxic in nature.

The primary chemical constituents that are held responsible for the adverse skin reactions of Geranium oil are citronellal and geraniol, where citronellal is reported to exhibit mild irritant effect along with sporadic sensitization and skin irritation and Geraniol is claimed for skin sensitization.

The safe dermal usage level for this oil is 17.5% by IFRA (International Fragrance Association) and this safety report is based on the 30% Geraniol content, which has a maximum dermal limit of 5.3%.

Research reports reveal the skin irritating effect of Reunion Geranium oil in an undiluted manner; this oil was slightly irritating when tested on mouse skin; when tested with 5% Bourbon Geranium oil on 100 repeated dermatitis patients, the result was placid with two irritant reactions. It has also been proved that cosmetics with Geranium oil formula have caused dermatitis in hypersensitive individuals.

Always blend Geranium essential oil in carrier oils like Olive oil, Jojoba oil or Coconut oil before using it topically. This is because organic and pure essential oils are extremely concentrated liquid substances that may impair the skin surface, when used in an undiluted form.

Essential oils are recommended only for external use and never ingest essential oils as it can cause serious health hazards. Administering Geranium oil orally in studies has witnessed acute dermal LD50 in rabbits. This may also cause possible drug interactions with antidiabetic medicines and the enzyme, CYP2B6 inhibiting effect of geraniol causes drug interaction metabolized by CYP2B6.

A recent study has witnessed this by testing alloxan-induced diabetic male rats with Geranium oil for about a month. The level of blood glucose was decreased by glibenclamide and the concentration of hepatic glycogen was significantly augmented.

As there are no evidenced reports on the safety of Geranium oil during pregnancy and lactating, it is safe to avoid this oil for it may have an impact on the hormonal fluctuations during these special moments. It is better to keep away Geranium oil from babies, either as a massage aid or for inhalation as it can harm their sensitive and tender skin.

Reference Links Substantiating the Possible Skin Issues of Geranium Oil:

  1. Geranium by Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals By Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young
  2. Geranium Toxicology by Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients, used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics by Ikhlas A. Khan and Ehab A. Abourashed
  3. Side effects of Geranium oil by
  4. Side effects and Safety of Geranium oil by WebMD

Thought for the day:

The course of Nature is the art of God.  -Edward Young

Suggested Reading:

  1. How to Use Geranium Essential Oil (Aromatherapy) by Miriam Kinai
  2. Growing Pelargoniums and Geraniums: A Complete Guide by Beryl Stockton, Geoff Stockton, John Mason
  3. Geraniums: The Complete Encyclopedia by Faye Brawner
  4. Geranium and Pelargonium: History of Nomenclature, Usage and Cultivation (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from CRC Press
  5. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller

Reference Links:

  1. Pelargonium graveolens by Wikipedia
  2. The Emotional, physical and health benefits of Geranium Essential Oil by HubPages
  3. Antibacterial activity and composition of essential oils from Pelargonium graveolens L’Her and Vitex agnus-castus L. by Ghannadi A, Bagherinejad M, Abedi D, Jalali M, Absalan B, Sadeghi N, published in PubMed
  4. Geranium by Daniele Ryman for the Aromatherapy Bible
  5. What are the benefits of Geranium oil in Aromatherapy by



Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea-tree-bannerTea tree oil is a knight in shining armor as it acts as a shield against all kinds of infections including bacterial, viral, fungal and microbial. It is a must-have essential oil in your medicine cabinet and can assist you in times of distress. Although Tea Tree has nothing to do with the tea we drink, I often remember this magnificent herb as a tea for the entire system that has the potential to heal, pacify and cure us in a number of ways.

The essential oil of Tea tree is extracted from the leaves of this tree. Ayurveda, the science of natural healing makes use of Tea tree and its essential oil for treating many infectious diseases, respiratory problems like asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis, venomous bites and skin problems like acne, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Purchase Tea Tree Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Tea Tree Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Tea tree oil:

Born in Australia, Tea tree is the love and pride of the Australian kingdom where more than 300 species of Tea trees grow naturally. The Aborigines are regarded as the first ones to use Tea tree leaves before thousands of years as an antiseptic for healing wounds, cuts, burns and insect bites.

It was the British explorer Captain Cook who named this tree as ‘Tea tree’ when he found the native people using the leaves of this tree in preparing a medicated tea and he used this drink to prevent scurvy in his men.

As an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic oil, Tea tree oil was prevalently used in war fields for healing the wound of soldiers (especially in the Australian Army during World War II) and keeping them protected from the infestation of harmful microbes.

One of the pools in Australia is known as the ‘Magical Lagoon’ just because it was surrounded by Tea trees and leaves fall in the water and make it a medicated bathing pool. People who take bath in this pool have said that it helped in healing burns, wounds and certain other skin infections.

Tea tree oil is held-high for its anti-poisonous effects and is generally known as Snake oil just because the fact that this oil has enormous detoxifying properties that aids in taking way the venom of a poisonous snake bite.

The fresh leave juice was also applied on the affected area for treating scorpion stings and other poisonous insect bites. Tea tree leaves are also used in poultices and the decoction extracted from boiling these leaves are known to heal wounds and inflammations both internally and externally.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Tea tree oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Tea tree oil constitutes of 8 chemical components that contribute to its unique fragrance, remedial properties and quality. Tea tree oil is enriched with about 41.9% of Terpinen-4-ol constituent.

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For knowing more about the specific information of these key constituents of Tea tree oil.

The table below on the Gas Chromatography report talks about the principal chemical constituents and its role in granting the therapeutic and other attributes to Tea tree oil.

Teatree-OilRemedial properties of Tea tree oil:

This oil has antimicrobial, fungicidal, antibacterial, antiviral, stimulant, disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antipyretic, vulnerary, expectorant, balsamic, cicatrisant, sudorific and insecticide.

The chemical constituents responsible for these therapeutic properties are 1,8-cineole, limonene, terpinen-4-ol, myrcene, a-pinene, linalool, sabinene, a-terpinene, y-terpinene, a-terpineol,  b-pinene a-phellandrene, terpinolene and p-cymene.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Tea tree essential oil:

Ayurveda is a holistic healing methodology that not only treats illnesses but aims to prevent it in future. It does not recommend same remedies for all even with the same disease as it regards that every individual is a unique part of nature and their illnesses should also be treated in a unique way.

For this, Ayurvedic treatment starts with identifying the unique individual constitution that is built up of 3 energy elements known as doshas. They are vata, kapha and pitta dosha. Vata is said to govern the movement of air, metabolic functions, process of elimination and much more.

Pitta is responsible for digestion, decision making, body temperature and creation of energy. The structure of our body, movement of fluids, skin health, stability and lubrication of joints are all controlled by kapha dosha.

Every human being is said to have a predominance of any one of these doshas that determines their personality, character and behavior. Balance between these three doshas indicates that a person is healthy and imbalance causes illness. Ayurvedic remedies like essential oils, herbs, yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic routine are prescribed in such a way that it helps in bringing perfect balance between these doshas.

Tea tree essential oil is said to have equal effects on all the three doshas with its cooling and moisturizing energies. The book on ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ by Light Miller and Bryan Miller states that Tea tree oil is extremely beneficial for skin, respiratory system and nervous system.

Let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Tea tree essential oil.Tea-tree-broucher1. Benefits to the skin and hair:

Tea tree essential oil has been proved 12 times better than carbolic acid that has been used as an antiseptic bactericide in primeval times. This is mainly because of its effectiveness in treating various skin ailments with its antimicrobial, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant and antiviral properties.

Tea tree oil is an excellent remedy for acne and this is substantiated by a 1990 study on ‘A comparative study of tea-tree oil versus benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne’, which states that both Tea tree oil and benzoyl peroxide are effective in treating acne.

It says that Tea tree showed “a significant effect in ameliorating the patients’ acne by reducing the number of inflamed and non-inflamed lesions (open and closed comedones)” with fewer side effects than BP where about 79 percent of people who used BP had various side effects like dryness, itching, stinging and burning sensation.

This exemplary oil also has antiseptic and cicatrisant properties that promote wounds, boils, cuts, burns and rashes to heal quickly. It reduces scars and marks by stimulating the growth of new skin cells and eliminates the dead skin cells.

Mix 2 drops of Tea tree oil with 15 drops of Jojoba oil or with your skin care cream or lotion and apply it on your acne for visible results and on your wounds for quicker healing. This blend is also effective on scars left by pox, accidents, acne, surgical and stretch marks.

Dandruff and lice are the major hair problems that screw your hair’s health most often. Being an effective fungicidal and antimicrobial oil, Tea tree oil fights against the harmful agents causing dandruff and nourishes the dry scalp with its moisturizing properties and it also kills head lice. Add 2 drops of Tea tree oil in your mild shampoo and massage it gently on your scalp for quick relief.

2. Benefits to the respiratory system:

Having enormous anti-infectious properties, Tea tree oil is one among the best essential oils for fighting against viral infections like cold, cough, congestion and other respiratory problems like sinusitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma and pharyngitis. Most of these problems start worsening when the infection spreads all over the system.

Tea tree oil fights against all kinds of contagious foreign bodies and arrest their further growth. The expectorant properties of this oil make it powerful in loosening the phlegm and mucous deposits that causes breathing difficulties.

Add 2 to 3 drops of Tea tree oil to warm bathing water and go for a refreshing bath. You can add 2 drops of this oil to steam inhalation for opening blocked nasal passages, treat chest congestion and get relief from headache and sinusitis. You can also add 2 drops of Tea tree oil to your rub and gently massage on your chest, neck and back for significant relief.

3. Benefits to the mind:

With its warm, spicy, refreshing, camphoraceous, soothing, aromatic-terpenic (monoterpenes of pine) fragrance pacifies and encourages the mind. Tea tree oil is said to appease the mind and body after shock, anxiety, fear and fatigue.

Massaging your body with 5 drops of tea tree oil blended with 40 to 45 drops of coconut oil can help in uplifting your mood, relax the muscles, strengthen your emotions and alleviate stress and depression. You can also add 3 drops of Tea tree oil to your burner, diffuser or vaporizer to encircle your mind with a clean and fresh feeling.

4. Guards against all kinds of infections:

Tea tree oil protects the body from harmful organisms and by killing the existing ones and preventing the growth of new ones. It strengthens your immunity and makes your body resistant against the effects of all kinds of infections.

A comparative study of Tea tree oil along with clotrimazole tested 112 people affected by toenails fungal infection and Tea tree oil was proved as powerful as an antifungal remedy. Add 2 drops of Tea tree oil in warm foot bath to cleanse your skin and kill the infectious agents on the skin followed by topical application of 2 drops of Tea tree oil with 8 drops of olive oil can help in treating fungal infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, fungal infection of the toenails, dermatitis, vaginal infections and other skin ailments caused due to fungi.

The study on ‘Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties’ proved that Tea tree oil is effective in fighting against numerous bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium avium, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pyogenes. This contributes to the antiseptic and antibiotic values of this oil.

This oil has been studied in Europe and US as an effective douching treatment for candida albicans. 5 drops of this oil added to 1 half pint of water can serve as a powerful vaginal douche Susanne Fischer-Rizzi.

Topical application of 2 drops of Tea tree oil mixed with 10 drops coconut oil aids in treating bed sores, psoriasis, abscesses, boils, wounds, insect bites, cold sores, diaper rashes, herpes, dermatitis, genito-urinary infections, cystitis, vaginal thrush, ear infections and deep wounds.

Other health benefits:

Tea tree has become a common ingredient in many popular anti-dandruff shampoos, acne soaps, skin care creams and lotions. It can also be used to treat rheumatic pain, bad breath, oral infections (as a gargle by adding 2 drops of this oil to warm water), cankers, candida, flea bites, jock itch, plantar warts, mosquito bites, sciatica, ticks, seborrhea, sunburn and much more.

Disclaimer: Never use essential oils internally. This article is only for the purpose of educations and is not meant for diagnosis or to replace any prescribed medication or professional advice. Always remember to use essential oils in a diluted form for topical application. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before using the right essential oil for your health condition and individual body type.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Tea tree essential oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and better usage.

Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Tea tree oil.

Thought for the day:

Nature teaches more than she preaches. There are no sermons in stones. It is easier to get a spark out of a stone than a moral. -John Burroughs

Suggested Reading:

  1. HEALING POWERS OF TEA TREE OIL (The Aromatherapy Professional: Healing with Essential Oils) By KG Stiles
  2. How to Use Tea Tree Oil – 90 Great Ways to Use Natures “Medicine Cabinet in a Bottle” – Acne, Boils, Head Lice, Nail Fungus, Ringworm, Skin Tags, – Health … Uses, Dilutions and Lots More! (What Is?) By Ruth Elston
  3. How to Use Tea Tree Essential Oil (Aromatherapy) By Miriam Kinai
  4. Australian Tea Tree Oil Guide By Cynthia Olsen

Reference Links:

  1. Tea tree oil by Wikipedia
  2. Tea tree oil by The American Cancer Society
  3. A comparative study of tea-tree oil versus benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne by Department of Dermatology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, NSW published in PubMed
  4. Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties by C. F. Carson, K. A. Hammer, and T. V. Riley published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews by the American Society For Microbiology