Mentha Oil

Mentha-oil-broucherAre you a mint? I mean, are you a cool-headed person? Life would be simply stupendous if all of us remain as cool as mint leaves. Yes! This miraculous herb in any form would drive in extraordinary coolness, where the mere sight of mint leaves gives coolness to the eyes; eating fresh mint leaves or mint-based gums implants long lasting freshness in the mouth; applying Mint oil on your body revives and refreshes the skin; inhaling its enlivening aroma instills peace and happiness and just hearing the word ‘mint’ itself pleases the ears. (Aha! Mint benefits all the five senses of healing.)

Mentha or mint has a long association with Ayurveda and the other entire Alternative and complementary healing methodologies. With its sattvic (power to enhance purity and harmony) and prana (life force or vital energy) enhancing properties, Mentha and its essential oil is trusted to heal a range of health conditions including depression, anxiety, nervous tension, lack of self-esteem, asthma, rheumatism, bronchial congestion, lack of appetite, fever, rheumatic conditions, halitosis, dandruff, acne, flatulence, bad breath and the list never ends.

Purchase Mentha Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Purchase Mentha Essential Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Therapeutic attributes and chemical constituents of Mentha essential oil:

The essential oil of Mentha has antidepressant, stimulant, carminative, antiseptic, cholagogue, expectorant, antispasmodic, antiphlogistic, antioxidant, stomachic, antimicrobial, nervine, antifungal, analgesic, detoxifying, anti-pruritic, diaphoretic and anti-flatulent properties.

The major chemical constituent of Mentha essential oil is menthol and the other components that make Menthol oil as worthy as its weight in gold are a-pinene, b-pinene, flavonoids, menthone, methyl acetate, limonene, b-caryophyllene and camphene.

History and traditional uses of Mentha and its essential oil:

Mentha is a plant genus in the family of mints known as Lamiaceae. There are about 20 species of plants and hybrid mint varieties in the Mentha genus. The most popular among them are Peppermint, Spearmint, Japanese Peppermint, Banana mint, Penny royal, Garden mint, Apple mint, Orange mint, Water mint, Wild mint, Forest mint and Asian mint.

Mentha arvensis, Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata are the most famous botanical (species) names of the Mentha family. Most often, all the members of this family share common chemical constituents and the corresponding remedial properties mainly due to the qualities acquired from the same genus Mentha (It’s parent).

Mint is the most friendly and quickly growing perennial plant and its origin has been referred to Asia and Europe. The history of ancient medicine has a handful of remedial references on Mentha and its varied significance.

The genus name Mentha has said to be obtained from Greek mythology, where Menthe, a nymph who was transmuted to a plant by Proserpine as a result of his jealousy on the love of Pluto for Menthe. Aha! Moment again and the credit goes to you ladies, as again like most of the tremendous plant varieties, Mint is also a female indeed!!

English physician, Dr. James Parkinson states “Mintes are sometimes used in Baths with Balm and other herbs as a help to comfort and strengthen the nerves and sinews. It is much used either outwardly applied or inwardly drunk to strengthen and comfort weak stomackes.”

“It is comfortable for the head and memory, and a decoction when used as a gargle, cures the mouth and gums, when sore. Garden Mint is most useful to wash children’s heads when the latter are inclined to sores, and Wild Mint, mixed with vinegar is an excellent wash to get rid of scurf. Rose leaves and mint, heated and applied outwardly cause rest and sleep”, says Nicholas Culpepper, the 17th century herbalist and physician.

The book Herball by the famous botanist John Gerard quotes Mint asthe smelle rejoiceth the heart of man, for which cause they used to strew it in chambers and places of recreation, pleasure and repose, where feasts and banquets are made.”

Pliny the elder, the Roman Natural philosopher says “The smell of Mint does stir up the minde and the taste to a greedy desire of meate. It will not suffer milk to cruddle in the stomach, and therefore it is put in milk that is drunke, lest those that drinke thereof should be strangled.”

Mint is a universal herbal remedy for various health problems, where the traditional Romans and Greeks used these miraculous leaves for treating indigestion, colic, pain and respiratory illnesses.

The primordial Europeans used Mint leaves for dealing with gall bladder disorders, flatulence, cough and other digestive mayhems. As a nourishing appetizer, Mint has been used in various mouth-watering dishes across the world including the cuisines of India, Asian subcontinent; Middle East, America and Britain.

Mentha leaves have been used in making traditional tea varieties in India, where mint tea is said to alleviate fatigue, anxiety and instill instant nourishment to the brain. Many research studies conclude that Mentha is a trusted remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.

The essential oil of Mentha has been used in the manufacturing of various things including soaps, dandruff shampoos, acne creams, skin care lotions, jellies, teas, candies, syrups, ice creams and beverages. Mentha is also a noted flavoring ingredient in toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gums, perfumes, cosmetics, pain balms and vaporizing ointments.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Mentha essential oil:

What is your thought about Ayurveda? What do you really think? Is your mind uttering that it is an ancient science, a traditional healing system, works slowly, needs patience during the healing tenure and at last you soothe stating that you don’t have much time to take up an Ayurvedic treatment.

Is Ayurveda still the “Road not taken” in your life? Then listen to me, you are not too far from attaining a healthy and harmonious life. More than just a medicinal system, Ayurveda is a complete and disciplined way of living. The word ‘Ayur + Veda’ simply means the knowledge of life.

All it needs to take up Ayurveda in your life is to do a thorough self-examination, for understanding your individual constitution (the innate rhythm of your system with nature) contributing to your physical set up, psychological attributes, spiritual element and your behavioral patterns.

You can take the help of an Ayurvedic expert to learn about your doshas and then frame your way of living that strikes absolute balance with nature. Ayurveda recommends Dinacharya or Ayurvedic routine, things to follow in your day-to-day living for prevention of illnesses and increased life span.

The rich historical reference of Ayurveda vests with India for about 5,000 years, where it is believed to be a gift of the Lord of Creation (Brahma) to the Lord of Medicine (Dhanvantari). This sacred science of healing was taken to the next level by the Ayurvedic philosophers Acharya Charaka and Acharya Sushruta, the masterminds behind the Ayurvedic encyclopedias Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.

According to Ayurveda, every individual is unique with a distinct individual constitution, likewise their health conditions should also be treated in a unique manner even if it is for the treatment of the same sickness.

The first Ayurvedic consultation with your Ayurvedic practitioner helps you to identify your medical history, Prakriti (unique individual constitution – combination of 3 doshas) and the most suitable treatment methodologies exclusively for your physical, emotional and spiritual conditions.

Ayurvedic essential oils (prana or the life force of plants), herbal medications (fresh, dried herbs or herbal infusions), yoga, simple physical exercises, meditation, prayers, Ayurvedic routine, Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massaging), and Pranayama (balanced breathing), Panchakarma (detoxification techniques) are the major Ayurvedic remedies prescribed often.

These medications aim at balancing the doshic irregularities due to changes in lifestyle, code of conduct, food habits, weather and work conditions. Ayurveda recommends the use of Mentha and its essential oil for aggravating vata dosha and pacifying pitta and kapha energies.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Mentha essential oil are:

  1. By far the best remedy for irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders:
  2. Magical spell for relieving pain and inflammation:
  3. Depression or fear of failure? Embrace Mentha for sure:
  4. Say goodbye to bad breath and other oral problems:
  5. Breathe easy – Mentha for your respiratory woes:
  6. Share the joy of healing skin problems:

Mentha-OIl1. By far the best remedy for irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders:

Pitta dosha is combination of fire and water. This dosha is responsible for metabolic functions, body temperature and cognitive abilities. Pitta dosha is often associated with the stimulation of Agni or the digestive fire.

Pitta vitiation ends up in excessive secretion of gastric juices, digestive acids and other digestive enzymes, which in turn rest on the stomach or intestinal lining. This ends up in gastric ulcer, irritation of the bowel and intestines.

Mentha is known for its potent to pacify pitta or the digestive fire with its cooling and soothing effects. It is for this reason; Mentha and its essential oil are used for treating irritable patterns in the intestines and bowels.

Michael T. Murray, Naturopath and the known author of “The Encyclopedia of healing foods” says that Mentha oil calm down the muscles and walls of the stomach and intestines, which aids in alleviating indigestion, abdominal cramps and pain associated with irritation and irregular bowel movements.

The stimulating, refreshing and energizing aroma of Mentha oil makes it an effective remedy in controlling vomiting (for which it is called as vatihari in Ayurveda, means one that prevents vomiting), bloating and nausea especially during travel. Wearing 2 drops of Mentha oil to your hankie or a tissue and inhaling the uplifting aroma while travelling can pacify the digestive system and protect you from the inconveniences of puking on the go.

A 2010 study published in the “Digestive diseases and sciences” journal has concluded that Mint oil considerably lessened pain in the abdomen and enhanced the lives of people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Massaging your abdomen with 4 drops of Mentha oil, 2 drops of Marjoram oil and 2 ounces of coconut oil can assist in relieving flatulence, bloating, motion sickness, belching, heartburn, abdominal spasms and peristalsis with its stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, stomachic and anti-flatulent properties.

2. Magical spell for relieving pain and inflammation:

Mentha is absolutely one among the top 10 essential oils for its ability to discard all forms of stagnation in the system including lungs, stomach, gall bladder, kidneys, lymphatic tissues and blood.

According to Ayurveda, stagnation or retention of fluids, toxic remains, salt, uric acid, and fat deposits invite numerous foreign bodies and the corresponding disorders by deteriorating the functions of the system.

Fluid retention is a kapha disorder and is the key to rheumatic conditions, edema, joint pain, obesity, low level of insulin resistance, fibroids, increased blood pressure and heart problems.

With its power to reduce kapha imbalance, Mentha oil assists in treating pain, inflammation and flushing out excess fluids and toxic remains in the system. These remedial benefits are attributed to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diaphoretic properties.

A gentle massage with 5 drops of Mentha oil, 3 drops of Ginger oil with 4 ounce of Evening primrose oil can assist in reducing pain by causing numbness in the aching area, eliminating toxic remains and surplus fluids by promoting frequent sweat and urination and soothing the tensed muscles and nerves.

3. Depression or fear of failure? Embrace Mentha for sure:

Stress, depression, anger, fear of failure, feelings of loneliness and other mental worries eats up your intellect and your power to fight back and triumph.

Mentha essential oil has an extraordinarily soothing, invigorating, heartening and reviving aroma that grants you the perfect power of resisting your mental maladies, encouraging your power to rise up, augmenting your intellectual abilities, clearing the mental blocks, calming your nerves and your entire system from within.

Called as Sugandhi patra for its inspiring aromatic leaves, Ayurveda states that Mentha oil has a positive impact on:

  • Throat chakra or Visukthi (genuineness and the power to communicate bravely).
  • Solar plexus chakra or Manipuragam (self-esteem and self-confidence).
  • Sacral chakra or Svathishtanam (pleasure, abundance and well-being).
  • Root chakra or Moolatharam (power of survival).

Adding 2 drops of Mentha oil, 1drop of Vetiver oil and 1 drop of Patchouli oil in your vaporizer, burner or diffuser especially during Pranayama, meditation and prayers can grant in opening, relaxing, clearing and activating all the associated chakras or the points of subtle energy.

This rewards the power of overcoming loneliness, negative emotions and helps in exhibiting the supremacy of being a self-confident, legitimate, intellectual, cool-headed, fearless and productive person. This also helps in enhancing your concentration power, treat memory loss and vent out your hatred feelings and jealousy.

You can also add this blend in your bath or in your aromatic candles before bedtime.

4. Say goodbye to bad breath and other oral problems:

Bad breath or halitosis is not just a symbol of poor oral hygiene. Instead, the common underlying causes are poor digestion and retention of ama or toxic remains in the body.

Mentha essential oil has disinfectant, antimicrobial, cooling, energizing and refreshing attributes that helps in killing germs and microbes responsible for oral problems like gingivitis, cavities, mouth ulcers and bad breath.

Mixing 2 drops of Mentha oil and 1 drop of Lemon oil in a cup of warm water for gargling, preferably twice (morning and night) in a day after brushing can help in healing mouth sores and bleeding gums. It also assists in refreshing the breath and treat cavities, gingivitis (gum inflammation) etc.

5. Breathe easy – Mentha for your respiratory woes:

Trouble-free breathing is a gift to mankind as the healing powers and the life force or prana of Mother Nature enter the system through breathing in and toxins in the system are purged through breathing out.

The essential oil of Mentha has excellent decongestant (attributed to the presence of menthol), expectorant and stimulant properties that help in treating asthma and other breathing difficulties caused due to respiratory conditions.

Steam inhalation with 2 drops of Mentha oil and 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil followed by a gentle massage with this blend added to your mild vaporizing cream can help in opening up blocked nasal and bronchial passages, clearing congestion by loosening the phlegm and mucous deposits, relieving headache associated with sinusitis and migraine and in relieving fever, runny nose, itchy eyes and other associated symptoms of cold.

6. Share the joy of healing skin problems:

Pimples???? No more panics as Mentha promises in clearing excess oil, sebum, dirt and other harmful microbes in the sebaceous glands. It controls the secretion of sebum and allows the skin to nurture from within.

Skin impurities are again a symbol of ama or toxic deposits in the system. Ayurveda states that about 70% of the toxic elements in the body are discarded through exhalation. Wow! Amazing news right!

Just rush to add 2 drops of Mentha oil with 1 drop of Rosemary oil in your burner in the early hours of the day during your Pranayama or the technique of conscious breathing.

As it penetrates deeply with its light and subtle qualities, the therapeutic values of Mentha oil pass through the nasal passages in the form of aromatic molecules and reach the limbic system (control center of the brain).

You can experience the difference in the texture of skin after regular practice of Pranayama with Mentha magic, as all the microbes and toxic substances are washed out during slow and steady exhalation.

You can also add 2 drops of Mentha oil with 2 drops of Lavender oil and 1 ounce of Jojoba oil and dab externally for treating wounds, pimples, cuts, abrasions, itching, candida and other inflammatory conditions of the skin.

Other health benefits:

Mentha and its mystical essential oil are also used in the treatment of dandruff, wrinkles, cancerous growths, cough, insect bites, impotence, hay fever and more.


This article is only for the purpose of education. It is not meant for curing any health condition or for replacing any prescription medicines or advice of medical experts. We are not health professionals and this article focuses on widening the horizons of Ayurveda, the mother of all remedial science on earth.

Mentha essential is meant only for topical use. This is due to the fact that pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and may cause adverse allergic reactions if used directly on the skin. Do take ingest essential oils.

Consult with your Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before selecting the appropriate essential oils for your individual constitution and health condition. Care should be taken in using essential oils if you are pregnant or nursing. Keep essential oils away from children.

Thought for the day:

Learn character from trees, values from roots and change from leaves.

-By Tasneem Hameed

Suggested Reading:

  1. Mint: The Genus Mentha (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from Brand: CRC Press
  2. Mentha by Dinesh Kumar Singh, Prasann Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Mishra
  3. Growing and Cooking with Mint: Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletin A-145 by Glenn Andrews
  4. Teas for Life: 101 Herbal Teas for Greater Health by Diane Kidman
  5. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice by Sebastian Pole

Reference links:

  1. Mentha by Wikipedia
  2. Mint: Health Benefits, Uses and Risks by Medical News Today
  3. Mints by
  4. What are the benefits of Mint leaves? By Tracey Roizman, Demand Media
  5. Studies on activity of various extracts of Mentha arvensis Linn against drug induced gastric ulcer in mammals by Ramesh L Londonkar and Pramod V Poddar, published in PubMed

Caraway Oil

Caraway-bannerWhich Ayurvedic oil ‘warms the kidneys’ and ‘moves the liver’? Ah! Wait! Wait! Don’t panic, it is Caraway essential oil that has the potent to cleanse the liver, detoxify the system and discharge toxins, salt, uric acid and excess fluid deposits in the system through urine.

Also known as Persian cumin, Meridian fennel and Shahi jeera, Caraway is one among the 3000 species of plants of the Umbelliferae family dispersed throughout the world. The essential oil is extracted from the dried seeds through steam distillation method.

The Sanskrit name of Caraway is karavi and it is one among the oldest culinary herb used in Ayurvedic healing since the Stone Age. Caraway and its essential oil is being used in Ayurveda for treating diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, morning sickness, colic, dyspeptic headache, bloating, cold, cough, rheumatism, inflammation, delayed menstruation, genitourinary problems, anemia, obesity and hormonal imbalances.

Purchase Caraway Essential Oil – 4oz – CLICK HERE 

Historical uses of Caraway and its essential oil:

Indigenous to Western Asia, Europe and Northern Africa, Caraway is botanically called as Carum carvi. The roots of the Caraway herb were mixed with milk and used in the preparation of Chara – the bread that was taken by Julius Caesar and his soldiers of Valerius.

Caraway has been carved in the ancient scriptures and gained esteem during the middle ages. The recent research from Arabic regional studies recommend “Carum carvi use as an endocrine function support agent, specifically related to thyroid disorders and auto immune disease.”

Parkinson mentions its healing attributes in one of his works which quotes Caraway ‘is much used to be put among baked fruit, or into bread, cakes, etc., to give them a relish. It is also made into comfits and taken for cold or wind in the body, which also are served to the table with fruit.’

It was a tradition to serve a saucer full of Caraway with roasted apple and is still kept in Trinity College, London. Caraway seeds were used as the best condiment in Greece, Rome, Russia, Norway and Sweden. Caraway essential oil is used as an active ingredient in the preparation of alcoholic liquors. It is also used in the Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating hiccups, hernia, lower back pain, lack of appetite and nausea.

The Ebers Papyrus of the African medicine, dated 1500 B.C. prescribe Caraway for treating gastrointestinal problems. People in the primeval period believed that the presence of Caraway in any object will be protected from theft. It was also used in love potions to keep the lovers away from wandering and was given to pigeons and other fowls to keep them away from straying.

Alleged to be first used by the ancient Arabs, Caraway seeds are used in Arabic medicine as a carminative for children and to treat psychological conditions such as hysteria. It is used as a diuretic to treat hypertension and diabetes in Moroccan traditional medicine. Caraway water is used as a medium for pediatric medicines and vapors obtained from Caraway seeds is trusted to alleviate rheumatism and lumbago.

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Caraway essential oil:

Owing major similarities to the other members of the Apiaceae (also known as Umbelliferae) family, Caraway essential oil have carvone and limonene as its major components and the other constituents are carvacrol, α-pinene, γ-terpinene, linalool, furfurol, thujone, carvenone, and p-cymene.

Caraway also serves as a rich source of fatty acids, lignin, vitamins, amino acids, polysaccharides, triacylglycerols and numerous minerals such as copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc and iron.

Caraway essential oil has been in use since antiquity for its countless therapeutic properties like carminative, astringent, antispasmodic, eupeptic, antihistaminic, antiseptic, aperitif, antimicrobial, disinfectant, emmenagogue, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic, digestive, insecticide, diuretic, galactogogue, cardiac, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-stress and vermifuge.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Caraway essential oil:

Ayurveda is the oldest healing sciences known to the world and is said to have been in practice for more than 5,000 years. The most notable thing about Ayurveda is that its healing practices are recorded systematically in the form of literature.

Among the 4 major sacred books of the Indian Mythology, Atharvana Veda records the Ayurvedic therapies and about 114 verses of this sacred book shares the symptoms and diagnostic techniques of numerous health disorders.

Ayurveda is a holistic healing methodolgy that treats the individual instead of the symptoms and traces the root cause of an illness. By this way, this ancient common sense science focuses on prevention of illnesses leading through healthy aging process to longevity.

Based on the Vedic references of Ayurveda, two ancient Ayurvedic texts were written by the legendary Ayurvedic physicians known as Charaka and Sushruta, who wrote Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.

These Ayurvedic encyclopedias states that everything is a part of nature and the human body is a combination of the five elements known as Panchamaha Bhoothas, namely fire, water, earth, air and space.

Every person is made up of a unique individual constitution that consists of three dynamic energies known as doshas (vata -air & space, pitta – fire & water and kapha -water & earth), which are a combination of the elemental forces of nature.

For a person to be hale and healthy, these doshas should always remain in a specific ratio as set by nature and any change in the functioning or the balance between these doshas cause illnesses. Imbalance of these biological energies mainly occurs due to food habits (mainly depending on the quality of the food taken), change in weather conditions and lifestyle changes.

Ayurvedic remedies like plant essential oils, herbs, yoga, meditation, prayers, Abhyanga or art of Ayurvedic massaging, Panchakarma or the detox technique and Ayurvedic routine are recommended based on the Prakriti or the unique individual constitution of a person and for correcting the imbalances of dosha.

Caraway essential oil has the potent to reduce kapha and vata doshas and increase pitta dosha, making its use inevitable in the treatment of respiratory problems, skin disorders, spasms, cramps, bloating and other digestive disorders.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Caraway essential oil are:caraway-broucher-info1. Combats the growth of free radicals:

Caraway essential oil serves as an effective antioxidant with its rich content of monoterpene alcohols, linalool, flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds. This helps in destroying and inhibiting the growth of free radicals, which are responsible for cellular oxidation.

Certain scientific studies conclude that the dietary supplementation of Caraway to rats induced with colon cancer suppressed the crypt foci development and decreased the level of fecal bile acids and alkaline phosphatase which affects the epithelial cells of the colon and the rectum if not kept under control. The presence of carvone and limonene helps in reducing the lipid peroxidation products of the intestines and the colon.

Moreover the chemical compounds such as anethofuran, carvone and limonene are potential cancer chemo-preventive agents that build a protective shield against various mutagens such as dimethylnitrosamine, nitrosodimethlyamine, methylazoxymethanol acetate and inhibit the development of stomach cancers in mice induced by diethylsitosamine.

The antioxidant property of Caraway essential oil also makes it an efficient anti-carcinogenic, apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-mutagenic agent. As an apoptotic, Caraway essential oil proves fruitful against human leukemia cells and it also anti-proliferates the tumor cells.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Caraway oil blended with 5 ml of Coconut oil can help in controlling the growth of free radicals and enhance the immune power of the system to shield against the harmful effects of the cancerous cells.

2. Makes you free from toxins:

Caraway essential oil serves as an excellent detoxifier, which assists in promoting active metabolism and excretion of harmful toxins or ama in the body. A 2007 research on the diuretic effect of Caraway essential oil on normal rats states that it increased the frequency and quantity of urine in a 24 hour period. It increased the level of sodium and potassium in the urine while that of the plasma remained unchanged.

Adding 2 to 3 drops of Caraway oil in warm bathing water or in a massage blend with 10 drops of this oil mixed with 5 ml of olive oil helps in excreting the toxins, fats, uric acid, salt and excess fluid deposits with ease. By this way, Caraway oil aids in alleviating hypertension, promoting weight loss and treating inflammation caused due to water retention.

Ayurvedic texts adore Caraway seed oil as a liver-friendly oil that support in protecting the liver from the encountering of highly toxic substances. In addition to this, its antimicrobial attribute clears out urinary tract infections. Caraway essential oil is a great source of dietary fiber.

3. Aids in proper digestion:

Caraway essential oil has been in use since the prehistoric period for its pitta-enhancing properties that stimulates the Agni or digestive fire, secretion of gastric and digestive juices. This attribute is responsible for the carminative, digestive and stomachic properties of Caraway oil. Its flavonoids, fatty acids and triacylglycerols help in reducing inflammation in the intestines and relieving smooth muscle contractions induced by spasmogens.

With flavonoids and monoterpene alcohols acting as natural stimulants, Caraway essential oil regulates the secretion of the digestive enzymes and its rich mineral content aid in complete absorption of the dietary nutrients. It raises the temperature of the body and speed up the process of metabolism thus preventing constipation and it helps in regulating the bowel movements.

A 2011 study on the various healing attributes of Caraway essential oil proves the antibacterial activity of this oil against gram negative bacteria such as helicobacter pylori which is identified as the primary etiological factor associated with the onset of various gastrointestinal ailments such as gastric carcinoma, gastritis and peptic ulcer. It blends well with Peppermint oil in treating non-ulcer dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Inhaling the refreshing aroma of Caraway oil by adding 2 drops of this oil in diffuser or burner along with massaging your abdomen with 5 drops of Caraway oil blended with 2.5 ml of sesame oil can effectively treat diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, morning sickness, dyspepsia, heartburn due to indigestion, gastrointestinal disorders, stomachic ulcers, intestinal worms and parasites and colic.

Carvone which owes the credit of the anti-inflammatory attribute of Caraway essential oil actively reduces the production of prostaglandin and increases the production of leukotriene thus helping in alleviating colic for which reason Caraway seeds boiled in hot water was used in treating infants with colic. As an effective antimicrobial agent, Caraway oil destroys the harmful microbes in the stomach and inhibits the growth of intestinal pathogens.

4. Alleviates menstrual discomforts and other womanly problems: 

Caraway essential oil has reproductive and estrogenic parameters due to the presence of flavonoids and apigenin. It increases and regulates the secretion of estrogen. Moreover it’s rich iron, calcium and vitamin content stimulates the secretion of hemoglobin and regulates  blood flow to the uterus.

Massaging your lower abdomen, genital area and thighs with 5 drops of Caraway oil blended with 2.5 ml of Almond oil aids in opening up blocked menstruation and alleviates menstrual irregularities, dysmennorhea, menstrual cramps and associated mood swings. It relaxes the uterus and helps in its contraction facilitating the process of child birth before delivery.

Furthermore this oil possesses galactogogue properties, where the mammary glands are induced and the secretion of milk in lactating mothers is increased. Nursing mothers who use Caraway essential oil benefits their baby as well from colic and other stomachic discomforts.

5. Relieves common cold and other respiratory infections:

Common cold and certain other respiratory problems are often known as the most annoying ailments of mankind of all ages.

According to Ayurveda, excess of Kapha element in the body cause water retention, formation of mucus and phlegm deposits in the body. As a natural kapha reducing agent, Caraway essential oil can help in clearing off the phlegm and mucus secretion that often obstruct the nasal passages and block the respiratory tract.

Being a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, Caraway essential oil destroys all the harmful microbes that cling onto the respiratory tract resulting in infections and huge deposits of mucus and phlegm. Carvone, limonene and linalool play a major role in destroying the infectious microbes and hold antihistamine properties that calm down the muscles causing coughing spasms.

2 to 3 drops of Caraway oil added to steam inhalation along with the gentle massaging of your chest, throat and back with 2 drops of this oil mixed in your regular decongesting ointment or rub can help in loosening the deposits of mucus and phlegm, aid in its excretion and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis, laryngitis and sore throat.

6. Alleviates skin disorders:

Caraway essential oil is a powerful antiseptic that helps in treating acne, boils, scabies and itches. It is used in cleansing the wounds as it destroys the presence of micro-organisms and prevents it from spreading and becoming septic, thus protecting one from the onset of tetanus with its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Carvone and limonene components present in Caraway oil have enormous anti-oxidant properties that strengthen the connective tissues and confer potent effects on aging symptoms and clears out wrinkles, lessens the sagging of skin and aids in tissue regeneration. This oil is also used in the manufacturing of skin care lotions, creams and ointments for reducing wrinkles and acne.

Rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc, Caraway essential oil helps in regulating the growth and development of cells and aids in improved natural complexion of the skin. Mix 2 drops of Caraway oil with 1 ml of Coconut oil or your mild skin care cream or lotion and gently massage on your skin in circular movements for visible results.

7. Instills tranquility:

Caraway essential oil serves as a boon to mankind with its pleasing aroma and its therapeutic compounds that have a soothing effect on the mind and instills feelings of trust and harmony. It acts as a tonic for the nerves and encourages positive thoughts in a person and eases the mental strain while making one to feel full of life and energy.

The best way to use Caraway essential oil for emotional benefits is to add 2 drops of this oil in burner, vaporizer, diffuser, aromatic candles or your pillow cover for boosting up your system and revitalizing you from within.

Other health benefits of Caraway oil:

Caraway essential oil is also used in treating rheumatism, toothaches, eye infections and inflammations. It is used as a flavoring agent in mouth-wash, gargle preparations, toothpastes, soaps, lotions, perfumes and incense sticks. It also serves as an insecticide and a potential natural fumigant for stored products. With its strong yet pleasing aroma it refreshes your breath and hence used in the manufacturing of mouth fresheners, toothpastes and other oral care products.


This is only for educational use and is not meant to prevent or diagnose any health condition or substitute any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. This information is shared only with the concern of highlighting the importance of Ayurvedic healing, the traditional wisdom of holistic remedy and we are not medical professionals. Do not use essential oils internally.

Ensure that you dilute essential oils in appropriate carrier oils before using it externally on the skin as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances. It is advisable to consult your Ayurvedic professional/ healthcare expert before choosing the appropriate essential oil for your state of health and unique individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift. -Albert Einstein

Suggested Reading:

  1. Caraway: The Genus Carum (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) from CRC Press
  2. Aromatherapy for the Soul: Healing the Spirit with Fragrance and Essential Oils by Valerie Ann Worwood
  3. The Nursing Mother’s Herbal (The Human Body Library) by Sheila Humphrey

Reference Links:

  1. Caraway by Wikipedia
  2. Essential oil content in Caraway species (Carum carvi) by J.Sedlakovai, B. Kicourkova, L. Lojkovai and V.Kubani of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Czech Republic
  3. Cuminum Cyminum and Carum carvi by R.K. Johri published in PubMed
  4. The effects of Carum carvi L. (Caraway) extract and essential oil on TNBS-induced colitis in rats published in PubMed

Clove Leaf Oil

Clove-leaf-bannerAre you on a voyage to turn over a new leaf in your drowning health regimen? Then step into the room of fitness by switching to Clove leaf and its rejuvenative essential oil. Used as a culinary and healing herb across the world, Clove leaves and its unopened flower buds steal the show in treating enormous health conditions.

With the botanical name Syzigium aromaticum (Eugenia caryophyllata), Clove is known in the world of Ayurveda as “Devapushpa”, meaning sacred flower and as “Devakusum”, which means flower of Deities.

Commonly called as Laung in India, Clove leaf and its essential oil have been noted as Vaktra kleda daurgandhya nashana, means it is used medicinally for treating bad breath and problems in the oral cavity.

It is also used in various Ayurvedic treatments of halitosis, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatic problems, tonsillitis, indigestion, bronchitis, asthma, osteoporosis, breathing difficulty, sore throat, premature ejaculation, diabetes, impotence, toothache, gingivitis, periodontitis and few other oral conditions.

Purchase Clove Leaf Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Purchase Clove Leaf Essential Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Clove leaf oil:

Clove is an evergreen tree, which is found growing in plenty in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Singapore, Mauritius, Pakistan, Tanzania, and India (Kerala and Tamilnadu). It is indigenous to the celebrated Spice Islands, the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia.

The most popular herbalist, Hildegard of Bingen suggested Clove for treating swelling of the intestines, gout, hiccups and nasal congestion. The Western herbalism used Clove leaf and its flower buds in the treatment of erectile problems, tooth decay, poor circulation, vomiting, bad breath and sluggish digestion.

The use of Cloves in the TCM or the Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back to 207 B.C. Called as Ding xiang, this miraculous herb is being used for alleviating infections in the kidneys, digestive disorders, impotence, nausea, hernia and various skin problems like ringworm and certain other fungal infections. With its warm and acrid properties, Clove was indeed used as a trusted Chinese remedy for fortifying the functions of the spleen, kidneys and the stomach meridians.

The tea prepared with Clove leaf and buds have been used in the Tibetan and other traditional medicines for multiple sclerosis, inflammation and certain autoimmune disorders. The essential oil is also recommended for treating hypnotic muscles, arthritic pain and rheumatic conditions.

Clove is one among those prized natural remedies in Ayurveda and is used topically for treating toothache, oral cavities, chest congestion, improper blood circulation, slow metabolism, bloating, sore throat and cough.

Chewing the fresh leaves and buds of the Clove tree were used as natural breath freshener and is a folklore remedy for fighting against germs, bad breath, intestinal infections and gum problems.

An herbal infusion prepared with Clove leaves and buds powder along with powdered black pepper, dry ginger, and borax is a proven herbal remedy for relieving bronchitis and asthmatic attacks.

Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Clove leaf oil:

The essential oil of Clove leaf contains eugenol (about 82 to 88%) as the major ingredient, which contributes to its numerous healing values. Other major chemical components of Clove oil are vanillin, caryophyllene, acetyl eugenol, crategolic acid, beta-caryophyllene, methyl salicylate, bicornin, eugenitin, gallotannic acid, eugenin, stigmasterol, kaempferol, oleanolic acid, rhamnetin, monoterpenes, ketones, aldehydes and certain sesquiterpenes.

The primary therapeutic properties of Clove leaf oil are analgesic, carminative, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, digestive, anesthetic, stimulant, appetizing, diaphoretic, aphrodisiac, antifungal, anti-carcinogenic and blood cleansing.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Clove leaf essential oil:

“Knowledge of life” is all the word ‘Ayurveda’ means. Being a holistic healing approach, the wings of Ayurveda covers everything for addressing a human to be healthy, including his physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The most renowned Ayurvedic philosopher Charaka quotes, “The three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.”

Ayurveda regards human body as a temple and trusts that the pure soul dwells in. It aims at maintaining the purity of the soul by keeping the mind, body and spirit clean with clean habits, healthy food regimen, yoga, meditation and prayers for nurturing the mind and the spirit.

The root of Ayurveda is vested with India, the land of the richest and oldest historical values. It is said to be in existence for about 5000 years. This ancient healing methodology states that everything is a part of Mother Nature and is made of the five fundamental elements of nature, including fire, earth, water, air and space.

Ayurveda is a comprehensive healing science that regards every individual as a unique entity, as it strongly believes that no two persons are same in physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. With this firm foundation, Ayurveda prescribes unique remedies for each individual based on their unique individual constitution or doshas (combination of the elements of nature).

The three doshas are vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water) and kapha (earth and water). Every individual is created with a unique combination of these doshas. According to Ayurveda, absolute health means striking perfect balance with nature and sickness or ill-health is an indication that a person is out of balance with nature due to irregular eating routine, change in weather conditions and behavioral changes.

Ayurveda recommends natural medications including Ayurvedic essential oils, Ayurvedic routine, Pranayama or the balanced breathing technique, herbal remedies, Panchakarma or the art of Ayurvedic detoxification, yoga, meditation and prayers based upon an individual’s unique constitution and for treating doshic imbalances.

Clove leaf and its essential oil with the warm and soothing properties assist in augmenting pitta energy and pacifying kapha and vata doshas in excess.

The most predominant Ayurvedic health benefits of Clove leaf oil are:Clove-leaf-broucher1. Excellent support for oral conditions:

The antibacterial and anodyne properties of Clove and its essential oil make it an excellent cure for administering dental emergencies and oral problems. This formula is used in mouthwash liquids, toothpastes and dental creams for fighting against germs, bacteria and other micro-organisms that affect oral health.

A 2006 study conducted by the Kuwait University have witnessed that a medication prepared with Clove is as effective as a benzocaine gel when used as a topical anesthetic for intraoral injections.

The pain-relieving or analgesic properties and numbness or anesthetic properties of Clove leaf oil is attributed to the presence of eugenol component. Numerous research studies conclude that eugenol reveals pharmacological actions on all parts of the human system as it possess anti-inflammatory and free radical scavenging effects.

A recent research based in Argentina has proved that the essential oil of Clove is an effective antiseptic and antimicrobial agent for oral infections and fights effectively against Escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus and certain other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Gargling with a cup of warm water infused with 2 drops of Clove leaf oil can help in reducing toothache, discarding bacteria, germs and other hazardous micro-organisms in the mouth. This is an excellent natural remedy for refreshing your breath daily.

Treating your tooth pain even before visiting your dentist is as simple as biting a Clove bud in the painful tooth. You can also add 1 drop of Clove leaf oil in a small cotton ball and keep it on the painful area. This helps in reducing the pain by causing numbness in the painful area.

2. Promising digestive aid:

Clove leaf and the essential oil extracted from these magical leaves is a powerful natural remedy for assisting proper digestion. Being an effective carminative and anthelmintic, Clove leaf oil has the power to enhance the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and support bowel movements along with peristalsis.

Ayurveda states that indigestion is the root cause of many health conditions as it permits the toxic substances to remain in the system thus deteriorating their normal functions. Clove has numerous remedial benefits in Ayurveda for treating digestive disorders.

It is called as chardi for treating vomiting, shula for relieving colic pain in the abdomen, adhmana for its potent against abdominal gaseous distension and bloating, paachana and deepana for augmenting digestive power and ruchya for enhancing taste and relieving tastelessness.

Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Clove oil blended with 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil and 1 drop of Ajowan essential oil along with 2 ml of sesame oil can help in stimulating the secretion of bile, hydrochloric acid and other gastric juices responsible for digestion.

This assists in alleviating intestinal gas, abdominal pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting, intestinal worms, sluggish digestion, constipation and bloating. Inhaling the warming aroma by adding 1 drop of Clove leaf oil to a hankie or your wrist especially before eating can support quicker digestion.

3. Heals an extensive range of skin problems:

Clove leaf oil has antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant and blood cleansing properties that elates its stand as an excellent remedy for skin problems. Again, eugenol compound plays a vital role in treating skin problems with its antiseptic and antioxidant properties.

The essential oil of Clove is effective against fighting fungi, virus, bacteria and other harmful foreign bodies. Blending 2 drops of Clove leaf oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil with 2 ml of Almond oil or a mild skin care cream and applying on the affected parts can help in treating athlete’s foot, ringworm, acne, wounds, cuts, prickly heat, bruises, scabies, insect stings, stretch marks, puffy skin and wrinkles.

4. Relieves respiratory infections:

Ayurveda beckons Clove as Shwasa for its effectiveness in treating breathing difficulties, asthma and wheezing problems; Kasa for relieving cough and cold and as Kshaya for administering chronic respiratory conditions.

Kapha dosha is a combination of water and earth elements. Excess of which leads to stagnation of water deposits in the system leading to flu, cold, bronchitis, headache, fever and accumulation of phlegm and mucus deposits in the lungs, nasal area and the bronchial passages.

Get ready for an energizing steam inhalation with 2 drops of Clove leaf oil, 1 drop of Ginger oil and 1drop of Spearmint oil for loosening the phlegm accumulation, clearing the blocked nasal and bronchial passages, relieving pain associated with migraine and sinusitis.

Add that extra spice to your vaporizing ointment by adding 2 drops of Clove leaf oil, 1 drop of Citriodora oil, 1 drop of Basil essential oil and massage the chest, throat, back and temples for a quick relief from runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat and headache.

5. Alleviates rheumatic and arthritic pain:

As seen earlier, vitiation of kapha dosha ends up in amassing of water deposits along with the remains of uric acid, toxic substances and salt. This leads to renal calculi or kidney stones and water-borne problems like obesity and rheumatic conditions.

Clove leaf oil has detoxifying and diuretic properties with its power to pacify kapha dosha, which eliminates the toxic remains and excess water deposits by increasing the frequency and quantity of urination.

A gentle massage of the painful parts with 5 drops of Clove leaf oil with 2 drops of   Citronella oil and 2 drops of Peppermint oil along with 50 ml of Coconut oil can work wonders in reducing pain, redness, muscular soreness, swelling, inflammation, irritation and other symptoms related to arthritis and rheumatism.

The most astonishing Ayurvedic truth is that about 70% of toxic substances in the body are eliminated through exhalation and only an average of 30% remains is discarded through sweat and urine. Ayurveda prescribes the practice of Pranayama or the art of balanced yogic breathing for getting rid of the toxic remains in the system.

6.Checks cancerous growths and controls the spread of free radicals:

Clove is called as the Champion of all herbs in fighting against cancer for its high free radical scavenging capacity. Clove oil has antioxidant property that controls the growth of free radicals responsible for cellular damage and cancerous growths.

Generally, the antioxidant capacity of any particular component is measured by its ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity). Amongst all the other essential oils in the world, Clove oil has about 10 million ORAC, which makes it the best antioxidant and is 400 times effective than the leading antioxidant fruit, wolfberry.

When diagnosed in the initial stages, Clove oil has the power to support the treatment of various types of cancer including lung cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. Adding 3 drops of Clove leaf oil in warm bathing water every morning can help in checking the growth of free radicals.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Clove leaf oil along with 2 drops of Cinnamon oil, 2 drops of Geranium oil along with 100ml of Apricot Kernel oil can help in controlling the growth of free radicals, delaying the process of aging and enhancing the immune power of the system.

Other health benefits:

Clove is used along with saffron, sandalwood powder and mercuric chloride for treating syphilitic attacks. It has been recommended for treating immune deficiency syndrome, diabetes, dysmennorhea, depression, impotence, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunctions, epilepsy, cholera, sty, stress and parasitic infections. It is also used as a traditional air freshener and an insect repellant for killing household dust mites and red fire ants.


This article is only for the use of education and is not recommended as a substitute for prescription medicines or for the advice of a medical professional. We are not healthcare practitioners and this information is shared only with the ultimate idea of spreading the richness and magnificence of Ayurvedic treatment, the mother of all healing methodologies on earth.

Always use essential oils in diluted form for topical application only. Ingesting essential oils is not recommended, as 100 percent pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and may harm the skin, the most sensitive and the largest organ of the body.

It is always good to talk with your Ayurvedic expert or medical practitioner before deciding the most appropriate essential oils for your Prakriti or unique individual constitution and your health condition.

Keep essential oils away from children and take special care and medical advice while using essential oils during your pregnancy or nursing period.

Thought for the day:

“Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction”. -By E.O. Wilson.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Cloves by Marian Kim
  2. Clove Oil! Discover The Essential Oil Of Cloves Health Benefits For Toothaches, Acne, Hair & Much More: A Book On Clove Oil Secrets (Natural Health Books Series 1) by Tina Cody
  3. The Green Pharmacy: The Ultimate Compendium Of Natural Remedies From The World’s Foremost Authority On Healing Herbs by James A. Duke
  4. Herbs for Detoxification by C.J. Puotinen
  5. Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life by Yuan Wang, Warren Sheir, Mika Ono

Reference Links:

  1. Clove by Wikipedia
  2. The Healing Properties of Clove Essential Oil by Health Impact News
  3. Antioxidant activity of Clove – A Powerful Antioxidant Source by İlhami Gülçin, Mahfuz Elmastaş, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
  4. Clove: A Champion Spice by Parle Milind and Khanna Deepa, Pharmacology Division, Dept. Pharm. Sciences (Accredited by NBA), Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India.