Davana Oil

Davana-bannerDavana is imported worldwide for its sweet fragrance and illustrious medicinal values and is used to glorify the idol of Lord Shiva in India. Botanically known as Artemisia pallens, Davana is a member of the daisy family, Asteraceae. Regionally called as davanam in Tamil and Davana in Kannada, this fragrant herb is indigenous to the southern parts of the Indian subcontinent.

The essential oil of Davana is extracted from the stem and leaves of this herb by steam distillation method. It is widely used in Ayurveda in the treatment of mental disorders, nervous problems, depression, cough, cold, measles, infections, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Purchase Davana Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Davana and its essential oil:

Having its roots deeply set in the religious traditions of the Indian Culture, Davana essential oil has an extensive application all over the world. It was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicinal formulations as an aphrodisiac and mood elevator. Davana was a part of the Indian folklore medicine for treating diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure.

With much regional importance, Davana essential oil gained global attention only in the mid of the 20th century after which it has earned a special spot in the hearts of perfumers’ and flavorists’, particularly in United States and Japan where it is a flavor ingredient for bakery, tobacco and beverage products.

The flowers, stem and leaves of this plant are used as an effective antiseptic and disinfectant for quick treatment of wounds, cuts and infectious ailments such as cough, cold, measles etc. Davana essential oil has also been a part of other Complementary and Alternative medicinal practices like Unani and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Davana oil:

Davana essential oil comprises of davanone, a major sesquiterpene ketone and other essential components such as linalool, dehydro-a-linalool, terpinen-4 oil, isodavanone, nordavanone, davanafurans, methyl cinnamate, ethyl cinnamate, bicyclogermacrene, davana ether, 2-hydroxyisodavanone, and farnesol. All these compounds of Davana oil attribute to its unique aroma and its medicinal values.

Well recognized as a herb of sacred values, Davana essential oil benefits mankind with its anti-depressant, aromatic, antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antispasmodic, decongestant, disinfectant, emmenagogue, anthelmintic, stomachic, hypotensive, antioxidant, expectorant, relaxant, vulnerary, aphrodisiac, nervine and mucolytic properties.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Davana Oil:

Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that has its origin in India, the land of tradition and the world’s oldest history for more than 5,000 years. Just like this ancient remedial science, Davana herb also has its nativity vested in India and never fails in treating illnesses with its remedial aroma.

Ayurveda suggests natural remedies for treating mankind as it believes that everything is a part of nature and Mother Nature has innate medicines for healing health disorders. An individual is said to be healthy when his/her mind, body and soul are in perfect balance with nature. Illness according to Ayurveda is an opportunity to explore, restore and re-establish absolute health and strike balance with nature.

Just as nature, human body is also made up of five vital elements namely fire, water, earth, air and space, built in the form of three vital biological energies known as doshas. They are kapha, vata and pitta doshas. The predominance of any one of these doshas determines the personality, character and behavioral attributes of a person and balance between these doshas stand for health and heartiness.

Ayurvedic healing starts with the identification of the unique individual constitution that helps in determining doshic qualities, mental and physical attributes of an individual. Ayurveda does not follow the ‘one size fits all’ healing methodology as it trusts that every human being is unique in nature and the remedies for their illnesses should also be unique as per their constitution.

The nobility of Ayurveda rests in treating the root cause of an illness instead of curing its symptoms alone. By treating the actual underlying cause, Ayurveda helps in preventing such illnesses in the future and paves way for longevity through healthy aging. The most predominant Ayurvedic remedies are herbs, essential oils, meditation, yoga, physical exercises, healthy lifestyle, prayers and an Ayurvedic routine.

Davana essential oil is said to pacify vata and kapha imbalances and has a neutral effect on pitta dosha.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Davana essential oil are:

Davana-broucher-new1. A remarkable antiseptic to relieve you from infections:

Being a natural antiseptic with less toxicity, Davana essential oil is used to treat both internal and external infections. It destroys the micro organisms affecting the internal organs of the body like kidney, bladder, urethra and urinary tract, thus putting an end to sepsis, a fatal inflammation of the whole body.

A 2009 research on ‘The antimicrobial screening of Artemisia pallens’ published in the International Journal of PharmTech Research, USA states that the extracts from Artemisia pallens possess antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Bacillus cereus. Davana herb extracts and its essential oil have been used in Ayurvedic practices for healing wounds and deep abrasions quickly and to curb the spreading of infections to other parts of the body, which might otherwise result in tetanus.

Davana essential oil also has anti-viral property that strengthens your body’s immune system to effectively work against viral attacks. Having the ability to penetrate the protective layer of the virus called cyst, it kills viruses without a trace. Because of this attribute, it has been extensively used to treat viral infections such as cold, cough, influenza, measles etc.

The best way to use Davana oil for arresting the spread of infectious micro-organisms is in Abhyanga or the art of Ayurvedic massaging. Mix 5 drops of Davana oil with 3 ml of coconut oil and massage your body, followed by a warm bath with 2 drops of Davana oil diluted in bathing water. The therapeutic properties of this oil penetrate through the skin and start its healing mechanism. You can also mix 1 drop of Davana oil with 10 drops of olive oil and apply it on wounds and abrasions for quicker healing.

2. A trusted anti-depressant:

Widely used in the field of Ayurvedic aromatherapy for its anti-depressant properties, Davana essential oil actively engages in relaxing your nervous system and induces tranquility in the mind. As a medicinal herb that adorns the deity of Lord Shiva, it provokes divinity, spirituality, peaceful synergy and positive energy in every individual. Add 2 drops of Davana oil in warm bathing water or mix 6 drops of this oil with 3 ml of sesame oil and go for an energizing massage for treating depression and other mental woes.

Davana essential oil grants a soothing effect to the mind and body by effectively alleviating pressure in case of stress, anxiety and rejuvenates the mental health of those who feel depressed and lifeless. You can also add 2 drops of Davana oil to diffuser or burner and inhale it’s comforting fragrance, through which the aromatic molecules present in this oil pass through the nasal passages and reach the limbic system, the control center of human brain.

3. Alleviates female problems:

Nature has gifted humanity with some excellent medicines for treating complex womanly problems like menstrual difficulties, menopausal problems and emotional woes associated with such disorders. Davana essential oil is one such curative power, which with its emmenagogue property regulates the flow of blood in the uterus and pelvic area and releases blocked menstruation, resulting in a regular menstrual cycle.

Massaging your lower abdomen with 2 drops of Davana oil blended with 1ml of sesame oil can act as an effective remedy in treating menstrual spasms, pain in the abdominal area, fatigue, nausea, muscular cramps, restlessness and mood swings.

4. Relieves congestion and eases respiration:

Excess of kapha dosha along with viral and bacterial infections result in cough, cold, congestion and other respiratory illnesses. Severe infections may lead to deposits of mucus and phlegm in the upper respiratory tract and the lungs, causing respiratory disorders and breathing difficulties.

Davana essential oil is known to pacify excess kapha dosha with its decongestant and expectorant properties and helps in expelling heavy deposits of mucus and phlegm in the nasal passages and lungs by lubricating the respiratory tract. This oil also has antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and antimicrobial properties that destroy such harmful microbes causing respiratory problems.

Add 2 drops of Davana oil in steam inhalation for relieving from asthma, bronchitis, cough, cold, breathing difficulties, headache and respiratory spasms. You can also add 2 drops of this oil in vaporizing ointments or cold rubs and gently massage it on your chest, back and throat for effective relief.

5. Guards against skin infections and worms:

Being an antiseptic, Davana oil fights against infections and protects your skin from infection prone conditions such as acne, boils, pimples and even stretch marks. It is also vulnerary in nature and aids in speeding up the healing process of wounds and cuts. Mix 2 drops of Davana essential oil in your regular skin care cream or with 1 ml of jojoba oil and apply it on your skin for treating rough, dry and chapped skin. This oil also aids in stimulating the endocrine system.

Davana essential oil is further enriched with its anthelmintic and stomachic properties that fight against worm infestation caused by parasites such as round worms, whip worms, hookworms, thread worms, pin-worms and tape worms.

6. Supports a healthy atmosphere:

Excelling in its disinfectant properties, Davana essential oil can work wonders to purify your atmosphere. The fragrance of this medicated oil spread so quickly and kills the germs and microbes present in the air with its remedial qualities. Add 2 drops of Davana essential oil in fumigants, sprays or vaporizers for fresh and germ-free environment.

7. A relaxant to treat your aftershocks:

Davana essential oil has anti-inflammatory and relaxant properties that effortlessly relaxes the contractions in muscles, blood vessels and also calms down the brain and your nervous system. Massaging your body with 5 drops of Davana oil blended with 2.5 ml of almond oil assists in rejuvenating the nervous system and grants absolute solace. It acts best in inducing mental peace and helps in recovering from after effects of shocks, trauma, heavy medications and treatments, disappointments, failures etc.

8. Matchless natural perfume:

Davana essential oil stands unique in the field of perfume industry for its fragrance differs with the uniqueness of the individual thus making each one special in their own way. A single plant can scent the entire garden. Hence it is used in the manufacture of high quality perfumes and cosmetics and also in food industries, flavoring tobacco, pastries and some beverages.

Other health benefits of Davana Oil:

As per a 1996 research published in Pubmed, Davana essential oil is said to lower glucose level in the blood thereby helpful in treating diabetes mellitus. A 2011 study on the antioxidant property of Artemisia pallens states that it possesses antioxidant properties due to the presence of phenols that effectively reduce the risk of chronic diseases, cardiovascular disorders and cancer.

This oil also has mild insect repellant property. Aromatherapists use Davana oil for its antispasmodic properties in treating spasms and pains. It is used in manufacturing vaporizers, disinfecting sprays and room fresheners. The Davana flowers represent a symbol of tradition and are used in making garlands, floral decorations, bouquets and also for various other religious rituals and customs.


This article is only for the purpose of information and is not meant to diagnose or replace any professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Never use essential oils internally. Always remember to dilute essential oils before topical usage, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause skin irritation or other side effects if used in an undiluted form. Always consult your Ayurvedic expert before using the right essential oils for your health condition and unique individual constitution.

Thought for the day:

God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. -Martin Luther

Suggested Reading:

  1. Artemisia (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles) by Colin W. Wright
  2. Dying to Look Good by Christine Hoza Farlow
  3. Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils by LaRee Westover
  4. Davana and its cultivation in India (Farm bulletin) by M. R Narayana
  5. Therapeutic Blending With Essential Oil: Decoding the Healing Matrix of Aromatherapy by Rebecca Park Totilo

Reference Links:

  1. Artemisia pallens by Wikipedia.
  2. Influence of plant growth stage on the essential oil content and composition in Davana (Artemisia pallens wall.) published in Pubmed.
  3. Antimicrobial Screening of Medicinal Plant – Artemisia pallens by the Department of Chemistry, S.P. College, Pune, India.
  4. Study on Effects of Artemisia pallens Wall. on blood glucose levels in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats by Division of Ethnopharmacology, Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Kerala, India published in PubMed.

Grapefruit Pink Oil

Are you on diet? Then Grapefruit can be your best pal as it is called as ‘Dieter’s best friend‘, for its ability to assist dissolving fat and stays strong to be a vital part of your fitness regimen.

Grape-fruit-bnGive that perfect lift to your self-esteem and self-worth with Grapefruit oil, as it works like a magic by cleansing the aura and flushing out depression, lack of self-confidence, mental chaos and other negative feelings at ease.

Adorably called as Madhukarktikum and Kadaaram in Sanskrit, Grapefruit is yet another powerful Ayurvedic remedy for dealing with digestive disorders by stimulating the gall bladder and assisting the secretion of bile and other digestive juices.

The essential oil of Grapefruit is cold pressed from the external rind of this fruit and is recommended for treating weight loss, acne, cellulite, edema, PMS, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Purchase Grapefruit Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE
Purchase Grapefruit Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Grapefruit:

Grapefruit is trusted to be a hybrid variety found in the 18th century by Captain Shaddock in Jamaica; hence it was called as ‘Shaddock’ or ‘Shattuck’ initially. Later it was named as ‘Grapefruit’ mainly because of its manifestation like clusters of grapes on the trees. Grapefruit was once celebrated as one of the ‘Seven wonders of Barbados’.

Grapefruit is indigenous to the tropical parts of Asia and was originally brought to Europe by the medieval Arabian traders and it slowly spread to other parts of the world. Currently, United States is the world’s leading producer of Grapefruit, followed by People’s Republic of China and South Africa.

As it is an excellent source of various nutrients and phytochemicals, it was used ever since the ancient times as a part of a healthy diet. Whereas Grapefruit essential oil was used in baths for preventing the skin from harmful microbes, supporting healthy skin, enhancing the shine and growth of hair and as a cleansing agent in homes.

Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Grapefruit Pink oil:

According to the Gas chromatography report, Grapefruit Pink oil constitutes of 7 chemical components that contribute to its fragrance, therapeutic attributes, consistency and quality of this oil. Of which, Limonene contributes to the highest proportion of Grapefruit Pink oil constituents with about 96.6% of its total composition.

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I believe that this must certainly help you in getting to know the exclusive information about these prime chemical constituents of Grapefruit Pink oil.

The table crafted below clearly depicts the unique nature and contributions of these biochemical constituents to the healing magnificence of Grapefruit Pink essential oil.


Therapeutic properties of Grapefruit essential oil:

The remedial values of this oil are antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-tumoral, antioxidant, lymphatic, stimulant, tonic, diuretic, disinfectant, aperitif and fat dissolving.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Grapefruit essential oil:

Health is a three-tier foundation according to Ayurveda, where these three layers are mind, body and soul. It is rightly mentioned in Charaka Samhita, one of the most famous Ayurvedic encyclopedias as “The three – body, psyche, and soul – act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.”

Ayurveda means ‘the knowledge of life’ and this traditional healing methodology aids in granting that awareness in every human being. Understanding the physical and mental health of oneself helps in leading a blissful life paving way towards longevity.

It has been said that nature is made up of five vital elements namely fire, water, earth, air and space and Ayurvedic texts strongly state that everything that is a part of nature is also made up of these five elements.

The science of Ayurveda follows a holistic healing system, where every individual is considered as a unique part of nature with a unique individual constitution just like our fingerprints.

This constitution comprises of three vital biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha doshas, where each dosha represent a combination of two vital elements.

Kapha represents earth and water, and is responsible for structure of the body, sustenance and the movement of fluids in the system. Pitta represents fire and water and is in charge of digestion, absorption, excretion and certain other metabolic functions.

Vata stands for air and ether, and is accountable for circulation, respiration and nervous functions of the body. When an individual’s health is on par with nature, there is perfect health and harmony and when there is imbalance due to food, lifestyle and certain other factors, illnesses occur.

Balance between these three doshas indicates complete health and imbalance causes diseases. Ayurvedic remedies like essential oils, herbs, yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic routine and simple physical exercises focus on striking balance between these doshas. Grapefruit essential oil is said to pacify vata and kapha dosha and aggravate pitta dosha.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Grapefruit oil are:Grape-fruit-broucher1. Fights the symptoms of aging naturally:

Aging can be the worst enemy for all those beauty conscious kings and queens out there, especially in the late 30s when everyone’s dreams are on the route of reaching their destination. When thousands of chemical-based products flood the market with the claim of ‘guaranteed younger look’, how will you feel if I say that the simple, natural and glorious fruit like Grapefruit can fight against all the symptoms of aging, just like that? Feeling awesome right!

FRTA or the Free radical theory of aging can assist you in understanding the real causes of aging. This theory states that “organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time.” These free radicals cause oxidative damage in the cells, which pave way for aging and other age-related disorders like arthritis, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Numerous studies have proven that antioxidants are the best remedy for arresting the oxidative damage of cells by passivating the cellular structure from the damage caused by free radicals.

To your wonder, Grapefruit and its essential oil have the most powerful antioxidant lycopene, which is responsible for its attractive pink or red color. It has been established that antioxidants like lycopene assists in fighting aging of cells and fight against malignant tumors caused due to the harmful effects of free radicals.

According to a study by the Brigham Young University, “Small concentrations of grapefruit essential oil showed an 80.5% cell inhibition value for skin cancer cells.” The presence of limonene in Grapefruit oil supports about 80% of carcinomas in breast cancer to degenerate with comparatively lesser toxicity, says the reports on Grapefruit essential oil by the Purdue University.

In addition to this, Grapefruit essential oil has adequate amount of spermidine, which is a polyamine compound playing significant roles in the survival of cells. Every cell has spermidine like compounds and cellular aging happens when the growth of spermidine falls.

Using 2 drops of Grapefruit essential oil blended with 1ml of Jojoba oil or along with a mild skin care lotion or cream as a massaging blend can promote the secretion of spermidine compounds that support the growth of healthy cells, helping you look younger and youthful.

This massaging can also help in fighting against the free radicals that cause aging and other chronic illnesses. Adding Grapefruit to your daily diet is also a great idea to retain your beauty and nurture your skin health.

2. Protects the skin from microbial infections:

Grapefruit essential oil has antiseptic and disinfectant properties that wrestle against harmful organisms like bacteria and virus. The antiviral and antibacterial effects of this oil make it one among the best essential oils for treating wounds, cuts, bruises, acne and other microbial infections. It kills the existing microbes in the body that cause infections and prevents the entry of new microbes.

Using 2 drops of Grapefruit essential oil in warm bathing water in the morning or before going to bed can help in combating the growth of microbes and protect the body microbial infections all day long.

You can also add 1 drop of Grapefruit oil to your daily lotion or skin cream for pampering your skin. Along with this, the fresh and refreshing citrus aroma of Grapefruit oil keeps your skin fresh, regenerated and absolutely clean.

3. Boosts positive energy and adds up to your mental strength:

Grapefruit essential oil has an immaculate aroma that is neat as a new pin and has excellent aromatic effect on the mind. The anti-depressant properties of this oil flushes out the negative thoughts, depressive feelings and emotions that demotivate the mind and stop you from moving ahead.

The uplifting aroma of Grapefruit essential oil reaches the limbic system, the control center of the human brain through the nasal passages and passes the therapeutic properties of this oil in the form of commands to other parts of the body. Add 2 drops of Grapefruit oil to your diffuser, burner or vaporizer during the night or at the time of prayer or meditation. This oil is said to calm the mind and nerves and grant peaceful sleep at night.

Inhaling the sacred aroma of Grapefruit oil is said to broaden the heart chakra, which is responsible for love and affection along with the solar plexus chakra, which is accountable for self-esteem, confidence and discipline and the third eye chakra meant for intelligence, creativity, spiritualism, consciousness and inner awakening.

By this way, Grapefruit essential oil cleanses the aura, mind and the life force of the human body, which helps in restoring the power and spiritual realm.

4. Burns excess fat and backs up your diet regimen:

Obesity has become a common phenomenon in people of all ages mainly due to unhealthy food habits, lifestyle changes, fast food mania and the lack of physical exercises. Most of these factors seem unavoidable in this contemporary world, where there’s no time to spare for our health and happiness.

According to a popular Complementary and Alternative medicine expert, “taking medicines or drugs for reducing weight or dissolving fat is a hazardous practice and a life-threatening system as well.

So what to do and what is the natural way to burn away those excess fat and calories that rule your health and harmony? Here you go, Grapefruit and its essential oil have been an effective natural remedy for treating obesity and supporting weight-loss.

This is attributed to its diuretic, lymphatic and aperitif properties. Grapefruit oil works by improving the metabolism process, lowering the cholesterol content, reducing insulin levels and supporting loss of fat positively.

Ayurvedic texts state that the bitter and sour tastes of Grapefruit reside as the predominant reason for enhancing the flow of bile and other digestive juices and it helps in putting an end to food cravings, liver congestion and amassing up of excess fat, cholesterol and other toxic substances.

Mix 5 drops of Grapefruit essential oil with 2.5ml of sesame oil and massage it gently on your stomach and abdomen to stimulate the secretion of saliva, bile and other gastric juices.

Ama or the toxins in the body are mainly due to improper digestion. As Grapefruit essential increases pitta energy, which is responsible for digestive fire, the chances of indigestion, constipation and other digestive disorders are very less.

Excess of kapha energy is one major cause for obesity according to Ayurveda. Grapefruit oil is a boon to mankind as it pacifies kapha and increases pitta force, through which it eliminates the excess deposits of water, fat, toxic substances and cholesterol through urine and sweat.

Including Grapefruit in your diet or inhaling the aroma of Grapefruit essential oil before eating (by adding 1 drop of Grapefruit oil to your diffuser in your dining hall) can grant a feeling of fullness and put an end to unhealthy food cravings.

Consumption of Grapefruit can reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides”, says The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Consult your Ayurvedic Practitioner and know the right exercises, yoga and meditation for your unique constitution. This can speed up your fat-dissolving resolution at absolute ease.

Other health benefits:

Apart from this, Grapefruit essential oil is an excellent pain reliever that can help you in treating headache, back pain and migraine pain quickly, when 2 drops of this oil is mixed with 1ml of coconut oil and applied on the affected area.

Grapefruit essential oil has tonic properties that increase the immune power, stimulate hair growth, cleanse the scalp, boosts the functions of the nervous system and strengthen the muscles and nerves. This oil also helps in relieving mental and physical fatigue, menstrual discomforts, rheumatism, muscular stiffness, cellulite, nervousness, delayed menstruation and nervous exhaustion.


This article is only for the purpose of education and is not directed to diagnose or replace any Professional medical advice or prescribed medication. Never use essential oils internally and always use them in a diluted form, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances and can cause harm if used directly on skin.

As other citrus oils, Grapefruit essential oil also has phototoxic effect that can cause damages to the skin when exposed to sunlight immediately after use, due to the hazardous effects of ultra violet rays. Always consult your Ayurvedic expert before using the right essential oils for your unique constitution and health condition.

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Grapefruit Pink oil is readily available for your enhanced safety and better usage.

Gas Chromatography Report (GC analysis) of Grapefruit Pink oil.

Grapefruit Essential Oil – Possible Skin Issues:

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Grapefruit oil showcases photosensitive effects if oxidized, contributing to its phototoxic, photo-carcinogenic and effects of sensitization. The possible skin issues of using Grapefruit oil are hyperpigmentation, allergic reactions, irritation, sunburns, blisters and rashes and this mainly occurs when the skin is exposed to visible sunlight for up to 12 hours of use of this oil.

The underlying reason is the reaction of the photoactive chemical constituents in Grapefruit oil that attracts light and leads to toxicity through molecular changes in the skin surface. Certain studies state that Grapefruit oil has been stated to promote the formation of tumors on the skin of mouse, by the key carcinogen, 10-dimethyl-l, 2-benzanthracene.

The primary chemical component responsible for the phototoxic and adverse skin effects of Grapefruit oil is Limonene, which accounts to about 90% of this oil along with few other furanocoumarins ( the non-volatile compounds like bergapten, bergamottin and epoxy-bergamottin.)

The safe dilution level of Grapefruit oil by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) is 4%, which is about 24 drops per ounce of any mild carrier oils. This is particularly to prevent phototoxicity in products used for dermal applications except for bath products like soaps, shampoos and other wash-off preparations.

According to the European decree, essential oils that contain furanocoumarins must be used preferably when the level of bergapten does not exceed 15 ppm (parts per million) in finished cosmetic products preordained for use on parts of the skin that are in contact with sunlight (other than rinse-away products) and 1 ppm in bronzing and sun protection products.

Grapefruit oil should be used only for topical application, preferably blended with mild carrier oils (good for use after a patch test on your skin), and never use essential oils for ingestion, as internal use of essential oils might pose adverse health effects. Undiluted Grapefruit oil can cause skin irritation and this oil is claimed to be toxic to cats.

A 2005 study published in Brain Research states that “the scent of Grapefruit oil and its active constituent, limonene affects the autonomic neurotransmission and blood pressure through central histaminergic nerves and the suprachiasmatic nucleus.”

Studies state that ingesting furocoumarins may also cause phytophotodermatitis.  It is better to avoid Grapefruit oil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as the safety of this oil during carrying or nursing are not established.

In a much similar way like Bitter orange oil, Grapefruit oil is said to restrain important enzymes in the intestines and liver, leading to have an impact on the blood levels at the time of taking medicines that are antidepressant, antiviral, anti-anxiety, calcium channel blockers, steroids, anti-malarial, immune modulators, prokinetics, statins and on par with caffeine intake. The presence of furocoumarins has led to the term ‘Grapefruit effect’, which signifies the interaction between furocoumarins and enzymes that are engaged in drug metabolism, specifically cytochrome P450.

Use Grapefruit oil only after medical advice, if you are taking any other prescription medicines. Startlingly, furocoumarins are also used in different remedies along with the long-wave ultraviolet light therapy for curing psoriasis, mycosis fungoides and vitiligo.

Reference Links Substantiating Possible Skin Issues of Grapefruit Oil:

  1. The Safe Grapefruit? By The American Botanical Council
  2. Olfactory stimulation with scent of essential oil of grapefruit affects autonomic neurotransmission and blood pressure by Tanida M, Niijima A, Shen J, Nakamura T, Nagai K, Osaka University, Japan, published in Brain Research
  3. Grapefruit by Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals By Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young
  4. Grapefruit Oil by Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients, used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics by Ikhlas A. Khan and Ehab A. Abourashed
  5. Major Furocoumarins in grapefruit juice II: phototoxicity, photogenotoxicity, and inhibitory potency vs. cytochrome P450 3A4 activity by Messer A, Raquet N, Lohr C, Schrenk D, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology: An International Journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association
  6. Grapefruit Juice and Medicines by the University of Michigan Health System
  7. Two Major Grapefruit Juice Components Differ in Time to Onset of Intestinal CYP3A4 Inhibition by Mary F. Paine, Anne B. Criss and Paul B. Watkins, published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Thought for the day:

You forget that the fruits belong to all and that the land belongs to no one.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Grapefruit Solution: Lower Your Cholesterol, Lose Weight and Achieve Optimal Health with Nature’s Wonder Fruit by Daryl L. Thompson, M. Joseph Ahrens
  2. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  3. The Complete Master Cleanse: A Step-by-Step Guide to Maximizing the Benefits of the Lemonade Diet by Tom Woloshyn
  4. The Grapefruit Diet Plan by M Marose
  5. Daily Aromatherapy: Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils by Joni Keim, Ruah Bull

Reference Links:

  1. Free-radical theory of aging by Wikipedia
  2. Grapefruit by Wikipedia
  3. Health Benefits of Grapefruit by Ayurvedaservices.Net
  4. Health Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil by Organic Facts
  5. The Amazing Benefits of Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil by Natural News.Com

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Chaulmogra Oil

Chaulmogra-bannerChaulmogra oil created a revolution in the treatment of leprosy and the first effective drug for treating leprosy used the chemical components of Chaulmogra seeds. These therapeutic seeds are being used in Ayurveda for more than 4,000 years in the treatment of leprosy, rheumatism, eczema, leucoderma, scrofula, wounds, sprains, sores and bruises.

Chaulmogra is botanically known to the world as Taraktogenos kurzii/ Hydnocarpus kurzii/ Hydnocarpus wightiana/ Hydnocarpus laurifolia and its Sanskrit name is Tuvrak, Tuvaraka and Kushtavairi. This tall tree is a limb of the Achariaceae plant family. The essential oil is extracted from the Chaulmogra seeds through steam distillation method.

Purchase Chaulmogra Essential Oil – Retail – 4 oz – CLICK HERE

Purchase Chaulmogra Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE 

Historical uses and significance of Chaulmogra and its essential oil:

Chaulmogra or Chaulmoogra has been a part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, the oldest healing science originated from India, especially in the treatment of leprosy and other chronic skin disorders.

Chaulmogra tree is indigenous to India and grows extensively in the tropical forests of Western Ghats from Maharashtra to Kerala and is also found in the hilly regions of Tripura and Assam. It is cultivated in Nigeria, Uganda, Sri Lanka and few other South East Asian countries. These evergreen, deciduous trees grow up to 15 m height and bear fruits between the months of August and September.

The seeds are angular and ovoid with rounded endings and the essential oil extracted from the seeds are pale yellow in color with viscous and heavy consistency. Chaulmogra oil is called as Oleum Chaulmoograe in the United States and in Great Britain as Gynocardia oil. This oil was used in England in the treatment of lung tuberculosis.

Chaulmogra oil was also used in China since the 14th century in alleviating various skin ailments and leprosy. It was slowly then spread to the Western countries including the United States and Europe.

A mixture of Chaulmogra oil balanced in gum or as an emulsion was prescribed for treating leprosy. The bark of this plant is used by the people of Arunachal Pradesh, India in relieving toothache and itching. The tribal populace in Sikkim uses the boiled Chaulmogra seeds as a food item.

Chaulmogra seed oil was mixed with limewater and was applied externally in treating rheumatic conditions especially in the joints and for relieving sprains. These seeds were also used in folklore as a fish poison. The seed paste along with camphor, sulphur, Jatropha curcus seed oil and lime juice was used in topical application for healing skin ulcers and wounds.

Chemical components and remedial properties of Chaulmogra oil:

The seeds of this tree yield about 32.4 percent fixed oil along with other fatty oils. The major chemical constituents are 49 percent hydnocarpic acid, 27 percent chaulmoogric acid, 12 percent gorlic acid (with these 3 primary components, Chaulmogra is called as triglyceride oil) 6.5 percent oleic acid, 2 percent Palmitic acid, 3.4 percent chaulmoogric acid with lower homologues along with myristic acid, linoleic acid, and stearic acid.

These components contribute to its curative properties like antibiotic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antibacterial, expectorant, decongestant and febrifuge properties.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Chaulmogra essential oil:

Ayurveda is a Vedic medical science, which is the greatest gift of the ancient Indian Sages to the whole of mankind. Among the 4 four predominant Vedas of Hindu mythology, Ayurveda has its roots to the Atharvaveda and it is also accepted as a supplementary Veda or an Upaveda in its own sacred ways and was enlightened by Acharya Dhanvantari.

This holistic healing science is the oldest remedial science on earth and aims at treating illnesses with the help of herbal plants, essential oils, meditation, yoga, simple physical exercises, prayers, an Ayurvedic routine and other proven Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massaging and Panchakarma or detox therapies.

Ayurveda suggests disciplined ways to fulfill responsibilities or Dharma, lead a healthy lifestyle, aging in the pink and also aims at preventing illnesses and longevity.

Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtangha Hridaya Samhita are the three greatest Ayurvedic texts that established the basic concepts of Ayurveda and the complete system of medicine.

Few noteworthy works are the eight Ayurvedic branches or methodologies of healing. Acharya Charaka (Father or medicine) stands for the Atreya School of physicians and threw light on anatomy, pathogenesis, physiology, diagnosis, etiology, symptoms of diseases along with guidelines for prevention and extended life span.

Sushruta (Father of Surgery) is a part of the Dhanvantari School of surgeons. He talks about the categorization of burns, wounds, fractures, rectal surgery, amputation, plastic surgery and various surgical equipments. Sushruta also introduced the art of massaging using vital body points or the marma points in the body. Ashtangha Hridaya Samhita is a combination of Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.

Ayurvedic medicine is based on its four major concepts. They are Panchamahabutas (5 elements of nature), tridosha (3 doshas), malas (elimination of waste) and dhatus (vital organs of the body). This traditional remedy trusts that the world is made up of five vital elements namely earth, water, fire, air and space and everything in the world is also made up of these five elements or the building blocks of existence.

Every human being has a unique individual constitution consisting of three biological energies known as doshas. They are vata (air + space), pitta (fire + water) and kapha (earth + water). Vata energy is responsible for the functions of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Pitta is in charge of tissue building, metabolism, body temperature and functions of the endocrine system. Kapha is accountable for strength of the body, virility, binding power and firmness of the system.

Balance between these doshas as per the natural composition indicates health and imbalance due to unhealthy practices, change in food habits and weather conditions causes illnesses. Ayurvedic remedies are prescribed in order to balance these doshic vitiations.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Chaulmogra oil are:

Chaulmogra-broucher1. Proven traditional remedy for leprosy:

The Encyclopedia Britannica says ‘the first textual reference to leprosy—in an ancient Sanskrit sacred work known as the Atharvaveda’, which is the holy book of Ayurvedic principles. It also says that leprosy has been talked about in Sushruta Samhita, the ancient Ayurvedic text, the Hebrew Bible, Chinese medical texts and the writings of the Greek physicians like Galen.

Leprosy is said to be the most feared and most misapprehended disease in the history. For thousands of years, the essential oil derived from the seeds of Chaulmogra tree had been in use in the treatment of leprosy and other skin conditions in India, China, Europe, America and certain other Middle East countries.

In 1854 an English Doctor Frederic John Mouat described the use of this oil in the treatment of leprosy, while he was working in Kolkata, India. In the paper submitted in 1854 named ‘The Indian Annals of Medical Science, he wrote on Chaulmogra oil as “Its success was, however, so remarkable and indisputable in one well-marked case of the worst form of leprosy, that I venture to hope an external application of it to that most loathsome and intractable of diseases, may prove so successful, as to secure the general introduction of the remedy.”

Dr. Mouat tried Chaulmogra in two different ways on his leper patients, one by applying and dressing the external ulcers of the patients with the oil and he also gave it internally in the form of pills, prepared by beating the Chaulmogra seeds into a pulp.

It was also introduced as an established treatment for leprosy in 1874 in the Madras Leper Hospital. Chaulmogra oil is still being used in Ayurveda, the Traditional Chinese Medicine and even Western medicine for treating leprosy and other highly-communicable skin diseases.

2. Heals wounds and other skin problems:

Chaulmogra oil has anti-bacterial, antiseptic and analgesic properties that help in healing wounds, prevent it from becoming septic and infectious, kill harmful microbes that may affect the wounds and reduce pain in the injured area.

Certain research studies have proved that Chaulmogra oil contains a weak acid known as 5′-methoxyhydnocarpin, which plays a predominant part in preventing the multidrug resistance in certain bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and this bacteria is often the reason for wounds and infections turning septic. Applying a blend of 1 drop of Chaulmogra oil with 1 drop of Lavender oil in 1 ml jojoba oil can work like a miracle on your skin and aid in healing wounds, cuts, bruises, acne, eczema, psoriasis and sores.

3. Alleviates rheumatic pain and associated symptoms:

Rheumatism is characterized by pain, swelling, redness and inflammation of the hands and legs, especially the joints. Amassing of excess water, toxic remains due to indigestion, salt, uric acid and fat deposits cause rheumatic conditions and it is often regarded as a kapha imbalance.

Chaulmogra oil has kapha-reducing and diuretic properties that help in promoting frequent urination, through which the surplus water deposits and toxic remains are eliminated through urine.

Massaging the affected parts with 2 drops of Chaulmogra oil blended with 2 drops of Chamomile oil and 2 ml of coconut oil can be a great aid in reducing pain and inflammation with its analgesic properties and discard toxic substances by stimulating the functioning of the kidneys.

4. Relieves congestion:

Chaulmogra is quoted as an oil with sharp and unctuous quality with hot virility and pungent taste by the book ‘Health & Harmony through Ayurveda’ by Anil K. Mehta, R.N. Sharma and N.K. Gupta. These attributes aid in liquefying excess kapha dosha responsible for cold, cough, congestion, tuberculosis and other respiratory problems.

Chaulmogra oil acts as an excellent aid in loosening the deposits of mucous and phlegm in the nasal passages, respiratory tracts and bronchial tubes, and helping in the treatment of chest congestion, nasal congestion, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

This oil also has antibacterial, expectorant and decongestant properties that help in combating harmful micro-organisms that worsen respiratory infections and promote the expulsion of phlegm.

A 1922 study on ‘Chaulmoogra oil in the treatment of tuberculous laryngitis’ concluded that the Chaulmoogra treatment at the Jefferson Hospital and at the Henry Phipps Institute of the University of Pennsylvania on 60 cases over a duration of 8 months “showed promising results from the beginning and in the majority of the cases, Chaulmoogra oil exerted an analgesic action on the larynx, which became more complete after repeated treatments.

This study also said that “there was no pain or discomfort in the throat afterward, but rather a pleasing sensation of warmth in the throat and chest.” Throat dryness associated with tuberculous laryngitis exhibited improvement after this treatment.

2 drops of Chaulmogra oil added to steam inhalation or in gentle massage by blending 2 drops of this oil with 1 drop of Tea tree oil along with your decongestant ointment on your chest, throat and back can help in relieving cold, cough, sore throat and congestion. A cup of warm gargle with 1 drop of Chaulmogra oil can help in discarding microbes and microbial infections in the mouth and throat and assist in treating sore throat and dry cough.


This information is only for educational purposes and is shared only with the thought of spreading the traditional values of Ayurveda, the ancient wisdom of healing. It is not meant to prevent or diagnose any disease or medical conditions or to replace any kind of professional medical advice or prescribed medicines.

Never use essential oils internally. Make sure that you dilute essential oils in appropriate carrier oils before using it externally on the skin, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before choosing the best essential oil for your unique individual constitution and state of health. Chaulmogra oil is a non-sensitizing and non-toxic oil but it is good to avoid this oil on children and pregnant women.

Thought for the day:

Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff.  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Suggested Reading:

  1. Leprosy in Colonial South India: Medicine and Confinement by Jane Buckingham
  2. Ayurvedic Drug Plants by Anil Kumar Dhiman
  3. Health & Harmony Through Ayurveda by A. k. Mehta, N. K. Gupta
  4. The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia: A Concise Guide to over 385 Plant Oils by Carol Schiller, David Schiller
  5. Medicinal Plants of Asia and the Pacific by Christophe Wiart

Reference Links:

  1. Hydnocarpus wightiana seed oil by Wikipedia
  2. Leprosy by Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. Chaulmogra Oil and the Treatment of Leprosy by John Parascandola published in LHNCBC
  4. Chaulmoogra oil in the treatment of Tuberculous Laryngitis by R.M. Lukens, Chief Clinical Assistant, Department for diseases of the chest, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
  5. Chaulmogra from the book Ayurvedic Drug Plants by Anil Kumar Dhiman