Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli, the less known secret behind the unsurpassed creativity and the magnanimous works of the legendary archetype of the Renaissance Man, Leonardo Da Vinci who loved to be in the midst of perfumes and aromatic oils always.

Neroli-bannerNeroli essential oil was his all-time favorite and he used it to instigate his intellect and contemplation while creating celebrated piece of artworks. Neroli oil also known as ‘Orange Blossoms’ is the prized ingredient of the classic Eau-de-Cologne since the 17th century. The essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the Bitter Orange tree, Citrus aurantium through steam distillation method.

Neroli has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years and it is said that the name ‘Neroli’ is extracted from the Sanskrit word ‘Nagaranj’. Bryan and Light Miller in their book ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’ quote Neroli as “one of the most intense-smelling oils.

It gives confidence and strength to the mind, has relaxing properties which help with sleeplessness, and can be an ally during times of stress.”  Ayurvedic uses of Neroli are for treating aging skin, anxiety, insomnia, headache, emotional instability, PMS and for certain other health disorders.

Purchase Neroli Essential Oil – 5% Dilution in Pure Jojoba – CLICK HERE

Historical importance of Neroli:

History lists a number of myths about the origin of its name. There are line of differences between the east and west on this commendation. Indigenous to the Far East, few say that the name ‘Neroli’ is derived from Anne-Marie of Nerola, the Italian princess during the 16th century.

She used Neroli perfume everyday and set an example for other noble women to follow the same tradition. Certain other sources say that Neroli was named after Nero, the Roman Emperor while some say it was derived from the name of ‘The Duchess of Tremoille’, the 17th Duchess also known as ‘la Nerola’.

Neroli and its essential oil were highly regarded as a symbol of virginity and sexual purity. Neroli was worn by the bride to assert her virginity and it was also a part of the bride’s bouquet to signify happiness, good luck, fertility and prosperity to the newly-married couple. As an aphrodisiac, Neroli was also spread on the bed of the newly-wedded couples to enhance their intimacy and calm their nervous apprehension.

Known as the ‘queenly elixir’, the essential oil of Neroli was held high by the primeval Egyptians for its power to cure the mind, spirit and the body and for its blissful properties. Neroli was also used in bathing water to soothe the nerves, calm the mind, relax the muscles and instill positive feelings.

The Yogic tradition of India trusted Neroli for its relaxing, tranquilizing and sleep inducing properties. The Traditional Chinese Medicine use Neroli to organize chi (aura or the life force).

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Neroli essential oil:

The remedial properties of Neroli oil are aphrodisiac, carminative, antidepressant, emollient, cicatrisant, disinfectant, antiseptic, deodorant, tonic, cytophylactic, anti-infectious, cordial, sedative, bactericidal, antispasmodic and digestive.

The chemical constituents that contribute to these therapeutic values are nerol, a-pinene, a-terpinene, farnesol, nerolidol, geraniol, b-pinene, neryl acetate, camphene, linalyl acetate, methyl anthranilate, indole and linalool.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Neroli essential oil:

Ayurvedic healing have a high regard for Neroli because of its cheering, encouraging, soothing, strengthening and invigorating properties that can benefit anyone who wears its exceptional fragrance.

Ayurveda being the oldest of all remedial systems in the world has been much-admired and accepted all over the universe for its immaculate wisdom and the sense of personal care and touch it renders without fail.

Ayurvedic philosophy believes that every human being is unique with specific physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and environmental attributes. Similarly the treatment for each one of them should also be unique based on their individual constitution, which is nothing but the combination of bio-energies or energy elements known as doshas.

The predominant Ayurvedic body types or doshas are vata, pitta and kapha. Food, lifestyle changes and numerous other factors have an impact on our health and it is for this reason Ayurveda suggests Ayurvedic routine, healthy and balanced diet, essential oils, herbs, physical exercises, meditation, yoga and Ayurvedic massage techniques based upon on your doshas and treat imbalances systematically.

Neroli oil aids in lessening increased vata and pitta and in increasing kapha deficit.

Let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Neroli essential oil.

neroli-broucher1. Excellent oil for female problems:

Neroli oil is said to “have a special affinity for the female immune system, and is part of all our female immune regulatory formulas” says Light Miller in her book ‘Ayurveda and Aromatherapy’. She also states that Neroli essential oil aids women in every stages of transition including menstruation, menopause, irritation, anxiety, depressive thoughts, negative feelings and heart health.

Neroli essential oil is known as women’s best pal throughout her life especially in every maturing year by assisting menopausal problems, fighting against wrinkles and supporting the generation of new skin cells. It acts as maturing woman’s best friend by combating wrinkles and improving the skin texture with aging and acts as a promising anti-aging agent.

Blending 2 drops of Neroli oil with coconut oil or jojoba oil can aid you as a great massage blend followed by a warm bath enriched with 3 to 4 drops of Neroli oil can relax your system, reduce pain, promote good sleep and lessen stress and depression especially during menstrual discomforts and menopausal symptoms.

You can also add 2 drops of this oil to your diffuser or wear it on your wrist to keep you calm throughout the day. Mixing 2 drops of Neroli oil in your mild skin care cream or lotion aids in combating the effects of aging on your skin.

2. Enormously skin-friendly:

Neroli is indeed a great oil for managing your skin problems effectively. It guards your skin from harmful bacterial infections causing acne and other skin problems with its antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Applying 2 drops of Neroli oil mixed with coconut oil can help in fighting against bacteria and other harmful organisms while protecting wounds and other skin conditions from infections and tetanus.

Neroli essential oil has cytophylactic effects that supports in maintaining the health of existing skin cells and promoting the formation of new cells. This aids in augmenting the elasticity of skin, making it supple, reducing wrinkles and treating varicose veins. Being a cicatrisant, Neroli oil helps in fading away scars, stretch marks and other marks let by acne, pox, accidents and wounds.

Use 2 drops of Neroli oil in vaporizer aids you in clearing the clogged pores and purify the skin surface. Adding 2 to 3 drops of this oil to your regular skin care cream or lotion aids in treating wrinkles, scars, control excess oil in the skin, retain its natural moisture, clear blemishes, curtail enlarged pores and leave it glow naturally just like the ‘Orange blossoms’.

3. Boosts your mental capabilities:

Neroli has been behind the glorious works of the great icon of art, Leonardo Da Vinci. He trusted that the enlivening fragrance of this oil augmented his concentration, granted calmness to the mind and paved way for deepening his creative powers.

It is said that the refreshing and intense aroma of this oil improves your memory, enhance your mental power, helps in self-purification, filters negative feelings and support you in bringing out your fullest potential in studies and at work. Charge your mind by adding 2 drops of Neroli oil in your room freshener and start exploring your excellence right away!

4. Calms your mind:

The enriching, energizing, encouraging and stimulating smell of Neroli essential oil drives away depression, inculcates positive thoughts, boosts your confidence and energy level and has a direct impact on your mood and behavioral patterns. One of the studies by the Brown University on the physiological effects of aromatherapy oils like Neroli proved that such aroma persuade temper and actions.

A study by the Stem Cell Medical Research Center and Department of Applied Cosmetology of Hung Kuang University, Taiwan on ‘Inhalation of Neroli essential oil and its anxiolytic effects in animals’ proved that the inhalation of essential oils like Neroli and Lavender can activate the limbic system of the brain granting the corresponding beneficial effects. This study also concluded that inhaling Neroli oil exhibited effectiveness and improvements in the potential treatment of anxiety.

Using Neroli for depression and distress is a traditional method for staying calm and collected. You can involve in self-massaging with 4 drops of Neroli added to one cup of almond oil or add it to warm bath or to your diffuser for recovering your mind from hopelessness, uplifting your mood and enjoying the feeling of warmth and relief naturally.

5. Adds spice to your love life:

Orange blossoms and its essential oil are celebrated for years together for its natural aphrodisiac and arousal properties. The profound and long-lasting aroma of Neroli acts as a tonic for the nervous system, reproductive system and the cardiac system.

This aids in paving way for intimacy and a quixotic time together for the couples even in their late 30s or 40s when loss of sexual interest can ruin one’s sex life. Using 2 drops of Neroli oil in the room freshener or in the bath tub or in massaging with jojoba oil aids in augmenting your sexual interest, improve libido in both men and women, treat erectile dysfunctions, impotence and  frigidity.

6. Assists digestive and sleeping disorders:

Neroli essential oil is claimed as one of the best massaging essential oils for treating numerous health disorders like insomnia and depression. Massaging with 3 drops of Neroli oil and 2 drops of Lavender oil blended with wheat germ oil can assist in relieving anxiety and tension, generate a soothing effect on the nervous system and enhance blood circulation. All these actions will help in promoting a peaceful sleep without any kind of mental disturbances.

Neroli oil has been used in the traditional and folklore medicine as a natural aid for gastrointestinal problems. It is still used in Chinese medicine in the treatment of anorexia and vomiting.

With its carminative and digestive properties, this oil assists in expelling unwanted gas in the intestine and stomach, increasing the appetite, promoting digestion, regulating the metabolic process and leaving you feel light and refreshed.

Other health benefits:

Neroli oil has been approved by the German Commission E for safe use. It is also used in treating cramps, spasmodic coughs, neuralgia, diarrhea, kidney and urinary tract infections, cold, headache and hysteria.

Neroli oil is also said to have anti-cancer effects with the presence of farnesol that has been proved effective in inhibiting the growth of tumor especially in lung cancer, causing death of the cancerous cells or stimulate apoptosis. This oil is also used as an insect repellant with the presence of components like geraniol and farnesol.


Never take essential oils internally. Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and always use it after diluting in suitable carrier oils. This article is only for the purpose of information and is not meant to diagnose or replace any prescribed medication or professional advice. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the suitable essential oil for your unique individual constitution and health condition.

Thought for the day:

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.    Luther Burbank

Suggested Reading:

  1. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy: The Earth Essential Guide to Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing by Dr. Light Miller, Dr. Bryan Miller
  2. Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Practice, Second Edition by Jane Buckle
  3. Citrus Essential Oils: Flavor and Fragrance from Wiley
  4. Mental Health, Naturally: The Family Guide to Holistic Care for a Healthy Mind and Body by Kathi J. Kemper

Reference Links:

  1. Neroli/Citrus aurantium var. amara in History, Myths and Legends of Aromatherapy Part 2 by Aromaticamedica
  2. Inhalation of Neroli essential oil and its anxiolytic effects in animals by the Stem Cell Medical Research Center and Department of Applied Cosmetology of Hung Kuang University, Taiwan
  3. Neroli by Wikipedia
  4. Molecular mechanisms involved in farnesol-induced apoptosis published in PubMed

Ayurvedic Treatment For Insomnia

‘Ouch! My days appear dragged…My nights are making me an owl…..Even my simple breakfast takes much time to digest…..I’ve started developing dark circles around my eyes…..I always feel exhausted and worn-out. What’s happening to me?’ I often hear these lifeless statements from many of my friends and colleagues. If you are experiencing any one of the indications listed above, then listen you are suffering from insomnia.

According to Ayurveda, insomnia is the basis for angst, nervousness, gloominess, depression, obesity, hypersensitivity, stress, deprived immune system and constant worrying. These symptoms can also be called as the siblings of insomnia. If left unnoticed you’ll more or less be encircled by a shadowy atmosphere where even your bright white dress might look completely black to your eyes??? Only a spiritual healing of an Ayurvedic treatment can perfectly save your head from insomnia and its siblings.

What is insomnia? Insomnia simply means sleepless nights when you are still lying on your bed waiting for a profound sleep to knock your night. People suffering from insomnia experience difficulty in falling asleep and slog to enjoy the comfort of a lasting sleep.  There’s nothing as dreadful as insomniac nights. By the time you are struggling, striving, tossing and turning on your bed, you’d quickly realize that the Sun has come up to serve its purpose. Oh My God! What a kind of irritation it is? How worse it is to stay awake while the entire home sleeps peacefully?

Reasons behind insomnia: What causes insomnia? Is the biggest question in this context. Ayurveda states that insomnia branches out from vata predominant emotions in people who have a medical history of constipation, unbalanced eating habits, improper digestion, regular dehydration and few other health disorders. Sleep is completely natural in Ayurvedic terms and this common sense science recommends human beings to sleep before 10:00 PM at night and wake up before 6:00 AM. This is because our body naturally influences the secretion of melatonin hormone from the pineal gland, when the natural light starts fading and induces sleep. Intake of caffeine-based drinks, hectic routine, siesta, intake of excess alcohol, late night meals and other in the wrong lifestyle changes alters the natural secretion of melatonin and ends up in insomnia.

Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia: According to Ayurveda, good sleep and rest known as ‘Nidra’ is one among the three vital pillars of human health. Taking up an Ayurvedic routine and following it right in your daily lives will gradually make your system complete and your life meaningful. Ayurveda, the natural wisdom has a bunch of fruitful remedies for treating insomnia and few other serious health conditions caused by acute and chronic insomnia.

  1. Healthy and nutritious diet: Ayurveda always insists on the intake of a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet with fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. After your first Ayurvedic consultation, your Ayurvedic practitioner will help you in identifying your predominant dosha and guide you with a healthy diet containing the food items that would suit your inherited constitution in a hale and hearty manner.
  2. Abhyanga or the Ayurvedic massage: An enlivening Ayurvedic massage can give you all that you need for a calm and composed living. It has proven benefits and is in practice for more than 5000 years. A relieving massage with Ayurvedic essential oils and other medicated oils aids in reducing pain, muscular tension, nervousness, stress, enhances your blood circulation, soothes your nervous system, rejuvenates your mind and helps in alleviating anxiety, fatigue, stress, depression and other mood fluctuations paving way for an entirely new system that will certainly help you in getting a good night’s sleep.
  3. Shirodhara: It can be called as a revivifying treatment useful in treating mental exhaustion, neurological disorders, sinusitis, loss of memory, tension and insomnia. It stimulates relaxation of muscles and increases the concentration power. This therapy engages gentle pouring of oils or other medicated liquids on the forehead for a specific time from a specific distance.
  4. Use of Ayurvedic essential oils: Ayurvedic essential oils have a natural fragrance that calm the senses and soothe the mind gradually. The mesmerizing aroma along with the therapeutic properties like anti-depressant, calmative, soothing, sedative, relaxing and revitalizing help considerably in treating insomnia. You can either add few drops to your bath tub for a warm refreshing bath before going to bed or add two to three drops of essential oil to your pillows to bring in calmness or place a cotton ball near your pillow with few drops of mild essential oils that can help through the entire night in inculcating warming thoughts. The best and most effective Ayurvedic essential oils for insomnia are Lavender essential oil, Clary sage essential oil, Ylang Ylang essential oil, Sandalwood oil, Neroli oil, Roman Chamomile oil, Bergamot essential oil, Marjoram essential oil, Rose essential oil and Basil essential oil.
  5. Soothing physical exercises, yoga and meditation: Regular physical exercises, yoga and meditation are vital for your harmonized living. Everything should be done methodically, preferably in the early hours of the day that has a greater impact on your positive thinking, dynamism, clarity of mind and improves your self-confidence.

Always end up your day with a small prayer before going to bed. This really helps a lot. There is no use in worrying or staring at the ceiling when the complete city sleeps in silence. Come on! The gift of sleeping right and tight at night just demands these simple and startling steps. Enjoy your sleep and all I have to say you is ‘Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite’. Bye! Bye!

Thought for the day:

Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking.    -By Clifton Fadiman.

Suggested reading:

  1. NATURAL INSOMNIA TREATMENT Best Essential Oils to Use for Chronic Insomnia, Sleep Disturbances, Night Fears & to Restore Natural Sleep Cycles
    By KG Stiles
  2. Beat Insomnia Quickly (Bullet Guides) By Sara Kirkham
  3. Overcoming Sleep Disorders Naturally By Laurel Vukovic
  4. Sleep Tight: Sleep well tonight and every night By James M Brunton

Reference Links:

  1. Insomnia by Wikipedia
  2. What Is Insomnia? What Causes Insomnia? by Medical News Today
  3. Ayurvedic Cure for Insomnia by Onlymyhealth
  4. Melatonin by University of Maryland Medical Center

Jasmine Oil PG Grade

Flowers are always the fervent favorites of poets all over the world and greatly to everyone’s wonder; Jasminum Officinale is lovingly called as Poet’s Jasmine, Common Jasmine or Jessamine. The essential oil of Jasmine is extracted from the flowering buds by solvent extraction method. It is known as Jati, Johi and Chameli in Ayurveda and has been used for treating hiccoughs, poisonous stings, anger, sexual disorders, menopausal problems, post-natal depression, respiratory problems and skin diseases. The attar varieties and perfumes made from Jasmine are famous for more than thousands of years in various traditions of the world.

Purchase Jasmine Oil PG Grade – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Jasmine Oil: Jasminum Officinale has its origin in central parts of Asia mainly in Northern India and China. It was the Moors who brought Jasmine to Spain after which its cultivation slowly spread to Morocco, France, Japan, Turkey and Italy. Jasmine is the national flower of Pakistan and its shield is represented by the floral wreath of Jasmine shrubs.

Since the prehistoric period, Jasmine flowers and the various parts of this evergreen plant including the leaves and roots have been in use for medicinal, culinary, ceremonial and aromatic uses. History denotes that the enchanting aroma of Jasmine flowers encircle the evening time with the magic of love, mystical thoughts, psychic dreams and endless fascination.

Jasmine is used as an important flower in the religious ceremonies in the Indian subcontinent and it is given as a sacred offering to Lord Vishnu. The garlands made with these flowers are considered as symbol of respect and used for welcoming special guests. These flowers are used as ornaments for hair and for offering Vedic rituals.

Jasmine has also been used as an ancient remedy for treating poisonous bites and stings. Jasmine oil was a popular anointing oil for Kings and affluent people during the times of Lord Buddha. It is also used in Indonesia for making garlands, hair ornaments and as a well-liked garnish.

This aromatic herb has been a vital part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine as an aphrodisiac and for certain other medicinal purposes. They used it in folk medicine for treating hepatitis in Southern China. A 2009 study on ‘Antiviral efficacy against hepatitis B virus replication of oleuropein isolated from Jasminum officinale L. var. grandiflorum’ published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology proved Jasmine officinale as a potential therapeutic agent for treating infections caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV).

Chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of Jasmine essential oil: There are about 100 chemical components in Jasmine essential oil and the major ones are methyl anthranilate, benzoic acid, indole, linalool, ketone, linalyl acetate, nerol, benzyl acetate, cis- jasmone, farnesol, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, nerolidol, cis-3-hexenyl benzoate and y-terpineol.

These components contribute to its remedial properties like anticancer, antidepressant, antiseptic, emmenagogue, galactogogue, astringent, analgesic, stimulant, uterine, sedative, expectorant, aphrodisiac, parturient, antispasmodic, diuretic, cicatrisant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anthelmintic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Jasmine essential oil: Ayurveda is the knowledge of life that preached the healing discipline all over the world with absolute justice. This ancient healing methodology aged 5,000 plus years is known as the mother of all the healing systems on earth. Ayurvedic healing gave a new-fangled dimension to health as this elevated system aimed at enhancing physical health, strength of the psyche and the soul that witnesses the presence of life in a human being.

Other than Ayurveda, no other medicinal practice in this world considers human body as a temple where the eternal soul dwells in. It is for this noble reason, Ayurveda recommends human beings to keep their mind, body and the environment clean and healthy for the spirit to reside in harmony. When this harmony happens, human beings develop a strong system mentally, physically and spiritually paving way for healthy aging and longevity.

According to Ayurveda, the world and everything in this world are made up of five major elements known as Pancha Mahabhutas. They are water, earth, space, fire and air. These five elements combine together to form three predominant doshas or Ayurvedic body types. This helps in understanding the unique individual constitution of each and every person.

Every individual has a predominance of any one of these doshas that determine their personality, traits and behavior. Balance between these Ayurvedic body types symbolizes health and dosha imbalances lead to sickness. Ayurvedic remedies focus on striking perfect balance between these doshas and treatment varies from individual to individual even for the same sickness based upon their unique constitution.

Herbs, meditation, essential oils, Ayurvedic routine, healthy balance diet, yoga, prayers and simple physical exercises are the chief Ayurvedic remedies prescribed for health and heartiness. Jasmine essential oil is a tridosha oil that calms all the three doshas specifically the aggravation of pitta dosha in the head. It’s time to look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Jasmine essential oil based upon the method of usage.

1. In Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massage therapy: Human skin is fundamentally the largest organ of the body. It acts as an excellent barrier for preventing the easy entry of harmful micro-organisms into the body. Ayurvedic massage therapy is the art of massaging with remedial essential oils.

Massaging your body with 5 drops of Jasmine oil blended with 2.5 ml Jojoba oil aids in treating depression, postpartum blues, pain, headache, rheumatism, nervousness, muscular pain, insomnia, tension, negative feelings and stress. It works like a wonder as the therapeutic properties of this oil penetrate deeply into the skin and pass on through the bloodstream. It calms the nerves, soothes the senses and inculcates self-confidence. This massage also aids in alleviating stress and depression by uplifting your mood and promoting relaxation for your system.

Massaging your scalp with 5 drops of Jasmine oil blended with 2.5 ml Almond oil helps in nourishing the scalp, treat anxiety, grant relaxation, enhance memory, improves hair health and leaves behind a natural fragrance. This massage is also helpful in treating headache, tension, confusions and lack of concentration.

As massage oil, Jasmine essential oil can also be of great assistance in treating male and female reproductive problems by promoting the secretion of male and female hormones testosterone and estrogen. With its emmenagogue properties, Jasmine essential oil helps in regularizing blocked menstruation, assist menopausal symptoms (like hot flush), reduce menstrual pain and other symptoms of menstruation by massaging your abdomen with this healing blend.

2. In baths and steam inhalation: Add 2 drops of Jasmine essential oil in warm bathing water for treating fatigue, anxiety, nervous tension, depression, premenstrual syndrome, muscular spasms and loss of sexual interest. Taking bath in this medicated water before going to bed can help in relaxing your mind and body, promote libido in both men and women, protect from dreadful dreams, stimulate the senses, induce peaceful sleep and loosen mucus and phlegm deposits. 1 drop of Jasmine oil added to foot bath can assist in calming down your mind and body, promote relaxation of sore muscles and reduce fever.

Adding 2 drops of Jasmine essential oil to steam inhalation helps in treating respiratory problems like cold, cough, bronchitis and sinusitis by clearing out the excess phlegm deposits and nasal congestion. This healing value is attributed to the antiviral and expectorant properties of Jasmine oil.

3. In vaporizers, burners and aroma lamps: Jasmine essential oil is an excellent remedy for alleviating depression, loss of interest, stress and other mental woes. All these pre-occupied thoughts in your mind will steal your peaceful sleep at night ending up in a mess at office in the morning. Jasmine essential oil has been proved to stimulate the mind and reduce symptoms of stress and depression.

By adding 2 drops of Jasmine oil to your diffuser, burner or vaporizer, you get to inhale the aromatic molecules of this heavenly oil, which passes through the nasal passages and reach the limbic system of the brain. It is known as the brain’s control center that transmits message to the mind and body for controlling feelings and emotions and thus transforming one’s behavior positively. You can sense the difference visibly as the biological factors like blood pressure, heart rate, breathing mechanism, immune functions and stress levels tend to turn normal and leave you relaxed and recharged.

Inhaling the invigorating aroma of Jasmine oil has also been said to treat pitta aggravation in the head that is responsible for loss of temper, insanity, loss of memory and certain other mental disturbances. It helps you control your anger, regain your memory power, augment your confidence level, give a lift to the attributes of love and respect for self and others and grants mental clarity.

The sensual fragrance of Jasmine essential oil especially during the night can turn on your love quotient. Jasmine has been used as a natural aphrodisiac for numerous centuries to improve the sexual drive and libido in men and women, treat impotence and frigidity, promote the natural flow of sexual feelings and instill love, trust and confidence in the partner.

4. In daily creams and lotions: Jasmine essential oil has amazing benefits for the skin. 2 drops of this oil added to your regular skin care creams and lotions assist in improving the texture of your skin, reduce blemishes, improves your skin tone and elasticity, moisten the skin, and treat allergies, open wounds and dermatitis. The cicatrisant and collagen enhancing properties of Jasmine essential oil makes it an exceptional remedy for lessening scars and stretch marks. Applying this aromatic lotion daily will guard your skin from the harmful microbes and help you stay fresh and fragrant throughout the day.

Other health benefits: Jasmine and its essential oil is also effective in treating diabetes mellitus, headache, scorpion stings, eye diseases, cancer, labour pain, addiction and uterine disorders.

According to a 2008 study on ‘Anti-Cancer Flower Power: Researchers Combat Cancer With A Jasmine-Based Drug’ published in the Science Daily, Prof. Flescher reveals that the synthetic compound jasmonate extracted from Jasmine is effective in treating cancerous tumors. The peer commentary also supports this research by saying “Methyl jasmonate has already been shown to have selective anticancer activity in preclinical studies, and this finding may stimulate the development of a novel class of small anticancer compounds.”

Disclaimer: This is only for the purpose of information and is not proposed to make a diagnosis or replace any prescribed medication or professional medical advice. Never ingest essential oils and always use them in a diluted form because organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and can harm you if used directly on the skin. It is advisable to do a small patch test on your skin before using essential oils regularly. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before using the appropriate essential oils for your unique health condition and individual constitution. Care should be taken before using Jasmine essential oil if you are a pregnant or nursing mother.

Thought for the day:

Out in the lonely woods the jasmine burns Its fragrant lamps, and turns Into a royal court with green festoons The banks of dark lagoons.  -Henry Timrod

Suggested Reading:

  1. The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Aromatic Oils In Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Health, and Well Being by Julia Lawless
  2. Captivate Your Senses: Sensual Jasmine (A Scented Book Series) by Unknown
  3. The Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs: Psychoactive Substances for Use in Sexual Practices by Christian Rätsch, Claudia Müller-Ebeling
  4. Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit: Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils by Gabriel Mojay           

Reference Links:

  1. Jasminum Officinale by Wikipedia
  2. Health benefits of Jasmine essential oil by Organic Facts
  3. Jasmine by Kamlesh Ayurveda
  4. Antiviral efficacy against hepatitis B virus replication of oleuropein isolated from Jasminum officinale L. var. grandiflorum by Guiqin Zhao, Zhifeng Yin and Junxing Dong published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  5. Anti-Cancer Flower Power: Researchers Combat Cancer With A Jasmine-Based Drug published in Science