Coriander Oil Indian

Coriander is a divine herb that makes us feel the touch of nature’s magnificence with its tiny little seeds that possess mammoth benefits for various medical conditions including the chronic cancer and durable diabetes. Extracted from the seeds of the Coriandrum sativum plant by steam distillation, organic Coriander essential oil is a proven natural remedy for treating migraine, arthritis, neurological inflammation, urinary tract infections, fever and indigestion.

Coriander is said to have its name etched in numerous Sanskrit texts dating more than 7000 years. This herb is known in Ayurveda as Dhanyaka or Dhaniya and is a member of the Ayurvedic family Shat pushpa. Coriander and its essential oil is also recommended in Ayurveda for relieving menstrual problems, fever, hepatitis C, parasitic worms, kidney disorders, mouth ulcers, high cholesterol level, colitis, urticaria, hay fever, loss of memory, rheumatism, impotence etc.,

Purchase Coriander Oil Indian – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Coriander and its essential oil: It is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and has been used throughout the history of various traditions both for culinary and medicinal purposes. It was prevalently used for indigestion, stomach ache, nausea and other gastrointestinal disorders.

The traditional Ayurvedic text, Sushruta Samhita states Coriander as Kustumvari and used it as a demulcent aid for treating thirst and burning sensation of the skin. It was initially blended with other aromatic herbs such as anise, caraway, cardamom, fennel and cumin and used in the treatment of numerous diseases. Coriander is known for its natural high content of volatile oils and was prescribed for treating cancer, skin conditions, blood impurities, liver disorders and sore throat.

The primordial Romans used Coriander seeds and its leaves for preserving and flavoring meat and meat products. This is mainly due to the antioxidant property that curbs animal fats from becoming rancid and the effectiveness of Coriander in combating meat-ruining fungi and bacteria. These concrete reasons make the use of Coriander leaves and seeds in the preparation of various lip-smacking cuisines across the world even in this contemporary world.

Chinese believe that Coriander disciplines the Qi or the vital life energy. Certain herbal texts of the Han Dynasty quote Coriander as a powerful herb for making humans immortal. The Traditional Chinese Medicine used this herb for treating hernia, piles, dysentery, flatulence, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, stomach pain, nausea and measles.

The powder extracted from the seeds was also used in treating worms in children. Greeks used Coriander for supporting weight loss, weak memory and impotence. The Iranian folklore medicine use Coriander for relieving insomnia and anxiety in women.

In the modern medicinal practice, Coriander has been used as a vital part of the dietary intervention program for regulating deficiency of vitamin A in children. It is listed as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) in FDA (Food and Drug Administration, United States). The German Commission E approves Coriander as a natural aid for treating gastrointestinal conditions like loss of appetite and dyspepsia.

Remedial properties and chemical constituents of Coriander essential oil: The major chemical components responsible for its healing values are cineole, coriandrol, borneol, cymene, terpineol, geraniol, camphor, anethole, carvone, pinene, dipentene, terpinolene, phellandrene and linalool. The therapeutic benefits of Coriander essential oil are carminative, aphrodisiac, digestive, antispasmodic, lipolytic, antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, stimulant, deodorant, alterative, depurative, diuretic, fungicidal, stomachic and diaphoretic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Coriander essential oil: Ayurveda, the complete healing system considers that health is based on its three pillars including the physical health, mental health and a healthy soul. With this concept as its chief belief, Ayurvedic remedies aim at treating the root cause of the illnesses by prescribing herbs, Ayurvedic essential oils, yoga, simple physical exercises, Ayurvedic routine, Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massaging), prayers and meditation. It paves way for attaining longevity through healthy aging and prevention of illnesses.

The matchlessness of Ayurveda lies in its methodology of treating sicknesses in a unique manner for every individual as it trusts that every person is a unique part of nature with a specific individual constitution that comprises of three vital biological energies known as doshas. They are vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas represent the five elements of nature, which every creation on earth is trusted to be built with. They are fire, water, earth, space and air.

Vata energy is a combination of space and air and is responsible for circulation, respiration, movement and nervous functions of the body. Pitta dosha is a representation of fire and water and it controls all kinds of metabolic functions including digestion, absorption and elimination.

Kapha symbolizes earth and water and is in charge of muscular development and fluid retention in the body. Every human being has a unique combination of these three doshas with a predominance of any one dosha, which determines the personality, character and behavioral attributes.

Balance between these three doshas indicates absolute state of health and imbalance due to lifestyle, food habits and other environmental changes causes illnesses. Ayurvedic remedies are prescribed in such an efficient manner that brings back the perfect rhythm between the doshas in accordance with the individual’s prakriti (constitution) and medical condition.

Coriander Oil Indian is known to have a positive effect on all the three doshas and helps maintain optimal levels by acting as an excellent suppressant. Let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic health benefits of Coriander essential oil by its usage methods.

1. As an exceptional Ayurvedic massage oil or bath oil: The art of Ayurvedic massaging is called as Abhyanga, where the palms, feet, elbows and other traditional massaging equipments are used for maneuvering muscles, nerves and the entire human system.

By using Ayurvedic essential oils in massaging, this traditional healing methodology ensures that the therapeutic properties of the essential oils are passed on to the blood stream by penetrating through the skin cells and thus transmitting the corresponding healing benefits to various parts of the body.

Massaging your body with 10 drops of Coriander oil blended with 5 ml of sesame oil helps in alleviating muscular pain, arthritis, rheumatic pain, stomach ache, indigestion, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn and other digestive problems.

a) Eases digestive disorders: Coriander oil has carminative, stomachic and digestive properties that stimulate the process of metabolism and influence proper secretion of bile, gastric juices and other acids responsible for trouble-free digestion. This oil improves digestion by regulating pitta dosha, which is responsible for digestion and other metabolic functions. It helps in relieving gas built-up in the stomach and intestines and it also prevents the formation of gas. English Herbalist John Gerard wrote, “Coriander seeds well prepared and covered with sugar as comfits, taken after meat, helpeth digestion”

According to the 2009-10 report by the Food Standards Agency, about 1 million people in the UK are suffering from food poisoning, contributing to 500 deaths and around 20,000 cases requiring medical care. Recent researches have proved that the use of Coriander oil helps in fighting against harmful bacteria causing food poisoning and other infections in the stomach and intestines.

A 2011 study on the combating effect of Coriander oil against 12 bacterial strains were tested in the lab, including Bacillus cereus, E. coli, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Salmonella enteric by Dr. Fernanda Domingues and her team from the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. This study witnessed that 1.6% or less than that quantity of Coriander oil killed or reduced the growth of all the harmful bacteria tested. It also discards parasites in the body.

Dr. Domingues also said that “Coriander oil damages the membrane surrounding the bacterial cell. This disrupts the barrier between the cell and its environment and inhibits essential processes including respiration, which ultimately leads to death of the bacterial cell. ‘It could become a natural alternative to common antibiotics.” She also said that Coriander oil can be used in lotions or oral rinses for treating food poisoning and fighting against multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.

b) Discharges toxic substances from the body: Coriander essential oil has diuretic, analgesic, depurative and antioxidant properties that assists in eliminating harmful toxic substances or ama from the body along with excess salts, uric acids and cholesterol in the blood by promoting the frequency and quality of urination. By this way it reduces inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism.

c) Controls diabetes and the level of cholesterol: Numerous studies have proved the effectiveness of Coriander and its essential oil in controlling the levels of cholesterol, especially the bad cholesterol like VLDL or LDL and increased the level of HDL (good cholesterol).

Coriander has also been suggested in controlling blood glucose levels and regularly checks the process of glucose getting converted into glycogen, causing diabetes. A 2011 study on ‘Antioxidant potential of Coriandrum sativum L. seed extract’ published in PubMed states “C. sativum seeds not only possess antihyperglycemic properties but antioxidative properties also. Increased dietary intake of coriander seeds decreases the oxidative burden in diabetes mellitus.”

d) Lessens menstrual pain and excess flow: Massaging your lower abdomen with 2 drops of Coriander oil mixed with 1 ml olive oil helps in regulating excessive menstrual flow and alleviates dysmennorhea or severe menstrual pain. The Arabians used Coriander for lessening menstrual pain and pain during childbirth.

e) Natural aphrodisiac: Coriander oil is also an excellent aphrodisiac that has been used in various traditions across the world. It is also mentioned in the famous Arabian tale, ‘A Thousand and One Nights’ as an effective aphrodisiac for arousing sexual passion naturally. This quality is attributed to the presence of phyto-estrogen content in Coriander seeds. Using it in massage, followed by a warm bath with 2 drops of Coriander oil diluted in bathing water preferably before going to bed can aid in enhancing the libido, treat frigidity in men and women, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions.

2. In burners or vaporizers: Coriander essential oil has a sweet, warm and slightly spicy aroma that instills a positive effect on the blood, plasma and the nervous system. Adding 2 to 3 drops of Coriander oil in burner, vaporizer or diffuser helps in refreshing the mind, regenerating the glandular system, treat mood fluctuations, improve memory power, lessen anxiety, mental fatigue, nervous weakness, tension, loss of sexual interest and lack of concentration.

Inhaling the remedial aroma of this oil is said to create a warming effect on the stomach and intestines and ease cramps and spasms. It uplifts the spirit and boosts the confidence level. Coriander oil permits more spiritual bonding to pass through the body and helps expanding the heart chakra, responsible for love and affection for self and others.

3. In steam inhalation: Coriander essential oil is known for lessening excess of kapha dosha, which is in charge of respiratory problems like cold, cough, sinusitis and nasal congestion. 2 drops of Coriander oil added to steam inhalation can be a great aid in alleviating cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, cold and sinusitis. It is also helpful in reducing the temperature especially with conditions like hay fever along with the massage of 1 drop of Coriander oil mixed with 1 ml of coconut oil in the foot soles.

4. In compresses, creams or oral rinses: 2 drops of Coriander oil mixed with 1 ml of jojoba oil or mild skin care cream or lotion and applied on the affected parts helps in clearing pimples, blackheads, athletes foot, ringworm and acne with its anti-bacterial and  fungicidal properties. Adding 1 drop of Coriander oil in a cup of warm water and used as an oral rinse assists in treating bad breath, plaque and discards harmful micro-organisms in the mouth. Using 2 drops of Coriander oil in hot or cold compress helps in treating muscular spasms, joint pain, migraine and arthritis.

Coriander seed oil has been proved and published in the European Food Safety Authority Journal as a safe and novel food ingredient, where the committee concluded stating “the novel food ingredient, coriander seed oil, is safe under the proposed uses and use levels.” The book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Bryan Miller and Light Miller quotes Coriander oil as “an antidote to hot food, very decongesting to the liver, and is a great reducer of fire and heat in the body. It is thought to be an aphrodisiac because of its phyto-estrogen content. It’s also a carminative, stimulating digestion.”

Disclaimer: This is only for the purpose of information and is not intended to substitute any prescribed medicines or professional medical advice. Pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause harm if used directly on the skin, so it always good to dilute essential oils before topical use. Never take essential oils internally without consulting your Ayurvedic practitioner and upon his/her expert advice, choose the most appropriate essential oil for your prakriti (unique individual constitution) and medical condition. Please avoid this oil during pregnancy.

Thought for the day:

Every Flower Is A Soul Blossoming In Nature.     -Gerard De Nerval

Suggested Reading:

  1. Coriander – Coriandrum Sativum L. by Axel Diederichsen, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
  2. The 50 Miracle Cures of Coriander by Dr. Awad Mansour
  3. Protective Effect of Cumin and Coriander on Profenofos: Antidote effect of Cumin and Coriander by Arun Kumar, Ranjit Kumar, Mohammad Ali
  4. Cumin & Coriander: A celebration of everyday North Indian cooking by Archana Nirad
  5. The Miracle Cures Of Diabetes: How To Beat Your Diabetes For Good by Prof Awad Mansour

Reference Links:

  1. Antioxidant potential of Coriandrum sativum L. seed extract’ by Anuradha CV and Deepa B, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Annamalai University, India, published in PubMed
  2. The natural remedy for superbugs? Coriander oil could be used to cure food poisoning and MRSA by Health column in Daily mail UK
  3. Medicinal Uses of Coriander by Natural Standard, the Authority on Integrative Medicine
  4. Scientific Opinion on the Safety of ‘Coriander Seed Oil’ as a Novel Food Ingredient published in the European Food Safety Authority Journal

Tuberose Absolute Oil

Tube-rose-bannerWhat more is needed to prove the mesmerizing aroma of Tuberose oil when it has the word ‘rose’ as a part of its name? Yes! Tuberose absolute oil is one such mythological oil known for its magnificence, floral and sensual aroma. Popularly known with various names like ‘The Mistress of the Night’, ‘Night Queen’ and ‘Raat Ki Raani’ in Hindi, this flower is said to rule the silence of the twilight with its irresistible fragrance.

Ayurveda, the ancient system of healing humanity employs natural remedies to empower the five senses such as smell, touch, taste, sound and colors for harmonious living. With smell being the primary one this ‘Mother of all healing sciences’ use aromatics to heal and prevent illnesses.

This is the major reason for using incense, flowers, attars, fragrance oils and aromatic essential oils during prayers, spiritual gatherings and meditation. Tuberose oil has been used in making attars that are apprehended in high regard in Ayurvedic medication for their ability to strengthen the mind and enhance the emotional stability.

Purchase Tuberose Absolute – 5% Dilution in Pure Jojoba – 4oz – CLICK HERE

Historical uses of Tuberose Absolute Oil:

Botanically known as Polianthes tuberosa, this plant is a member of the Amaryllis family and is indigenous to Central America. The early Aztec healers called Tuberose absolute as omixochitl, meaning bone flower mainly because of its radiant white and waxy flowers that stood stiff and strong just like bones.

It is also known as the favorite flower of the Mexicans and it was added to chocolate drinks. In certain cultures unmarried girls are advised not to smell the fragrance of Tuberose absolute flowers after sunset, due to its strong aphrodisiac properties.

Tuberose flowers are a vital part of the traditional Hawaiian weddings where these flowers are intermingled with Plumeria flowers for an elegant, rich, exquisite and an aromatic wedding garland.

The brides of Hawaii wear Haku meaning a wreath around their crown, which is made up of Tuberose flowers and pikaki. This is mainly to bring joy, harmony and intimacy as well as to give a great start to the newly married couple. The ancient Victorians attributed the fragrance of Tuberose flowers to sensual and voluptuous qualities and on the other hand certain Victorians also called Tuberose as funeral flower.

Ayurvedic benefits of Tuberose Absolute Oil:

Tuberose absolute is called as Rajnigandha in Ayurveda meaning ‘night fragrance’. The flowers of this plant bloom during the night time and release their scent for attracting the attention of nocturnal moths for pollination. Just like Jasmine, tuberose also has a strong floral scent that is effective even hours after plucking it.

Essential oils have been used for their aroma and therapeutic values by priests, devotees and worshipers to draw the attention of Gods, Goddesses and Spirits, to ward off evil powers and to sanctify the places of worships. In this way, the aroma of Tuberose absolute oil with Venus as the guiding planet is said to be the blessed oil to Maya who is respected as the origin of Gods.

This oil was also used in the primordial times for opening the heart chakra, capturing compassion, vision, love, psychic sensitivity, creativity and trance work.

Ayurveda’s use of aromatics as an aphrodisiac, stimulant, sedative, calmative and as a natural remedy for various psycho-spiritual conditions is well-known. According to Ayurveda, the aroma of Tuberose absolute oil is said to open the crown chakra, which is responsible for augmenting creative powers, peacefulness of the mind, intensify the emotional powers and strengthen the psychic potential.

The predominant Ayurvedic benefits of Tuberose absolute oil are:Tube-rose-broucher1. Naturally defensive:

The sweet-smelling oil of Tuberose flowers is proven to possess anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it as one among the perfect medicated oil for use. A prominent study on ‘Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils from Palmarosa, Evening Primrose, Lavender and Tuberose’ proved that Tuberose absolute oil was effective in treating gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

Another study on ‘Anti-fungal activity of tuberose absolute and some of its constituents’ proved that the three constituents present in Tuberose absolute namely indole, geraniol and methyl anthranilate revealed effectiveness against the mycelia growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on potato-dextrose-agar medium.

2. Accepted Aphrodisiac:

Tuberose absolute oil is a time-honored aphrodisiac with narcotic properties. This is proven with its romantic name ‘Fragrance of the night’, ‘Night Queen’ and certain others. Inhaling the aroma of this mind-blowing oil or taking a fragrant warm bath before bed with 2 or 3 drops of Tuberose absolute oil added to your bathing water can do the magic for you.

This is done by the function of the aromatic compounds that reaches the limbic system of your brain through your nasal passages. This part of the brain is responsible for controlling emotions, sexual feelings and stimulating your system.

The warm, floral, deep, honey-like aroma encircles your room and your mind, leaving behind a perfect ambiance for love. The therapeutic properties of this oil enhances blood circulation of the body and assists in treating lack of libido, erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual interest. It grants you complete repose and is also said to treat frigidity and impotence due to lack to sexual health and drive.

3. Reviving Relaxant:

The pleasing and satisfying aroma of this oil aids in relieving tension, stress and anxiety. Experiencing the tranquilizing fragrance of this oil relaxes the nerves and muscles, soothes the senses and appeases the brain. This assists in alleviating anger and other negative feelings by intensifying your emotions and granting peace of mind.

4. Delighting Deodorant:

The long-lasting fragrance of Tuberose absolute oil makes it a perfect pick for dealing with problems like body odor due to the presence of bacteria in the sweat especially in tropical countries. It is for this unique reason, tuberose absolute oil has been in use in the perfume industry for ages together.

The most celebrated perfumes with the notes of Tuberose absolute oil are Fracas de Robert Piguet, April Aromatics from Natural Perfumer Tanja Bochnig, Nasomatto Narcotic Venus, Forbidden with tuberose and wormwood, Tallulah, Christian Dior Poison, Creed Tubereuse Indiana, Chanel Gardénia, Les Parfums de Rosine Mea Culpa and much more.

5. Wonderful Oil of Warmth:

The warming quality of this oil stimulates blood circulation and helps you in keeping your body warm by granting sufficient heat to your body. This gives you a feeling of security as it is trusted to embrace the person who wears it. Using this oil in your massage blend aids you in managing cold during winters, treats cracks on dried skin, protects the respiratory system and prevents the formation catarrh and phlegm.

Tuberose absolute oil also has sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that aids in treating muscular pains, spasms, skin infections, nausea and certain other health conditions. You can also use it as a soothing massage oil by adding 3 to 4 drops of Tuberose oil to your favorite carrier oil like jojoba oil and enliven your senses with a warm massage.

For your information: It approximately requires 3500 pounds of handpicked Tuberose flowers to extract 1 pound of Tuberose absolute oil and this noteworthy reason makes it the most expensive oil on this universe. Unlike other essential oils, tuberose oil is not extracted through steam distillation process as it cannot withstand high temperatures and it is extracted by enfleurage, which is a gentle but labor intensive process.

Disclaimer: This information is only for educational purposes and is not deliberated to diagnose any health condition. Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and never take them internally without the guidance of your Ayurvedic Practitioner. Blend essential oils with appropriate carrier oils before using them topically and keep away from children.

Thought for the day:

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.  –William Shakespeare

Suggested Reading:

  1. 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols by Jeanne Rose
  2. Creating Fairy Garden Fragrances: The Spirit of Aromatherapy by Linda Gannon
  3. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Julia Lawless

Reference Links:

  1. Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils from Palmarosa, Evening Primrose, Lavender and Tuberose by PubMed
  2. Tuberose A Treasure by Jeanne Rose
  3. Tuberose: Perfume Ingredients and Notes by Bois de Jasmin

Cananga Oil

Bejeweled as the “Poor man’s jasmine”, Cananga is a relative of the most mesmerizing Ylang Ylang flowers. Although its floral note resembles that of Ylang Ylang oil, Cananga is comparatively less aromatic as it is regarded much greener than the Ylang Ylang tree and is its cost-effective alternative.

cananga-bannerCananga has been a vital part of the remedial regimen since the traditional times in the treatment of depression, anxiety, impotence, insect bites and high blood pressure.

Known as Lanji and Vanachampaka in Sanskrit, Cananga and its essential oil have been recommended in Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy, hair growth, balanced sebum secretion, stress, malaria, insomnia, menopause, premenstrual syndrome, frigidity and nervous conditions.

Purchase Cananga Essential Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE

Purchase Cananga Essential Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

Historical uses and importance of Cananga oil:

Cananga is a vibrant member of the sugar apple family, Annonaceae. Indigenous to the tropical parts of Asia, Cananga oil is distributed throughout the world from India, Malaysia, Moluccas islands, Philippines and Java.

Cananga oil is extracted by steam distillation from the freshly picked up, bright yellow flowers those look similar to that of the Ylang Ylang flowers. Few sources state that the first person to distill the essential oil of Cananga Odorata was Albert Schwenger in 1860.

The English Botanist, John Ray explained this tree as ‘Arbor saguisen” and it was also called as Unona odorata and Borga Cananga by few other explorers. The dazzling and fragrant yellow flowers were used for ornamental purposes initially, slowly after which its enormous healing benefits were explored by the traditional folklore people.

The fresh flower petals were used as an effective remedy for asthmatic attacks, where as the dried flowers were used as a treatment for malarial fever. Numerous research studies have proved the effectiveness of Cananga against intestinal infections, rapid heartbeat, typhus, malaria and certain respiratory conditions. Cananga oil is also used in candies, soaps, shampoos, baked goods, perfumes, lotions and skin care creams.

The sea star shaped flowers are the distinctive source of the mesmerizing Cananga essential oil for which it was used on hair for decoration and was scattered on the beds of newly married. Cananga oil is a secret ingredient behind the growth of thick, lustrous and healthy hair.

Cananga was also used as a natural skincare agent, where the leaves and flowers were rubbed on to the skin for nourishing skin health, moisturizing dry skin, alleviating itches, treating insect stings and bites and for balancing the secretion of sebum. It was also employed as natural infusion in bathing.

History reveals that the Victorians along with the Indonesians, Malaysians and other traditional folklore populace used Cananga flowers as a formula in their hair oil for influencing natural hair growth, enhancing the glossy look of the hair, preventing split ends and for moisturizing the dry and itchy scalp, thus preventing from dandruff and other scalp conditions.

Chemical constituents and remedial properties of Cananga oil:

In general, the ratio of chemical components of essential oils is mainly based on the origin, growth, seasonal differences and topography. The major chemical constituents of Cananga oil are germacrene, pinene, methyl benzoate, benzoic acid, caryophyllene, cadinene, farnesol, cresol, geranyl acetate, borneol, eugenol, linalyl acetate, isoeugenol, linalyl benzoate, geraniol, linalool and other sesquiterpenes.

The therapeutic attributes contributing to its colossal remedial values are relaxant, hypotensive, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, tonic, anti-depressant, sedative, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, cardio tonic, emmenagogue, calmative, nervine, anti-infectious and antiseborrhoeic.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Cananga oil:

Ayurveda is the ancient remedial system that prescribes the use of herbal medications including herbs and spices, essential oils, yoga, meditation and other Ayurvedic healing techniques like Pranayama (balanced breathing), Ayurvedic routine (Ayurvedic regimen for healthy living), Panchakarma (detoxification technique) and Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massaging).

With the profound meaning of ‘knowledge of life’, Ayurveda is a common sense science that treats illnesses based on its root cause and not by just relying on its symptoms. This traditional healing methodology dates back to 5000 years, where the ancient sages and gurus who practiced Ayurveda lived for more than a 100 years.

Journey towards longevity with the treatment and prevention of illnesses in a natural way is the mantra of Ayurveda. According to this antique science, everything in nature including human beings is made up of five fundamental elements namely fire, earth, water, space and air.

All these vital energies symbolize different parts of the human body, where water stands for blood and fluids in the system, fire is a symbol of the body temperature and Agni (the digestive fire for metabolic functions), earth is a representation of bones and muscles, air is for respiration and ether or space is the eternal soul.

Every person is regarded as a unique entity of Nature with a unique individual constitutional set up known doshas. These three biological forces namely vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water) and kapha (water and earth) are a combination of the five elemental energies.

Vata dosha is in charge for nervous functions, movement of the system, creativity quotient, circulation of blood and air. Pitta takes care of metabolism, body temperature, leadership qualities and decision making abilities. Kapha dosha is responsible for the physique, fluid retention, sustenance, love and natural bonding.

Ayurveda in many ancient texts, denote human body as a temple, where the soul dwells in. It is for this reason it recommends maintaining harmony between the mind, body and soul. Every individual is treated in a unique manner based upon their distinct individual constitution, where absolute balance between these doshas as per Nature’s law indicates health and imbalance due to lifestyle changes, climatic conditions, moral values and lack of physical and psychological activities lead to sickness.

Cananga oil is recommended for balancing vata and pitta dosha and for stimulating kapha energy.

The Ayurvedic health benefits of Cananga essential oil are:

Cananga-broucher1. Fights hard with negative emotions:

Negativity or pessimism is a highly contagious health condition that spoils your mental and physical well-being along with those around you. The ability to think right is the basis for progress in all kinds of chores that you undertake.

Off-putting thoughts or negative thinking drains your mind and soul. Ayurveda beckons mind as the limb of consciousness and negative energies like fear of failure, loneliness, lack of self-confidence, annoyance, disgust, worries, frustration, anxiety, inferiority complex or lower self-esteem, depression, stress and possessiveness would often cause serious harm to the mind.

Ayurvedic essential oils along with Ayurvedic techniques like abhyanga, meditation and Pranayama have the potent to rejuvenate your mind and nurture your soul for enhanced thinking and better quality of life.

Cananga oil has such an enriching aroma that could stimulate the mental faculty with precision and positive thinking. The essential oil of Cananga has the power to fortify the heart chakra, which is responsible for self-love, self-confidence, trust and love for others, focused thoughts and spiritual consciousness.

2 drops of Cananga oil with 2 drops of Vetiver oil added to your diffuser or vaporizer during meditation or Pranayama (the Ayurvedic way of balanced breathing) can help in elevating your inner consciousness, promoting positive thoughts and hope, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence, instilling peace of mind, lessening anxiety, reducing depression and enhancing your creativity quotient and leadership traits with its power to augment vata and pitta doshas.

Cananga oil when added to warm bathing water before going to bed can help in alleviating fatigue, anxiety, stress, nervous depression and other psychological traumas. It also helps in promoting peaceful sleep and ensures a feel-fresh morning at the rise of every new-fangled day.

Ayurvedic massage blend with 5 drops of Cananga oil, 5 drops of Bergamot oil and 5 drops of Rose Geranium oil with 20 ml of Jojoba oil relaxes the tensed muscles, soothes your nerves and brings in complete tranquility to the mind and the soul. You can take up this revitalizing regimen every weekend for kick starting your routine in the next week.

2. Absolute rescuer of a range of skin conditions:

Skin is often the most revealed part of the body and any kind of stressful situations or other health problems affects the skin health and is mostly reflected on the facial skin and the scalp. For example acne, dandruff and wrinkles are most frequently associated with depression, stress, worries and related hormonal fluctuations.

Cananga is a Kushtanut in Ayurvedic philosophy, which is a promising remedy for certain skin diseases. With its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, Cananga is Dushta Vranashodhana for its excellent cleansing qualities of wounds, cuts and infections and is Krumihara for fighting against bacterial and microbial growths in such skin infections.

Applying 1 drop of Cananga oil with 5 drops of coconut oil on wounds, cuts, abrasions and other skin infections can foster quicker healing by curbing the growth of microbes and disinfecting or sanitizing the wounds from within.

With its anti-inflammatory and anti-seborrhoeic values, Cananga is a proven natural remedy for seborrhea, eczema, inflammation, irritation, soreness and redness of the skin. It regularizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, where the sebaceous glands are defined as “microscopic exocrine glands in the skin that secrete an oily or waxy matter, called sebum, to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair of mammals.”

This assists in keeping the skin and scalp moist and smooth. Mixing 1 drop of Cananga oil with 1 drop of Lavender oil and 1 drop of Orange oil and 2ml of coconut oil and gently massaging your skin surface can help in regularizing sebum secretion. You can remove this pack by wiping off your face with a warm towel. This also relieves from clogged pores and helps relieve acne and fight against wrinkles and other aging symptoms.

Being a tonic to the skin, Cananga nourishes the skin surface with its moisturizing and cooling properties and has been recommended for all types of skin including dry skin, stressed skin, oily skin, aging skin and combination skin.

3. Zings your vitality:

Cananga and its closest pal Ylang Ylang are assured solutions for greeting ahead the zing in your intimacy. Held high as the most popular traditional tonic for treating impotence, premature ejaculation, loss of libido and loss of interest in being together, Cananga with its bracing fragrance is a trusted cure for reproductive conditions both in men and women.

Cananga essential oil has a long-lasting intense floral and sensual aroma that helps in treating mood fluctuations, lack of sexual interest, erectile dysfunctions and intimacy problems due to stress or pre-occupied mind.

The enriching fragrance of Cananga oil reaches the limbic system of the brain through the nasal passages. It is the control center of the system and passes on the therapeutic values in the form of molecules to the nerve impulses and the corresponding parts of the body, thus supporting the secretion of positive hormones.

Adding 2 drops of Cananga oil along with 2 drops of Tuberose oil and 1 drop of Aswagandha oil to your air freshener in the evening can turn them quixotic by spreading its magical aroma. 3 drops of Cananga oil to your bathing tub before bedtime can also help in spicing up your vim and vigor.

4. Foe for feminine maladies:

The book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Light Miller and Bryan Miller quotes Cananga odorata oil as “A balancer to the female immune system, it reduces tension, cramps, negative emotions and headaches. It brings out warmth, self confidence, the feminine side and sensitivity.” It also states that this oil is excellent for the skin, reproductive system and nerves.

With its effectiveness to treat hormonal imbalances along with its balancing attributes, Cananga oil is a proven cure for treating problems associated with menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Massaging your lower abdomen, inner thighs, lower back, and around your genital area with 3 drops of Cananga oil, 2 drops of Vetiver oil, 2 drops of Cedarwood oil and 15ml of Olive oil can help in balancing estrogen hormones and regularize irregular menstruation, relieve dysmennorhea or painful periods, cramps, headache, mood swings, anxiety, irritability and sleeping difficulties. This can also help in treating frigidity and loss of sexual interest.

Wearing 1 drop of Cananga oil to your wrist or to your handkerchief can help in keeping your mind and nerves calm throughout the day. Cananga is an exceptional skin-friendly oil and has enormous benefits for hair growth as well. These advantages are attributed to its sebum-controlling potential and its ability to promote proper blood circulation in the system.

Adding 2 drops of Cananga oil in your regular shampoo for hair or gently massaging your scalp with 10 drops of Cananga oil along with 5 drops of Citriodora oil, 5 drops of Rosemary oil and 50ml of Coconut oil (slightly heat this blend before massaging) can support in controlling dandruff, moistening dry, itchy and scaly scalp, encouraging the growth of hair by promoting good circulation in the scalp, have power over split ends and can help in adding the glossy and natural shine to your hair.

5. Boosts the functions of the nervous system:

Cananga oil has the power to relax and soothe the central nervous system and controls the function and flow of adrenaline, which helps in pacifying negative emotions like rage, shock, panic, fear or anger. These feelings in turn lead to high blood pressure, nervousness, tension and insecurity.

Cananga and its essential oil have been celebrated for its ability to lessen anxiety and tension, thus improving the level of blood pressure and treating increased heartbeat and rapid breathing. It has tranquilizing and soothing effect on the nervous system.

Numerous studies have substantiated the effect of Ylang Ylang oil on people with high blood pressure and nervous tension. One study published in Planta Medica concluded that Ylang Ylang oil helped in reducing high blood pressure and increased pulse rate along with a boost in attentiveness and alertness.

Few other studies conducted with a group of people with hypertension, where the group was facilitated to inhale the aromatic blend with essential oils like Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Lavender and Neroli for about 24 hours, concluded that “essential oils may have relaxation effects for controlling hypertension and in reducing systolic blood pressure.”

Cananga oil, when added to your bathing water can also help in augmenting self-confidence and alleviating the feelings of fear, failure, obstinacy and feelings of loneliness along with stress and depression.

Other health benefits:

Apart from these health benefits, Cananga oil is also recommended for enhancing metabolic functions, flatulence, tastelessness, epilepsy, chest infections, intestinal infections and physical exhaustion.


This article is only educational purposes and is not destined for substituting professional medical advice or prescribed medications or for treating any medical conditions. We are not healthcare experts and we take up a shared interest to spread the knowledge of Ayurveda, the oldest and the Mother of all remedial practices in the world.

Do not use essential oils internally and dilute them in suitable carrier oils like Coconut oil before using it for topical application. This is due to the fact that 100% organic and pure essential oils are highly concentrated liquids and may cause allergic reactions. Keep essential oils out of reach of children and speak with your Doctor if you are a pregnant or nursing mom.

Consult your healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner ahead of choosing the appropriate essential oils for your unique individual constitution and medical condition.

Thought for the day:

Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul. – Luther Burbank.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Dealing with Depression Naturally by Dr Miriam Kinai
  2. Listening to Scent: An Olfactory Journey With Aromatic Plants and Their Extracts by Jennifer Peace Rhind
  3. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Julia Lawless
  4. The Natural Depression Cure: Holistic Depression Treatment by Dr Marion King

Reference Links:

  1. Cananga Odorata by Wikipedia
  2. Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants – Cananga Odorata by Toxicology Centre
  3. Health Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil by Organic Facts
  4. Composition of the essential oil of Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata Hook Fil. et Thomson forma genuina) from Madagascar by Emile M. Gaydou, Robert Randriamiharisoa, Jean Pierre Bianchini, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry